These terrible marks that can melt all direct and indirect contacts into blood and mud in one breath when activated are actually the "sins" and the resentment of the dead that Santuhe Kazuhiro deposited with contaminated spiritual power, killing and blood. It is combined with the remnant souls, the residue dropped by the evil spirits after their death, and most importantly, a trace of power from Nyarlathotep.

This is a condensation of power and information that connects the material level, the energy level and the information concept level. Although Fang Yuan has temporarily suppressed it by fine-tuning the regional laws with the help of the power of [ether], if it is not handled properly, Once out of the suppressed state, its characteristic of erasing all contacts will still be activated again, and the originally interrupted ritual will still be completed spontaneously.

Fang Yuan came to this time and space, although he was forced to do so, but he also came to save the world. It is true that invasion from other worlds will lead to the destruction of the world, but this evil god's sacrifice ceremony is an extremely poisonous and dangerous element, and maybe the final The consequences would be more terrifying than a simple invasion from another world, and Fang Yuan could not just leave it alone.

And if you want to purify it, and because these marks contain traces of power projections originating from Nyarlathotep, it is impossible to deal with such a stubborn and extremely polluting existence with ordinary spiritual power. .

It can be said that these bloody marks that are now spread over almost half of the Tokyo metropolitan area have become stubborn psoriasis that has taken root on the surface of the earth. Although it is temporarily suppressed and does not see any harm, it can deteriorate into poisonous sores and even skin rashes at any time. Possibility of cancer! "In that case, why not put these toxic garbage to good use..." Fang Yuan thought in his mind and sent an order to Isayama Mei who didn't know where he was.

... "Is it over..." Standing in a ruins, Isayama Yoshizumi, who had not slept all night, looked up at the sun that had risen high, and then looked down at the corpse in front of him. Although he could not see the corpse, it was far more beautiful than the corpse. A more brutal battlefield spread across the wilderness.

Among those bloody marks that looked like dried blood, there was no telling how many people's flesh and blood were mixed in them. Many of them were fellow exorcists she had met before, or were acquaintances in the supernatural circle, or even Including her fiancé... But at this time, they turned into bloody "dye" without any distinction, dyeing the entire city red from the inside out... For the first time in Isayama Yomi's heart, he encountered the word "war" Have a clear concept.

Yes, if the scene in front of me is not a war, then what can it be called? And this is not just a war between humans, there is still room for political compromise. This is a more brutal, bloody, more life-and-death war between humans and evil spirits.

"Evil spirits..." Isayama Yomi clenched the hilt of the knife in his hand that he had not put down all night, and the hatred in his heart for evil spirits, a foreign species that should not exist in the world, reached an unprecedented level.

Just then - "Dingling bells..." A somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded. Isayama Yomi was stunned for several seconds before he came to his senses. It was the ringtone of his cell phone.

She slowly took out her phone and saw dozens of "missed calls" on the screen, as well as the familiar names marked behind those missed calls. The girl couldn't help but smile reassuringly: "Kagura-chan..." "Sister Huangquan" ? ! Great! You finally answered the phone! The battle seemed fierce yesterday, and my father didn’t allow me to go out. I didn’t know what happened outside. How are you? Is everyone in the room okay?" Before Isayama Yoshizumi could say a complete sentence, a series of questions came from the other side of the phone, which made her feel a little overwhelmed, but also felt an indescribable warmth.

——After such a tragic and cruel battle, there was such a lovely person caring about him in the distance. Isayama Yomi, who had been a little unbalanced by the whole night of fighting and death, could not help but regain some warmth in his heart.

"I'm fine, everyone in the countermeasures room... Iizuna-kun... died in the battle!" Isayama Yomi hesitated to tell such a sad news.

"How could..." Tsuchimiya Kagura on the other end of the phone was a little unbelievable. Iizuna Noriyuki was not only Isayama Yomi's fiancée, but also an acquaintance of Tsuchimiya Kagura since childhood.

We had been joking and chatting together the day before, but one night later we heard such tragic news. The little girl who had never experienced such a thing found it very difficult to accept it.

