But it would be different if there was such a crystal. With precise calculation and design, this crystal could be used to stabilize and restrain spiritual energy.

Bundle characteristics and create specific psionic auxiliary equipment to help unskilled people master complete psionic skills in advance, truly allowing every human being to possess

Have the power to protect yourself.

As for the scarce computing and design talents among humans... Riku turned to look at the Ex-Machina girl who had been following him - isn't this

Is there just one? So, just one day later, a kind of rough bronze, refined pyroxene ground into special shapes, and some leather

The "Psychic Bracers" made of leather are newly released - this is the idea proposed by Riku that "the structure should be as simple as possible and the materials as common as possible.

Designed by Zhu Bi and manufactured by several craftsmen under the requirement that "the craftsmanship can be achieved by the human race", it is the first extraordinary weapon in human history.


Its function is also very simple, which is to restrain and stabilize psychic energy, helping unskilled people release a psychic light blade that can truly be used in combat.

After this weapon was created, it quickly became popular among the entire human race, and almost all adult males found ways to configure one——

After all, the manufacturing process of this thing is too simple. Whether it is the smelting of bronze or the refining of pyroxene, in the psychic network sharing knowledge

Under the premise of basic knowledge, it only takes a few days of self-study to master it. Coupled with the help of skills such as psychic flames, the processing requirements are further reduced.

Low, almost everyone can rub a set by themselves.

And this is just the beginning. Inspired by refined pyroxene, in addition to "psychic wrist guards", there are also devices that assist in activating energy shields.

"Guardian belt", "casting gloves" that assist in the creation of magical skills such as psychic flames and psychic lightning, and even store large amounts of psychic energy and critical moments.

The "protective force field generators" that immediately released large shields to protect the villages appeared in human settlements one by one.

At this moment, human beings, armed with various new weapons and new equipment, have achieved a transformation that is like a complete transformation. It is almost hard to believe that this

They are the same race as the previous group that was so powerless that they could only hide around like rats.

And all these changes happened in just over a month! Today is still the second update')

Chapter 563 The revelation of the dream \u0026 the arrival of new compatriots

In the blue sky, dazzling sunlight spreads down. Countless buildings towering into the sky rose up in the city, like a steel forest. Four-wheeled iron-clad vehicles were speeding along the flat and wide streets. It was an unprecedented scene of stability and prosperity. Riku was confused for a moment. , where is this? Why can these...human beings walk so happily and safely in broad daylight? No, more importantly, the number of these human beings...are there so many people in the whole world?

However, before his somewhat confused mind could think clearly, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. This time, what he saw was a spectacular sight that he could not even imagine - a flying battleship, the starry sky above the earth. Those who fight against each other. Battle Waka. Riku didn't realize that he could actually survive safely in the vacuum without air. He just looked steadily at the wreckage of several different camps floating by beside him, and saw a secret exposed in the wreckage. From the surface characteristics of these frozen corpses, it can be seen that both sides of the war are clearly humans! Why...why do humans kill each other? Why do humans fight in the stars? When did humans have this kind of thing? What is the level of technology? What are these battleships, aircraft, and mecha exoskeletons?

..Shouldn’t it be the technology of the gnomes? As the doubts grew, Riku became more and more conscious. Suddenly, he realized that he was actually in a dream, and what he saw before him was his. Dreamland!

However, when he realized that he was dreaming, he did not wake up as usual. He could feel that this dream was not under his control, and everything in this dream did not originate from his own thinking.

Could it be...that god whose name is unknown so far? The "evangelist" who bestows spiritual power on humans... If it is him, it is indeed possible to do such a thing.

After calming down, Riku continued to watch the changes in the dream in front of him. Since he could not wake up for the time being, it meant that the dream was not over yet. Sure enough, the next moment, the picture in the dream changed again, and he came to a new "world" again. This time, what he saw was a microcosm of history as if in fast forward. He saw the gods of this world in ancient times. In the years when the world was in turmoil, when monsters were everywhere, and mortals looked up to the gods for breath. We also saw that with the changes in the environment, divine authority began to decline. With the rise of mankind, small and weak mortals relied on their own learning and reproduction abilities to step up to the top of the food chain. Eventually rule the entire planet.

