However, without an awakened EVA body as a buffer container, the probability of failure can be said to be over 99.9999%, and he would not do it unless it was absolutely necessary.

"But this can also be my bargaining chip, at least it will give me the capital to negotiate..." Ikari Yuantang thought in the elevator. With a bell ringing, the elevator door opened, and a passage appeared in front of Ikari Yuantang, and At the end of the passage is Lilith's seal.

However, when he opened the door to the sealed area after a series of complex identity verifications, he discovered that there was not only Lilith sealed behind the door, but also another uninvited guest.

"Are you... the humanoid apostle?" When Ikari Yuantang saw the figure in the room clearly, he immediately put on a defensive posture.

Yes, the one who appears here is Fang Yuan, who has not appeared in several chapters.

He was looking up to study Lilith's body. After hearing the movement of Ikari Yuantang, he turned around and said with a chuckle: "'Humanoid Apostle' or something, I think you don't believe it anymore. Right? Well, it’s no wonder. After all, I haven’t introduced myself. This kind of misunderstanding is inevitable... Now let me introduce myself formally. You can call me - 'Traveler' ”

"Traveler..." Ikari Yuantang narrowed his eyes slightly behind his brown sunglasses, thinking about the possible meaning behind this code name, and at the same time said tentatively: "Then this 'Traveler' sir, broke into our waiting NERV What's the purpose in this important place?" Although he was very anxious and there was Shinji Ikari behind him who might break into this place at any time, but in view of the huge power gap between him and the 'traveler' in front of him, he could only Suppress your thoughts.

What if the purpose of this 'traveler' conflicts with Shinji Ikari? If this is the case, then with the two tigers competing, he might have a chance to fish in troubled waters? "My purpose...just wait a moment. You will know after the last person who is due to come arrives."

As soon as Fang Yuan's words came out, Ikari Yuantang's heart immediately sank - listening to this tone, could the other party and Ikari Shinji be in the same group? No, no, no, we can’t be so arbitrary. Maybe the two of them just know each other. Maybe they had conflicts before? At this point, Ikari Yuantang can only comfort himself in this way.

However, at this moment, a loud bang sounded close at hand from behind the wall on the other side, and then a shining ring emerged from behind the wall, and a ring appeared on the high-strength composite wall. Very neat circular cuts.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the circular plate with scorching red light on the edge was pushed aside by the invisible force field. Unit 1, holding the Gun of Longinus, could not touch the ground. The ground flew out of the hole.

"Hey, Shinji-kun, you came much later than expected!" Fang Yuan greeted the young man standing above Unit 1 with familiarity.

"... I was delayed a little bit on the way and destroyed something... From now on, she will not have a replacement!" Although Shinji Ikari did not say what exactly was destroyed, who did that "she" refer to? It was not stated clearly, but Ikari Gendo immediately realized that the other party was referring to Ayanami Rei's clones! but why? Why do this now? ——The destruction of Ayanami Rei's clone body will not have much impact on Ikari Gendo's plan, at least not as much as the impact of Ikari Shinji's forced entry into the Final Dogma Zone at this time.

But how would he know? When Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami had a silent communication through the A.T. force field, he knew the other person's decision and understood that she also supported his choice like Kaoru Nagisa.

Therefore, Shinji Ikari returned the favor and destroyed those clones on the way down. Although this actually caused Ayanami Rei to lose a way out and reduced her ability to survive, it also made the girl become more like A real human being - this should be what she wants most! "Well, since you are here too, our agreement should be completed."

Compared to the complicated psychological activities of Shinji Ikari and Yuantang Ikari, Fang Yuan did not have those complicated thoughts, so he went straight to the point and talked about business.

"Ah, that's right. You help me resurrect my mother. I will give you Adam, Lilith, the Gun of Longinus, and all the EVA for you to take away and leave this world. This is our agreement. I will , just to complete all of this!" "Resurrection?" When he heard this word, Ikari Yuantang had no intention of listening to the rest of the words.

