It turns out that what was shown in the picture were huge trees that could be seen with the naked eye from outer space, rising from the surface of the earth. According to [ether] calculations, their height was even close to the stratosphere! "Where do these trees grow from? How is the situation in the country?" The Taoist priest immediately asked nervously.

"Master?" Because the Taoist priest was not the authority owner of the system, [Ether] had to ask Xiang Fang Yuan.

"Tell me, I want to know too!" Fang Yuan nodded.

"Yes!" [Ether] immediately responded: "According to satellite observations, 18 giant trees of unknown species suddenly appeared on the surface an hour ago, and quickly grew to their current height. 7 of them appeared in North America. On the mainland, 3 appeared in South America, 5 appeared in Europe, and 3 appeared in Asia. However, this kind of tree did not appear in the country of China that Mr. Li (who remembers the Taoist name is Li Xuan?) referred to. "

"It's okay, it's okay..." The Taoist priest was relieved now. If his mistake caused heavy losses to the country, then he would have committed a serious crime! However, when Fang Yuan looked at the giant trees that were several thousand meters high in the picture, his expression became a little strange: "By the way, Taoist priest, don't you think these giant trees look familiar?"')528 '\u003eChapter 527: Qliphoth, Devil May Cry 5 invades? !

"Looks familiar?" A puzzled expression appeared on the Taoist priest's face.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan just scratched on the holographic projection. After some manipulation, he called up a picture. On it, there was also a giant tree towering into the clouds.

"This..." The Taoist priest looked at the picture, and then looked at the real-time projection given by [Ether]. The shock in his heart could not be concealed at all - the spiral branches with branches and leaves, the white with red. The unique color of the black one, and the blood-red raised cysts all over the surface of the branches...are almost exactly the same! "Where did your photo come from?!" the Taoist priest asked hurriedly.

However, Fang Yuan did not answer immediately. Instead, he asked another completely unrelated question with a subtle expression: "...Taoist priest, how long has it been since you played video games?" "Eh?" The confused Taoist priest didn't understand why Fang Yuan would ask such a question at this time, but he thought about it and replied: "It must have been several years. After all, after practicing Taoism, I felt that those electronic crows (harmony) ) movies are no longer interesting, so I quit a long time ago...Why are you asking? Could it be..." "Well, that's what you think!" Fang Yuan nodded and said, "I showed you this one. It’s not a photo, it’s a screenshot from a game released last year!” Taoist: “That game is...?” Fang Yuan clicked on the holographic projection again. After two clicks, a promotional poster popped up.

In the picture, on the backs of three men holding swords, there is a line of English written in unique cursive characters - Devil May Cry 5.

Well, that's right, it's the nemesis of this handicapped gang, the show-off stage between Big Touch and Octopus Man, the true portrayal of the sentence "I'm not playing the same game", the orthodox fifth game in the Devil May Cry series, and the one so far. One of the best action game works.

"In fact, the screenshot you see is the demonic tree, Qliphoth, that serves as the background board and battle map in this game. It is also the tree of life in the demonic world in the Devil May Cry world. It absorbs countless human blood as nutrients, and ultimately It can produce a fruit that contains infinite power, giving the eater the power to conquer the demonic world..." Fang Yuan briefly introduced the setting of this devil tree in the game, and then he asked Xiang [Ether]: "Confirm Suddenly, many demons appeared in the area where the giant trees grew on the ground, and were collecting human blood? " "Indeed, several demon trees in Europe and the United States happened to appear in big cities, and there were street surveillance equipment there. And although the information network has been damaged to some extent, most of it is still running, and this phenomenon has indeed been observed. "

[Ether] answered in the affirmative.

"...So, is this really the devil tree in this game?" The Taoist priest still had some disbelief on his face, but in the face of a series of facts, he had to believe it.

He sighed: "Sure enough... that conjecture is true. The so-called secret realm and the so-called fantasy monsters all came from the world of those fantasy works!" Fang Yuan didn't feel much about this. After all, He had already confirmed this, and had even become accustomed to it.