Dreamland - changes one after another, either a world where magic and superpowers compete, or a world where humans rely on magic and spiritual power to fight evil spirits and demons, or a world where humans rely on technology and "divine power" to fight against various super giant monsters The world of fighting. But in every different dream world that Riku saw before his eyes, one thing that never changes is that humans are the masters of these worlds after all. Even though there are powerful enemies, humans in every world are fighting. , fighting until all their enemies are eliminated. Although in these bizarre silhouette illusions, Riku also saw the ugly side of these humans who seemed to be in different worlds, and there was even an example of an entire world being sanctioned by the gods for being too corrupt, but he would I remember it deeply in my heart - in other worlds, humans are not "monkeys" that are so weak that they can only survive in the cracks of the strong, but are the strongest predators that can dominate the entire planet and stand at the top of the food chain!

But...are these real? Is there really such a world and such human beings who can defeat all gods, demons, monsters and alien races, and eventually become the strongest race to rule the planet?

With such questions, Riku's consciousness gradually blurred. The dream ended, and he fell into a deep dreamless sleep again. A knock on the door rang, waking Riku from his deep sleep. The young man rubbed his forehead, and the dream of last night immediately came to him. came to his mind. But at this time, when his consciousness was fully awake, he knew that it was not a real dream, but a revelation given by God.

"Are you trying to tell me that the human race is not weak? Or are you setting a goal for me and asking us humans to reach the point in our dreams?" Riku was a little unsure of the meaning of this series of dreams, but he pressed on. Then the knocking sound came again, interrupting his thinking. He just raised his head,

Riku, get up! Another group of compatriots have been brought back!"

Okay, okay, I know!" Riku wiped his face vigorously with both hands to make himself more awake, then lifted off the fur blanket and jumped out of the bed. After washing up a little, Riku followed Ke Luo His footsteps were followed by the Ex-Machina girl who was placed in the next room by Riku. She followed Riku as soon as he left the house, like a little tail.

"Yes, according to my resonance scan of the special information mark that you call psychic seeds', all humans in the entire Lucia continent have been gathered here. Wearing loose robes to slightly conceal their machines ShuVi, who had Kai's physical characteristics, nodded and replied.

By the way, it was also because of Riku's request that the Ex-Machina girl who originally spoke with that strange machine logic finally became more human-like after being loaded with a model personality. At least her way of speaking was different. It won't be so awkward anymore.

After getting the answer, Riku turned to ask Ke Luo in front of him: How was the trip this time? Was there any fighting? Have all the soldiers who went out returned?" Ke Luo turned her head and replied with a smile: " Don’t worry, although we encountered a few battles along the way, everyone is fine. Don’t forget that Uncle Yiwang is leading the team this time!”

Riku nodded and said nothing more.

When they arrived at the entrance of the settlement, they happened to see a group of hundreds of strangers they had never seen before. They were looking at the surrounding scene in amazement, and occasionally let out one or two suppressed exclamations.

"Is this really our human village?"

"What are these crystals? They look like they give people a very warm feeling. They seem to be the kind of power called 'spiritual energy'. Do you feel it?"

"Look, look, those people, those people have that kind of magical equipment on them, the weapons they use when fighting monsters on the road... Everyone here has one? These are really created by us humans. Did you come out?!" Listening to the exclamations of the newcomers, Riku's lips couldn't help but curl up with a hint of pride - yes, this is the home we, our species, built by ourselves!

After looking at the timing clock at the entrance of the village to confirm that the time was almost up, he stepped forward and said to the new compatriots who were a little uneasy in anticipation:

"Welcome, I am Riku, the leader of this village. No need to worry, no need to be afraid, and no need to be cautious! From now on, this is your home! A safer and better home, you are welcome to join! "

Chapter 564 Humans need ambition

"There are 5,983 people in the whole clan, and there are 2,312 adult males who can fight. Among them, only 23.7 can reach the level of elite warriors of the orcs... Is such a weak race really worthy of your investment of so much energy and attention? ?”