At this moment, only this word echoed in his heart, and at the same time he was full of doubts and disbelief - can resurrecting Ikari Wei... be really possible? Second update completed I had diarrhea all day today, and I really don’t have the energy to type, so that’s it...')525'\u003eChapter 524: Resurrection (4000+ big chapters, just the first update today)

Fang Yuan didn't care about Ikari Yuantang's shock and confusion after hearing the word "resurrection". He just asked Shinji Ikari who got off Unit 1: "What about the genetic material needed for resurrection? Found it?" "Here."

As Shinji Ikari said this, the shadow cast by his feet suddenly spread and turned into a dark circular surface. From this circular shadow, a cylindrical metal can more than thirty centimeters high gradually emerged.

——After a long period of practice, Shinji Ikari finally learned how to invert the A.T. force field to open up an imaginary space, and then he used his own shadow as a basis to create such a storage space.

Although among the apostles who appeared in this reincarnation, there was no Night Angel whose body was a shadow. However, as the apostle who once trapped Shinji Ikari and Unit-1 for more than ten hours and almost forced him to a dead end, Shinji Ikari is still the apostle. He was very impressed, so after he gained his current strength, he took the initiative to spend time researching and reproducing the skills of this apostle, which made his daily life a lot easier.

Getting back to the topic, the metal tank that Shinji Ikari took out was none other than the freezing tank that preserved Ikari Wei's original cell tissue.

He found this from the laboratory where he had cloned Ayanami Rei. Because of this, he arrived here much later than Fang Yuan expected.

"Very good, although I can refine a body without genetic material, but that way there is no way to ensure the match between the soul and the body... and directly use Ayanami Rei's clone as the body, rather You might feel awkward, so it's best!" Fang Yuan took the metal can, opened it, and took out a small tube of blood-red biological tissue from the can amid a burst of cold white mist.

In a burst of subtle forging lightning, this small piece of cell tissue that had been frozen solidly at ultra-low temperature was instantly thawed. Under Fang Yuan's meticulous operation, no cell loss was caused by the melting of ice crystals in the cells. It was almost perfect. The earth came back to life.

Fang Yuan shook the test tube in his hand and nodded, seemingly satisfied with the preservation condition of the genetic material sample, and then asked: "So, where are the other materials?" "Here."

The shadow under Shinji Ikari's feet instantly expanded again, and a huge glass jar slowly emerged from it, which was filled with orange liquid.

"Speaking of which..." Looking at the jar of "raw materials" brought over according to Fang Yuan's instructions, Shinji Ikari asked hesitantly: "Is it really okay to directly use LCL liquid to shape the body?" Although he himself has experienced this The experience of losing his body due to too high synchronization rate, and finally recovering his human form from the LCL liquid state by his own will, but when he saw that Fang Yuan really planned to use this thing as raw material to refine his mother's body At the time, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

——This feels like trying to resurrect his mother with bath water, no matter how you think about it, it’s awkward.

Well, the so-called LCL liquid is probably just like bath water in the eyes of EVA pilots... Fang Yuan didn't care how uncomfortable Shinji Ikari felt, he just said as an alchemist: "LCL liquid can be said to be the most suitable material for making carbon-based life. If you don't use this, you have to use 65% oxygen, 18% carbon, 10% hydrogen, and 3% nitrogen. 1.5% calcium, 1% phosphorus, 0.35% potassium, 0.25% sulfur, 0.15% U (anti-harmonic), 0.15% chlorine, 0.05% magnesium, 0.0004% iron, 0.00004% iodine, and Trace amounts of fluorine, silicon, manganese, zinc, copper, aluminum, arsenic and other elements, the things to prepare are much more complicated. Are you sure we want to waste time on this? " "...Okay, you are? Expert, I listen to you!" When Shinji Ikari heard that such a large list of different raw materials was needed, his head suddenly got bigger, and he finally had to suppress the awkward feeling in his heart and let Fang Yuan do what he wanted.

Since Shinji Ikari had no objection, Fang Yuan continued his work.

