"I knew I wouldn't have used a big move of that level last time... but now I can't even use it even if I want to!" A few days ago, Isayama Isayama thought he had used a bottom-of-the-box big move to deal with Santsuga Kazuhiro. This is quite regrettable.

Although the move of "gathering the power of hundreds of miles of earth veins and adding it to the body, turning the divine energy into light to sweep the world" sounds very awesome, in fact, the side effects of this ultimate move are not small.

After all, things like earth veins are not easy to move. Even if Isayama Mei previously only integrated the earth veins with himself from a conceptual level to control the energy of hundreds of miles of land and mountains without actually moving the earth veins, this approach is still very important. The spiritual veins flowing in the earth itself caused huge pressure.

If such a trick is used again in a short period of time, damage to the earth's veins or even instability is very likely to occur.

You know, Japan is in the Pacific seismic zone, and the earth's crust itself is not very stable. If the ground veins that form the basis of the earth's crust change too much, a major earthquake that can be recorded in history is inevitable.

——As for the magnitude of this earthquake that can be recorded in history... let’s refer to the Great Kanto Earthquake! Although Isayama Mei's character has become much more indifferent than before due to his promotion to a human god, he has not yet reached the level where he can personally cause another Great Kanto Earthquake.

Therefore, when faced with hundreds of ghosts wandering around the entire Tokyo metropolitan area, she could only remove them one by one like this, instead of using a big move that radiated in all directions, like last time. Sexually complete the cleanup - if she does this, the evil spirits may really be killed by her, but the earth line that is disturbed again may rebel, and the final result may be worse than just being killed by the evil spirits. Be serious! Well, Isayama Mei didn’t know that there was another plan hidden behind the Hundred Ghost Night Walk designed by Santsukawa Kazuhiro. If she knew that these Hundred Ghost Night Walk spread across different areas of Tokyo, it was actually just a terrifying ritual. As a prelude, it is estimated that she will no longer care about the endurance of the earth veins, but will directly launch the ultimate move regardless of the risk of triggering a super earthquake.

... "As expected, you showed up!" When the sun-like divine light shone in the night sky, Santuhe Kazuhiro showed an evil smile on his face.

Just like his plan, when the hundred ghosts carrying his aura appeared on the streets and wreaked havoc, the living god finally couldn't sit still! However, when he saw that the other party was clearing the scene of the Hundred Ghost Night Parade one by one, instead of directly destroying all the evil spirits at once, Santuhe and Hong knew that the other party's power did not seem to be as strong as he imagined.

"Well, I didn't directly use the power of hundreds of miles of earth veins like last time... Is it impossible, or do I think it's unnecessary? Well, no matter which case it is, there is no difference - in fact, my ritual is evil The moment the spirits launch the massacre, it is considered a success. As for how long they can wreak havoc, it is just a difference in the effect of the final ritual. However, the city is already destined to be destroyed. "Yes, that's it! Just like the land-forging formations that Fang Yuan had come into contact with in the steel world, when enough blood has been shed at several key nodes of the formations to infiltrate the earth, the foundation of the ceremony has been completed.

The same is true for the city dedication ceremony of Santu River and Hiroshi.

In the initial stage of the Hyakki Night Parade, before the official response personnel arrived, the necessary "materials" for these rituals had already been collected. .

How long these evil spirits can continue to wreak havoc in the future will only affect how long the indescribable god who is summoned to enjoy the sacrifice can exist in the final stage of the ritual.

Moreover, even if all the evil spirits are eliminated, the "death" of these evil spirits will also become part of the ritual, which will speed up the completion of the ritual.

Santsuga Kazuhiro really wanted to see what the expression on that damn Isayama Mei's face would be when she saw that she was working hard to save the city, only to find out that she had destroyed the city with her own hands. "I'm looking forward to it..."')404'\u003eChapter 403: Ceremony, battle, it's time! (Second update)

"Hmph! When Santuhe and Hong started the ceremony, they found that the ceremony they arranged did not work at all. What kind of expression will he have then? I'm looking forward to it!" The person who said this was Yi Yang. Fang Yuan, in the form of the incarnation of God, overlooks the chaos in Tokyo from a high altitude.