In the "observation room" in an unknown dimension, the Flügel girl, who was captured but had no consciousness of being a captive, tilted her head and asked the man next to her who defeated her captive with a puzzled face.

Even though she knew about the power and infinite possibilities of spiritual energy, and even though she saw the huge potential that humans could unleash after finding a way forward, she still couldn't imagine that a god would bet his chips on such a weak race. .

Not to mention anything else, the biggest weakness of this race is the population of less than 10,000. With this number of people, there is not even a branch of the orcs that can be used as a fighting force. In terms of strength, the number of people was even pitifully small, and in Jibril's opinion, it was almost negligible.

"Is it possible that it is really the same as the illusion you gave that human boy? Do you think this so-called 'humanity' can eventually rule the entire world? By the way, aren't all of your illusions true? Is it true? Is this such a ridiculous world? If so, how do you know about it? Have you been there? Have you seen it with your own eyes?" Jibril, whose curiosity was aroused, asked one question after another. Although the so-called "different world" does exist in magic theory, and even the elves have invented magic to summon creatures from another world, Jibril has never imagined what a real different world would be like. It is unimaginable that in other worlds, the world will be ruled by humans who are so weak that they have no sense of existence at all!

"You have too many questions!"

Yuan's tender face pushed away Jibril's face that was too close to her, with a very impatient expression.

But he finally answered:

"Of course the revelations I gave Riku are real, and they are indeed scenes from another world. In fact, I myself came from another world!" Regarding Jixiril, Fang Yuan made no secret of the fact that he was not The origin of this world.

"What? This is impossible!"

Jibril immediately retorted:

"Although the magic of summoning creatures from other worlds exists, if you want to keep creatures from other worlds in this world for a long time, the amount of magic required is astronomical, and the more powerful the creatures are, the more difficult they are to be summoned. Even if it is just to summon the most powerful creatures, It is very difficult for even gods to win over weak humans and keep them in this world for a long time. Not to mention someone as powerful as you... Wait, unless you were not summoned, but took the initiative to destroy Traveling across the world? This is something that even ordinary gods cannot do!

Jibril's imagination is indeed not small, but she did not expect that in the infinite world of endless voids, there would be such a magical existence as the "Lord God". Just two seemingly insignificant summoning items can exert great power. , summoning a near-godlike existence like Fang Yuan into this world.

What she didn't expect was that Fang Yuan, who was supposed to be traced back immediately after the summoner was killed, actually had something like the Door of Truth in his body, which allowed him to adapt to the laws of any world without any scruples. , you can stay here as long as you want.

However, there was no need for him to tell Jixiliel these things, and his silence was taken as acquiescence by the Flügel girl.

For a time, this curious Flügel individual's senses towards the existence of Fang Yuan became more mysterious, and he became even more wary of his seemingly bottomless power.

Or...such an existence was the opponent that her creator, the God of War, Artesio, was waiting for? She didn't know, but she suddenly became interested. She wanted to follow this person and witness his rise.

"Okay, let's not talk about why you came to this world. Then, what do you want to do by infusing these scenes of other worlds into that human being in the form of dreams?

Jibril asked this question instead. She couldn't see the point of doing this at all. Maybe it could give the human leader named Riku some insight? But what's the use?

"Ambition." Fang Yuan said.

"What?" Jibril suspected that she heard wrongly.

"It's ambition!" Fang Yuan repeated:

"Although today's human beings, including Riku, seem to have gained good strength and are able to survive in this terrible troubled world, deep down in their hearts, they still regard themselves as the people in the past who had no resistance. I want to arouse the ambition of human beings and let them truly join the racial competition in this world, and step by step to the top of this planet with real strength.

I will not discuss whether such a thing is possible. So, what can you gain from this matter? I know it. You haven't even told humans your name as a god, right? You haven't asked them to believe in you, but you don't look like one. You are the type of selfless dedication, what exactly do you want to gain?" Jibril asked, this is also a question she has never been able to figure out. In her opinion, if Fang Yuan is so powerful that he is stronger than most gods, There is no difference between existences. It should not be difficult to create a race that is unique to him. If he really wants to join the competition for the Star Cup, there is no need to find that weak human being. Wouldn't it be much easier to create a desirable race?

