——That's how to restore his power.

Although at this stage, he has gained indestructible physical strength and invincible strength by integrating the mental world into the physical body, his current power can only be used for pure destruction, and he can no longer achieve his goals through creation as before. Purpose.

Especially in this biochemical apocalypse world, an alchemy that can modify the composition of molecules is much more useful than an invincible divine power.

Unfortunately, the Gate of Truth in his mind was deprived of him, and the alchemy and alchemy techniques that originally relied on the power of the Gate of Truth could no longer be used.

Several other extraordinary powers that could also replace alchemy to a limited extent also encountered the problem of being unable to interfere outside the body, and could not directly affect anything except his body.

In this way, even though he has countless knowledge in his mind that can subvert the world, without enough supplies and equipment, "a clever woman cannot make a meal without rice" is the best portrayal of him.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan was lucky enough to discover that this world was not completely devoid of any extraordinary power.

Needless to say, there are various kinds of supernormal powers of the gasterozoa and the "cursed children" who possess the genes of the gastrea.

In fact, among the ordinary people in this world, there are also very few strong people with unusual strength.

For example, the "second female" in this world, Miss Tendou Mudai, is a sword demon who is passed down by the Tendo family in the art of drawing swords. She is so skilled that she can cut off objects ten meters in front of the blade. Her own "Tendou Drawing Skill" "Sword Skill Type Zero" even possesses the terrifying power to destroy stage four gastrea in one blow.

Not to mention anything else, the "sword energy" that can be used to virtually chop objects ten meters away with one hand is definitely not a power that ordinary humans can possess.

Perhaps humans in this world do not have any supernatural powers such as internal energy, true energy, magic, and magic, but this kind of power that is sublimated from the fusion of energy, will, mind, and skills is only a piece of paper away from the real supernatural power. .

Fang Yuan believed that if he could learn more about this information, he might be able to get inspiration from it, transform his strength into extraordinary power that conforms to the rules of this world, and completely unlock his own power.

... After Fang Yuan read the last research information on gastroenterovirus.

"It seems that I still have to get in touch with those so-called 'protagonists'..." By this time, Fang Yuan had already decided to leave - anyway, he had obtained the necessary information from Sumire Muroto, about the original He already knew enough about enterozoans and gastroenteroviruses.

Going deeper, even a genius scientist like Sumire Muroto knows very little about the origin of gastrula and the detailed mechanism that leads to genetic mutation. She can't help Fang Yuan much by staying here any longer.

It's time to obtain the power information that is closest to the supernatural power in this world! "..."Tiando Civilian Security Company...is this here?" Fang Yuan had already left the eerie basement of the hospital and came to a building that looked to be quite old.

Looking at the billboard hanging on the wall outside the building, Fang Yuan showed a subtle expression on his face.

"The first floor is a gay bar, the second floor is a nightclub, and the fourth floor is a loan shark company? No wonder this police company can't attract business..." Fang Yuan complained about the terrible office address of the company where the protagonist group is located. With a murderous look on his face, he pushed back the sissy waiter who was looking at him eagerly as he tried to recruit him into the gay bar, and walked up the stairs on the side of the building towards his destination on the third floor.

"Huh? Not here?" What surprised Fang Yuan was that it was obviously working time, but the door of the office with the sign "Tendou Civilian Security Company" was locked at this time. The only thing Fang Yuan could release from his body was In the mental induction, there was no sign of any living activity behind the door.

"Did the group go out? Was it a mission, or..." Fang Yuan thought of the first major event in the original plot, a large-scale mission convened by the Ministry of Defense and personally issued by Emperor Sheng - to search for gastral intestines in Tokyo. "Legacy of the Seven Stars" Devoured by Animals.

Could it be such a coincidence that when he thought of coming here to visit, it happened to be the time when the plot happened? ​​…At this moment, in the meeting room of the Ministry of Defense.