"So, the current situation is that for some reason, the demons and demon trees in Devil May Cry appeared in our world. It is even possible that the secret realm is part of the demon world, and channels have been opened all over the world to collect human blood... Tsk, it feels like the plot of Devil May Cry 5 has been intruded into the real world! We don't have a demon hunter who likes to use dual guns while carrying a sword and eating pizza, nor a cream boy who has a broken hand and replaced it with a mechanical arm and likes to use a big knife..." Fang Yuan summarized the current situation and said to the Taoist priest: "From the fact that so many demon trees have grown at almost the same time around the world, the roots of these demon trees should be the same, and the location is in the secret realm that is suspected to be the demon world. What are you going to do next?" "...What else can I do? Of course, I have to find a way to solve this damn demon tree and the demon world!" The Taoist priest spread his hands, his expression helpless but revealing a sense of determination, and it seems that he has made up his mind.

However, this look lasted only a second. The next moment, he put on a flattering face and said to Fang Yuan: "Big brother, you will not stand idly by and not help this kind of event that affects the whole world, right?" Well, after seeing Fang Yuan's invisible space city, the Taoist priest had already upgraded Fang Yuan from "Daoist friend" to "big brother". Now he needs help again. If he doesn't hold on to such a powerful golden thigh tightly, he will be a fool! "..." Looking at the Taoist priest's lazy look, Fang Yuan was speechless for a while, but finally nodded and said: "Okay, I didn't intend to stand idly by, and I just happen to have an experiment that I want to do with these demons!" Although he was very interested in the "experiment" mentioned by Fang Yuan, the Taoist priest knew that this "experiment" was probably related to the other party's power system when he thought of Fang Yuan's identity as an alchemist. It is better not to explore casually, so he didn't ask anything.

He was only concerned about the next action: "So when do we start? Although the demon tree has not appeared in our country yet, we don't know what will happen if we delay for too long..." "No need to delay, let's go now!" Fang Yuan made a decision and planned to take action immediately, without any intention of delaying.

Instead, the Taoist priest was shocked by Fang Yuan's swift and decisive action: "Eh? Don't you need to find other teammates? There are still many good players in the special incident response team, who should be able to help!" "No need, if I can't handle it with my current strength, then sending more people will only become a burden!" Fang Yuan rejected the Taoist priest's proposal without hesitation.

On the one hand, he didn't want to have any intersection with government-related personnel, and on the other hand, it was indeed as he said. If he couldn't handle this secret realm suspected to be the demon world with his current strength, then there was probably no one else on the entire earth who could handle it. No matter how many so-called superpowers were sent, they would only add to the meal of those demons and would not have any effect.

"...Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say!" The Taoist shrugged and did not continue to insist.

Then he saw Fang Yuan tear open the space around him, and a space channel as high as a person was torn open by his bare hands, and the other side of the channel was exactly where the demon tree was.

"Let's go!" Fang Yuan called out, and then stepped into the space channel.

The Taoist was first amazed at someone's powerful space ability, and after hearing the call, he immediately hurried to follow.

——This time, he wanted to take a good look at how strong this former "Daoist friend" had become!   Three more updates completed')529'\u003eChapter 528 Hell on Earth \u0026 Red Soul Stone

Walking out of the space channel, what appeared in front of Fang Yuan and the Taoist was a hell on earth!   Los Angeles, the second largest city in the United States and also the largest city in the western United States, is no longer prosperous as it used to be, and is replaced by a terrifying scene like a demon domain.

Perhaps because these demons appeared too suddenly, the local government and army had no time to react. The demon tree that emerged from the ground and the nearly endless demons engulfed the entire city.

The streets were full of wandering and hunting demons, as well as empty human bodies that looked like melted wax figures after being drained of human blood.

Of course, what attracted the two people's attention the most were the countless vine-like roots of the demon tree that spread and entangled the entire city.

Although this is a plant, it has the hunting instinct of a carnivore. It crawls to capture every living thing that appears within its perception range, and pierces the human body with its sharp needle-like tip, sucking human blood insatiably.