"..." "..." The two girls looked at each other silently across the phone for a long time.

')408'\u003eChapter 407 Transfer of Power \u0026 Vision of the World

Just when the two Lily heroines over there were feeling sad for the sacrifice of the least significant male protagonist, on this side, Isayama Mei, who had recovered her strength, also received an imperial order from her god: "By Shall I take over the suppression of these ritual remnants..." Isayama Mei looked at the bloody marks spreading almost everywhere in the city with some fear. After hesitating for half a second, he still accepted the order of the God Lord.

Although she was still frightened by the terrifying power that almost trapped her to death, now that the Lord God had spoken, as a miko, she had no room to refute.

What's more, now that these terrifying marks that make people die if touched have been completely suppressed by Fang Yuan, all she needs is to take over the control of the Tokyo metropolitan area and maintain the fine-tuning of the laws in this area.

She once again manifested the body of a human god with blond hair and red eyes, and her clothes were changed into a witch costume that represented the authority of the earth.

At a level that humans cannot detect, a will starts from Isayama Mei's position and spreads in all directions along the flow of the earth's veins like flowing water.

And in this earth vein, another more powerful will that originally existed, withdrew with great cooperation, and gave up the control of these earth veins to those who came after.

A few minutes later, when the last bit of Fang Yuan's will was withdrawn from the earth veins within the Tokyo metropolitan area, Isayama Mei's will followed closely, and finally completely mastered all the earth vein power in this vast area.

A feeling of omnipotence suddenly came to Isayama Mei's heart.

She could feel that as long as she had a thought, the entire land would move according to her will, whether it was raising mountains, changing rivers, spawning plants, controlling wild beasts, or even creating earthquakes and overthrowing surface civilization. ... Everything truly told her what the so-called "god" looked like.

——Not the human God who was still trapped in the mortal body before, but the "God" who truly combines authority with the body, and God and Tao are together! Fortunately, this illusion only existed for a moment, and he woke up the next moment.

Because she could feel that just "below" her consciousness, or deeper under the earth, there was a more stalwart, vaster, and more sacred consciousness slowly flowing - this must be the Divine Lord. Your true self, sir! Feeling the great existence whose energy intensity was billions of times greater than his own, Isayama Mei thought so, not daring to have any more distractions, he concentrated his energy within the scope of his own authority, and tried his best to maintain this. The adjusted legal structure in this area continues to suppress those bloody marks that may reappear at any time.

With his hands free, Fang Yuan can concentrate on another important matter - locating the different world that is getting closer and closer.

Yes, after experiencing Nyarlathotep's "lesson" this time, Fang Yuan knew that with such a troublemaker, the previous plan would no longer work, so he decisively gave up the defense. Instead of planning to fight back, he chose to take the initiative and destroy the other world that threatened the survival of this world first! Well, by the way, we can also solve the mess left by Santuhe and Hong - since these stubborn and poisonous "psoriasis" are difficult to purify and cure, then simply peel off the skin with "psoriasis" , throw it at the enemy! Although it is probably impossible to destroy a world like this "small" scene caused by Santuhe and Hong, it should still cause some trouble to the other party.

Of course, Fang Yuan's real plan is to use absolute violence to destroy these highly toxic "psoriasis" in the void together with that other world! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​OUT out of the clone, and at the same time, gave control of part of the earth's surface to Isayama Mei, all consciousness retracted to Fang Yuan inside the planet's spiritual body, and once again deeply connected with the consciousness of [Ether].

At this moment, the earth's planet spirit has changed from [ether] to Fang Yuan. The alchemist who has usurped the power of the planet has once again sublimated from the narrow human perspective to the higher perspective of the planet level.

Unlike the last time he was forced to "unify" under huge pressure, which could only last for a short moment, this time, with the [ether] that has already reclaimed most of the planet's authority as a buffer, Fang Yuan can maintain it at this height for a long time. Go down.

Last time, he only used the interference of planet-level spirits in time and space to briefly peek at some information up and down the timeline, and did not set his sights outside the world.