The ruler of Tokyo District, "Holy Emperor", has just issued a commission to all the police companies in the area through a remote video call to "search for the invading gasterozoans and recapture the boxes fused by the gasterozoans."

The reward for this commission is an unprecedented 1 billion yen! Just when Tiandong Mu was questioning the ridiculously high bounty given for such a simple task, and wondering if there was any major risk hidden in the stolen box, there was a sound of ridicule. Laughter, a madman wearing a mask, Zhizi Yingyin appeared on the scene.

I didn't know when he was sitting in the seat of the representative of the police company who was absent for some reason, with his legs resting on the conference table, and his posture was particularly arrogant. More importantly, no one knew how he entered. of this conference room! At this time, Zhizi Yingyin could no longer see the embarrassment he had when he was captured by Fang Yuan's broken arm. He didn't know where he got the support from, and his broken arm had been completely repaired.

When he stood up from a lying position to the conference table without any support as if he was anti-gravity, with his masked magician costume, coupled with his mysterious appearance and arrogant attitude, a villain boss style immediately came to his face.

"I am Hiruko, Hiruko Kagetsu, this is the first time I meet you, your incompetent head of state!" The man who intended to destroy the world gave an exaggerated Western-style bow and reported his name in front of everyone.

Ka——Rentaro Satomi, who had fought with Hiruko Kagetsu personally, was the first to react. He pulled out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the dangerous person in front of him.

"Where did you come in from?!" The boy asked the question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Of course I walked in through the gate openly! However, those flies that came over were all killed by me!" Hiruko Kagetsu spoke about the bloody killing he had just created as if he was really talking about "how many flies were killed today".

Suddenly, the crowd in the conference room began to stir.

Then, he called her daughter, Kobinai, to show their identities as the initiator and promoter, and also expressed his intention to join the "competition" to regain the "legacy of the Seven Stars".

Well, I won't spend too much time describing the following plot. In short, Hiruko Yingyin played a "Shinra Tensei" with his repulsive force field, pretending to be awesome, and killed a large number of people with the bullets fired by the police. Finally, after leaving a sentence "Despair, the day of extinction is near", he jumped out of the window and left leisurely.

To be honest, although the officials and police officers who were still alive in the conference room were shocked by Hiruko Yingyin's performance, in fact, this guy himself was also very nervous.

——The last time he was defeated by Fang Yuan with brute force and defense, he put a lot of psychological pressure on him, fearing that there would be a police officer in this conference room who was equally strong and abnormal.

Fortunately, in the end, everything went as he planned. These so-called "policemen" were indeed a bunch of weaklings, none of whom could fight, allowing him to successfully pretend to be powerful.

I hope that I won't run into that scary guy again in this operation... The third update is completed')432'\u003eChapter 431 Fang Yuan's "greeting"

"Is it really here..." Standing on the roof of a tall building, Fang Yuan leaned over and looked at the father and daughter of Hiruko Yingyin who disappeared into the narrow alley after a few jumps below, and then looked up at a building opposite with a big hole in the wall glass. He understood in his heart that it seemed that the plot had indeed developed to this point.

Through the broken glass window, with Fang Yuan's eyesight, he could even see the bloody scene of the "corpses" on the floor of the conference room inside.

Of course, the male and female protagonists who were still in the conference room at this time naturally fell into Fang Yuan's eyes.

"Well, it's better to arrive early than to arrive early, so let's go and say hello to them!" After muttering to himself, Fang Yuan just pretended to jump up lightly, but the next moment, the unparalleled power that far exceeded the human limit by who knows how many times made him instantly jump to a height of hundreds of meters, diagonally crossing a distance of thousands of meters, flying from the distant roof to the outside of the building where the Ministry of Defense is located.

Boom--! ! !   With a loud bang, under the stunned eyes of Rentaro and others who had just escaped from the massacre of Hiruko Yingyin, a figure broke through the few remaining pieces of glass and jumped in from the sky outside the window.