"It's so miserable..." The Taoist looked at the hell scene in front of him and couldn't bear to watch it.

Fang Yuan didn't feel anything about the scene in front of him - he had presided over the "Judgment Day" in another world, and had long been accustomed to scenes that were many times more miserable than this, so naturally he didn't feel any fuss, and at most he just sighed at the bad luck of this city.

"Let's go to the trunk of the Demon Tree, the passage to the Demon Realm should be there."

Fang Yuan didn't care about the survivors who might still exist in the city, but greeted them and walked straight ahead.

After all, this is not his country, and the people here are not his own race. Fang Yuan has no obligation to save these people.

In fact, the fact that he was able to walk out of the space city, go down to the ground in person, and go to the secret realm suspected of being a demon world to solve the root cause of the incident was already the greatest good deed.

Although the Taoist priest had some compassion out of professional instinct at first, he put away this useless emotion after recognizing which country this city was from.

——Recently, the relationship between the United States and China is not very good. As a person born in the 1990s, the Taoist priest himself can be regarded as an angry youth. Naturally, he will not have any sympathy for this citizen who is almost equivalent to an enemy country.

"Gah~gah~gah~" After taking a few steps, hoarse and harsh neighing sounds came from the sky.

The two of them raised their heads and saw some monsters similar to bats, but much more ugly and terrifying, flying in groups in the sky. Several of them seemed to have discovered the two "prey" appearing on the ground and were shouting. Roars of excitement.

"Well, sure enough, they are monsters that have appeared in the game!" Looking at several pony-sized bat demons rushing towards him overhead, Fang Yuan nodded, once again confirming that his previous guess was correct. Then he turned to the Taoist priest and asked, "Have you seen this type before?" The Taoist priest looked at the demon in the sky carefully, shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, it's a new species!" "Gah~~!!!" " Seemingly aware of the somewhat careless attitude of the two humans below, the bat-shaped demon roared, speeding up and diving downwards. At the same time, high-temperature fireballs were brewing in the mouthparts full of sharp teeth, ready to be sprayed down at any time.

"Tsk! Noisy!" Fang Yuan was a little disgusted by the extremely unpleasant roars of these demons, and couldn't help but frown in displeasure.

Then in the next moment, several invisible ripples faintly appeared in the air. With the sound of flesh piercing like "Puff" and "Puff", the few eyeless demons in the sky were pierced by invisible sharp blades, high up in the air. The ground was suspended in mid-air.

"Gah? Gah! Gah!!!!" Several other bat demons who did not take action immediately saw the miserable state of their companions, but showed no intention of flinching. They continued to roar and make unpleasant noises and rushed towards Fang Yuan and the two of them, but in the end they However, the results were the same as those of the previous ones. They all hung in the air and became "living specimens" that were convenient for Fang Yuan's research.

"The vitality is really tenacious... Should I say that I am worthy of being a demon!" Fang Yuan looked at the several demons that had been punctured with several large holes in their bodies and the blood was flowing, but they were still struggling vigorously. Their strong vitality let out a sigh.

If this kind of fish-like demon has such a strong vitality, then it’s no wonder that the children of the Sparta family in the game have the kind of "family tradition poke" that can’t be killed no matter how hard they poke it... Zizzi - crackling —— Along with the radiance of lightning, several demons were analyzed by Fang Yuan from body to soul, and finally were completely decomposed.

However, what is a little surprising is that the traces of light mist that separated out after these demons were decomposed spontaneously condensed in mid-air, and finally condensed into a small blood-red stone.

This looks a bit like the Philosopher's Stone, but from the twisted human face looming on the surface of the stone, it can be seen that this stone is still very different from the Philosopher's Stone.