Although in dealing with Santuhe and Hong, he made many mistakes that villains often make. For some so-called layout calculations, he did not directly eliminate the enemy. Instead, he gave the opponent a chance to come back, which ultimately brought about caused greater trouble.

But he also knows the principle of remedying the situation before it is too late.

Especially after discovering that the other party actually arranged a large-scale sacrificial ceremony in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Fang Yuan naturally would not pretend that he had not seen it.

Although Fang Yuan did not know the most fundamental content of Santuhe and Hong's sacrificial ceremony, based on what he had seen so far, he could more or less guess how the ceremony would proceed.

Once the murderous, evil, hostile, and resentful energy caused by the rampant evil spirits appears, it will spread to a wider area along with the actions of the evil spirits. It is like ink droplets in clear water. Once it appears, it will smear a large area. Pure spiritual power artificially creates a "polluted area".

Even if these "polluted areas" were expelled and purified by Jianshan Ming, who came from behind with the great power of the present god, under the surface purity, there was still a trace of stubborn and difficult to eradicate "imprint".

——This is the result of high concentrations of resentment, killing, blood, death, fear and other negative forces condensing in one area, and infecting the concept level of rules from the level of Yuanqi energy.

And the real basis for Sanzuhe and Hong to launch the sacrificial ceremony is precisely these "imprints" that are difficult to detect and even more difficult to eradicate.

"If it were me before I experienced the last world, it would be really difficult to do this kind of conceptual information level, but this is not difficult for me now!" The most critical knowledge Fang Yuan learned in the world of Magical Index of Certain Magical Cannon is the ability to control and interfere with things such as concepts, information, and existence.

The sacrificial ritual currently used by Sanzuhe and Hong is a magical power that cannot be detected or cracked by the native exorcists and even the gods in the world of food spirits, but for Fang Yuan, if he wants to destroy this ritual, he only needs to think about it.

——[Ether], which has been integrated into the spiritual sea of ​​the planet and has become the core of the planetary spirit, can not only mobilize the power of the earth veins of this planet, but can also easily rewrite the law framework of the entire planet like a real "God".

For Him, a mere trace of conceptual information does not even require the strength of a breath, and can be solved by fine-tuning the regional law.

And [Ether], which has been upgraded from "it" to "Him", is always connected with Fang Yuan's spiritual consciousness, and is essentially equivalent to Fang Yuan's half body.

In this way, for Fang Yuan, if he wants to mobilize the power of the planetary spirit to erase these "traces" of constructing the ritual, doesn't it only take a thought?   ……  Fang Yuan is waiting, waiting for the moment when Sanzuhe and Hong start the ritual; Sanzuhe and Hong are also waiting, waiting for the moment when Jianshan Mei eliminates the last wave of evil spirits of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

However, some people will not wait for this - for human exorcists such as Jianshan Huangquan, destroying evil spirits is their only mission.

In fact, they have almost no extra thoughts to think about miscellaneous things. The unprecedented number of evil spirits that are endless to kill, the high-intensity and high-intensity fierce battles, make every exorcist devote all their energy to the battle and dare not be distracted for a moment.

Needless to say, the result of distraction is obvious. Look at those poor exorcists who fall into the hands of evil spirits from time to time.

Even with Jianshan Mei's actions, she is only one person after all. Facing more than ten scenes of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area, she can't eliminate them all at once.

And in places she can't take care of, naturally, the exorcists can only take over - the Ministry of Defense has sent two special forces equipped with anti-spiritual weapons, but all of them, like their predecessors, were defeated in front of more powerful evil spirits and were soon annihilated.

"Ran Guren·Roaring Wave!" With the help of the Lion King's spirit beast, another huge evil spirit was eliminated. Jianshan Huangquan wiped the sweat-soaked hair on his face and sighed with some relief: "Fortunately, Kagura-chan went back. If she was allowed to participate in such a battlefield, I would not be able to protect her!" At the moment when the girl was distracted by another girl, a "kamaitachi" flashed out from the shadow beside her and launched a fatal attack.