He casually crushed the test tube in his hand, and the small group of reactivated cell tissue was floating in the palm of his hand.

Then, he casually made a move, and the huge glass tank containing nearly a ton of LCL liquid broke open instantly, but the liquid inside did not flow to the ground, but was suspended in the air under the action of some kind of force, and Then a small group separated and came to Fang Yuan.

The next moment, Fang Yuan took a drop of cell tissue containing Ikari Wei's genetic gene and flicked it into the mass of LCL liquid. It entered the center of the liquid mass and looked like the nucleus in a cell.

But what he was imitating was actually not the cells, but the environment in which the human body was first conceived - this was the human body refining method that Fang Yuan found most suitable for this situation after many improvements.

Immediately afterwards, complex circular arrays emitting traces of electric light appeared around the water mass. The small red mass inside the LCL liquid multiplied and grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the cost of that, the red mass outside Rapid consumption of a layer of LCL liquid.

In just ten seconds, this lump of LCL liquid has grown from a small drop of cell tissue sample to the embryonic stage, fetal stage, infancy, early childhood stage... and has grown into a body that looks very similar to Rei Ayanami. Similar, but much more mature, to an adult female body.

"Wei..." On the other side, Ikari Yuantang stared blankly at this scene, calling out involuntarily, with an expression as if he was still in a dream.

"Mom..." Seeing this scene, Shinji Ikari's expression was also very complicated, including joy, expectation, and a trace of fear of failure.

But he also knew that all this was only half of the resurrection - the most critical soul issue had not yet been solved! When the LCL liquid was completely exhausted, the lightning formed on the surface of the new body gradually disappeared. After Fang Yuan kindly made a set of clothes for the female body to cover her shame, he put it aside and looked at Shinji Ikari: "The next step is to take out her soul from Unit-1."

"Then I'll leave Unit 1 to you, do whatever you want!" This was an agreement long ago, and Shinji Ikari naturally had no intention of going back on it.

Following his order, the purple giant who had been standing behind him bent down and half-knelt, bringing the huge core on his chest as close as possible to Fang Yuan - but even so, because the size of Unit 1 was too big , so the distance between Fang Yuan and the core is still more than ten meters.

Then, the light in Unit-00's eyes dimmed - after Shinji Ikari cut off the energy supply, the body without external energy immediately stopped moving.

From this moment on, the ownership of Unit No. 1 was transferred to Fang Yuan. As long as the other party completed the second half of resurrecting Ikari Wei, the entire transaction was completely completed.

And Fang Yuan naturally did not disappoint Shinji Ikari.

As the waves of light flowed in his hand, the invisible A.T. force field became tangible, condensing into a double-helix spear shining with seven-color brilliance - this was clearly in the shape of the Spear of Longinus! Fang Yuan just stayed at Lilith's seal for a long time. He was not idle. He had already analyzed the working principle of Longinus's gun in his own way. Now he can even simulate it with the A.T. force field. Come up with this anti-A.T. force field weapon! "Because Unit-1 is essentially a living being, it still has some kind of defensive instinct even when the power is disconnected, especially at the soul level. It cannot penetrate the A.T. force field without relying on the spear of Longinus. There is no way I can bring out your mother's soul!" Seeing that Shinji Ikari looked a little uneasy, Fang Yuan had no choice but to explain.

But the movement in his hand was not slow either. Before he could finish his words, the Longinus gun simulated in his hand had quickly extended and instantly pierced into the spherical core on the chest of Unit 1.

It can be seen that at the moment when it was pierced by the simulated Longinus, an almost imperceptible A.T. force field appeared on the surface of Unit 1.

However, because Unit 1 was not connected to an external energy source and had not awakened itself, the A.T. force field emitted instinctively was too weak. In front of Fang Yuan's simulated Longinus Spear, it could not even be activated for an instant. He was pierced without holding on.

"Let me see where you are..." Fang Yuan murmured to himself as he continued to penetrate the light containing his own will deep into the No. 1 machine body, searching for the location of Ikari Wei's soul.