"This is... Red Soul?" Although Taoist had never played Devil May Cry 5, which was just released not long ago, he had played the fourth generation game when he was a college student ten years ago. Naturally, he recognized Fang at a glance. What exactly is the stone in Yuan's hand - it is the Red Soul Stone, which is equivalent to currency in the game and can be used to buy skills and props! "Well, you can say that, but its essence is actually a ball of roughly refined life force and a twisted and painful soul. It may be used as food for demons, but it is basically useless to us humans. !" Fang Yuan looked at the red stone in his hand carefully, then nodded and said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that the settings in this game would actually be brought to reality!" Regarding this unprecedented phenomenon, the Taoist priest's eyes were full of curiosity. Now he really wants to play a real-life game. Feel it! "Perhaps this is not just a game setting, but the nature of this demon!" Fang Yuan did not simply regard this phenomenon as a game setting, but detected a hint of Devil May Cry World's demons from it. 's true nature.

"Oh? What do you say?" After hearing Fang Yuan's statement, the Taoist priest also put away his playful expression and asked solemnly.

"I just conducted a comprehensive inspection of these demons, and I found that although they all appear to have material bodies like us, their life essence is actually closer to the result of the materialization of their souls... Well, It's similar to the servants in Xingyue, you should know it, right?" Fang Yuan's words made the Taoist stunned for a while, why did he suddenly involve Xingyue? ')530'\u003eChapter 529: Exotic superpowers running in the wrong direction

"Well, to be precise, these demons are formed out of thin air with twisted and fallen souls as the core and contaminated vitality as the energy source. There is no real material body. This is different from the etheric magic condensed in Xingyue. The Servants in the body are almost the same, only the type of energy they use is different."

Fang Yuan explained.

After hearing this, the Taoist priest thought for a moment and felt that Fang Yuan's metaphor was indeed quite appropriate. From this point of view, these demons are quite similar to the heroic servants in the moon world, but in terms of energy attributes. Going to two extremes.

"So, after they die, they will turn into this kind of red soul stone?" The Taoist priest finally understood what was happening before, which was similar to "dropping from monsters". It turned out that it was not a game setting. Come to reality, but these demons themselves are such an essence! After dealing with several more waves of demons blocking their way, Fang Yuan and the Taoist finally arrived at the main trunk of the Demon Tree standing in the center of the city.

There are almost no traces of urban buildings here. Large tracts of land are covered with countless entangled vine roots. Various different types of demons are like parasites parasitizing on the devil tree. In each area, while collecting human blood, they are also fighting and killing each other, showing the chaotic nature of the devil.

However, when Fang Yuan and the others arrived, they discovered that they were not the only visitors here.

Someone is fighting on the Devil's Tree! "These are American superpowers?" Fang Yuan adjusted his vision and saw clearly that the people fighting on the spiral branches were a group of white people, both male and female, and they were all wearing tight-fitting leather clothes. He can randomly emit superpowers such as fire and ice energy shock waves, just like a character in the X-Men coming into reality.

"Hmm... that's probably it, but I haven't learned any relevant information..." The Taoist priest also carefully looked at the superpowers in the battle in the distance, but found that he couldn't recognize any of them.

But this is not surprising. After all, he is a religious administrator within the system. Although he has met most of the superpowers in the country because of his superb Taoist skills, especially divination, but with There is almost no contact with similar people abroad, so it is normal for them not to be recognized.

Fang Yuan, on the other hand, relied on the powerful information collection ability of [Ether] to break through the relevant confidential databases of the United States in just a few seconds and find the information of these people.

Fang Yuan looked at a photo in the retinal projection and the translated introductory text below, nodded and said: "Yes, this group of people is indeed the official team of superpowers in the United States, specially designed to deal with the problems in this city. What a disaster... I didn't expect them to move very quickly and actually got ahead of us!" "Then we want to go up and make contact with them?" the Taoist priest asked, completely following Fang Yuan's lead.

"No, it's not necessary!" Fang Yuan shook his head, pointed in the direction of the group of people and said, "They seem to want to kill to the top of the tree, but that is actually useless. The real Devil Tree is not on the surface at all. Instead of branches, we are going down to the roots of the tree," Fang Yuan said, pointing in the completely opposite direction to the group of superpowers.

... On a platform formed by the branches of the Devil's Tree, the American superpowers who had just finished an encounter were taking the time to rest.