This time, Fang Yuan was finally able to withdraw his gaze from the inside of the world and look into the void between the worlds from an intuitive perspective.

Just like a baby who opened his eyes to look at the world for the first time, Fang Yuan, who looked at the void from the perspective of a planet, was also completely curious about this strange scenery that was completely different from the inside of the world.

It was not void in the conventional sense, with neither spatial direction nor clear time scale, but a kind of "emptiness" that was difficult to describe in human language.

On a world-to-world level, the so-called "distance" is meaningless. The other world that is approaching the spirit-eating world actually has no real concept of "far and near" in the void.

Just as Fang Yuan once felt with the help of the power of the Gate of Truth, there are no so-called "coordinates" between worlds, but positioning relies on different "conceptual elements" one after another.

The "distance" between the two worlds is gradually "getting closer". It can be considered that the two worlds have a huge overlap in certain "elements", and this overlap is still expanding. When a threshold is reached, the two worlds will officially " Collision and contact, either one side devours the other, or neither side can do anything about the other, eventually merging into a brand new world that mixes the rules and characteristics of the two sides.

——Of course, it is also possible that both worlds will suffer losses, be destroyed together in the world annexation war, and eventually turn into a dead wreckage in the void.

When looking into the void outside the world from the perspective of the planet, Fang Yuan "saw" the different world that was already very "close" by following the instinctive induction from the planet.

Although the situation inside the world cannot be seen from outside the world, as the instinct of the planet spirit, Fang Yuan can still know that the world opposite is "sick", "sick" is very serious, and "sick" is terminal. That kind of thing.

It can even be said that the world on the opposite side that is about to be invaded is already "dead", but some beings have used another force to forcibly extend its vitality. It is dead but not stiff, and has become a "zombie" in the world, and wants to With the help of the new "body" of the world of food spirits, one can obtain the "body seizing" and "rebirth" of the world.

PS: Still the second update')409'\u003eChapter 408 Cross-World War - Prologue

When Fang Yuan looked at another world outside the world with the vision of the planet, there was also a pair of eyes in the opposite world looking at the "location" where the world of eating spirits was located.

The "sights" of both sides intersected in the void. In an instant, the two extraordinary sights, carrying real real power, collided with each other in the void. An explosive force broke out at the intersection, which faintly shook the dimensions of time and space. The vibrations spread instantly and spread to countless worlds in the void.

Buzz - Fang Yuan, who was one with the spirit of the planet, only felt a buzzing sound coming from his ears, followed by a burst of dizziness, as if he had been hit on the head by someone when he was still an ordinary person.

However, this abnormality only lasted for a few moments before he recovered. He cast his "sight" outside the world again, only to find that he could no longer sense the state of that world as clearly as before. At most, he could only " See" the other party's "position".

It seems that there is enough power in that world! Fang Yuan sighed as he gradually began to gather the terrifying power accumulated in the planet - the battle had already begun at this moment! ... In that fierce stare across the two worlds, Fang Yuan just felt dizzy in his consciousness, but in the other world, the person looking at him was more miserable than Fang Yuan imagined. More—— "Pfft——!!!" In the altar enshrining the Trioctahedron, the ten worshipers spurted out a mouthful of dark blood containing rich spirit seeds, and all of them were seriously injured in an instant.

"Damn it, there is such a monster in that world!" As if due to the backlash of some terrible force, the ten humanoid beings suddenly grew ferocious tumors and various tentacles. They will all mutate into even more terrifying monsters.

"Hell, hell!" "This is the backlash of divine power!" "Quickly, start the life sacrifice!" Fortunately, everyone was prepared for this, and immediately activated the sacrifice circle engraved on the world. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of terrifying monsters in the endless wilderness ruins outside the altar instantly collapsed in a burst of dark flash into stardust points emitting purple-black light, pointing in the direction of the altar from all directions. Float away.

These light fragments refined from the bodies and lives of countless monsters, after entering the scope of the altar, were first poured into the ten humanoids guarding the altar one by one, and then rushed out of their bodies with more pollution. , finally gathered into the trapezoidal octahedron at the highest point of the altar, and were swallowed up by this so-called "artifact".

