Just the moment the projection of the Gate of Truth appeared, all the Guanhu and the spirits hiding in the dark corners of the room could not bear the brilliance from the incarnation of the outer gods, and instantly disappeared into nothingness.

But Fang Yuan didn't care about this - this was the little lesson he left to Iizuna Noriyuki, and most of his energy was concentrated on the following ceremony.

When the projection of the Gate of Truth stabilized, Fang Yuan continued to promote the operation of the ritual. The array runes emerging on the ground spontaneously swam and circulated. More runes and totems split and multiplied, and the formation was derived from the flat array. The three-dimensional array has a more complex structure and richer layers. Even at a level that is imperceptible to the human eye, there are countless tiny runes that go deep into the dimensions of time and space, and even the causal and information levels, constructing a far-reaching structure. A complex array that goes far beyond three-dimensional space.

——This is how Fang Yuan used the power of the Gate of Truth projection to lock in all the causal existence related to the human skin book as a sacrifice, and abstracted them all into this unprecedented multi-dimensional three-dimensional array.

The next moment, the door of truth finally opened, and tentacles composed of countless dark shadows poured out from the darkness behind the door. Following the path drawn by the three-dimensional array, on the one hand, they engulfed the human skin book in the center of the array on the material level. On the one hand, it goes deep into the dimension of time and space and the level of causal information, capturing and swallowing all existence related to it.

Dang——The door of truth that completed this "predation" closed the door, gradually disappeared from the entity, and returned to the ontology that exists in unknown time and space.

Fang Yuan's body of consciousness that was connected to the earth's veins immediately felt that the layer of hidden pollution that originally existed in Japan's earth's veins disappeared in an instant with the completion of the sacrificial ceremony.

Even the knowledge he gained from reading the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Sutra" was quickly forgotten, completely disappearing from his memory in the blink of an eye.

However, he did not feel sorry for this, because in the next moment, brand-new knowledge gushes out from the gate of truth deep in his consciousness - it has been filtered by the gate of truth, and is no longer Then there is the safety knowledge of traps and poisons.

')399'\u003eChapter 398 Ao Guanhai's Special Favor (Dense Fog)

"No! The positioning beacon of the new world has disappeared!" In the world that was still on the verge of destruction, outside the Bone Altar, ten humanoid creatures suddenly opened their eyes at the same time, and one of them even screamed in surprise. Voice.

"Is it a counterattack from the other side? They were actually able to destroy the beacon left by my lord!" "It seems that our previous estimate of that world was somewhat wrong. It was not a weak world without the power to resist..." "Then we What should we do? Continue the plan? ""We must continue, we have no way out!" Everyone was shocked and confused by such a sudden change, and couldn't help but talk.

"...It seems like something happened in that world.

But it doesn't matter, we are very close to that world. Even without a beacon, with the power of my Lord's artifact, we can still locate that world! "In the end, the leading figure calmed down first and said calmly.

After listening to his words, the other nine people involuntarily turned their heads to look at the Trapezohedron enshrined on the altar, and they all nodded without saying anything.

"Next, it depends on the two of us, which one is more skilled!" In fact, Fang Yuan's sacrifice not only alarmed the coming alien world, but his sacrifice could be said to eliminate the roots and leave no trace behind. Houyan's decisive operation even attracted the attention of a certain big boss - "Oh? So decisive, and also wiped out all the causal derivatives, what a good job!" Just before Fang Yuan completed the sacrifice At the moment of the ceremony, in an unknown city in which country, a man with dark skin, tall and thin body, and a hearty smile raised his head and looked towards the east: "But, this way The cheating makes the game less fun, so I need to add a little more stuff..." With the slightest movement of his fingers, a trace of substantial darkness was separated from the shadow behind the man, and it was instantly penetrated. After passing through a lot of time and space, I arrived behind Santuhe Kazuhiro, who was hiding in an abandoned warehouse and trying to recover, and quietly blended into his shadow.

In an instant, Kazuhiro Santsuga, who was already weak to the extreme and had to recover in a sleeping-like posture, instantly opened his eyes, revealing a scarlet beast pupil with crazy animality and cunning.