Not to mention, Fang Yuan actually completely gave up direct control over humans. In addition to bestowing extraordinary power like psychic energy, he also helped abduct an Ex-Machina. Other than that, he basically just A position of unilateral observation. Even using dreams to interfere like today is the first time. No matter from which angle you look at it, his behavior is too abnormal!

"Well, it's too complicated for you to understand. You just need to know that the Star Cup thing is meaningless to me, but all the battles this human race has experienced during this period from weak to strong, from humble to peak. , sacrifice, struggle and rise, invention, creation, thinking, pain, joy:... everything they have experienced will become important material for me to go further! Fang Yuan said this

"Compared to this, I wouldn't even be tempted by such a hugely restrictive planetary authority, not to mention that it doesn't take that much trouble to obtain the Star Cup...

"Eh? It's not that troublesome to get the Star Cup? Do you know a way to get the Star Cup directly?

Jixilier's eyes widened, and the curiosity in her eyes almost overflowed, and she almost wrote "Tell me, tell me" in her pupils. However, Fang Yuan closed his mouth at the critical moment, and let Jibril ask no matter how he asked, and the anxious Tianyi girl almost wanted to force him to open his mouth, and then he was "tightened"

Chapter 565 The growth of human race... and hidden worries

Not to mention how tragic it is for Jibril who was severely sanctioned, on the other hand, the human race that gathered all the population of the continent together has gradually merged into a real whole over time.

After all, except for the thousands of people who originally belonged to this settlement, the other people who came from various scattered villages have never realized how important it is to have a wise and decisive leader like Liku to the human settlement. If it weren't for the fact that the people sent out from this settlement would be the kind of people called" "Psychic power" can not only help other compatriots awaken this power, but also many people are not willing to travel thousands of miles to another settlement to live a life under the strange man's feet.

- Although no one, including Riku, has such an idea. However, fortunately, there is magical psychic power, especially the ability of this power to communicate with people's hearts. Different groups of people who should have taken at least one generation or even several generations to fully integrate together quickly became close under the barrier-free communication of the mind connection. In this era when the entire human race is in danger of extinction, there are not too many sneaky thoughts and dark ideas in the human group. Therefore, this kind of communication of will that goes straight to the heart does not cause conflicts because of knowing each other's inner dark side. On the contrary, because of the general simple mentality of the people, it accelerates the integration of different groups.

- After all, everyone is a weak person struggling to survive in such a terrible and cruel world. If they don't unite more closely, sooner or later there will be a The sky will be destroyed by a disaster that comes from nowhere.

However, as time has passed, when people look back, they can't even imagine that the human race at this time is really the weak race that could only survive in troubled times by "not resisting" in the past? Not to mention the three sets of psychic wristbands, protective belts, and spellcasting gloves that almost everyone has, let alone the "protective force field generators" that are spread all over the village and almost protect the entire underground space as solid as a rock.

With the help of a certain Mecha girl, the human race has created psychic equipment including invisibility cloaks, search masks, psychic ray guns, etc., which are either powerful in attack or have auxiliary effects, greatly enhancing the comprehensive strength of human warriors. The most obvious change is that in the past year , the human warriors who went out to perform various tasks had more than one encounter with individuals of many lower races such as demons, beastmen, and blood-sucking species. But they were able to win almost every time at a relatively low cost. Because these human warriors were fully armed, wearing cloaks and masks, and there was no language communication during the entire operation, they could not even smell the smell when the psychic shield was turned on, and the magic of detecting elves was also isolated by psychic energy, so they could not judge their identities at all. This even led to the emergence of the legend of "powerful assassins of unknown races" among several races that noticed something was wrong. It can be said that unknowingly, the human race has successfully stepped onto the world's hegemony stage from the past transparent state of being treated as animals, although now it is just a small role in the corner.