When all the star radiance was swallowed up, the ten people beside the altar also returned to their original form, and the mutations such as tentacle sarcoma on their bodies also disappeared.

"... It seems that we have hit the wall this time. That world is not what we saw before. It is a weak world without high-end power. There are powerful and terrifying people there!" The humanoid wiped the traces of blood remaining at the corners of his mouth and said seriously.

"Yes, he can 'see' us through the power of two worlds, and he can compete with us who are blessed by artifacts. He even caused all of us to suffer such serious injuries. Could that guy? Is he the 'god' of that world? Just like the spiritual king who once existed in our world?" Another person said with some fear as he touched the newly mutated area on his body.

"Hmph! Soul King... I will not admit that guy is a god. At best, he is just a wedge to maintain the stable existence of our world!" Someone else used a contemptuous tone to belittle the "Spirit King" mentioned by the previous person, but The meaning behind his words did not deny the other party's statement about the "god" in the opposite world.

Yes, judging from this brief confrontation between the two sides, if the owner of that "gaze" did not use the power of the artifact to gather the power of everyone like them, but simply relied on his own strength, then the opponent's performance was indeed It can indeed be called a "god".

"Don't think too much about the enemy. Maybe the enemy on the other side is just like us, and he might be able to obtain such power with the help of some kind of artifact!" But some people don't want to believe that the person who was supposed to be their prey could only obediently become their prey. In this world, there is such an existence beyond our control.

"No, we can't be too optimistic! We are not fighting the Death God of Jingling Court, and we already know the details of the other party before the war. Instead, we are fighting against another strange world where we can't get accurate intelligence! The information we got through the artifact sensing before was still too shallow. That world is obviously not the kind of existence that we imagined as only prey!" The only woman among the ten people stroked her chest, which was almost like a lotus pod. While thanking her for her timely response, she said cautiously and calmly.

"Humph! No matter what kind of power the other side has, in front of the glory of our Lord, it will eventually become the nourishment for the rebirth of our world!" Another old man with muscular knots and gray hair refuted the woman's statement with disdain, and seemed very confident in the power of "my Lord" in his mouth.

"Tsk... Old man, you underestimate the enemy so much. If you are pressed to death by the strong man on the opposite side, I will not avenge you!" A young man next to the old man said in a teasing tone.

The grumpy old man was obviously irritated: "You, are you looking for trouble? Don't think I won't do it here at the altar!" "... Stop arguing! The world on the other side has already noticed our arrival, and can even attack us across the distance between the worlds. We can't proceed slowly according to the original plan!" The leader interrupted the increasingly noisy and chaotic scene and told his plan: "Prepare for the world sacrifice, sacrifice all the last remnants of the Soul Society, use the power of the artifact to launch a direct attack, and hit the other side's world first!" "..." The other nine people looked at each other, somewhat surprised at the leader's ruthlessness. After all, their original plan was to gain a complete new world by invading. Unexpectedly, after an uncontrollable change, they planned to launch a destructive attack directly. It was really decisive.

However, after a brief thought, they had to agree that this was indeed the safest and most successful approach.

"""Understood!""" Everyone answered in unison.

……')410'\u003eChapter 409 Sacrificing the world, energy torrents, war between worlds

Whether it was Fang Yuan or the other world formerly known as the world of the god of death, both sides chose to launch a direct cross-world attack.

At this time, it depends on which side is faster.

On the other side, after the leader gave the order, the ten humanoid beings beside the altar launched the world sacrifice ceremony together.

What they want to sacrifice is the most important part of this world - its name is "Soul Society", which is essentially the same as the "Underworld" in mythology and legends, and it is also the place where the souls of living beings reincarnate after death.

Originally, this world composed purely of spirit particles was not in the same dimension as the real world. In addition to pure spiritual creatures such as the god of death and the hollow, only a very small number of humans with special talents could contact it.

However, all this ended after the disappearance of the Soul King.

As a wedge for the existence of a stable world, the Soul King himself represents a part of the world structure. When he disappears, the isolation and stability between the various dimensions in the world suddenly disappear. The spirit worlds such as Soul Society and Hueco Mundo have long been integrated with the broken real world and have become part of the wreckage of this world.