"Huangquan, be careful!" At this critical moment, a flame composed of spiritual power turned into a hemispherical shield, protecting Jianshan Huangquan's body, blocking this sudden attack, and burning the evil spirit that fell into the trap.

"Izuna-kun..." Jianshan Huangquan turned around and saw the person who saved her, it was her fiancé Izuna Noriyuki.

He originally used the fox as his main means of exorcism, but he lost all his fox familiars in an accident not long ago (the result of memory tampering).

But the spiritual disaster broke out too suddenly. Without more preparation, Iitsuka Noriyuki had to use his seldom used magic, but surprisingly, it worked well. His achievements on the battlefield were second only to Isayama Yomizu, who had a spiritual weapon sword.

"Be careful. I have only seen this level of spiritual disaster in ancient historical books. Every time it was a huge disaster with heavy casualties. We'd better take care of each other!" Iitsuka Noriyuki nodded to Isayama Yomizu and said so.

"Yes, thank you..." Isayama Yomizu didn't know how to get along with this man who was engaged to her. At this time, she could only take out the attitude towards boys in school and nodded her thanks very stiffly.

However, on the battlefield, there were too few opportunities to chat like this. Before the two could say anything else, another group of evil spirits appeared in everyone's sight.

"Ran Honglian, let's go!" Isayama Yomizu waved his long sword, bursting with spiritual power, and summoned his spiritual beast to kill forward.

"Namosavarta nediviliya, savarmachiviliya, savartha, chilra, tsanna, maharusana, ken, khachi khachi, savaraviginam, hum, tharaza, hanman!" A Sanskrit chanting sounded like a thunderous roar, and Fan Gangjizhi performed the Acala Fire Realm Mantra, which symbolizes the wrath of Acala. Like a fire wizard, he urged the demon-destroying fire to burn all filth.

…The fierce battle continued, and people fell from time to time, while more fresh troops rushed to every spiritual disaster site from all directions.

“Hehe, kill, kill, whether it is evil spirits killing people or people killing evil spirits, it is all to contribute to the completion of the ceremony. Come on, let the killing and war be more fierce!” Standing on the roof of the skyscraper, Sanzuhe Kazuhiro opened his hands, as if embracing the sky, and shouted loudly with a fanatical face.

When a sun-like brilliance flashed across the sky again, he sensed that the last special evil spirit he had summoned was finally killed.

“Time, it’s up!” The corner of the white-haired young evil spirit’s mouth curled up.

… “Time, it’s up!” Fang Yuan, who had been waiting for a long time, said the same thing.

')405'\u003eChapter 404 This chapter number is very suitable for delivering lunch

In the eyes of Jianshan Huangquan and others, the city at this moment has changed in the blink of an eye.

Traces like bloodstains emerged from the surface of streets and buildings, starting from various spiritual disaster battlefields and expanding outwards crazily.

And only in the sky can you see that these blood-red marks are connecting and extending with each other, and a magnificent "altar" filled with distortion, madness, and chaos is about to be completed.

"No! What is this?!" The exorcists discovered the changes around them at the first time, and quickly moved away from these blood-red marks that looked like bad things.

A few exorcists, not knowing whether they were injured or exhausted, were a little slow in their movements, and were accidentally touched by these spreading red marks. In an instant, the whole person was like a melting candle, and the flesh and bones melted into a pool of blood mud, blending into the blood-red marks extending underground, making the blood light it emitted brighter.

"!" All the onlookers watched this scene in horror.

Some people turned around and fled immediately, while others were fearless and directly launched a counterattack against these blood-red marks.

But whether it is the rune bullet that combines modern technology with ancient mysteries, or the various magic skills inherited from ancient times, when they come into contact with these bloody marks, whether the attacker has touched it or not, a certain force will follow the invisible channel and directly descend on the attacker, and in the end it is still difficult to escape the fate of turning into blood mud.

Among them is Isayama Yomi's fiancé Iitsuka Noriyuki, this exorcist who once mastered some taboo knowledge. It is not known whether it was to show his bravery in front of his fiancée or because of some kind of great cosmic will, he launched an attack with the Acala Fire Realm Curse, which can be said to be the pinnacle level, as soon as the bloody marks appeared.

