In fact, if Aleister had not completely completed the "Imaginary Math Zone Five Elements Mechanism" at this stage and was not 100% sure of summoning the angel on the science side, he would not have thought of asking Fang Yuan to do it for him. There is such a huge price to pay.

——The rapid and violent response of the Roman Orthodox Church was somewhat beyond Aleister's expectations. In his plan, Fang Yuan and the Roman Orthodox Church were not to confront each other at this time... Fortunately, this world The knowledge about "power" is not like the mystery of the Xingyue world. The more people know about it, the more the power is diluted.

Aleister's original intention of establishing Academy City was to share knowledge with the world, so it was not too difficult to reveal some of the secret knowledge that he had firmly hidden to Fang Yuan.

"Then, after accepting the benefits, it's time for me to get to work!" Fang Yuan twisted his neck, making a clicking sound, and his eyes became sharp as he looked into the distance.

PS: I’ve been slow to come up with plots recently, so... there are still two updates.

')352'\u003eChapter 351: Useless "God's Punishment Technique"

Near the entrance of Academy City, looking at the corpses scattered all along the way, the only woman standing had a disdainful smile on her lips.

"Is the so-called Academy City's defense system only of this level? I really overestimated it before!" Thinking like this, the wind in front walked forward, intending to push forward all the way and completely defeat the entire city. In Academy City, it was time to have some fun before punishing the blasphemer.

"Even without that blasphemer, the very existence of this city is a sin! Let science and everything else die!" With a twisted and ferocious expression, the miserable woman who resented science because of her brother's death made such a stupid statement. declaration.

At this moment - "It's really an extremely standard anti-intellectual and anti-technology speech from a religious fanatic!" Upon hearing this sudden voice, the wind in front immediately raised his head in alarm and looked towards the direction of the sound.

Then, she saw the figure standing in the void - he was in his 20s and close to 30. He seemed to have an ordinary appearance and no special clothing, but the wind in front of him would never fail to recognize this person. Identity: "blasphemer! How dare you appear in front of me?!" A smile full of malice appeared on the face of the front wind, which was messed up by metal rings nailed everywhere.

"It's really Lucky! The target actually jumped out on his own - originally I wanted to completely defeat this city before looking for you!" "By the way, since you said that I am a blasphemer, you also know that I am against you. What did the angel you believe in do? Facing me who can suppress angels, is it really okay for you to be so arrogant with just a little bit of angel power?" Seeing the wind in front of you, it seems that you are determined? Fang Yuan sighed and reminded the other party of his arrogant attitude with "kindness".

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about! You are just a thief who stole the power of an angel through conspiracy and trickery. Do you really think that you are stronger than an angel?" The wind in front looked at idiots. Looking at Fang Yuan, his tone was full of disdain and ridicule.

After hearing what the other party said, Fang Yuan fell silent with a subtle expression - what did the Roman Orthodox Church say about him? Why did Mao himself suppress the "divine power" of the archangel with force, but in their words he became a "thief who stole the angel's power"? Could it be that...the information about him obtained by the Roman Orthodox Church was all false information compiled by Aleister and the British Puritans? Considering the shrewdness and cunning of these two old foxes, Aleister and Laura Stewart, this is not impossible... Well, let’s not mention whether the Roman Orthodox people were tricked by those two old monsters. Fang Yuan looked at the attitude of Zhi Feng in front of him, and lost the interest in continuing to bicker with him.

Forget it, let’s just take action and end this farce! Making a plan in his mind, as Fang Yuan thought, a violent explosion suddenly occurred around the place where the wind in front was standing.

In the world of steel refining, the flame alchemy that a certain incompetent colonel was proud of, in Fang Yuan's hands, has evolved to the point where it is invisible and instantaneous, without even the slightest sign. The high-temperature flame instantly enveloped the entire person in front of Feng.

However, Fang Yuan did not expect that this move would kill the other person. In his opinion, this was just a mere greeting.

Bang—— Sure enough, with a gust of air rolling, the wind in front of him, covered in fireworks and quite embarrassed, emerged from the flames and retreated more than ten meters away. The look he looked at Fang Yuan was no longer the same as before. A look of contempt that doesn't take him seriously, but a look of caution that truly treats him as an opponent and enemy.