Bang--!   The person landed heavily on the ground, and everyone in the conference room, and even all the living people in the entire building, felt the vibration of the ground. Under the control of Fang Yuan's subtle power, the huge power he brought from the sky was evenly distributed throughout the building, and even the floor tiles where he landed were not damaged at all.

Ka La - When this intruder who was more arrogant than Hiruko Kagetsu stood up on the ground with broken glass and turned to face the people in the conference room, Satomi Rentaro suddenly showed a surprised expression: "What..." Tendou Mugen, who was protected by Satomi Rentaro, noticed his abnormality and immediately asked: "Satomi-kun, do you know him?" "..." Satomi Rentaro hesitated for half a second, and finally whispered in Tendou Mugen's ear: "I have seen this man at the doctor's place. He seems to be a guest of the doctor, but I don't know his name and identity..." "Dr. Muroto Sumire?" The girl president with long black hair raised her beautiful eyebrows, a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, she felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

- After all, it was that strange woman, no matter what strange man she knew, it was not surprising.

However, even knowing this, neither Tendo Kimura nor Satomi Rentaro lowered their guard - the person that the otaku doctor knew might not necessarily be a good person, not to mention the extremely arrogant entrance of the man in front of them, he certainly didn't look like a good person.

Not to mention the other police officers and initiators who were still alive, each of them took a vigilant posture, staring at Fang Yuan's movements with their eyes, and staring at the other party's vital points with the muzzle of their guns, as if they were about to pull the trigger in the next moment.

But although everyone was holding a gun, no one dared to attack directly - they had just suffered a great loss from Yingyin, what if this guy who didn't look like an ordinary human also had that "repulsive force field"?   Just when everyone was on high alert, but did not dare to act rashly, the Holy Son of Heaven who had not yet disconnected on the big screen spoke:  "Excuse me, who are you? Are you also a police officer who wants to participate in this commission?"  Fang Yuan glanced at the silver-haired girl on the big screen who looked more like a girl next door than a head of state, and said in a tone that did not hear any respect: "My business has nothing to do with you, the puppet head of state, just watch from the side!"  "Bold! You guy..."  Someone at the scene immediately wanted to scold angrily. Looking at the red face, he was really a crazy fan of this so-called "Holy Son of Heaven".

However, when Fang Yuan turned his head and was glared at by him with his cold eyes that were as solid as substance, this weakling who wanted to show off in front of the Holy Emperor was immediately frightened and could not utter a word. Then he covered his chest with a look of pain, as if he had a heart attack, and fell to the ground.

"Eye Sword Technique!" Seeing this scene, Tendo Mu couldn't help but cry out.

As a sword ghost-level master of the Tendou Ryumen Kyōkaiden, she naturally knew that there were techniques in martial arts such as "witnessing" and "eye sword" to intimidate the enemy with eyes.

But even among the martial arts masters from various countries she knew, being able to scare the enemy away with eyes was already a great master, and being able to cause the enemy's cardiac arrest and shock with eyes like Fang Yuan just did, this was already a mythical achievement!   In fact, Fang Yuan was also a little confused when he saw the unlucky guy fall to the ground like a heart attack.

Just when he was staring at the other person, he subconsciously released some mental power - this was the only power among the many extraordinary powers in his body that could directly spread outside the body - and oppressed the other person's mind through his sight, but he didn't expect to get such a good effect.

After hearing Tendo Mugen's whispered exclamation, he understood that it seemed that there were indeed similar mental power application techniques in the martial arts inheritance of this world, and the application of mental power could be said to be the basic premise for the birth of most extraordinary powers. His previous thinking was indeed correct!   This made him turn his attention to the black straight figure that was firmly blocked behind Satomi Rentaro:  "Are you Tendo Mugen?"  Although it was a question, Fang Yuan's tone was full of certainty.

Although there is a huge gap between the second dimension and the third dimension, the attributes of the long black hair, giant cat, and sailor skirt, plus being with the male protagonist Satomi Rentaro, directly allowed Fang Yuan to confirm the other party's identity.