The result is naturally not difficult to guess. He turned into an unrecognizable pool of flesh and blood mud in front of Isayama Yomi, and merged into the blood marks on the ground that grew and spread like a living thing, becoming another insignificant victim on the battlefield.

——It seems that even if Fang Yuan had previously wiped out all the effects of the "Xuanjun Seven Chapter Secret Scripture" from this world by sacrificing his existence, Iizuna Noriyuki, as the holder, could not avoid the fate of dying at the hands of an indescribable thing.

"Iizuna!!!" Sakuraba Ikki, who also saw this scene, cried out in grief, but could only watch the tragedy happen.

He wanted to go forward to avenge his good friend, but was held tightly by Isayama Yomi, who was standing beside him, and turned around and fled from here!   "Don't pull me! I want to avenge Iizuna!" Sakuraba Ikki, who was almost dragged away, struggled to return to continue fighting, but lost in strength to Isayama Yomi, who did not seem to have much muscle.

"Calm down! Iitsuka-kun is dead, do you want to sacrifice your life too?! This is no longer an enemy that we humans can deal with!" Although she saw with her own eyes the man who should theoretically become her husband in the future die in front of her, Isayama Yomizumi was shocked and slightly sad for a moment, but she did not lose her mind. Instead, she immediately judged that this matter was no longer a level that human exorcists like them could intervene, so she evacuated the battlefield very decisively.

From this point of view, Isayama Yomizumi, who was only 17 years old, was indeed a natural warrior. At least, few people could match her determination in the face of life and death in this battle.

What happened here in Isayama Yomizumi was just a tiny silhouette of more than ten battlefields in the entire Tokyo City. In fact, the same thing happened more or less in every place where the bloody mark broke out.

However, some people, like Jianshan Huangquan, rationally judged the gap between the enemy and us and retreated wisely. Others did not see the facts clearly, or simply did not fear life and death, and died one by one in the terrible power that could turn people into blood mud.

As for the others, after seeing the tragic end of those brave men, they naturally knew that this place had become a deadly place, and they fled one by one and hated that they had not been born with a few more legs.

...  "Not good!"  When Jianshan Huangquan discovered the change, she instinctively launched an attack, but in the next moment, she knew that she had been tricked!   Unlike those human exorcists who would be killed if they only indirectly contacted, Jianshan Huangquan, although still trapped in the mortal body, had become a living god and had enough power to block this invisible obliterating force.

However, her condition at this time was not that good.

The power of obliteration contained in those blood-colored marks did not just explode for a moment, but was a continuous force that always entangled Isayama, even making it impossible for her to retreat.

And to make matters worse, at the moment the sacrificial ceremony was launched, the connection between the authority of the earth in Isayama Mei's body and the earth itself had been isolated.

Without the power of the earth and mountains as a backing, the divine power in her body is really used up. Once the divine power is exhausted, her end may not be any better than those of human exorcists.

... "Hmph, hehe, hehe, hahahahaha!!!" Kazuhiro Santsukawa, who was about to complete the great "feat", let out the classic three-part villain laugh: "That's it, that's it! Struggling and wailing Come on, despair! The real destruction is about to come!" However, just as he was laughing wildly and waiting for the final stage of the ceremony to be completed, a voice came from the sky: "I got you!" In the next moment, the invisible power became tangible. The runes were intertwined into countless golden chains that penetrated from the void, instantly binding Santuhe and Hongzheng.

"What?!" Just now, they were admiring the killing feast brought about by the sacrificial ceremony, and even saw the human god being forced into a desperate situation, and in an instant he became a prisoner. This huge contrast made Santuhe and Hong There was no reaction for a while.

"It's not in vain that I waited so long and let my witch use her body as bait to finally catch you!" Golden light spots emerged from the void, gradually gathered in mid-air, and finally condensed into a luminous human shape. , Fang Yuan, who appeared as the incarnation of the Yang God, appeared in front of Santuhe and Hong.