At this moment, a girl with glasses who looked a little weak closed her eyes, as if she sensed something, and then immediately warned: "Captain, we have a guest!" "What's going on?" As the captain, a He was a strong and tough guy who looked very masculine. He closed his eyes to meditate. After hearing the warning, he immediately opened his eyes and looked around cautiously.

"Two individuals with very powerful energy reactions have entered my sensing range... They are not demons, they are superpowers!" The girl with glasses immediately gave the situation she had just detected.

"The energy response is strong?" Mr. Captain asked solemnly.

"'s hard to say. I have a very vague feeling about them. I can only feel that they are much stronger than most of us here!" The girl with glasses put a hand on her temple and frowned. , said with a somewhat embarrassed tone.

"Is that so..." Mr. Captain pondered for a while, and then continued to ask: "Are they approaching us?" "No, they... they are going down!" The girl with glasses closed her eyes for a while, and then opened her eyes. He opened his eyes and said with a stunned expression.

"Down?" Everyone around them was a little surprised when they heard this. This was really beyond their expectations.

"Yes, keep going down toward the bottom of this tree root... Damn it, it's beyond my sensing range!" The girl with glasses put down her hand somewhat unhappily. The branches and vines of these devil trees have a certain influence on her psychic sensing ability. It is greatly weakened, and the closer it is to the ground, the more serious it is.

But when Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest forcibly penetrated the surface and entered the underground space, she could no longer sense their presence.

"There are powerful superpowers that are stronger than most of us... I don't know if they are hidden superpowers among the people or from other countries... But why is it downward? It's hard to believe that they have discovered something that we haven't discovered. Something?" A group of people looked at each other, and some of them thought quickly and realized that they might have gone in the wrong direction before! No wonder they are.

After all, it has only been a few hours since the appearance of these devil trees. The fact that they can come from Langley (CIA station) on the east coast to Los Angeles on the west coast at this time already shows how efficient their actions are.

In such a short period of time, apart from confirming that this tree was the source of all disasters, they had no time to analyze where these demon-like monsters came from. Naturally, they could not guess that these were actually monsters in the game. Came to reality.

Well, although most of this group of superpowers are young people, after gaining superpowers, they basically pay little attention to electronic entertainment products that are only designed for ordinary people.

——If you have this time, why not practice your superpowers for a while? Aren’t superpowers in reality much more powerful than in virtual fantasy games? ! So much so that no one in their group had played the game "Devil May Cry 5" and did not recognize the identity of these monsters and the demonic tree at all.

Only now, with the personal demonstrations of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest, did they suddenly realize that they had been fighting from the ground to here. It seemed that they had gone in the wrong direction? ! The second update is completed.

')531'\u003eChapter 530: All the way down, in a straight line, guarding the vicious dog

Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest didn't care how upset the group of American superpowers on the ground were after discovering that they had gone the wrong way. After entering the underground, they were faced with an imminent and serious problem.

"Damn, it stinks!" As soon as he entered the underground through the passage created by Fang Yuan's alchemy, the Taoist priest almost fainted from the stench that hit his face.

This was originally an underground sewer in the city. All kinds of sewage and garbage have been quietly flowing and fermenting here for who knows how long. The stench is enough to make most people hide their faces and retreat.

In addition, there are countless demons popping up here now, and the vine roots of the demon tree are transporting blood. The smell of demons plus the bloody smell of blood, as well as the smell of the sewer itself...all the smells are mixed together. , turned into a foul smell worthy of the standard of "poisonous gas".

In particular, the Taoist priest himself is a master who has mastered Taoism, cleansed the marrow and refined the body to the level of rebirth. The sensitivity of the five senses and eight touches is far beyond that of ordinary people. When faced with this stench, he was hurt ten times or a hundred times more.

However, when the Taoist priest finally cast a spell to isolate himself from the odor, and when he looked at Fang Yuan, he found that a thin layer of light had already lit up around him, blocking out all negative external influences. But it was not affected by the odor attack at all.