"It's me!" The black-haired girl president walked out from behind the members, exuding a fierce aura and standing in front of Fang Yuan. She was not afraid that the person in front of her was a dangerous person who could "kill" the enemy with just her eyes: "Are you here to see me?" "Yes, that's right!" Fang Yuan nodded, looked him up and down, and then said: "I'll be frank, I'm very interested in your Tendo-ryu sword-drawing technique, this time I came here just to see its power!" "Sword-drawing technique..." Whether it was Rentaro Satomi or the others present, they were all very surprised by what Fang Yuan said.

Just now, he appeared with such a fierce and arrogant momentum, and ignored the majesty of the Holy Emperor, calling him a "puppet leader" with contempt, with a full villain aura, but he came here just to see a little girl's "Tendo-ryu sword-drawing technique"? ! What an outrageous development! At this moment, the old man who had been standing behind the Holy Emperor in the video call and had not spoken even when he was called in a contemptuous tone, finally couldn't help but speak: "Boy, are you coveting the swordsmanship of my Tiantong family?!"')433'\u003eChapter 432 Come, here is your knife...

"Boy, are you coveting the swordsmanship of my Tiantong family?!" Facing the questioning of the old man, that is, Tiantong Kikunojo, who was questioned with the momentum of being in a high position for a long time, Fang Yuan just glanced at him sideways as he did before with the Holy Emperor, and then completely ignored him.

However, Tendo Mu, who is also a member of the Tendo family, reacted more strongly: "Hmph! Old man, don't confuse my swordsmanship with your Tendo family's swordsmanship! Tendo Sword Drawing Technique Zero is my own swordsmanship, and has nothing to do with your Tendo family!" The black-haired girl looked at the old man on the video call with hatred, and ruthlessly separated herself from the Tendo family, even strictly distinguishing the swordsmanship used.

"Tendo..." Seeing that his president and his benefactor were so incompatible, Satomi Rentaro was very worried, but he didn't know what to say from his position, so he could only raise his hand awkwardly, and finally put it down helplessly.

After seeing this scene, the police and initiators next to them relaxed their guard thoughtfully, and began to watch the "family ethics drama" in front of them with interest, and they all watched it with relish.

It turns out that President Tendo, who looks like a high school girl, is really a member of the wealthy Tendo family in Tokyo, and he seems to have a huge conflict with the family... What a show! However, the cunning and cunning Tendou Kisaragi would not let the conflicts within his family be exposed to outsiders, so he did not respond to Tendou Kisara's words at all, but looked directly at Fang Yuan through the screen and said: "Anyway, Tendou Kisara's The last name is still 'Tendou', what you said before is equivalent to declaring war on the Tendo family! Do you know what you are doing?" Jiji Waiwai looked at the other side of the screen, trying to scare him with the aura of a superior. After retreating from his old man, Fang Yuan frowned impatiently: "I'm talking to Tendong Mu Geng, what are you talking about there, old man? If you have the guts, just come to me by yourself. Only if you can meet me face to face." You are qualified to speak!" After saying that, without waiting for the other party to respond, he kicked a piece of broken glass off the ground and hit the large screen that was still running tenaciously even after being hit by several bullets.

Under Fang Yuan's special force method, the glass fragments did not directly penetrate the screen like the previous bullets. Instead, like a heavy hammer, the huge concussive force spread from the impact point to the surroundings, instantly destroying the entire LCD screen.

After that, the remaining power continued to spread to the wall behind the screen, breaking all the buried pipelines inside it, completely destroying all signal transmission of the video call.

"..." As one who can be said to have the highest level of martial arts cultivation among the people present, Tendo Mugen could see at a glance what was hidden in Fang Yuan's seemingly careless strike, coupled with the previous "eye sword" "" technique, Fang Yuan was immediately regarded as an unparalleled martial arts master.