However, even so, the independent "Soul Society" still exists. Although most of it has been integrated with the rest of the world, there is still a part of independent space left, which still stubbornly remains closed and has not been completely integrated into the real world.

And this part is exactly what the ten people at the altar want to sacrifice.

Between the dark clouds and the purgatory-like land, a mirage-like shadow gradually emerges from the void, becoming clearer and clearer.

Looking closely, it is a huge town where many ancient building ruins can be vaguely seen.

——This is the last remnant of the city called "Seireitei" that was once the center of Soul Society.

Even after experiencing the loss of the Soul King, the collapse of the Three Realms, the fusion of space and other huge disasters, the capital of the dead, which had been strengthened by countless generations of death gods day and night for millions of years, still stubbornly survived until the last moment.

However, at this moment, the former enemies, who believed in the evil gods outside the world and mastered the power of the artifact, launched a ceremony to completely bury the last trace of this ancient soul residence.

When the mirage-like shadow of the city ruins gradually emerged from the void, the next moment, dark cracks climbed up from the clouds, from the earth, and from the void to the remains of the "Soul Society" that was gradually stripped from the spatial dimension.

Crack, crack - Bang! ! ! With a sound of shattering that resounded throughout the world, the remains of the "Soul Society" were like a broken mirror. Under the effect of the sacrificial ritual engraved in the world, it was completely shattered from the spatial level and turned into a pure energy torrent.

The energy that annihilated everything turned into a hot and dazzling stream of light. It should have exploded in an instant and completely destroyed everything in the world. However, under the guidance of invisible rituals, it curled up and wandered between heaven and earth, and wiped out all the living and dead things along the way. Finally, under the guidance of the power of the rectangular trioctahedron that was worshipped as a sacred artifact, it penetrated the boundary between the inside and outside of the world and poured towards a certain direction in the void... Maybe it was fate, or the tacit understanding of both parties. When the existence of the other world launched a cross-world attack by sacrificing part of the world itself, Fang Yuan was also ready to attack.

Just when the two sides were evenly matched with "gaze", Fang Yuan mobilized the power of the entire planet through [ether]. In the spiritual sea of ​​the earth, the endless spiritual power that had been unified by a grand will gradually began to flow and gather.

Looking at the direction of the power gathering, it was the direction of the Tokyo metropolitan area of ​​the Japanese archipelago.

And the effect on the real world is the faint vibration under the earth.

At this moment, earthquake monitors in Japan and all the countries and regions in East Asia detected earthquake signals, and animals that were more sensitive than humans noticed the abnormality earlier, and they screamed and roared and migrated to the safe area outside the earthquake range.

However, this time the tremor was different from the natural earthquakes in the past. The time consumed from brewing to the official outbreak was much shorter! In just a few seconds, the magnitude of the earthquake was upgraded from a slight level that the human body could not feel at all to an extremely obvious violent shaking.

If it were not for Jianshan Ming's body merging with the earth veins, which alleviated some of the crustal vibrations caused by the restlessness of spiritual power, there might really be a new century Kanto earthquake.

However, earthquakes are actually just side effects of the process of mobilizing spiritual power.

The real attack has just begun!   "Now!" Jianshan Ming's consciousness received the instructions of the Lord of God. Miss Miko, who had already known what she should do, immediately mobilized all the power of the earth veins under her control, and launched them together, trying her best to repel the bloody marks that were tightly entangled in the earth veins.

At the same time, a vast amount of pure spiritual power gushed out from the depths of the earth, carrying with it the bloody marks full of filthy and vicious power, and soared into the sky together - and in the process stripped off the small half of the earth veins controlled by Jianshan Ming.

The survivors in Tokyo were first panicked by the earthquake a few seconds ago, and were busy looking for a safe area to avoid the earthquake. Then they stared in amazement at the dazzling golden light rising from the ground, from bottom to top, like a golden waterfall flowing backwards, rushing to the sky.