"You guy, you can actually ignore my 'God's Punishment Technique'?!" At that moment, using the ability to control the wind to isolate himself from the high-temperature flames, the wind in front of him was lucky enough not to be harmed. There was a look of surprise on his face.

For Fang Yuan to launch such a level of attack without any sound, Qianfeng Zhifeng was not surprised at all. In any case, this is a character who can seal angels. Even if there is some opportunism in it (I think), but After all, he is not really the kind of waste with no abilities. It is normal to be at this level.

However, the key thing is that Fang Yuan can actually launch an attack on the wind in front! The so-called "God's Punishment Technique" is the secret technique that Qianfengfeng, a member of God's Right Seat, is most proud of. It is also the reason why she can claim the exaggerated title of "the ultimate weapon among two billion".

Its ability is to deprive the consciousness of all those who are hostile to itself regardless of distance.

The spell has different stages depending on the degree of hostility: seizing consciousness, binding the body, and even blocking outside interference.

No matter which stage it is, it is over as soon as the bait is taken, until the wind in front determines that "there is no need for divine punishment."

Moreover, this "God's Punishment Technique" has no limit on the range of action or the number of people affected. As long as the wind in front activates the technique, and someone in this world is hostile to her - even if it is just a little bit subconsciously - All will be deprived of consciousness by "God's punishment" in an instant.

In other words, ordinary people would not be able to even attack her, let alone want to hurt her - as long as they have malicious hostility towards her in their hearts, even if they are sitting in a nuclear fortress on the other side of the earth, pressing the button through the screen If you press the button of a nuclear missile, you will be struck down by "God's punishment" the moment you have this idea.

However, Fang Yuan just broke this routine. He launched the attack without hesitation, and the attack did occur, but he himself seemed not to be affected by the "God's Punishment Technique"! "Tsk! I do underestimate you! It seems that you are really capable of stealing the power of angels! No, maybe, this is the power you usurped from angels?" The Wind Ahead I thought that Fang Yuan used some special magic to withstand the power of "God's Punishment", and he thought about the archangel whose power was "stolen" by the other party. He wondered if Fang Yuan obtained it from the angel. special power.

However, Fang Yuan's next words made her furious - "No, no, no, this has nothing to do with angels or anything."

Fang Yuan waved his fingers, with an expression that said, "You're overthinking": "The prerequisite for your 'God's Punishment Technique' to work is to generate hostility towards you in your heart, right? But... think about it, facing Will you become hostile if you see a mere experimental rat baring its teeth at you?"')353'\u003eChapter 352: Easy Defeat \u0026 Water from the Rear Area?

"You guy!!!" When Fang Yuan directly compared her to a guinea pig, Feng Feng suddenly became furious.

Never... no one has ever dared to despise her, despise God's right-hand man like this! "Go to hell!!!" He pulled out a huge mallet wrapped with barbed wire from the void, swung it in front of him, activated the "Blunt Air Weapon" technique, and created a shock wave of airflow carrying huge destructive power out of thin air. He made an invisible air hammer and hit Fang Yuan's location.

It's a pity... shua - the powerful shock wave that could shatter rocks and buildings became weaker and weaker the closer it got to Fang Yuan's body. When it finally reached Fang Yuan, it had only the strength to slightly flick his hair. , like a breeze blowing on the face, bringing a little fresh air to Fang Yuan.

"..." The wind in front of her already felt that something was wrong. Her biggest trump card was ineffective against the opponent, and her auxiliary attack methods were completely incapable of breaking through the defense. The blasphemer in front of her who had stolen the power of the angel seemed to be the same as What the intelligence said was different... But before she could come up with a countermeasure, Fang Yuan on the other side no longer wanted to delay any longer.

"Well, judging from your appearance, this is all the means, right? It's really a bit monotonous... Forget it, let's deal with you first!" With that said, Fang Yuan just glanced at him and launched hundreds of invisible sharp blades. Suddenly, they appeared from around the body of the wind in front and stabbed down towards her in the center.

Puff puff puff puff... The sharp blade was not made of any material, but made of twisted space. It ignored the protection of the "wind" attached to her body by the wind in front and directly pierced every part of her body. The connection points between joints and muscles were very precise to avoid all fatal nerves and arteries and veins. While not killing her, it completely deprived her of her ability to move.

And one of the space blades just cut through the cross hanging on the tongue of the wind in front, ignoring the powerful magic protection of the "God's Punishment Technique" spiritual equipment, and cut the entire spiritual equipment in two from the spatial level. Destroy it completely.