However, Rentaro Satomi and the other police officers and initiates who were watching may be quite powerful, but their martial arts skills are far inferior to those of Tendo Kidara. Basically, they can only be regarded as amateurs, so naturally they can only watch the fun. .

"Well, my Tendo Batojutsu Type Zero does not belong to the Tendo family, and there is no rule against spreading it to anyone. Since you want to see it, I won't be stingy."

Probably because Fang Yuan mercilessly attacked Tendo Kikunojo, Tendo Kisara's senses about him suddenly improved.

Coupled with Fang Yuan's series of words and deeds since his appearance, she directly defined him as a martial arts idiot in her heart, so she didn't mind exchanging martial arts and swordsmanship with such a strong man.

But... "But, I don't have a knife in my hand now!" Tendomu said this.

Although it was said that he wanted to communicate, Tendou Mugen could not directly show the swordsmanship secrets to the other party, but wanted to fight with real swords and guns - for martial artists, this is the most suitable means of communication! But here’s the problem—she came to the Ministry of Defense for a meeting today, but she didn’t bring her saber with her! "If I don't have a sword... then how about a wooden sword?" Hearing Tendou Kisara's answer, Fang Yuan carefully looked at this girl who was only a high school student again, and asked after thinking about it for a while.

"...It's not impossible to use a wooden sword... After all, to be more confident, my sword-drawing skills are not much different whether I use a real sword or a wooden sword! But... you don't seem to have a wooden sword with you, right?" Regarding his sword skills, Tendo Kisara was still very confident, but she looked left and right and didn't find anything like a knife on Fang Yuan.

"There's no need to carry it with you, just make one on the spot!" Fang Yuan said.

"Eh?" Tendou Mu was a little surprised, and Satomi Rentaro and others even looked at each other.

Make one on the spot? What's the meaning? ​Is a wooden sword carved out of wood on site? Rentaro Satomi, who once learned sculpture from Tendo Kikunochori, suddenly became interested. Could it be that this madman in front of him, who seemed to be a martial arts fanatic, was also a sculptor? But the next moment, everyone knew what Fang Yuan meant by "doing it on the spot".

I saw him walking up to the wooden conference table, first tapping the table with his fingers, making a "bang bang" sound, and then suddenly slamming his palm down, accompanied by a dull sound and a minimal vibration. The next moment, The area of ​​the tabletop that was hit by Fang Yuan's palm, about three feet long, collapsed like gravel and turned into extremely fine wood chips.

"This is..." "Are you kidding..." "How is it possible..." Everyone in the conference room took a breath of air and exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Because, among the sawdust there, a wooden knife about three feet long suddenly appeared! "..." Others who didn't understand martial arts were so shocked. As a warrior, Tendou Bizara was naturally even more shocked, no, it should be said to be horrified - is this something martial arts can do? ! To be honest, before Fang Yuan showed this move, Tendo Mugen was still a little eager to try. For her who had almost no way to participate in real battles, there were not many opportunities to fight with martial arts experts of the same level! But... the person in front of me is no longer a dimensional being at all! ! ! "This... Your Excellency, you are already so strong, but you are still interested in my sword-drawing technique?" Tendou Kisara, who had originally planned to have a real sparring match, couldn't help but retreat in his heart. ——This is not cowardice, but taking responsibility for your own life! Besides, facing a pervert-level strongman who can "shock" a wooden sword with just one palm of his hand, there's nothing wrong with being cowardly! ')434'\u003eChapter 433: The Sword Demon Girl's Sword Drawing

"There is something in your sword-drawing technique that interests me, and it has nothing to do with the strength between you and me."

Fang Yuan responded to Tendo Mugen's question like this.

Yes, according to common sense, Fang Yuan is much stronger than Tendongmu from any perspective. It seems that there is no need to learn some weak skills from a "weak chicken" like her.

Even with the so-called "Air Sword Qi", Fang Yuan's finger wind that he can pop out with his fingers can achieve the same or even stronger effect.