The weak and vague aura on his body also expanded rapidly with the passage of time. In just a few minutes, it returned to its previous heyday, and even continued to strengthen... Double, twice, three times Times... ten times, twenty times... However, as the violent power and momentum increased rapidly, Santuhe and Hong's evil spirit body gradually could not withstand such drastic changes.

The slender figure that was originally like that of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy suddenly expanded into a muscular man even more exaggerated than the Hulk under the increasing power. The originally smooth white short hair was crazy. It grew and turned into a mess of long hair as hard as bristles.

In fact, under his skin that was so tight that it was about to burst, strange existences like snakes and insects were squirming crazily, as if they were about to burst out of his body at any time, looking extremely disgusting and terrifying.

Of course, the most crucial change was in his eyes. The killing stone he had embedded in his left eye was also shattered by the violent force in his body, just like what happened to Jianshan Mei before, and was completely integrated into every cell in his body.

From the empty eye socket, the wriggling flesh and blood turned into tentacles, and a new eye grew out. It was a dark pupil that was not black or white, but a chaotic black pupil.

"Roar --!!!" It was unknown whether it was the pain brought by the transformation of the flesh or the gift of an unknown existence that made him unable to suppress the beast in his heart. Sanzuhe Kazuhiro, who had almost completely lost consciousness, opened his bloody mouth with sticky saliva flowing out, and let out a thunderous roar to the sky.

Chichichichichichichi--  The air was filled with the sound of sharp steel needles piercing thick cowhide. The monster, who was not sure whether he should be called Sanzuhe Kazuhiro, had silver-white hair growing on his body. With his burly figure and long silver-white hair, he looked like a monster!    However, just as Sanzuhe Kazuhiro was about to transform into a beast that only knew how to kill and destroy, the shadow behind him moved.

Suddenly, the rising momentum of the monster suddenly stopped and converged, and the swollen body gradually shrank back and finally turned back to the original young man.

He opened his eyes again, and the original beast pupils and chaotic black eyes had turned back to the eyes of an ordinary person, and there was no madness or confusion in them. It seemed that he had truly regained his sanity.

"The present human god, the earth veins, the spirit of the planet, the killing stone, the nine-tailed beast..." Sanzuhe Hehong, who has become countless times stronger than he was before, has learned many secrets from the unknown great existence that he didn't know before.

Including the danger of invasion from another world that this world is facing, including the nature of the killing stone and the nine-tailed beast, including that the earth veins of the whole world have been secretly controlled by people, and also including that the present human god who almost killed him is standing behind another behind-the-scenes mastermind who calls himself "the spirit of the planet".

"So, I have become a chess piece in the game between the two behind-the-scenes masters..." Sanzuhe Hehong felt the extremely powerful and extremely filthy power in his body, and knew in his heart that since the unknown great existence could give him such a powerful power at will, he could naturally crush him to death at will.

He has been forced to board a pirate ship that he can never get off, and from now on he can only go one way to the end.

"But... being chosen as a chess piece is not a bad thing. The saddest thing is that there is no value in being a chess piece. What is the difference between such a person and grass..." This is the true words of Sanzuhe Kazuhiro. He is a conspirator who likes to make chess pieces for manipulation. Although he is a little depressed about becoming a chess piece of a higher existence, he can accept it.

More importantly, after seeing the terrible power of Jianshan Mei who became a living god, he felt unconfident about the power he got from the killing stone for the first time, and even felt desperate about his plan to resurrect the nine-tailed beast and his mother. Until now, the unknown great existence gave him power, allowing him to have the opportunity to personally avenge Jianshan Mei and the mastermind behind Jianshan Mei! ')400'\u003eChapter 399 Shadow tentacles, divine light shines, things are not over! (Second update)

Swish-Just outside the warehouse where Sanzuhe Kazuhiro was hiding, a figure with gorgeous clothes, golden hair and red eyes floated out of the void.

"Is this the place?" It was none other than Jianshan Mei, who was dressed in the clothes of the earth spirit priestess, showing the appearance of a human god with golden hair and red eyes. She followed Fang Yuan's order and found the hiding place of Sanzuhe and Hong, intending to conduct long-term surveillance.