At this time, even the "God's Punishment Technique" that paralyzed most of Academy City's functions was solved.

"You...angel are...poof——!" Qianfeng Zhifeng, who was knocked down in an instant, lay on the ground, raised his head with the last bit of strength, looked at Fang Yuan in disbelief, and wanted to say something What, but in the end, he lost consciousness and passed out due to the magical backlash caused by the forcible destruction of the "God's Punishment Technique".

"So, false information can kill people..." Although Fang Zhifeng didn't finish his last sentence, Fang Yuan also guessed what the other party wanted to say.

It was just at this moment that I understood that there was something wrong with the intelligence that "Fang Yuan usurped the angel's power through opportunistic methods." Fang Yuan himself might not have the ability to defeat the angel head-on, but he was definitely not as weak as described in the intelligence. .

It's a pity that even if she understands it now, it's of no use, people are pricked like hedgehogs... Looking at the woman lying in a pool of blood, Fang Yuan fell to the ground from mid-air, and stepped forward to take her away - after all, she was Special humans who have been treated to "eliminate original sin" can use angelic spells, and their body structure may be somewhat different from ordinary people. They are considered experimental objects of some value and cannot be thrown away casually.

However, just when Fang Yuan took two steps forward, another figure fell from the sky and stood in front of Fang Yuan.

"Since your Excellency has won the victory, can you spare her life and let me take her away?"

The visitor said this, although it was in the form of a question, but in a positive tone, as if he was 100% confident that what he said would come true.

"..." Fang Yuan looked this uninvited guest up and down. He had a tall and strong figure, three-dimensional facial features like stone carvings, and his clothes looked very modern. He didn't have the strangeness of ordinary magicians. He looked like the same figure. A well-trained soldier.

However, feeling the familiar power in the other party's body, Fang Yuan immediately knew the other party's identity: "Water from the rear?" "It's me!" The visitor nodded and admitted his identity: "So, what do you think of my proposal? What's your opinion?" "Yes! Very much!" Fang Yuan nodded seriously.

He pointed with one finger at the wind in front that was protected by the water from behind, and said in a tone as if he were selecting goods at a vegetable market: "This is my trophy, why do you take it away just as you say?" "..." Regarding Fang Yuan's unyielding performance, Qianfang Zhishui was quite speechless.

Do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? Are you really not afraid of triggering a war between the magic side and the science side if you take away the wind in front of you? But after thinking about the information about Fang Yuan in the intelligence, it seems that this guy cannot be regarded as a person from Academy City... Although the intelligence about Fang Yuan seems to have a very questionable credibility in terms of personal strength, but here This basic power affiliation should be reliable.

In other words, it is not impossible for Fang Yuan, who is not from the same group as Academy City, to use this to trigger a war between the science side and the magic side! "In this case, there is nothing we can do..." Swish - From the shadow at the foot of the water behind, a metal stick like a knight's spear slowly rose up.

Snap——A big, broad and powerful hand grasped the stick body, waved it twice in the air, and made a sound of "hoo-hoo-".

The huge metal rod with a total length of 5 meters seemed to be as light as nothing in the hands of the rear water, and it showed no effort at all when swinging it wantonly.

"Fighting is not my origin, but since Your Excellency insists on keeping 'Feng', I can only ask for advice!" Seeing the rear water in a fighting posture, Fang Yuan did not give in at all: "That's fine! The so-called "wind from the front" just now was too weak, and it was not fun to fight at all! I remember that your "water from the rear" seems to have the dual attributes of the Son and the Virgin, right? It is said that it can compete with the Archangel. A true confrontation with the power of God? Then let me test your strength!" With that said, Fang Yuan was also ready to fight.

"...Then, I'm offended!" Bang -! ! ! Following the loud noise of the concrete floor collapsing and shattering, leaving a huge pit with a diameter of several meters in place, the figure of Zhishui disappeared in an instant.

This is the superhuman body movement ability brought about by using the power of the "God's Son" in the body and at the same time using the characteristics of the "God's Right Seat" to strengthen the saint's physique to 200%.

In an instant, the speed of the water behind had exceeded several times the speed of sound. In an extreme moment that ordinary people's naked eyes and brains could not react at all, a metal stick like a knight's spear had arrived in front of Fang Yuan. It is about to touch Fang Yuan's body surface.