——After all, compared with Unit 1, a huge body that is equivalent to the body of an apostle, the human soul of Ikari Wei is too weak. Fang Yuan needs to get rid of the extremely turbulent body in Unit 1 even when it is asleep. It is not an easy task to find her human soul in consciousness.

Not to mention, Ikari Wei voluntarily gave up her body and integrated into the No. 1 machine. She refused all external contact except Ikari Shinji, which made Fang Yuan's "search and rescue" process even more difficult. .

After a long time, Fang Yuan finally found his target.

The next moment, the double helix of light imitating the Spear of Longinus instantly deformed and turned into a pure white beam of light. In this beam of light, a faint shadow gradually emerged from the core of the chest of Unit-0. Floating down along the direction of the light beam - its end point is the new body lying flat on the ground.

"Mom!" Seeing the humanoid figure whose face was clearly visible even though it was thin, Shinji Ikari shouted excitedly.

"Wei..." Ikari Yuantang, who was watching on the sidelines, couldn't help but trembled when he saw this. He adjusted his glasses subconsciously, as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

However, to their expectation, Ikari Wei, who appeared as a soul, did not immediately enter her new body.

——Of course this was done by Fang Yuan.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Seeing Fang Yuan's actions, Shinji Ikari asked nervously.

"Well, there are indeed some problems..." Fang Yuan nodded, looking a little serious: "Ms. Ikari Wei's soul has been in the No. 1 machine for so many years, and has been competing with the powerful apostle-level physical will of the No. 1 machine itself. The wear and tear is quite severe. If she were to put it into her new body, she would probably be in a coma for several years before she wakes up! "Is there any solution?" Shinji Ikari heard this. He suddenly felt anxious - his mother's resurrection was so close, but something like this happened, how could he not be anxious! "Hmm..." Fang Yuan held his chin with one hand and pondered for a while, and finally said with a pained expression on his face: "Forget it, let me bleed profusely again!" With that, he took something from his pocket. He took out a blood red gem.

The blood-like color of the gem reminded Shinji Ikari of the apostle's core, but he instinctively knew that it was not the core, but something completely different.

"This is the Philosopher's Stone. It can be said to be the condensation of the essence of the soul. As long as it is processed a little more, it can be used to repair the human soul."

Seeing Shinji Ikari's curious look, Fang Yuan explained this.

As he spoke, a flash of lightning flashed in his hand. Shinji Ikari could see that the gemstone called "Philosopher's Stone" by Fang Yuan suddenly shattered a corner, and the blood-red powder gradually evaporated in the lightning, leaving only a little colorless light, which flew to the spirit of Ikari Yui in stars.

Although it looked like only small dots of light, when they fell on the shadow of the woman's soul, the effect was very significant. Ikari Yui's spirit became more solid, and her eyes, which had been closed all the time, slowly opened, and a trace of spirit appeared in her eyes, and she obviously regained consciousness.

"Mom!" "Yui!" The father and son of the Ikari family were a little excited when they saw this scene.

However, Ikari Yui, who was in the spirit state, did not seem to hear their cries, but looked at the surrounding scenes with an inexplicable look - the senses of a pure spirit are completely different from those of a physical body. Without special training, what a soul sees and hears in the world is completely different from that of an ordinary person. Perhaps in the eyes of Ikari Yui at this time, the cries of Ikari Gendo and Ikari Shinji were just a meaningless noise.

However, Fang Yuan was too lazy to continue explaining this matter. He just pointed his hand, and the woman's soul followed the light into the new body specially prepared for her.

A few seconds later, the body that had been silent since it was refined suddenly took a deep breath and opened its eyes suddenly, just like a person who was suddenly awakened from a nightmare.

"Mom!!!" Ikari Shinji could no longer bear it, and threw himself into the woman's arms, crying and crying. All the pressure and pain accumulated from countless reincarnations in the past were vented at this time.

