Fang Yuan confirmed this information from Zhizi Yingyin, which made his impression of human beings in this world even worse.

"This reminds me of those bastard capitalists in the Resident Evil world. They are all on the road to self-destruction, and they can't even see the taillights!" It seems that no matter which world the human beings are in, They are all accustomed to seeking death.

"Moreover, ordinary people in this world are obviously even worse..." Walking in these narrow alleys, Fang Yuan could see some ragged little girls hiding in dark corners from time to time. When he saw Fang Yuan noticed While they were there, all the people who exclaimed in low voices ran away in all directions, as if they had seen a savage beast.

"..." Even though the iconic red eyes were not visible from them, the fact that they were all female, as well as their young age, as well as the physical fitness that was not consistent with their age shown in their actions, Fang Yuan directly You can determine their identities - they are the so-called "cursed children".

Although in the original plot, most of these poor girls who were not accepted by ordinary people hid in the ruins of the outer areas and struggled to survive, but now it seems that even in the inner city, there are many "cursed children" here. Seek life.

However, judging from their frightened looks when they saw strangers, it was obvious that their situation was not very good.

"Alas -" Fang Yuan sighed, but he did not go directly to contact these poor girls like some of the protagonists, nor did he provide any material help.

There was no other reason. There was only one reason why Fang Yuan didn't help these children - he had no money.

Yes, this was a dilemma he had never experienced before during his usual time travel, because alchemy could not be used, and other extraordinary powers could not affect the range beyond his physical body. Fang Yuan encountered this kind of situation for the first time. The embarrassing situation of "a penny can stump a heroic man".

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that his soul's material body didn't need to eat like ordinary people, and could only survive with the endless magic flowing from the origin of his immortal soul, he would have to think about how to fill his stomach.

Well, by then the content of this volume will probably turn into a messy plot like "The Working Demon King Fang Yuan"... Fang Yuan, who didn't want to become a wage earner, walked out of the intricate and narrow alleys behind him and returned to a more... On a wider street with more people.

The previous interrogation of Zhizi Yingyin took more than an hour, plus the time spent on the road, and before you knew it, it was already sunset.

Under the dim yellow sunlight slanting in the west, looking at the people coming and going from work on the street, the peaceful atmosphere of "everything is normal", no, it should be said that it is too "normal", and then think about the dark corner that is almost separated by a wall Among them, Fang Yuan couldn't help feeling a lot for those poor girls who were struggling to survive and didn't even dare to see anyone.

"...Forget it, no matter how much you think about it now, it won't change anything. Let's go find that woman first!" With that said, Fang Yuan looked at the street signs, determined his position, and then turned around in a certain direction. Step away.

... In the basement of a certain hospital, a woman with messy hair and sloppy clothes was busy doing something.

Although she was wearing a large white coat, she could still see the beautiful figure of this woman from the lines of the clothes.

If she washes and irons her unbearably messy hair, and puts on nicer clothes, she will become a charming and sexy beautiful lady.

No, even in her current sloppy appearance, she is still a decadent beauty with a different kind of charm.

It's just that what she's doing now makes her immediately lose all her bonus points in the eyes of ordinary people - this woman is cooking and eating in a beaker next to a corpse! Gu~~ There was an unseemly sound of gastrointestinal peristalsis in her belly. The already hungry woman stirred the viscous soup in the beaker with a bamboo skewer and said to her belly: "Just wait a moment, it's almost done." "It's almost done..." After waiting for a few more minutes, with a "ding" sound, the timer on the side sounded the countdown bell.

"Very good, it's time to eat!" The woman pierced the soup with a bamboo skewer, and a lump with a sticky surface dripping with dark juice suddenly emerged from it. It matched her current appearance and those around her. The body looked as if the internal organs had been dug out and cooked.

Of course, everyone who knows this woman knows that she does not have such a heavy taste. That thing that looks very unappetizing is actually just some kind of taro.

"Ah~um~chew~chew~gudu...Well, it was a little overcooked this time. Is it a problem with the heat or the time?" While eating, he was talking to himself, as if he was in a restaurant. The chef is tasting the new experimental dishes.

At this moment, suddenly, the basement door was opened.

"Huh? Come here at this time, is it Rentaro?" Thinking this, the woman turned around, only to find an unknown man standing at the door.

"Hello, are you Doctor Sumire Muroto?" The visitor asked, looking at the woman squatting next to the corpse eating an unknown dark substance with a bamboo stick.

... "..." "..." After a brief silence, the woman named Sumire Muroto finally reacted.