"You, are you the mastermind behind Isayama Mei?" Santoga Kazuhiro looked at the human form exuding divine light in front of him, enduring the pain caused by the light containing divine power shining on himself, with a look of disgust on his face. , and said with a trace of pleasure.

"It's a pity that you showed up too late. The ceremony has been completed and the sacrifice has begun. There is nothing you can do to stop it! No, even you have become a part of the sacrifice. Let's destroy it along with the city! "No, it's you who don't understand!" With that said, Fang Yuan snapped his fingers——')406'\u003eChapter 405 Nyarlathotep's little "greeting"

At the moment when the sacrificial ceremony was launched, Fang Yuan finally used the power flow of the ceremony itself to find Santuhe Kazuhiro who was hidden by the power of the shadow, and captured him with lightning speed.

Snap—— With Fang Yuan's snap of his fingers, the power originating from the planet itself seemed to fluctuate slightly for a moment. For the surviving humans and exorcists, they could not notice anything at all.

But for existences like Isayama Mei and Santuga Kazuhiro whose life levels have far surpassed human beings, the changes in the conceptual level of laws are as obvious as searchlights in the dark night.

From this moment on, within the Tokyo metropolitan area, any extraordinary power that is not recognized by Fang Yuan's will will be unable to take effect.

Therefore, visible to the naked eye, the bloody mark that had spread to most of the Tokyo metropolitan area and almost swallowed hundreds of thousands of lives suddenly stopped, and then it flashed twice like a poorly connected light bulb. , and then dimmed and extinguished.

——Although these life-devouring blood stains did not disappear immediately, they also lost the ability to instantly turn people into blood mud.

Seizing this opportunity, Isayama Mei suddenly unleashed the last remaining divine power in her body, breaking away from the entanglement of the obliterating power and far away from the battlefield. She needed time to reconnect the authority in her body with the earth's spiritual veins.

Santuhe and Hong looked at this scene in shock and said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Once this ritual is launched, it cannot be stopped! What on earth have you done?!" "Impossible ...Heh, it seems that the being who gave you power didn't tell you much!" Fang Yuan looked at Santuhe Kazuhiro who was struggling because of his unwillingness, and didn't intend to talk nonsense with him anymore: "Well, I have learned the lesson from the last time and will not give you another chance!" He stretched out his hand, pointed it in the direction of Santuhe and Hong, and gave it a firm squeeze.

The next moment, the golden chains binding each other burst out with dazzling light, and destructive power suddenly erupted within a few feet. Santuhe and Hong, who were trapped inside, were the first to bear the brunt.

"No, don't! I still have an unfulfilled wish. I still have to resurrect my mother. I still have a lot of things to do. How could I die here?!!" Santuhe and Hong, who had become an evil spirit, knew that if he If he really died here, he wouldn't even be able to become a ghost, let alone fulfill his obsession with resurrecting his mother! Faced with the threat of complete death, Santuhe Kazuhiro's survival instinct and desire to fulfill his obsession overwhelmed everything else. His whole body erupted with spiritual power that was far better than before, and layer after layer of shadows emerged from the darkness. The entity was condensed and blocked in front of Santuhe and Hong, trying to stop the energy frenzy carrying destructive power.

Not only him, but also the killing stones he carried that had not yet been integrated into his body, under Fang Yuan's power of indiscriminate destruction, spontaneously erupted with spiritual power full of evil aura, trying to prevent their own destruction. .

Even though he had the power of the Killing Stone to protect his master, and was blessed with the power of a great being, he was still defeated by the overwhelming power gap, and was crushed to pieces by the energy storm, leaving no place for burial.

"How could it be, why..." With the last words full of reluctance and resentment, Sanzuhe Hehong, who should have caused a huge disaster in this world and even brought great () trouble to Fang Yuan, just disappeared.

——Just when Fang Yuan thought so, suddenly, a shadow as real as a substance gushed out from the place where Sanzuhe Hehong died, turning into a dark curtain, and in the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan, who was unable to dodge, was wrapped and swallowed.

In an instant, Fang Yuan seemed to fall into a dark vacuum without gravity. Not only was there no place to exert force on his body, but he could not see, hear, smell, or touch anything, and even his own body could not feel it.