Ikari Yui, who had just woken up, was still a little confused at first, but after seeing the much grown-up son in her arms, a gentle smile immediately appeared on her face. She didn't say much, but just gently stroked the boy's head again and again, giving silent comfort.

On the other side, Ikari Gendo, who was a step slower, could only watch his wife's arms being occupied by his unfilial son. Although his face couldn't show any expression, he was probably envious to the point of wanting to flip the table.

Fang Yuan looked at this quite interesting scene in front of him and felt deeply that he had made a good trip. It was worth the price to see this warm and interesting scene! ')526'\u003eChapter 525 The so-called "happiness"

"Then, all of this will be left to you."

After acting coquettishly to his mother for a while, Ikari Shinji finally calmed down again and remembered that there was another person next to him.

After Fang Yuan fulfilled his promise, as part of the deal, Ikari Shinji also fulfilled his promise and allowed Fang Yuan to shrink Unit-01 into the size of a figurine and take it away. Along with it, the sealed Lilith and the two Spears of Longinus were also taken away.

From this moment on, all these things belonged to Fang Yuan.

However, just as Fang Yuan was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and looked at Ikari Gendō, whose back was somewhat desolate: "I almost forgot, you still have one thing on you!"  When his eyes met Fang Yuan's gaze, Ikari Gendō was startled, and he immediately knew what the other party was referring to - the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar", which was equivalent to Adam's clone, was still in his body!   He had heard all the conversations between Ikari Shinji and Fang Yuan before. This rebellious son exchanged all the apostles and EVA-related things for the other party's help to resurrect Ikari Yui. Now that Fang Yuan has taken Lilith and Unit-01, he will naturally not let go of the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" in his body.

However, the question is, how did the other party find out this?   Can he still see through it?   Ikari Gendō couldn't figure it out, but he didn't need to figure it out - because Fang Yuan took action directly!   The Spear of Longinus, which was also simulated by the A.T. force field, had already pierced into his chest before Ikari Gendō could react.

As the light spread, a thread of blood-red droplets gradually seeped out from Ikari Gendō's heart, and finally condensed into a small ball of red liquid the size of a ping-pong ball in front of him.

——After being implanted into the human body and then taken out again, the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar", which originally looked like a miniature specimen of human nerve skeleton, has faded its appearance and revealed its true essence, which is a small ball of special material that is the same as the apostle core.

Fang Yuan waved his hand, and this small ball of core disappeared in a space distortion, and it was surprisingly put away by him.

Ikari Gendō, who had the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" forcibly extracted, staggered to the ground with a pale face and almost lost consciousness.

"You..." Ikari Gendō opened his mouth to say something, but he had nothing to say due to the huge power gap between the two sides. In the end, he could only shut his mouth with hatred and swallow this loss.

"Then, our deal is done. You can handle the things here by yourself! I'm going to receive the remaining EVAs..." As he said this, Fang Yuan ignored Ikari Gendō and waved to Ikari Shinji and his mother. A space door opened and went to the surface - there were two other EVAs waiting for him there!   "..." Ikari Gendō looked at this scene, and a strong sense of frustration surged in his heart. He couldn't help but lower his head sadly, until a gentle hand touched his forehead, he raised his head in astonishment and saw his wife's face with a gentle smile.

At this moment, all the resentment, all the unwillingness, and all the calculations in Ikari Yuantang's heart disappeared, leaving only a long-lost feeling of emotion and the desire to shed tears.

He suppressed his emotions and shouted in a tone he had not heard for more than ten years: "Wei!" "Well, dear, I'm back!" The gentle woman answered in a gentle tone.

... "Shinji-kun, congratulations to you, you have finally found your own happiness!" In the ruins of New Tokyo City, Kaoru Nagisa, sitting on a pile of ruined walls, was admiring the beautiful scenery of the setting sun while looking towards a certain person. The young man gave heartfelt congratulations.

Just before the invasion of the Tenth Apostle, he, Fang Yuan and Shinji Ikari who came from the moon met each other, talked a lot, and finally reached an agreement.