Looking at the dilapidated warehouse in front of her that exuded a strong evil atmosphere and looked like a devil's lair, Jianshan Mei frowned and showed a disgusted expression. For the earth spirit priestess who holds the power of the earth and serves the spirit of the planet, such a place with evil feng shui and filthy spiritual power is the most disliked by her.

If Fang Yuan had not said in advance not to kill Sanzuhe and Hong immediately, she might not be able to help but destroy the warehouse immediately, and blow the evil spirits hiding in it into slag!   However, Fang Yuan's order was to monitor, and Jianshan Mei could not disobey, so he could only reluctantly suppress the idea of ​​taking action in his heart.

"Forget it, let's leave an eye here..." Jianshan Ming pondered for a while, and finally decided to leave an eye near this warehouse - she was not very good at spells such as Shikigami and familiars, but she knew a little bit. However, just when she had just mobilized the magic power in her body that could be called "divine power", suddenly, dozens of dark shadows shot out from the warehouse opposite, like tentacles, sweeping towards her position. "Discovered?!" Jianshan Ming was very surprised. She had restrained her strength and breath well, and was very cautious when sneaking all the way here. She was not discovered by the familiars. According to the previous contact with Sanzuhe and Hong, the other party should not have discovered her so easily! But it was too late to think about these now, the attack from the opposite side was already close at hand.

Jiashan Ming could feel the essence of power from those shadow tentacles that was no less than her own divine power. Although she didn't know what was going on, she knew that she must not take these attacks lightly.

Bang——!!!   The inhuman divine power gave Jiashan Ming inhuman strength. She jumped high and easily dodged the bombardment of the shadow tentacles, allowing them to hit the concrete floor, smashing huge holes.

Swish——!   As if the sound of strong acid corroding an object came, Jiashan Ming looked closely and saw that the places where the shadow tentacles touched, whether it was stone, metal, wood, or cement, were all corroded, without even a trace of residue left.

"Flame!" Jiashan Ming frowned slightly and uttered a short sentence.

In an instant, hot magma gushed out from the path of the shadow tentacles. The hot molten liquid with a temperature of thousands of degrees, mixed with the power of the earth, was like a flaming long sword. It cut through the middle of the shadow tentacles with a swish and cut them in half.

But in the next moment, the shadow tentacles that were cut into two pieces were like real shadows. They could not be cut by the knife and connected back in an instant.

"It has the destructive power and terrible corrosive ability of a real entity, and at the same time has the virtual characteristics of a shadow..." Jianshan Ming had a clearer understanding of the characteristics of this shadow tentacle, but his heart sank - that Sanzu River and Hong were just a small character who played witchcraft before, and he didn't have this ability at all. What happened... However, these thoughts only flashed through Jianshan Ming's mind. What really mattered to her now was to deal with the attack in front of her first.

- Just when her attempts were ineffective, those shadow tentacles adjusted their directions by themselves like living things and shot at her again.

Seeing this, Jian Shanming did not continue to launch ineffective fire attacks, but immediately changed his tactics - "Earth spirit veins, gather in my body, Qi and spirit become one, and transform Qi into light!" Like a spell, or a command, Jian Shanming shouted, the earth spirit veins within hundreds of kilometers around immediately responded, crossing the barriers of time and space, and all gathered on Jian Shanming's small figure - although she only obtained a part of the earth authority granted by Fang Yuan, she was able to do such an exaggerated thing.

And the countless and huge earth spirit power that Jian Shanming temporarily gathered in her body, under the command of her will and authority, instantly became one with her "god", and then, it was released again in the form of divine spiritual light, instantly illuminating the universe, illuminating all the dark and sneaky things within hundreds of kilometers.

And those shadow tentacles, which have both physical bodies and are as changeable and elusive as shadows, are like real shadows, and they melt away completely in an instant under this divine light that shines everywhere.

Not only these shadow tentacles, but also all the ghosts and evil spirits and ground pollution within hundreds of kilometers around them, all of them are instantly wiped out under this round of divine light.