"..." The Taoist priest wanted to accuse the other party of being unloyal and not reminding him, but after thinking about it, he was actually too careless, so in the end he could only hold back his anger, feeling very internally injured... "Let me Look where the passage is..." Fang Yuan didn't notice the Taoist priest's embarrassment just now. As soon as he entered the underground, he activated all his sensing abilities and sensed the weak points of the surrounding space.

He doesn't plan to play hide-and-seek with the demons in this maze-like underground pipe network - after all, this is reality, not a game. There are no indestructible map buildings, and there is no task process that must be completed, as long as he can find the direction. , you can directly take a shortcut into the secret realm that is suspected of being a demon world.

Of course, during the search process, many low-level demons with low IQs naturally discovered the two intruders, and then came in groups to attack and kill them. However, the Taoist priests who took the initiative to assume the task of protecting the law were All the weapons in his hands were broken and sinking into the sand, and the corpses dissolved into red soul stones of different sizes, scattered all over the ground.

At this moment - "Found it!" Fang Yuan opened his eyes, called to the Taoist priest, and walked in a certain direction, collecting all the red soul stones scattered on the ground along the way.

Along the way, Fang Yuan dug into the earth and dug into the rocks. He completely ignored the original underground pipe network structure and walked forward in a straight line according to his own wishes. Along the way, he encountered the devil tree. When the roots were blocking the road, he unceremoniously fired out an energy light cannon, vaporizing the tree roots and the surrounding soil, rock, and concrete, and creating an unimpeded path.

"Tsk!" The Taoist priest followed Fang Yuan while carefully avoiding the blood spurting out from the broken branches of the tree roots. He said with some emotion: "So much many people have died!" "You forgot. That sentence? Blood is the currency of the soul, and exchanging blood is equivalent to exchanging souls... Although this sentence comes from a vampire-themed work, there is actually no problem in applying it to these demons.

They use blood as a medium, but they actually absorb the souls of mortals. Finally, they are transformed into the purest demonic power under the condensed essence of this demon tree. The fruits they produce can make those who eat them become the strongest. Big devil... How can the number of souls required for this be so small! " Fang Yuan was leading the way while talking about such cruel facts in a chatting tone, which made the Taoist priest sigh involuntarily again - these people killed by demons had their souls devoured. In other words, even the ghosts If you can't do it, you will never be reincarnated. It is really the most miserable way to die! Even if they are people from a hostile country like the United States, the Taoist priest can't help but feel a little pity.

However, such emotions soon cooled down under the increasing numbers of demonic armies that were attacking crazily - these demons were really insurmountable, and the Taoist priest had no time to think about these things anymore... Zizi—— Another shot of alchemy refined a scissor monster covered in black robes, with an uncertain body and holding a pair of large scissors into a small piece of red soul stone. This wave of demons in front of Fang Yuan finally All dead.

"Fuck, the density of these demons... we must have killed them in their lair, right?" The Taoist priest on the other side also casually blasted the last giant ant-shaped demon into ashes with a palm thunder. Looking at the broken or whole red soul stones of all sizes on the ground, I couldn't help but sigh like this.

"Almost!" Fang Yuan nodded and replied: "This place is very close to that space passage. It's not surprising that there are so many demons entrenched... I just don't know if there are the same gatekeepers in front of me as in the game. It's a boss!" "The gatekeeper boss... It's really a game!" The Taoist priest was speechless.

After Fang Yuan casually collected the red soul stones all over the ground, the two set out on the road again.

They were still walking in a straight line. With Fang Yuan, the master of alchemy, any terrain was meaningless to them. During this period, after breaking the roots of countless demon trees and killing countless demons, the two of them finally People finally came to the main root of Qliphoth.

Here is also the space passage between the secret realm suspected of being a demon world and the main world.

As expected by Fang Yuan, there were indeed high-level demons stationed here that were completely different from the ordinary demon soldiers and mobs.

"This is...the three-headed hell dog?" The Taoist priest looked at the three giant canine demons taking a nap under the roots of a huge tree in front of him, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, Cerberus (Cerberus) is indeed the three-headed dog of hell in our myths and legends, but if it is in the setting of Devil May Cry, it is probably a certain dog group in the demon world. Basically, they are used as guard dogs by some powerful demon lords..." Fang Yuan said nonchalantly, his tone full of contempt for this big three-headed dog.