After handing over Unit 6 and the Gun of Longinus to Fang Yuan and Shinji Ikari respectively, he was no longer bound by the apostle's mission and finally ushered in the freedom he had never had before.

"Life as a human being... I'm really looking forward to it!" Smiling like this, the gray-haired boy gradually walked away under the slanting sunlight, his figure getting fainter - he was going to pursue the meaning of his life. ! ... And in the large underground cave, Ayanami Rei, who had just stepped out of the emergency insertion bolt, seemed to have also seen the scene where Shinji Ikari and his son were reunited. A hint of goddess appeared on her pretty face that had always been cold and expressionless. The smile of "...Shinji-kun, congratulations and thank you..." Now that Lilith and all clones have disappeared, Ayanami Rei has become the only Ayanami Rei. There will be no substitutes, nor will there be any substitutes. He is no longer a vessel for the apostles, but has truly become a “person”! ... Suddenly, a high-pitched scream came from not far away: "Ah~~!!! My Unit 2——!!!" Well, this is Asuka who was ejected together. She just saw it. , the two EVAs that had previously lost power due to external signals disappeared in a burst of space distortion.

She didn't care what happened to Unit Zero, but Unit 2 was her heart and soul, and it just disappeared like that? ! ! This made the tsundere girl with twin tails scream so anxiously that she was about to cry.

At this moment, a small space channel suddenly opened above Asuka's head, and a pure gem like crystal fell from it, hitting the girl's head with a "bang".

"Hey!" Asuka screamed in pain, and at the same time, a somewhat apologetic voice came to her ears: "I'm sorry for taking away your No. 2 unit, just treat this as Let me make up for it!" The girl looked for the source of the sound in confusion, covering her head and looking down at the thing that had just hit her.

"This is..." The girl picked up the gem. Suddenly, she seemed to be able to see scenes of light and shadow from each facet of the gem. That was... herself, Asuka when she was a child! After looking at it for a long time, she finally realized: "This is... mom's memory?!" Asuka remembered that her mother had mental problems after an accident when she was a child. She could not recognize her daughter, but regarded the doll as a new one. When she was born, could this be the memory that her mother lost? The girl had forgotten her anger at this time, but she was holding the gem in her hand tightly with a mixture of sadness and joy, and refused to let go for a long time... "Ikari can be saved, but there is nothing I can do about Asuka's mother. ..." After sending out the soul fragments taken out from Unit 2, Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly.

If there is still a complete soul, then it is not difficult for him to resurrect a person, but people like Asuka's mother have already committed suicide and died, and what is left in Unit 2 is only a fragment of the soul with some memories, then There was really nothing he could do.

Out of compensation for forcibly taking away the No. 2 machine, and in line with Fang Yuan's insistence on the principle of "equal exchange", he could only condense the soul fragments into an immortal gem, making that woman the most precious. The memory will be preserved forever and returned to Asuka.

This is the only thing he can do! This volume is over, and the next chapter begins with the story of the main world')527'\u003eChapter 526: New secret realm, demon world, giant tree towering in the sky

In the main world, the invisible space base in geosynchronous orbit, Fang Yuan's body was talking with a long-lost guest. At this moment, the door of truth in his consciousness space opened again, and a ray of light came out of it.

When the outer light reintegrated into his immortal spirit body, the things brought back wrapped in the light finally revealed their true appearance... "What's wrong?" The guest saw Fang Yuan suddenly froze in the middle of the conversation. Some people asked out of curiosity.

"Well, I may have something here that can just solve the problem you are encountering now!" Fang Yuan said.

"Oh? What is it?" The guest, the Taoist priest, had a curious look on his face.

"Well, let's keep it a secret for now. I'll wait until I test it and confirm the effect!" Fang Yuan deliberately let it slip, causing the Taoist priest next to him to shake his head helplessly, with a wry smile on his face.