At this moment, Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with lightning——...

嗗—— Seeing that he was about to succeed, at this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in front of Hou Zhishui's eyes. Then, the long stick in his hand fell into the air, and the shock wave generated by the stick hitting the air hit the ground heavily, blasting out. It was a big hole, but Fang Yuan, who was the target, had disappeared before his eyes.

A bone-chilling sense of crisis came from behind, and the Rear Water immediately subconsciously turned around and defended—— Dang—— A hand, a hand that was perfect in every detail, firmly pressed the Rear Water and waved it back. On top of the metal rod, the incomparable force instantly crushed all resistance from the water behind him, and pushed him to the ground with the rod with one hand.

"Pfft--" Being crushed by the huge force weighing an unknown number of tons, even the rear water with the physique of a saint was immediately seriously injured and sprayed out a bright red blood mist.

Crunch--" Hou Zhishui, who was almost kneeling on the ground, was shocked beyond words as he struggled to support the downward-pressing hand with the severely bent body of the stick.

‘This power and speed… is this really a human? ’  Possessing the dual attributes of “Son of God” and “Virgin Mary”, as well as the special power of “God’s Right Seat”, his physical strength alone is at least twice that of an ordinary saint. Hou Fangzhishui thought that he should have no rivals in close combat.

But he didn’t expect that he would encounter such a terrible opponent in Academy City!   That lightning-like speed, that overwhelming power, does not require any skills, pure brute force and speed are enough to crush everything!   Yes, since Fang Yuan can give all kinds of power to Saten Ruiko and others in the form of spiritual bases, how could he not use them himself?   Even because of his mastery of the third law and his understanding of the nature of spiritual bases, he does not need to add any spiritual bases to his body, but directly uses spiritual particles to control information and build various “skills” in his body, instantly making himself an almighty strong man.

And what he is using now is undoubtedly the power of “SHAZAM” that works well in Saten Ruiko.

——As a DIY spirit base that mainly fights in melee combat, using it like Saten Ruiko did to become the Flash + Breathing Storm is not the right way.

The correct way to fight should be like Fang Yuan is doing now, relying on his unparalleled strength and unmatched speed to crush the opponent on the physical level!   'No, I can't just sit there and wait for death! '   Although he was undoubtedly suppressed in close combat, he still had magic!   Bang-bang-bang-bang-bang-bang...   Accompanied by the continuous sound of water bursting, all underground water pipes and fire hydrants within a two-kilometer diameter were blown up. Thousands of tons of water flow, under the will of the water behind, turned into a high-pressure water gun with huge destructive power, attacking the two people in the center from all directions - no, to be precise, it attacked Fang Yuan who was suppressing the water behind with one hand.

Unfortunately, these high-pressure water guns that were powerful enough to cut steel and iron gradually lost power after approaching Fang Yuan's body surface for several meters, and finally turned into a water curtain surrounding the two people, blocking all subsequent water flows.

"Water magic? But your control power seems to be insufficient!" Fang Yuan forcibly seized the control of the water flow from the water behind him with his mental power. He still kept one hand suppressing the other party, lowered his head, and spoke to the water behind him in a seemingly careless tone.

Although Fang Yuan did not gain much from the analysis of the memory information of the archangel "God's Power", he did not really gain nothing.

At least, in terms of the control of the substance "water", Fang Yuan might have only been able to treat it as a fluid substance and control it from the perspective of material particles before, but now he can control "water" from the conceptual aspect, which is undoubtedly a step further.

With the blessing of both sides, Fang Yuan is undoubtedly the winner in terms of the control of "water".

"Damn it!" Houfangzhishui didn't expect that the opponent was even better than him in controlling "water". As his trump card, "water magic" immediately lost its place, and the situation became worse.

However, Houfangzhishui did not give up. His eyes were still firm and his fighting spirit was still strong.

"How could I... fall here ah ah ah ah ah ah ah --!!!"  Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Houfangzhishui squeezed out every bit of his strength by 300%. The overexerted muscles cracked the skin on the surface of the body, and bloody wounds burst open, and the blood splashed out. The blood-covered appearance looked extremely miserable.

But at this moment, the splashing blood suddenly turned into countless tiny blood-red ice crystals, and then accelerated to the speed of a rifle bullet under the power of magic, and shot towards Fang Yuan's head, face and body like rain and hail.