Seeing that the strange shadow tentacles were destroyed, Jianshan Ming slowly dispersed the spiritual power gathered in his body and returned to the earth, but there was no happy look on his face.

This was just a simple attack launched by the opponent. Although she didn't know whether it was Sanzuhe Hehong's trump card or a casual ordinary attack, she had to take it seriously, but in the end, she didn't even see the opponent's face.

Yes, after launching the big move just now, she had discovered that Sanzuhe Hehong was no longer in the warehouse.

She was not naive enough to think that the other party died under her indiscriminate attack. You should know that the attack she just launched was essentially an attack with the divine light emitted by her own divine body, which was just borrowing the power of the earth's spiritual veins to infinitely amplify this power.

Because the power came from the divine body, she could sense the attack effect of every inch of divine light clearly.

When the divine light illuminated the shadows shrouded in the warehouse and purified the pollution in it, Jian Shanming had already discovered that there was no one in the warehouse at all. Her target had already quietly left!   "...It seems that things have gone out of control..."  Jian Shanming pondered for a long time, and finally turned around and left here. She needed to report this accident to her god master.

...  In fact, Jian Shanming did not need to report. When she just launched a big move and temporarily gathered the power of the earth veins in a radius of hundreds of miles, Fang Yuan had already noticed the movement here.

When he saw those shadow tentacles that had both physical and virtual characteristics, the strange and dangerous aura that was different from the "Xuanjun Seven Chapter Secret Scripture" but essentially the same, immediately let him know that this matter was not over at all! ')401'\u003eChapter 400 Demon-Exorcist Sisters, Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, City Sacrifice

"Kagura-chan, pay attention, it's coming!"  "Hey! Got it!"  In an abandoned subway station, Isayama Yomi, holding the Lion King's sword, was taking Kagura Tsuchimiya to perform a demon-exorcism mission.

After Kagura's repeated pleas, Isayama Yomi finally gave in and let her really participate in the demon-exorcism battle, which was considered to be training her actual combat ability.

"Hey!" Boom! Wielding the demon-killing sword that combines modern technology with mysterious technology, the mechanical parts of the sword emit high temperatures that can burn spirits under the infusion of spiritual power, slicing the vengeful spirits that keep approaching driven by instinct. The posture of Kagura Tsuchimiya in battle has indeed already had some prototypes of a warrior.

However, compared with Jianshan Huangquan on the other side, she is still far behind the immature one-"Crazy Red Lotus·Roaring Wave!" With the girl's light shout, the lion-like burly spirit beast opened its bloody mouth, and the flames composed of spiritual power gathered in it. The next moment, a flame shock wave like a light cannon spewed out from it, following the direction of Jianshan Huangquan's sword, sweeping along the track of the subway tunnel, clearing a large number of vengeful spirits.

"Huh-it seems that's all..." Jianshan Huangquan waved the sword, looked around, and found that the enemies on his side had been completely eliminated, so he turned his head to look in the direction of Kagura Tsuchimiya.

Coincidentally, this was the time for Kagura Tsuchimiya to swing her sword and kill the last evil spirit.

"Sister Huangquan, look, I did it!"  "Hey~ Hey~ Kagura-chan did it~ Really amazing~!"  For Kagura Tsuchimiya's joy and excitement, Isayama Huangquan was very cooperative and praised her, but the tone sounded like coaxing a child...  "Ummmm~~What~ Really, don't treat me like a child!"  Tsuchimiya Kagura obviously heard the meaning of Isayama Huangquan's tone, and immediately puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction, as cute as a hamster, and emphasized that she was no longer a child - although she was just a junior high school student who had just entered school...  After laughing for a long time, the two girls who were not related by blood but had a stronger relationship than sisters smiled at each other, and the scene was full of the fragrance of lilies.