Among them, some stubborn bloody marks may be seen, which were washed up with the entire land and a large area of ​​golden light, and the whole world was immersed in an extremely dazzling golden color.

Those bloody marks were too stubborn and too polluting. In order to ensure that there was no risk, Fang Yuan had to ruthlessly cut a knife on the "body" of the planet and completely stripped off the earth veins that were entangled with the bloody marks.

For an entire planet, the stripping of such a small area of ​​the earth veins is not a small amount, but it is not much different from an ordinary person breaking a little skin.

However, for the country and city where the incident occurred, Fang Yuan's move completely changed the fate of this area for hundreds and thousands of years in the future - from now on, the natural environment of the Tokyo metropolitan area will become increasingly barren, until the damaged spiritual veins are gradually repaired and restored during the operation of the earth veins, and then there will be a day to restore the old appearance.

Of course, compared with the survival of the entire world, this little loss is completely insignificant.

Fang Yuan did not care how much trouble his big move would cause to the Japanese government and secular regimes around the world, but controlled the direction of these energy torrents with the authority of the planetary spirit, and with the interference of the planetary-level spirits in time and space, he blatantly pierced through the time and space dimension and blasted it to a certain direction outside the world.

The war between worlds has officially begun! The second update is completed')411'\u003eChapter 410 Energy Conflict, Bubble Creation

The void outside the world is originally a dark void. There is no air, no gravity, and even no stable space and time. It is a life crisis that is more terrifying than the vacuum of the universe.

But this does not mean that there is nothing outside the world.

In addition to the worlds scattered in the endless void like stars, some "creatures" or "existences" that cannot be recognized by humans and beyond human rational imagination live in the void between the worlds.

For example, some huge worms that are comparable to the size of an entire world and are made of countless layers of space crystal walls as flesh and blood tissues, while swallowing and spitting out endless matter and energy, crawling and wriggling in the void.

Another example is some long worms that do not exist in space, but exist in time, forming a cycle, self-generation and self-transformation, and eternally circulating like a snake biting its tail.

There are also many terrifying monsters whose appearance cannot be described in words. Once seen by humans, they will definitely lose all their three points. They are crawling in the chaotic and disordered void and wandering around to hunt.

But at a certain moment, a piece of the void was "lit up".

Two extremely hot and dazzling energy torrents collided head-on in a seemingly empty void. The extremely high concentration of energy collided with each other, creating an environment more extreme than the startup of the largest particle collider on Earth in an instant.

At this moment, the extreme high temperature comparable to the beginning of creation ignited everything, and the boundaries between energy and matter, time and space have been blurred.

Perhaps it was a coincidence arranged by some existence, or perhaps it was a fate that was above the world. The power between the two energies was almost equal, and they were deadlocked at the moment of collision.

In an instant, it seemed that a brand new world was born in the collision of the two energy torrents-the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the grass, the beasts and spirits, and even the traces of human beings and civilization could be seen from them... However, in the next moment, this world seemed to have gone through the entire process of birth, existence, destruction and emptiness, from the extreme prosperity to the decline and destruction, and finally returned to nothingness, turning into the ashes after the destruction of the world, and then being assimilated into pure energy again in the subsequent energy torrents.

This is... a world of illusion! With the help of the vision of the star spirit, Fang Yuan captured this scene that lasted only a short moment.

The knowledge he obtained from the Gate of Truth had a related description. The so-called "bubble world" is a world that is lower than the small world and only slightly higher than the dream of nothingness. It can be said to exist or not exist.

For the creatures inside, this world is extremely real. It will also experience billions of years of history, from the beginning of creation to the prosperity of civilization, and finally return to decline and extinction; but for the existence outside, this world only exists for a moment shorter than a moment, like a dream bubble, so it is called "bubble world".

When this bubble-like world was destroyed, the two violent energy torrents collided with each other again, and a new time, space and matter were born in it. The prototype of another new world emerged from the flame of creation.

And this new world also existed for a short time that was less than a moment, and then followed the footsteps of its predecessors and was destroyed again. Then, in the two seemingly endless energy torrents, it returned to the original pure energy state.

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