"Hmm?" Fang Yuan, who could enter the realm of super speed, could not fail to react to such an attack. However, when he wanted to seize the ice crystals made of blood as he had done before, he found that his mental power could not penetrate the surface of these blood ice crystals.

'Inject your own will into the blood to strengthen the control of the blood and resist my control? Good idea! ' Fang Yuan saw that he could not forcibly seize the control of these ice crystals, and then looked at Hou Fangzhishui who was struggling to support himself with one hand. Fang Yuan did not have much resentment towards this man who adhered to the spirit of chivalry. He even admired his will to continue fighting even at the cost of self-injury. He did not intend to kill him, so he followed his opponent's wishes and did not continue to suppress him. He let go of his hand and stepped back a few steps to avoid the blood ice arrows that attacked him.

"Puff——" Because Fang Yuan suddenly loosened his hand, the water behind him, who had been trying hard to resist the heavy pressure, suddenly regained his freedom and used the wrong strength. Not only did he spit out a mouthful of blood mist, but the broken wounds on his body also splashed blood again.

Looking at the water behind him, who was covered in blood but still struggling to straighten his back, with a posture of "fighting again", Fang Yuan sighed and said: "...The situation is obvious, isn't it? You are not my opponent! Seeing that you have a good heart, I won't make it too difficult for you, just leave like this! But don't think about taking the wind ahead with you, this is my trophy, I have many experimental projects waiting to be carried out with her!" "Impossible! My magic is called 'Flere210 (The one who changes the reason for tears)', it is impossible for me to sit back and watch the tragedy happen in front of me and remain indifferent, let alone let me abandon my companions and run away alone! Come on, let's fight again!!!" Throwing away the severely deformed metal stick in his hand, the water behind him controlled the ice crystals made of his own blood, mixed with a little water that was not under Fang Yuan's control, condensed into ice, and reshaped into an ice weapon in the shape of a knight's gun, and issued a declaration of "continue fighting".

')355'\u003eChapter 354: The Defeated Water of the Back \u0026 Aleister's Intervention

"..."  Looking at the Water of the Back who was "fighting to the death in order to save his friends", Fang Yuan felt that he had become a villain at that moment.

Brother, stop it, okay? It was you Roman Orthodox Church who sent people to kill me, but now you are acting like a victim. It is easy to be misunderstood!   Wait, that's not right!   It seems that in the eyes of most people, the church that represents the merciful "God" is indeed a decent church, and Fang Yuan, who dares to suppress angels and offend the gods, is indeed a villain. So he is now a bit like the big devil in the knight's story...  Well...that's not right. It seems that in the current online novels, the church is generally a villain, and in the world view of Magical Index A Certain Scientific Railgun, the Roman Orthodox Church seems to be a villain...  Forget it, Fang Yuan shook his head, regardless of whether he is a decent or a villain.

Looking at Houfang Zhishui, who still had a firm look in his eyes and a surging fighting spirit, Fang Yuan knew that the other party would not give up unless he was completely defeated.

No, perhaps even if he was defeated, this man would not give up!   Fang Yuan admired Houfang Zhishui's determination to fight to the death to save others and companions, but he would not hold back at all.

The next moment, Fang Yuan's figure disappeared.

Unlike Houfang Zhishui, who was a saint, who would cause a huge commotion in the outside world when entering the high-speed field with his inhuman physical fitness, Fang Yuan, who entered the speed field by turning into thunder, could be called silent in action.

Except for that fleeting flash of lightning, Houfang Zhishui did not catch any trace at all, and then endless attacks came from all directions.

In an instant, Houfang Zhishui's ice weapon was shattered, the bones of his limbs were broken, and the force connection points of the main muscle groups in his body were torn apart, instantly destroying the movement function of his whole body.

The next second, when Fang Yuan's figure reappeared, Houfang Zhishui, who had been standing upright, had already collapsed to the ground like a pool of rotten meat.

"Cough! So strong..." Houfang Zhishui, who could only move his mouth, coughed up a mouthful of blood, lamenting the gap between himself and Fang Yuan.

He was wrong, Qianfeng was wrong, and the Roman Orthodox Church was wrong. The other party was not the kind of villain who relied on conspiracy and trickery to steal angels, but a strong man who truly possessed powerful power!    "Well, there is another experimental subject, and it is a saint with the attribute of "Virgin Mary", a rare species!" As the winner, Fang Yuan ignored Houfang Zhishui's sigh. Since the other party dared to come to the Academy City and dared to attack him, he naturally had to bear the consequences of failure.