Even the various extraordinary sensing abilities he had acquired through various practices lost their effectiveness in this darkness, as if he had returned to the mortal period.

In such an environment where he had lost his five senses, Fang Yuan even had a blurred sense of time, which was incredible for him who had already achieved Yang Shen and cultivated the third method, and could almost grasp every thought of his own.

But Fang Yuan had no mind to think about these problems.

In such a dark void, Fang Yuan, who had lost all his perception abilities, felt an uncontrollable sense of irritability in his heart.

Along with it came a series of whispers that seemed to come from the depths of his heart, interfering with his thoughts from the inside out, disturbing his thoughts, and even trying to manipulate and modify his memory.

‘Is this Nyarlathotep’s method…’ Fang Yuan knew at the moment the accident happened that what had caught him was not the back-up plan left by Sanzuhe and Hong before their death, but the indescribable outside god who controlled everything from a distance and looked down on all living things as if it were a game.

‘But I am not unprepared! ’ Fang Yuan, who only had consciousness, condensed his spiritual body in the void. Although he knew that he could not see anything, he still tried to open his eyes wide - not to see, but to reveal something in his pupils - and in the shadow curtain, even though he lost the perception and control of his body, Fang Yuan in the darkness also opened his eyes with the movement of his consciousness.

In the pupils that could not see anything, a pentagram circle flashed with a faint light, and a trace of undetectable lightning flashed in the circle.

The next moment, billions of lights were cast from the void, tearing apart the dark shadow that covered everything, and forming a huge portal around Fang Yuan's body.

This was the first backup that Fang Yuan prepared for himself after learning that the incarnation of Nyarlathotep appeared in this world - an alchemy array engraved on the body and soul, which could summon the projection of the Gate of Truth anytime and anywhere.

For Fang Yuan, once the situation really develops to the point of confronting Nyarlathotep head-on, this is his only means of saving himself.

——Although, he doesn't know whether the incarnation of the Gate of Truth of Yog-Sothoth will protect himself or sell him out neatly when facing Nyarlathotep, who is also an Outer God. After all, as a human being, he still can't really understand the thinking of those indescribable beings!   Today is still the second update')407'\u003eChapter 406 A night passed, and the sun rose as usual

Fortunately, the Gate of Truth did not disappoint Fang Yuan's expectations. At this critical moment, it really saved Fang Yuan's life.

Well, if the Gate of Truth didn't save him, maybe he wouldn't have died just now, but thinking about the means of those indescribable beings, it is estimated that the end will not be much better than death.

——Whether it is a twisted mind that becomes a believer of Nyarlathotep, or it is impossible to withstand the tampering of personality and go completely crazy, or the body undergoes malignant mutation, this is very likely.

Of course, these are just "ifs". The reality is that with the help of the power of the Gate of Truth, Fang Yuan finally saw the light of day again - yes, it is already the next morning.

In the dark void in the shadow, Fang Yuan's sense of time has been blurred. Although he feels that only more than ten minutes have passed, in fact, several hours have passed in the outside world. That chaotic night full of killing and death has completely passed.

"It's really miserable..." Standing on the roof of a tall building, Fang Yuan sighed as he looked down at the Tokyo city that was almost falling into ruins in the morning light.

However, he just sighed and didn't think much about it.

After all, Fang Yuan himself disliked Japan as a country. Except for a few special individuals (such as the beautiful lady), he didn't have much good feelings for the citizens of this country. Although many people died this time, they didn't reach the point where he felt sad and unbearable.

After all, according to the laws of this world, the existence of evil spirits is the result of the evil thoughts of all living beings in this world combined with the lingering souls of the dead, and then formed in an environment with rich spiritual power.

To some extent, these people who died because of evil spirits deserved it. If these people hadn't released so many filthy and evil thoughts every day, there wouldn't be so many evil spirits being bred!   Of course, although Fang Yuan didn't care about the life and death of these Japanese, he wouldn't let the bad situation here continue. You know, the blood-red marks caused by the Sanzu River and Hong's ritual did not disappear because of the interruption of the ritual.

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