Well, this skill, which has a similar name to the name of a white-haired cerebral palsy villain, but is actually completely unrelated, was named "Psychic Shuttle" by Riku after being psychicized. Although it is not as convenient and fast as the space movement of the Flügel, for humans, this skill of being able to escape pursuit by entering a different space and then moving hundreds of kilometers in a few seconds is truly a great escape skill! However, given that the learning requirements of this skill are too high, it requires at least a thorough understanding of multiple disciplines including space science, energy science, and hyperdimensional geometry. In order to learn these contents, it is necessary to first learn advanced physics, advanced mathematics, and the general theory of space-time matter. Even someone like Riku, who has a very high IQ and a strong desire to learn, was seen as useless by these people within a year. Therefore, after this skill was created, apart from ShuVi, who already knew it, only Riku himself could use it, and because of the difference in brain computing power, he needed at least + seconds to prepare each time he used it, which was really useless.

In the end, ShuVi took action and manufactured a batch of psychic-connected portable auxiliary computing units, so that users with insufficient abilities could obtain additional computing power and fool-proof computing programs by connecting to the computing units. They only needed a thought to activate this "psychic shuttle" skill. This barely solved the problem of not being able to popularize this skill.

However, this was just a makeshift measure. After all, only ShuVi could manufacture this kind of computing unit, and the human race had no ability to analyze and copy it. In fact, even if it was analyzed, there was no sophisticated technology to manufacture it, and it was not a real power for the human race.

Once ShuVi is gone, this kind of equipment will be broken one less, and it will not even be repaired. Unless one day the human knowledge accumulation and technical strength reach the current level of the Ex-Machina, it will be possible to change this situation.

Of course, even so, for those human warriors who need to go out to perform tasks, being able to carry such a life-saving item in their arms will make them feel more at ease. It is simply the difference between a Warcraft player bringing a Hearthstone when going out! With this psychic technology version of "Hearthstone", human warriors will have a higher chance of escaping once they encounter an enemy that they cannot defeat. Even if they do not encounter an enemy, it is also a very time-saving and labor-saving item to simply use for long-distance travel. However, in this seemingly prosperous grand occasion, Riku, as the leader, saw a hint of worry. What should he do when a direct conflict occurs? Especially the demons and beastmen are the two races that human warriors are most likely to encounter when they are out, and there have been many conflicts and battles before.

Although the human race won those times by virtue of the advantages of equipment and the uniqueness of psychic power, and the small number of enemies, what if the next time they encounter a large army of other races? The demon race with low IQ may not be considered for the time being, but if it is a race like the beastman race that has a real political organization, a decent level of technology, a good single combat power, and a much larger number than humans, once the other party discovers the truth and starts a full-scale war, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for the human race!

"Do we have to learn from the goblins and elves and also come up with a strategic deterrent weapon?"

The leader of the human race is still worried about the future of his race today.

Chapter 566 Sudden Disaster \u0026 Human Race's Response

However, before Riku could come up with a good way to deter other races, a sudden conflict suddenly broke out near the human base. It was the goblin species and the dragon species, and they had a conflict for some unknown reason.-The entire goblin floating fleet fought with seven or eight giant dragons in the bay south of the human settlement area. The aftermath of the war soon spread to the land, and even the human village in the underground mountain belly could clearly feel the vibration of the earth.

[Full protection force field full power on! All combat teams enter the relevant positions according to the defense combat plan and be ready to recharge at any time! The elderly and children immediately enter the reinforced shelter! Everyone, take action!], all followed the leader's order at the first time, seemingly busy but actually carried out the action in an orderly manner. Unlike in the past, this time, when humans encountered this unreasonable "natural disaster", they no longer fled to the distance in panic and confusion, but had to use their own strength to forcibly fight against this disaster that was completely impossible to resist in the past. What gave them the courage to do so was nothing else but the numerous Ex-Machina girls and the powerful equipment created by humans, which proved that humans were no longer the weak race they used to be!

[This time, we won't run away again!] Leader Riku's words echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone agreed with this sentence - humans have been running away for too long. So long that they thought they could do nothing but run away, but this time, they will prove to the whole world and to themselves that humans can protect their homes! Koro, who had just coordinated the elderly and children to enter the shelter, hurried to Riku and asked worriedly: "Can we really hold on? The ones fighting outside are the Dwarves and Dragons, right? Such a terrible attack... Can our protective force fields defend against it?"