She did not put down the unidentified substance in her hand that was extremely damaging to her image. Instead, she was still savoring the taste of the food while squinting at the uninvited guest at the door: "Ah, I am... but who are you, little brother? It looks like Very familiar! And how did you know my identity and where I live? "...Yes, I am indeed not a local."

To be precise, I just arrived in this city today.

As for where I learned your identity and residence...well, this was kindly provided by a certain 'enthusiastic citizen'. "

The visitor, Fang Yuan, said this.

Yes, he didn't lie. He learned about Sumire Muroto's seclusion place from Hiroko Yin's mouth.

As one of the surviving Cyborg soldiers in the New Human Creation Project, it was naturally impossible for Zizi Yingyin not to pay attention to one of the four sages who led the project. During his time in Tokyo, he had already made clear the secrets of the chamber. Tosumire's hiding place.

Of course, after confirming that Sumire Muroto is no longer involved in any government-related projects, Hiroko Kageyin did not go to trouble her - what he wants to revenge is this sick world, not a completely guilty person. The reclusive scientist.

')428'\u003eChapter 427 Bait and deal, formal meeting with the hero

"...So, you are looking for me because you want to obtain research information on gastrea?" After patiently listening to Fang Yuan's request, Sumire Muroto brushed back her messy long hair that covered half of her face. Narrowing his eyes: "Why do you think I will give you the information like this?!" "Based on this!" After the words fell, Fang Yuan flicked his finger. Under the control of his micro-level power, huge power was condensed in The small fingers hit the air with extremely high speed and special frequency, and a finger wind as sharp as a sword suddenly popped out.

With a "swift" sound, the finger wind brushed against Sumire Muroto's mouth and cut off the bamboo stick in her hand. Then, without stopping, it shot directly at the opposite wall. Quietly, a hole as thin as a finger appeared in the brick. Wall made of stone.

"..." Sumire Muroto looked down at the taro that had fallen on the clothes, then looked up at the hole in the wall behind her. After two seconds of silence, she turned to look at Fang Yuan with wary eyes and said, "You Are you a reformer? "Who sent you here?" Without waiting for Fang Yuan to answer, she sneered: "Huh! Do you think you can make me surrender with this kind of power?" The kind of frail little woman commonly seen in Hollywood plots is instead a perverted female scientist who can eat dark food next to a corpse without changing her expression. She also has a strong misanthropic tendency towards the death of her lover, and is generally violent. It's really impossible to threaten her.

But... "I think you misunderstood!" Fang Yuan smiled and said: "I am not threatening you, and I am not a reformer. I just showed you the special power I possess - As a pure human, gain power beyond that of gastrea!" Fang Yuan threw down the bait.

"Not a modified person...a pure human being?" Sumire Muroto looked up and down Fang Yuan's body, her face full of disbelief.

"If you don't believe it, you can use X-rays or something. There are absolutely no messy mechanical parts in my body!" Fang Yuan increased the amount of bait.

"..." Sumire Muroto was silent for a few seconds again, and then said: "Follow me!" Then she turned and walked towards the corner of the room - there was a portable X-ray imaging machine there.

... Ten minutes later, not only was it confirmed that there were indeed no artificial parts in Fang Yuan's body, but Fang Yuan's strength and physical strength were also tested.

When she saw the completely unscientific test data in front of her, Sumire Muroto looked at the uninvited man: "It's unbelievable. Just an ordinary human being can actually reach this level? Are you really not the same person as me?" Are the cursed children also infected with the gastroenterovirus? "Oh, what do you think?" Fang Yuan asked.

"..." Of course Muroto Sumire knew this was impossible.

In the ten years since the emergence of gasterozoa, it is naturally impossible that no one has studied the combination of gastroenterovirus and humans.

But like all victims of gastroenterovirus infection that mutated into gastruli, all such experiments failed.

The only way in the world that can create proto-human beings that can fight gastrea is "embryo infection," which is how those "cursed children" are born.

Children born in this way can indeed possess power that far exceeds that of ordinary humans. The strongest among them can even face off against the Stage V "Zodiacs" and even defeat them.

But those who can be "lucky" to obtain this extraordinary power can only be women, and counting from the time when gasterozoa were first "discovered", these girls cannot be more than 10 years old.

The man in front of him did not meet this standard in terms of gender or age.

In other words, either some kind of transcendent biotechnology has emerged in the world, successfully achieving the safe implantation of gastroenterovirus in adults, or, as Fang Yuan said, this is another different kind of surgery. Supernatural power based on conventional cognition.

If it is the former, although Sumire Muroto has long since faded out of the research community, she still maintains her focus on the development of related technologies.