Ding-ling-ling-  The phone rang, Jianshan Huangquan took out his phone, saw that it was a call from the countermeasures room, and quickly picked up:  "Hello, this is Jianshan Huangquan... What? One Hundred Demons Night Parade?!... OK, I got it, we'll go there right away!"  Snap-  After hanging up the phone, Tsuchimiya Kagura, who was watching quietly not far away, came over curiously and asked: "Sister Huangquan, what happened? Is there another mission?"  "..."Jianshan Huangquan looked at Tsuchimiya Kagura with a curious baby expression on her face, rubbed his forehead with a headache, and finally persuaded her: "This mission is likely to be very dangerous, so you should..."  "I don't want to go back alone!"  Before Jianshan Huangquan finished speaking, Tsuchimiya Kagura interrupted unhappily: "You said, I am already a demon exorcist who can really participate in demon exorcism, don't think of leaving me aside!"  Since the two sisters met, this can be said to be the most intense time Tsuchimiya Kagura spoke.

And Isayama Yomi also saw from the other party's shining eyes that little Kagura was serious.

"... No!" After a long stalemate, Isayama Yomi still hardened her heart and refused Tsuchimiya Kagura's request.

Although she didn't say it in detail on the phone just now, since the countermeasures room used "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" to describe the supernatural disaster on the other side, it was obvious that the situation over there had become serious to a certain extent.

As a real veteran of battles and having come into contact with powerful beings, Isayama Yomi knew very well that even with her level of power, if she encountered a truly powerful evil spirit, she might not be able to return home alive, let alone Tsuchimiya Kagura, who had just debuted.

"Yomi-chan~~" Seeing her good sister refuse so stubbornly, Tsuchimiya Kagura couldn't help but grab Isayama Yomi's slender hands with both hands, swaying left and right and acting coquettishly.

"...No means no!!!" For a moment, Isayama Yomi almost got persuaded by Tsuchimiya Kagura who was deliberately acting cute, but fortunately she calmed down at the last moment and refused again firmly: "I told you, this is still too dangerous for you now!" "...Okay..." Seeing Isayama Yomi's firm attitude, Tsuchimiya Kagura knew that she could not persuade him, so she could only lower her head unhappily, and left the abandoned subway station under Isayama Yomi's gaze and took the bus home.

"Sorry, Kagura-chan..." Seeing Tsuchimiya Kagura, who was like a real sister, so depressed, Isayama Yomi didn't feel very good, but for the sake of her safety, she could only say sorry.

"Then, it's that side... the modern Hundred Demons Night Parade..." Isayama Yomi walked out of the subway station and turned to look at an area in the city, where unusual fire and smoke were burning, which was the place where the so-called "Hundred Demons Night Parade" took place.

...  "With such a big commotion, it should be able to lure that human god out, right? But even if she is not, it doesn't matter. The whole city will be destroyed anyway, no matter where she hides!"  Sanzugawa Kazuhiro, who has transformed into an ordinary boy, is standing on the roof of a skyscraper, looking at the scene below where the evil spirits he summoned are wreaking havoc and killing each other.

Several days have passed since the last time Isayama Mei was scared away by a big move. Although Santuga and Hiro have been thinking about revenge against Isayama Mei and the mastermind behind her, he also knows that just by relying on My own power is not a match for the human god - anyway, it is too foul to be able to casually call on the power of the earth's veins within a range of hundreds of kilometers! So, he needs to think of some other ways.

Fortunately, when accepting the power given by the unknown great existence, Santuhe and Hongye learned a lot of forbidden knowledge without any teacher - just like what he is doing now.

"The City Sacrifice Array uses the death and blood of living creatures, as well as the souls and resentments of the undead as sacrifices, and sacrifices everything in the entire city to the True God of Chaos... This is really a terrifying ritual!" Although As he said this, Santuhe Kazuhiro's face showed an excited expression, and with his very deceptive young face, he looked like a naughty kid who smashed all the neighbor's precious figurines. Same, full of pure malice.

')402'\u003eChapter 401: A Long Night (Second Update)

"Tsk, you can actually cause trouble like this?!" Naturally, the Night Parade of Hundred Demons in downtown Tokyo could not hide from Fang Yuan's perception.

In fact, there is not just one Hyakki Night Parade in the Tokyo metropolitan area, but more than a dozen! Moreover, Fang Yuan could see the clues at a glance from the path of the clusters of evil spirits wreaking havoc - the evil spirits themselves were just a trigger. What was truly terrifying was that someone wanted to use these evil spirits to cause massacres along the way. and destruction, constructing an extremely terrifying ritual.