But this was essentially done by Fang Yuan with the help of a force that was thousands of times stronger than that of ordinary humans. And Tendong Mugen, a disabled person with a mutilated body and damaged internal organs, actually relied solely on such a weak body. Similar effects can be achieved with swordsmanship skills, and there is naturally something Fang Yuan can learn from them.

What's more, what Fang Yuan wants to see is not just Tendo Kisara's swordsmanship - "Pick up the sword and attack me. Let me see how strong your self-made sword drawing technique is!" Fang Yuanshi He picked up the wooden knife on the ground and threw it to Tendo Kisara.

The girl with long black hair caught the wooden knife flying through the air, waved it casually, and then put it in her hand to look at it carefully.

She discovered that although this knife was only "carved" from a conference table, its quality was no worse than real wooden knives sold on the market.

The toughness, texture, center of gravity, and even the feel of the wood are all top-notch. At least there is no problem in supporting her sword skills.

——Fang Yuan knocked on the table twice before, just to find the part of the wood of the conference table with the most suitable texture for making a wooden knife. Coupled with his micro-level power control, the wooden knife created will naturally not be Defective goods.

Looking at the puddle of wood chips on the ground that were finer than gravel, and then looking at the wooden knife in his hand, Tendo Mugen still couldn't believe it. This was really "shocked" out of the wood with one palm of a person's hand? ! Okay, the facts are right in front of you, even if Tendong Mu Sarada wants to believe it, there is nothing he can do.

Although the opponent she is about to fight is an extremely powerful person who is so powerful that it makes people despair, but with a sword in her hand, as the sword demon of Tendo-ryu Yunden, Tendo Kisara still regains her confidence as a swordsman - her swordsmanship. There is only one sword. After it is swung out, no matter whether it is victory or defeat, life or death, there will be no more swords.

On the one hand, it is because of the characteristics of her "drawing sword" swordsmanship, which emphasizes killing with one strike. On the other hand, her body does not allow it. Now that she is suffering from illness, with her physical strength, she can only Swing out a knife.

If it were a war with gastrea, it would be difficult for a swordsman like her who could only exert the power of one blow to survive on her own.

But if it was a one-on-one sword fight, she believed that not many people would be able to dodge her sword! Well, except for the perverted guy in front of me... When she thought of Fang Yuan's unscientific power, the confidence that Tendo Mugen had just accumulated leaked out like a deflated ball. Even her usual strength The heart of the sword, forged with the heart of revenge, was shaken.

——How should she fight a strong man of this level... As if he could see the uneasiness and shrinkage of the girl in front of him, Fang Yuan said very considerately: "Miss Tendou Kisara, there is no need to worry about your own life. I can assure you that in the coming battle I will not fight back, I will only defend passively.

So, do your best and wield your strongest sword at me! "(╬ ̄Van ̄)" A cross appeared on Tendo Kisara's forehead, and his expression suddenly darkened: "I can't fight back, I can only defend passively...Are you looking down on me?" ! "With these words, the good impression Tendou Mugen had just aroused from Fang Yuan because of his anger at Tendou Kiku no Cheng immediately disappeared without a trace.

As a swordsman, and also a very accomplished swordsman, who was awarded the "Excuse me", Tendong Mugen could even win the name of a "swordsman" in ancient times, and Fang Yuan's remarks were undoubtedly contemptuous of her. With her swordsmanship, how could she not be so popular?

Now, she no longer thinks about the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves. She only thinks about one thing now - let the arrogant and arrogant guy in front of her have a good look at her swordsmanship! Tendou Kisara, who had regained his spirit, came ten steps in front of Fang Yuan with a sword in his hand. The wooden sword was clipped on his left waist, holding the handle in his right hand and holding the sword in his left hand, just like a real sword in its scabbard.

This is the starting position for her to draw her sword.

Originally, the sword technique of drawing a sword to cut must use a real sword with a scabbard, otherwise it will not be able to exert its power at all.