……Okay, let’s put things into perspective. Why did the Taoist priest suddenly come to visit us? Or more importantly, how did he find this place? This was just one day before the timeline of the main world, [Ether] detected an unprecedented huge fluctuation in the space-time dimension of the main world.

And just one day later, the Taoist priest, who had not contacted Fang Yuan for a long time, found a way to contact Fang Yuan again, and was taken to the invisible space city in outer space.

"Something is wrong!" This was the first sentence the Taoist priest said after seeing Fang Yuan.

"What's the situation? Is it related to the previous space fluctuation? Is there another tricky secret realm?" Although Fang Yuan was concerned about what the Taoist priest said, he thought that the government on the ground should be able to control the situation at that time, but now it seems that it is not the case.

"What appeared this time can be said to be a secret realm, or it can be said to be not a secret realm!" The Taoist priest's words immediately aroused Fang Yuan's interest.

"What do you mean?"  "When the space rift in our country was opened, we did think it was an open secret realm, but we didn't expect that this secret realm is far more dangerous than all the secret realms we have explored before, and even scarier than the northwest secret realm you have been to!"  The Taoist looked very serious, and there was a hint of fear in his tone, which made Fang Yuan raise his eyebrows:  "What's inside? Could it be something scarier than the Cthulhu monster? Could there be an Old One living in it?"  Speaking of this, even Fang Yuan's face became serious. If this was really the case, he would probably have to consider asking the big boss behind the Gate of Truth to take action.

However, after hearing Fang Yuan's words, the Taoist's originally solemn expression became a little embarrassed: "Uh... it's not that scary..." He never expected that Fang Yuan would turn to the scary things like the Old Ones in one sentence. Did the two of them have some differences in their understanding of the concept of "scary"... "Well, it's not the Old Ones, but the devil!" The Taoist said solemnly after sorting out his mood.

"Demons..." Fang Yuan frowned: "The ones that can make you lose your composure like this should not be a few ordinary demons. Could it be that the secret realm is a demon world?" The Taoist nodded and confirmed Fang Yuan's guess: "Yes, the size of this secret realm is unprecedented. We sent in a death squad of more than a thousand people, and at least one-tenth of them have super powers. But after sacrificing more than half of the personnel, we don’t even know how big this secret realm is. It’s like a real world behind the passage, and there are no other creatures in it, all are demons, and I don’t know how many billions there are!" "Then, since this secret realm is so dangerous, why don’t you block the passage? Don’t tell me you can’t even seal a space channel!" Fang Yuan said so, but his question made the Taoist smile bitterly: "That’s the problem! The passage connecting this secret realm to the world is not fixed!" "Not fixed?" Fang Yuan finally realized at this time that things were getting tricky. This kind of secret realm seemed to have never appeared in the main world! "Yes, not only the position is not fixed, even the number is not fixed!" The Taoist priest's face was full of bitterness, and his tone was full of fatigue: "It's just that I, the Taoist, have a good ability in divination. After performing the ritual on the altar, I can basically calculate the position and number of the next wave of space channels that will appear several hours in advance. With the help of the army, I can finally seal the channel before the demons in the secret realm rush out in large numbers, and barely control the situation.

But it's not a solution to keep going like this. Even if the combat effectiveness of those soldiers is guaranteed, I can't hold on!" Well, looking at the dark circles under the Taoist priest's eyes caused by working overtime, and then sensing the weakness that the other party could not hide from the breath sensing, Fang Yuan believed what the other party said - this is indeed the look of being exhausted to death.

And at this time, Fang Yuan's incarnation in the EVA world finally returned and brought him a few things, which seemed to be just right for this matter.

This is also the scene at the beginning of this chapter.

Just as the Taoist wanted to continue asking questions, suddenly, an alarm came from [Ether]: "Master, I think you need to see this!" A holographic projection appeared in front of Fang Yuan and the Taoist, with a picture taken from space.

"This is..." The Taoist stood up suddenly, his face full of shock - he had not predicted this when he was fortune-telling before! Fang Yuan's brows also frowned slightly. He did not expect that things would change so quickly.

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