If there is a force that has developed this level of biotechnology, she couldn't have not heard anything about it.

Then the conclusion is very simple. Even if it sounds ridiculous, after eliminating all the wrong options, the only one left is the correct answer - this is indeed some kind of extraordinary power that she doesn't know!   "Tell me, what kind of power is this? I can give you any information you want!"  The fish is hooked!   ...  A few days later.

Still in this basement, another uninvited guest came to the door.

Well, it shouldn't be called "uninvited guest". Judging from the familiar attitude of the visitor, it is obvious that he is a frequent visitor here.

"Doctor, are you there?"  Pushing open the half-open basement door, the boy tiptoed into this place that made him feel very uncomfortable.

- Although it was not the first time he came here, under the bad living habits of that sloppy doctor, it was always filled with the indescribable smell of corpses and disinfectant, and he couldn't get used to it.

I can't imagine how the ultimate doctor who is always sloppy and stays at home can live in such a place for so many years. If it's him, staying here for three consecutive days is the limit. If it's longer, he will definitely develop a mental illness!   While complaining in his heart, the boy walked down the stairs and finally came to the room.

But this time, he unexpectedly found the second living person in the room besides the doctor.

"Who are you——?"   Seeing the stranger in front of him flipping through a stack of documents, out of professional habitual vigilance, the boy quietly put his right hand behind his waist, where he could easily pull out a pistol.

"Oh? Are you looking for Muroto Sumire?" The man, Fang Yuan, put down the information in his hand, raised his head and looked at the boy in front of him, and recognized his identity at a glance-it was the protagonist, Rentaro Satomi, who had only seen a back figure before.

Fang Yuan's gaze paused slightly on the other person's left eye, right hand, and right leg. He didn't see anything abnormal from the outside. He couldn't help but sigh again at the artificial prosthetic technology in this world - it's almost as good as my technology... Ahem, okay, let's not talk about Fang Yuan's bragging.

Just as Fang Yuan was looking at the so-called "male protagonist" in this world, Muroto Sumire finally heard the noise and walked out from the inner room while scratching her messy hair.

"Oh, it's Rentaro! Eh, you're alone today? Didn't Enju come with you?" The third update is complete')429'\u003eChapter 428 Rentaro's consultation, slightly changed plot

"'s not time to check the erosion rate yet, so I came alone..." Satomi Rentaro scratched his hair, said a little embarrassedly, then looked in Fang Yuan's direction with a puzzled look and asked: "Who is this...?" "Ah~ Don't worry about him, just think he's staying here for free!" Muroto Sumire waved her hand and said with disgust.

"...Free, free?" Satomi Rentaro looked at the mess in the basement, especially the various corpses that had been embalmed, and felt a little confused.

Is there anyone who wants to live in such a place? Turning his head to look at Fang Yuan who had been silent, seeing his strong and perfect body, and then looking back at the sloppy doctor, Rentaro suddenly had a bold guess in his mind - could there be something between these two people! Yes, if you ignore the dirty white coat on Muroto Sumire and comb her hair, she is still a beauty with more than 90 points in appearance and figure. After staying in this dark basement for a long time, it is not impossible to find a strong man to relieve the loneliness... No, no, no! The boy immediately shook his head and threw away the increasingly unreliable thoughts in his mind.

Rentaro Satomi has known Dr. Muroto Sumire for a long time, and naturally knows what kind of person she is. This is a perverted woman who can spend the night with corpses. Let alone a boyfriend, she doesn't even have a sex partner - in fact, there is no man in the world who can accept living with such a woman! According to common sense, this strange man should be a pure guest, or a "client" like him? Rentaro thought of his artificial limbs and eyes hidden under the camouflage skin, and couldn't help but look at Fang Yuan, looking at him again, wondering which parts of his body were artificial... "Okay, forget about that guy, let's talk about your business. What's the matter with you this time?" Muroto Sumire waved her hand and turned Satomi Rentaro's attention back.

"Uh, no, not..." The boy came back to his senses, and then immediately shook his head, indicating that his prosthesis was normal.

"I just have some doubts, and I hope to get your answer... Just a few days ago, during the commission, I met a strange person at the scene of a case related to protostomes..." Satomi Rentaro said hesitantly, as if considering whether to say the next words.

"A strange person?" The half of Sumire Muroto's brow that was not covered by her long hair raised her eyebrows, and she became slightly interested: "How 'strange' is that?" "Well, a person who claims to destroy the world... ...He seems to be a reformed person like me, and the degree of reformation is much deeper than mine. Even his neck was twisted 180 degrees without any damage...I am a little concerned about this person, and I would like to ask the doctor to help investigate this. person’s identity.”