But with Tendou Kisara's current swordsmanship, even with a wooden sword and without a scabbard, she could still exert 100% of the power of her swordsmanship.

Because the key to her swordsmanship does not lie in whether the blade is sharp or whether the scabbard can provide leverage during the process of drawing the sword.

What really matters is her skills, her will, and her soul - "Tendou..." Rentaro Satomi discovered that when Tendou Mugen put on this posture, her whole temperament changed.

It turns out that the poor young lady with a stubborn personality and a poisonous tongue has disappeared. What is standing here now is just a sword ghost who puts his heart, self, and everything on the sword! But Fang Yuan, who was standing opposite Tiantong Mu Geng, felt it even more clearly.

The moment the girl took a stance, he turned on all his senses. His vision, hearing, touch, and even sixth sense and mental power. Fang Yuan used all the observation methods he could use, focusing on On Tendo Kisara.

At this moment, he felt that the girl's body was slowly adjusting itself. The body that was originally weak due to kidney damage gradually abandoned its weak state and regained its full strength through the special breathing method and the movement of Qi and blood. The power of time - even if it is only a short moment.

What caught Fang Yuan's attention even more was the girl's spirit.

Fang Yuan could sense the spiritual power that was spreading outside. When Tendo Mu Geng was preparing to draw his sword, her spirit became calm in an instant, reflecting everything in the world like a mirror.

Not only that, Fang Yuan could even feel that Tendou Kisara's spirit was unconsciously integrated with the wooden sword in his hand, and it was like the "spiritual" awakening of the wooden sword itself that did not exist, and it spontaneously synchronized with the swordsman in charge of it. Coupled with the physical strength that gradually reaches its peak with the breathing method and the circulation of Qi and blood - at this moment, Tendou Mugen's mind, body and sword merged into a whole, regardless of each other, and became a whole. The swordsman began to blend with the world outside his body and mind again.

——Although it was only for a moment, Tendou Mugen did reach the so-called "unity of nature and man" state in Taoism at this moment.

And at the moment when her body, mind, and spirit were adjusted to their optimal state, she took action! Third update completed') 435'\u003eChapter 434: Reaching the Dao with skills, the swordsmanship that touches the power of heaven and earth

When Tiandong Mugen actually drew the sword, the onlookers only saw a flash of cold light. A moment later, the girl had returned to the posture before drawing the sword.

"...Is this the end?" The people around looked at Fang Yuan, who was unharmed, and then at Tendou Kisara, who suddenly began to breathe out of exhaustion, and were a little confused - what just happened? No one, including Satomi Rentaro, could see clearly how the girl drew the sword and how she put it away.

In fact, a few policemen who were not very proficient in martial arts thought that Tendo Kisara was just pretending and was just bluffing! However, what happened in the next moment let them know that it was not that nothing happened, but that their eyesight was too poor to see it at all - they saw that the ceiling above Fang Yuan's head and the ground beneath his feet both bloomed at the same time. A thin crack, this crack is extremely straight, as if it was cut with the sharpest blade.

The two knife marks extended infinitely from the middle to both ends. People present could even faintly feel that the floor support of the entire conference room seemed to have been cut off. The group could not help but hurry away from the area where the knife marks were located, for fear that the floor would collapse in the next moment. collapsed.

"This...is a joke!" Some people exclaimed in a low voice, especially the big policeman named Ikuma Shogun who had provoked Tendou Bizara before the meeting. At this time, he even broke out in cold sweat. Here it comes - if it had been him, he wouldn't have been able to react to the knife just now, and he would have died immediately! He actually provoked such a master before, regardless of life or death? ! Although the others were not as afraid as this guy, they all let go of their prejudices. The slight contempt they had for Tendo Kisara, the young president, completely disappeared, and they truly regarded her as a being of the same level. .

Of course, if everyone was amazed and admired by Tendo Mu Geng's performance, then their feelings towards Fang Yuan were like a cloud and a mountain covered with fog, and they couldn't tell the depth at all.

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