"Don't worry, the installation locations and quantities of all protective force fields have been calculated by Zhu Bi Qingxin. According to her, the strength of our defense here is It can even take two full-power [Crashing Howl] of ordinary dragon spirits in a row. If it's just the aftermath of the battle, it's no problem!" As he said this, he turned his head and looked at the Mecha girl beside him: "Is that right?"

"Yes." ShuVi nodded. This was indeed the result she got after calculation. If the human side does not actively participate in the battle outside, it is only the aftermath that will cause accidental injury. Being hit by two consecutive [Crashing Howl]-level attacks at the same place is almost a millionth of a result.

"Then, what if such a low-probability event really happens? Then what should we do?"

As the daughter of the previous leader, Koro still has a strong sense of responsibility for the entire human race. She dare not bet everything on the "probability theory" that sounds a bit unreliable.

However, in response to her worries, Riku smiled confidently and gave her an answer that surprised her:

"If such a small car incident really happens...then we will run away!"

"Huh?" Ke Luo blinked, feeling a little embarrassed. Didn't he swear confidently in the psychic network before that "we won't run away again"? Why did he change his mind all of a sudden? Did he take back what he just said?

"Well, why are you so surprised? What I said before was just to arouse everyone's morale and enthusiasm. This crisis is also an opportunity for our entire human group to regain confidence. But if If I really encounter an opponent I can't win and a disaster I can't survive, then I won't be so stupid and take all my clan members to die together!" Riku said with a smile: Don't worry, in fact, here In a year's time, with ZhuVi's help, I have already prepared a retreat!"

He said this, and with a gesture from his eyes, ZhuVi also cooperated and projected a light and shadow in his hand.

"This...our village?"

Ke Luo frowned and looked at it for a few seconds. It took a few seconds to realize that what was shown in the light and shadow was a three-dimensional projection of this human settlement. In this projection map, nodes are marked with different colors, which are constructed in a three-dimensional manner to form a regular multi-dimensional shape, encompassing the space of the entire human settlement area.

"This is a super-large space shuttle device that I asked ZhuVi to improve and develop based on the [Accelerator] of their Ex-Machina species, which is the psychic shuttle we use here. It can transfer the entire village at once. Go to another area thousands of kilometers away! Even if something like that happens, as long as the outer protective force field can survive the first few seconds, we can save everyone unscathed. Move to a safe location away from the battlefield!"

As Riku said this, he spread out a map in his hand and pointed to a point marked on it - it was a mountain range located to the west of the settlement here. It was obviously the "safe place" he called

....When was this done? How come I don’t know at all?

Keluo was completely shocked. She had no idea that Riku and ZhuVi would complete such a big project right under her nose. She had not heard anything about it beforehand.

"When designing and installing the peripheral defense system, Riku considered the unpreventable problem and asked me to make such a retreat.

ZhuVi opened her mouth to explain at this time, which made Ke Luo admire Riku's meticulous thinking even more. She also couldn't help but feel slightly unhappy - such a big thing was not told to her, and the two of them quietly completed it. Okay, is this excluding her "sister"?

Of course, although she felt a little unhappy, now that she knew that Riku had arranged everything, Ke Luo temporarily let go of her worries. However, after thinking about it for a few minutes, she felt something was wrong.

"Wait, wait!" She stopped Riku who was about to go out for inspection, and said: "You said before that you would move us and the entire village, right? The place where we were moved can accommodate such a large object. Really? And the new stronghold you marked on the map is in the mountains, right? Aren’t you afraid that we will get stuck in the rocks and be unable to get out?"

"Eh?!" Riku looked at Ruokeluo with surprise: "When did you become so smart?"

"Hmm~ Riku, you are the idiot! I've always been smart, okay!" Ke Luo puffed up her cheeks in response to Riku's teasing, and her face was full of displeasure - she didn't respect her "sister". What she is most concerned about is the question she just thought of: "Stop joking and explain it to me quickly!"

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