Satomi Rentaro expressed his request.

"Huh?" Fang Yuan, who was listening on the other side, raised his head in surprise.

If he remembered correctly, Satomi Rentaro should be talking about Hiroko Kageyin. In the first episode of the anime, the first meeting of the two people was just like what Rentaro said - after a brief fight, although Rentaro relied on his Tendo's fighting skills won a move, and he kicked Hiroko Yingyin's neck and twisted it 180 degrees, but then the opponent broke the broken neck back with his hands as if it was nothing, and then left calmly. .

However, the original plot was followed by a battle with a spider-type gastrula that had just been infected and transformed. Rentaro didn't take Hiruko Kage Yin's matter to heart at all, and came to Sumire Muroto just to consult with that person. The thing about gastrea, but now... Is this the butterfly effect that occurred because of Fang Yuan's arrival? Or maybe the previous plot development was different from what Fang Yuan remembered? "Oh~~ My neck was twisted 180 degrees and I was still unscathed... Does that mean that the spine starting from the cervical vertebra has been modified..." Just listening to Rentaro's description, Sumire Muroto judged a lot of information. .

You know, although the human body mechanization technology in this world is powerful, it is not so dark that it is too exaggerated.

Compared with Rentaro Satomi's surgery, which only involves mechanical replacement of limbs and eyeballs, it is much more difficult to transform the central nervous system such as the spinal cord.

And unlike organs such as the limbs and eyeballs that are "less important" compared to the entire body, the spinal cord is the part of the central nervous system responsible for controlling most low-level reflexes, and its functions are closely related to most of the internal organs of the human body. Once the spinal cord is mechanically replaced, the major organs of the human body must also be synchronously transformed.

In other words, the person Rentaro was talking about had not only his spine transformed into an artificial mechanical organ, but most of his internal organs should also have been transformed.

Transformers of this level were rare when Sumire Muroto was in charge of the New Human Creation Project. It was usually soldiers who were dying on the battlefield or volunteers who had no choice but to choose this path.

Several names quickly flashed through her mind, all of which were subjects she knew who had undergone this kind of transformation surgery. She didn't know which one Rentaro had encountered... "Well, I probably know the situation. I will help you pay attention in the future... But from your description, the other party is a madman who wants to 'destroy the world'. I'm afraid he will jump out on his own without us investigating!" The world's top mind who read all the books in the library in three days, Sumire Muroto not only has the world's top attainments in gastrea and mechanized transformation of the human body, but also has considerable achievements in human psychology.

For those anti-social and anti-human psychopathic thinking patterns, even if she has not met him in person, but only heard Rentaro's verbal description, she can give a preliminary psychological profile, and intuitively concluded, "The other person must still be there." will jump out again" conclusion.

"I hope so... But the other party's behavior seems to have no bottom line. Even the police will kill him whenever he says. I really don't know how many casualties he will cause the next time he appears..." Satomi Rentaro smiled bitterly and shook his head. Shaking his head, he didn't know for a moment whether he should expect the other party to jump out and cause trouble, or whether he should expect the other party to continue hiding like this.

Seeing this, the doctor who had known the boy for a long time had to sigh and said: "You kid, you are really too kind..."')430'\u003eChapter 429: A world not worth saving

After sending away Satomi Rentaro, who came and left in a hurry, Muroto Sumire turned to look at Fang Yuan, who had been pretending to be invisible and kept silent from beginning to end.

"Judging from your expression just now, you shouldn't be the one who knows what Rentaro is talking about, right?" Sumire Muroto asked this question.

She had noticed before that when Rentaro Satomi talked about the strange reformed person, the expression on Fang Yuan's face changed somewhat.

She could see clearly that this was not the curiosity that ordinary people would show after hearing such news, but an... unexpected feeling.

So the question is, what is he surprised about? Thinking of the problem of Fang Yuan’s unknown origin, Sumire Muroto suddenly speculated in her mind. Could it be that this guy has something to do with the reformer... ‘Tsk, what is this, a cold reading skill? Or a woman’s intuition? ’ Fang Yuan didn’t expect that Sumire Muroto would see some clues from just a slight change in his expression.

Fortunately, there was no need for him to hide this matter, so he directly told the story of his encounter with Zhizi Yingyin and his daughter.

"Well, didn't you tell me when we first met? I got information about you from a certain 'enthusiastic citizen', that is, Hiroko Shadow Yin!" After listening to Fang Yuan's story, Sumire Muroto There was a moment of silence.