——Of course, it is incomparable to his planet-level ritual of sacrificing suppressive power in the Xingyue World, but it is also a grand ceremony that can affect the entire Tokyo metropolitan area at once, covering tens of millions of people, and the land of the Steel World. The formation formation seems to be different.

Although it is still unclear what the ultimate purpose of this ritual is, Fang Yuan knew from the indescribable aura faintly revealed from the filthy aura emanating from those evil spirits that it was definitely not a good thing. .

"But Santuhe and Hiro can't be found at all!" Fang Yuan activated his perception to the maximum and scanned every inch of the Tokyo area, but found no trace of Santuhe and Hiro - —The other party seems to have acquired some special abilities and has become completely "invisible" from his perception! "If it is the power given by the crawling Chaos, it is not impossible. After all, he is the alien god who is best at deception and deceit..." Fang Yuan directly related the changes that happened to Santuhe and Hong. The figure he saw in Iizuna Noriyuki's memory before was connected.

Obviously, in addition to leaving behind the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Scripture", the foreign god who is said to like to cause trouble the most, also left other back-ups in this world - even... The good partner still has an incarnation to stay in this world! Fang Yuan felt a pain in his head when he thought of this, saving the world under the nose of an indescribable alien god... He was not a legendary investigator like a certain Yu Yi! Fortunately, he is different from the poor guy who was eventually tricked to death by a group of outside gods. He really has a reliable backing! Although Yog-Sothoth doesn't take care of things very much, and he doesn't do much trouble, he takes better care of his followers than his children.

——For example, Abigail, who became the humanoid Silver Key in a certain world line of Xingyue, was treated more like a biological daughter than those two disgraced biological sons! As for Fang Yuan, although the person he is connected to is not Yog-Sothoth's true form, but his incarnation in the form of the Gate of Truth, judging from his current experience, this big boss's support for him It's really not low, and he can be considered a very reliable boss.

Okay, that's a long way off.

The current situation is that Fang Yuan knows that Santuhe Kazuhiro, who has undergone abnormal changes, wants to make a big news in Tokyo. Although Fang Yuan can stop him at any time, he can't find the other party's true identity, let alone know that the other party has There is no way to completely eliminate future troubles.

At this time, he really regretted it. He had known that when he had the opportunity, he would have killed this guy first, but now it has become a serious problem for him - it was not long before the invasion of the other world. Well, if this guy is not dealt with before then, his operation to save the world may fail! "This is a lesson. When you encounter this kind of villain in the future, it's better not to think about playing chess games. Killing them cleanly is the best option..." Fang Yuan warned himself, and at the same time informed his own with his mind. Miko.

... [My miko, go and stop the Hyakki Yakou in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and then find Kazuhiro Santsukawa and kill him! 】 The ethereal and vast sound of heaven and earth came from his consciousness. Isayama Mei, who was kneeling in front of the shrine, meditating and praying, opened his eyes and held the naginata placed at his feet.

"I obey your orders!" The next moment, her figure disappeared with a "swish" sound.

... "Evil spirit type C has been found. There are hundreds of vengeful spirits. Prepare heavy machine guns!" "Evil spirit type B has been found, codenamed 'Train', number 7. Concentrate fire attack. Don't let them disrupt the formation!" ... "Evil spirit type B was found, codenamed 'Kamaitachi', the number is 13, no, 15, each team should pay attention to defense!" ... "The spiritual water has no effect on them, what is going on?" ... "Requesting support , please support! " ... " No, no, I don't want to die! " ... " Mom, save me..." ... When Isayama Mei appeared from the earth escape, this is what he saw. A messy scene.

Team after team of special forces from the Ministry of Defense equipped with weapons against evil spirits rushed to the scene of the "Hundred Demons Night Parade" in helicopters, and started the battle with the evil spirits with the most professional combat skills, and then followed. Under siege by evil spirits that were more ferocious than the last, everything was lost in a short period of time.

——Although there are weapons and equipment that can have an effect on spiritual bodies, it is still too powerless for ordinary people without spiritual power to fight against supernatural evil spirits.