And it was obvious that his unabashed words were heard by the three-headed hell dog who was sleeping with its eyes closed, and it immediately aroused its anger.

"Roar!!!" The huge three-headed dog roared in unison, causing waves of evil wind with the smell of sulfur in the small underground space.

"Where do mortals dare to break into my territory, King Cerberus!!!" That is the devil's language that humans cannot understand, but in the ears of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest, they can miraculously understand it. What are they talking about? On the one hand, this is because the three-headed dog who claims to be the King of Cerberus contains undisguised mental fluctuations in his words. On the other hand, the spiritual cultivation of the two of them is high enough to be able to Distinguish the thoughts and ideas in this physically aggressive mental pressure.

"Well, this is not an ordinary three-headed dog of hell, but the so-called king of three-headed dogs of hell...well, called the dog king for short!" Fang Yuan nodded and conveyed his meaning to hell in the same way. The three-headed dog's ears immediately made its already raging anger even higher. The three dog heads immediately stared viciously at the two tiny humans in front, and fire even appeared in the six blood-red eyes! It seems that a war is about to break out? ')532'\u003e531 The big dog without a role \u0026 the secret realm of the demon world with completely different laws

Bang——! Three huge dog heads were separated from their necks, and high-temperature blood spurted out from the fracture. However, they began to spontaneously ignite the moment they came into contact with the air, and finally turned into traces of sulfur-smelling ashes floating around.

"How, how is it possible...!!!" The dog head, which gradually decomposed and returned to pure demonic power, struggled to say the last words, his tone full of disbelief.

Well, anyone who has just made an unparalleled declaration of strength and is instantly killed by someone will basically inevitably become so sad and angry that he doubts his life. This evil guard dog who claims to be the three-headed dog king of hell. No exception.

Really, Fang Yuan just used one move to kill it completely. For today's alchemists, guys of this level are no longer even considered opponents. They are just like those miscellaneous demons before. He regarded it as a piece of trash... "Tsk! I was expecting you to have a wonderful 'ace air battle' like the protagonist in the game, but you were killed in one go?" The Taoist priest on the other side He smacked his lips with a bored look on his face and said with great disappointment.

"It's such a little guy, do you think I need to give it a SSS floating combo to kill it? This is too underestimated of me!" Fang Yuan said this while putting away this " A large piece of red soul stone dropped by the "Dog King" after his death - although in Fang Yuan's eyes, this big dog and other miscellaneous demons are the same miscellaneous fish that can be defeated with one move, but its soul and energy after death The condensed soul stone is obviously different, the quality is much better, and it can be regarded as a strong one among demons.

Regarding Fang Yuan's attitude of not treating the gatekeeper as a boss, the Taoist priest could only shrug helplessly: "Okay, you are the boss, you are awesome..." However, the Taoist priest was right here. He looked around in the underground space supported by the entangled roots of the demon tree, and said with some confusion: "Why is it that the passage to the demon world has not been opened after defeating the monsters? Is it possible that this is not the gatekeeper boss?" "...You really are... Think of this as a game!" Fang Yuan was speechless, shook his head and said: "In the real world, there is no design that automatically opens the level after defeating the monster guarding it. If we want to open the door, we still have to look at it ourselves!" Then, Fang Yuan walked to the position where the thickest tree root emerged from the ground and pointed it out with one hand.

Under the rays of light blooming from the tips of his fingers, the space near the roots of the tree suddenly appeared with ripples, just like the undulating water surface - this was a visual effect produced after the space was disturbed.

The Taoist priest who saw this scene also reacted, and with the help of his hand seals, he finally felt that the space near the roots of the tree was indeed extremely weak, and he could vaguely sense another world on the other side of the space. .

——This is where the secret realm is! Click——! In the sound like broken glass, a dark and deep portal gradually opened in the originally smooth and complete space.

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