What does "enthusiastic citizen" mean? This is obviously information obtained through torture, okay? "But you didn't kill him directly? I don't think you are such a soft-hearted person!" Sumire Muroto asked strangely when Fang Yuan did not take action against the father and daughter but left directly.

In the past few days of contact, Sumire Muroto also believed that she had a relatively comprehensive understanding of the character of the man in front of her.

Although he seems to be a very easy-going person at first glance, and his words are not very aggressive, the attitude of treating legal and moral constraints as nothing is clearly revealed in his words and deeds.

If such a person encounters another person who attacks him with murderous intent, his first reaction will definitely be to kill the other person directly.

The powerful power that Fang Yuan possesses at this time, according to Muroto Sumire's calculations, can already ignore ordinary modern armies, which also ensures that he is enough to carry out this attitude towards life.

But it seems strange that such a "strong man" in the standard sense spared the offender who tried to kill him.

"Hmm..." Regarding Sumire Muroto's question, Fang Yuan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "To be honest, after talking with this Hiroko Ying Yin, I don't think much about his ideal of 'destroying the world'. Rejection, and even some approval.”

Fang Yuan put down the information in his hand, sat upright while half-lying in the chair, and looked at the female doctor in front of him with a serious face: "In my opinion, the world has long been sick, terminally ill.

I'm not talking about the so-called gastroenterovirus and gasterozoa, but everything the humans in this world did after the gasterozoa war broke out, especially that group that was rejected and despised by everyone - the 'cursed children' … Even though we have to rely on the power to fight gastroenterates, we treat them as savage beasts, and even inflict hatred on gastroenterates on children who are basically innocent. This is a world where even I have to treat them. Desire for total destruction! ...You, understand what I mean! "Looking at Fang Yuan's serious eyes, Sumire Muroto remained silent and did not speak.

Of course she understands. As one of the smartest people in the world, how could she not see the problems the world is facing now? It is precisely because she has seen through the ugly nature of this world that as one of the world-renowned "Four Sages", she gave up all fame and interests and was willing to live in seclusion in such a small basement, socializing with the crowd every day and night. Isolated, only accessible to a few people who are accepted by her.

"...So, do you also think that humans should be destroyed by gastrea?" After a long time, Sumire Muroto asked the last question.

She had to ask this question, because compared to the corrupted human world outside, her hatred for the gastrea was even greater than it - because they took away her lover.

If Fang Yuan is on the side of the gastrea... then I'm sorry, although she is also interested in the unknown supernatural power in Fang Yuan's hands, she has to end her cooperation with him.

"No, irrational monsters are not qualified to destroy humans.

However, if they are rational beings and have the stand to take revenge on humans, if they destroy human civilization with their own will, then I think humans in this world deserve it! " Needless to say, the "them" mentioned by Fang Yuan are those "cursed children".

His attitude is very clear. He does not agree with monsters dominated by bestiality and chaos massacring humans, but he does agree with the oppressed among humans taking revenge of their own will.

In fact, Sumire Muroto believed that if the time came, the man in front of her might personally take action to promote the revenge process! If those little girls really managed to live to adulthood and made the decision to take revenge on humans, maybe she would... also accept her fate! Sumire Muroto sighed, not wanting to talk about these things anymore, and turned around and walked into the inner room to continue her research - Fang Yuan gave her some information about the so-called "extraordinary power", and she was planning to start researching it now.

... Looking at Sumire Muroto walking into the basement, Fang Yuan shook his head, picked up the materials he had put down before, and continued to read.

Everything he said before was serious.

If the "cursed children" of this world think that they want to take revenge on this world after gaining a mature outlook on life, Fang Yuan will naturally be happy to see this scene.

In fact, even if these little girls who are often too naive and too kind are unwilling to take revenge on humans, Fang Yuan will find ways to push them to change in this direction.

——The human society in this world is really disgusting to him! In an ancient Chinese proverb, for those who do not know how to be grateful, there is a saying that "pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl to curse", but the vast majority of ordinary people in this world have already reached the point of "pick up the bowl to eat, put down the bowl to curse" It’s so outrageous! And the people who hold this attitude are not the so-called elite few, but almost everyone from the top of the ruling class to the lower classes who make up the vast majority of the population hold this attitude.

This kind of human civilization that is rotten from the foundation is not worth saving! ')431'\u003eChapter 430: The hope of unlocking extraordinary power \u0026 the beginning of the "Legacy of the Seven Stars" incident

Of course, although the idea is good, Fang Yuan still has an urgent problem that needs to be solved.

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