In the final analysis, this is because the current level of human technological development is too low. At present, the most we can do is combine occult methods to create equipment such as rune bullets and spiritual water grenades. It is easy to deal with monsters such as wraith zombies. , once faced with evil spirits such as "Train" and "Kamaita" that are either huge or have special abilities, they still don't have much power to fight back.

Not to mention, these evil spirits are special species that have been strengthened with indescribable auras by the hands of Santuhe and Hong. They are much more resistant to the Japanese military's existing methods of killing spirits than in the past.

As a result, these special forces, which were regarded by Japanese officials as an important trump card against supernatural disasters, were almost completely destroyed after only supporting this battlefield for no more than 10 minutes.

At the moment when the last warrior was about to be killed by the evil spirit, Isayama Mei took action - light, endless light, extremely bright and dazzling light, burst out from the seemingly petite human figure. He came out, ignoring the obstacles of many buildings, and illuminated the entire battlefield with omnipresent force.

The light purified the filth, obliterated the evil spirits, and eliminated the shadows. In an instant, the neighborhood that had been ravaged by the evil spirits like a battlefield returned to calm, with only a few dying wounded lying on the ground moaning, and the unquenched wounds left. The sound of crackling flames.

However, Mei Isayama did not care about the life and death of the wounded on the ground. Since becoming a god, her emotions have become more and more indifferent. Apart from her devout belief in the god, she no longer pays too much attention to other people in the outside world. things.

For her now, completing the tasks assigned by Fang Yuan is much more important than saving the lives of a few strangers.

"Isn't it here..." Using the divine light as a medium, he scanned and sensed the surrounding area of ​​several kilometers, but found no trace of Santuhe Kazuhiro. Isayama Mei shook his head with some disappointment.

The next moment, her figure disappeared again, and a few seconds later, another sun-like light wheel rose dozens of blocks away, destroying a group of evil spirits who were causing trouble.

This night is still very long! ')403'\u003eChapter 402: Isayama Mei's regret, Santuhe's expectation

"Is that... the 'Midnight Sun' that there was a sighting report just a few days ago?" After seeing off Tsuchimiya Kagura, he hurried to Isayama Yomi, the scene of the Hyakki Night Parade, and saw Isayama Mei in the car. A scene where evil spirits are cleared away with a large area of ​​divine light.

This familiar scene is almost the same as the similar incident that affected most of Tokyo a few days ago - except that the scope of the impact is much smaller than the last time.

"...In other words, there is no need for us exorcists to appear!" Ikki Sakuraba, who rushed to the scene with Isayama Yomi, also saw the scene outside, so he shrugged and said.

The incident that happened just a few days ago naturally attracted the attention of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office. The unprecedented fluctuations in spiritual power attracted the attention of all relevant departments almost immediately.

However, after sending people to the site to investigate, they found that except for a few traces of magma burning outside an abandoned warehouse, there was no other damage.

What shocked all those who knew about it even more was that with that place as the center, within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, all the Chongling places polluted by filthy spiritual energy and the hidden evil spirits were completely eliminated.

There is no doubt that this is inseparable from the brilliance "like the sun rising at midnight" mentioned in the eyewitness report, and it should be the work of someone who is ridiculously powerful (or is it a god?).

Therefore, after seeing this brilliance again, many people, including Koji Iwabata, agreed that this place had been taken over by the unknown strong man, and they, small and obstructive characters, should not jump out to steal the spotlight. ... "No! We are members of the Supernatural Countermeasures Room. How can we leave all the work of exterminating evil spirits to an outsider who doesn't even know his identity!" However, our Miss Isayama Yomi doesn't agree with this opinion and insists. To fulfill his duties as an official exorcist.

"But..." "There is no but! Let's go to the next battlefield!" Ikki Sakuraba wanted to dissuade him, but under Isayama Yomi's oppressive eyes, he had to retreat sadly.

… After releasing divine light three times in a row, he wiped out three groups of evil spirits numbering in the hundreds. Jianshan Mei took a breath and did not continue to attack, but waited for the recovery of the divine power in his body.

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