Walking to the side of Qianfeng, who had been lying dead for a long time, Fang Yuan pressed one hand on the other party, and saw a slight space distortion flash, and Qianfeng, who fell in a pool of blood, disappeared.

——As Fang Yuan's latest trump card, the mental world, although it has not yet been fully upgraded to a real physical cave, can already store substances from the outside world for a long time.

Moreover, after Fang Yuan dealt with the angels, the law environment in this mental world has been readjusted to the appearance closest to the outside world, so it is not a problem for people to survive for a long time.

In view of this, Fang Yuan even moved his entire laboratory into the mental world, so there is naturally plenty of room to accommodate seriously injured captives, and there is no need to worry about the other party accidentally bleeding too much and dying.

Just as Fang Yuan stepped forward and planned to collect the water in the back into his mental world, a girl with a naked upper body and only a bandage wrapped around her chest appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

And with her appearance, the trace of the water in the back disappeared suddenly, and it was unknown where it was transferred to by the other party.

"... Yumi Yuuki, are you trying to stop me?" Facing this space ability user who is said to have the potential of Lv.5, Fang Yuan looked down at the other party.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Although the spatial ability seems very magical and the mobility is ridiculous, it is not difficult for Fang Yuan to deal with a mere spatial ability user.

And Yuuki Yuuki actually knows this. As a "guide" directly under Aleister, she is also one of the few people who can access the high-end secrets of Academy City. Naturally, she knows something about Fang Yuan, the mysterious boss.

She didn't think that her limited spatial ability would cause any trouble to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Jie Biao Danxi's attitude was also very low.

She bowed to Fang Yuan, and then said: "I have no intention of stopping you, but the chairman has something to say to you."

At this time, Fang Yuan's cell phone rang again.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Without looking, Fang Yuan answered the phone and asked.

“First of all, congratulations on defeating two members of the Roman Orthodox God’s Right Seat.

However, I suggest you let them go back. Now is not the time to start a full-scale war with the Roman Orthodox Church. "

Aleister's mechanically synthesized voice with almost no emotion came from the phone.

"No, you are wrong. The war had already started when they sent God's Right Seat to deal with me!" Regarding Aleister's appeasement suggestion, Fang Yuan rejected it without hesitation: "When will the war begin?" In the beginning, it is up to the Roman Orthodox people to decide, but when the war will end, it is up to me!" This is called a decisive statement, but it is called a domineering sidestep! "However, this is not a good thing for Academy City. At this stage, our strength is not enough to completely resist the power of magic. If the war starts, Academy City is likely to fall in a short time. In that case, the library information I promised to share with you may not be realized!" Facing Fang Yuan's domineering declaration of war, Aleister said this lightly.

"...You guys, do you want to default on your debt?!" Fang Yuan didn't expect that the old fox Aleister would actually pull such a trick! If he had known earlier, he would have gotten the reward first before taking action! "No, this is not a repudiation, but a scientific estimate of the possible future. Judging from the calculation results, the situation I just mentioned has a 78.96% chance of happening."

Aleister reported a number that seemed to be scientifically calculated, with zeros and zeros, and it sounded serious.

However, Fang Yuan sneered at the old fox's statement.

Who are you fooling? ! Do you think I don’t know about the killer weapons hidden in Academy City? There is a 78.96% probability of falling in a short period of time... the other way around is right! However, Fang Yuan also understood what Aleister meant. He did not want to start a war immediately, so he had to send the two people, Wind in the Front and Water in the Back, back alive, otherwise Fang Yuan would not be able to get the knowledge he wanted. .

"Tsk! Old fox!" PS: There are still two updates today...')356'\u003eChapter 355 Fang Yuan's ruthless revenge

"Sorry, I think you may have some misunderstandings about me!" Faced with Aleister's shameless coercion, Fang Yuan expressed his stance without giving in: "Even if you are unwilling to pay the price that you should pay, this will be very important to me. It is not an unacceptable loss.

On the contrary, it would be really unacceptable for me to just let it go! "Although Fang Yuan's temperament has always been homely and stubborn, when he really faced an unavoidable battle, he would not flinch at all.

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