“Yes~Yes~” Riku saw that she was really anxious, so he stopped keeping her in suspense and gave the answer directly:

“Why do you think so many warriors went out on missions in the past year? I had people find a cave of suitable size at the location to be transferred. Then we modified the terrain inside little by little without attracting attention, until it could accommodate our entire village. Don't worry! Everything will be fine!"

Chapter 567: The future of mankind is chosen by mankind

"Oh, I didn't realize that this human boy named Riku is still capable!" In Fang Yuan's "observation room", Jibril, who was "chasing dramas" every day, saw the perfect preparations made by Riku and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Although Jibril has been paying attention to humans for the past year, she is not Fang Yuan and has not been connected to the psychic network. In addition, she has to cooperate with Fang Yuan to do some experiments from time to time, so it is impossible for her to keep an eye on every move of all humans. Therefore, even if she spends several hours every day "chasing dramas", it is still impossible to know every change in the entire human race. At least Riku's plan was not discovered by her. Perhaps she had seen some human warriors exploring new bases and transforming terrain before, and she had also seen some arrangements made by ShuBi in human villages , but she didn't connect these things together until Riku opened his mouth and pointed it out, then she reacted. It can be said that if Koro didn't see through it simply because she was not smart enough, but Jibril was also kept in the dark, it means that Riku's plan is indeed very secretive, and no one except himself and ShuVi can know the whole picture of the whole plan - unless someone can communicate with the hearts of every human being like Fang Yuan at all times, and see their every move and every thought clearly. The Flügel girl tilted her head and looked at Fang Yuan who was slowly approaching on the other side.

"He... is on guard against... Including me, the spirit species!" Fang Yuan said.

"Eh?" Ji Yinlil was a little surprised.

Why did this mere human who received the gift from the spirit begin to guard against the spirit that gave him power?

Could it be that this guy is an ungrateful person? A traitor? Or an ambitious person who is unwilling to be oppressed by someone? None of them seem like it.

But considering that Fang Yuan is the one who understands the human mind the most, what he said must be true. This is really interesting.

"Haha! So, great foreign spirit, how does it feel to be betrayed by your patron? Do you feel sad? Don't be shy, you can cry if you are sad~ I won't laugh at you. However, in response to this, Fang Yuan just snapped his fingers, allowing the naughty Skywing captive to enjoy the "tightening curse" that she hadn't enjoyed for several months again, making her flutter her wings and roll on the ground, crying out in pain.

This guy only remembers to eat and not to be beaten. Why did he provoke Fang Yuan for no reason? However, Fang Yuan punished Jibril not because she hit Fang Yuan's sore spot or something. He was just unhappy with her mocking expression. The fact made him expect this kind of thing. After all, from the original plot, we can know how bold Riku is. He dared to plot against the God of War. How could he really worship Fang Yuan, a mysterious guy who didn't even know the name of God? What's more, Fang Yuan actually doesn't need humans to worship him. He is not the god of faith in DND. He doesn't need the so-called power of faith to maintain his strength. He is not a god of this world, who needs the faith of mortals to activate his essence. He just needs the survival and growth of the human race itself. Riku's existence of being skeptical of everything and having extremely independent thoughts is even a good thing for Fang Yuan!

It is only such a cautious and bold existence, with meticulous thinking and not lacking in whimsical ideas, that can truly lead the weak human race to become stronger. If the leader of the human race is replaced by a kowtow bug who is submissive and servile to the gods, Fang Yuan will be unhappy!

After nearly a minute of punishment time, Jixilier barely got up from the ground with trembling hands and feet, and questioned the unreasonable Fang with a sad and angry face.

"Humph! You tried to ruin my mood, which can also be considered as "unfavorable to me". Naturally, I have to give you a "tightening curse" to wake you up!"

Looking at the pretty face of the Flügel girl with tears in the corners of her eyes, Fang Yuan did not have the slightest intention of sympathizing with her, and retorted mercilessly. "Well, Fang Yuan's reason was too strong, and his attitude was too self-righteous, which made Jibril unable to find any rebuttal for a while.

To be honest, she hadn't suffered from the "tightening curse" for several months, and she almost forgot that the guy in front of her was a hateful guy who could beat a beautiful girl like her without hesitation. She had been living too comfortably recently. Her mentality was a little floating, and she unconsciously had the idea of ​​provoking, and now she suffered the consequences...

Not to mention Jibril who was deeply regretting that she shouldn't be too complacent and should be more tolerant.

Through the psychic network, Fang Yuan felt the joy and pride of human beings gradually changing from escaping to fighting, from humiliation to self-confidence, and even successfully defending their homes when they joined hands to help each other and defend their homes in disasters. He nodded. Know that human race self-confidence has gradually been established. This is very important! Fang Yuan does not want humans in this world to be like in the original work. Even after world peace, they are still looked down upon by all races because of their weak strength. Even after more than six thousand years, they still cannot get rid of that " "Bald Monkey".

Although he has given spiritual energy, a key extraordinary power in the extraordinary world, without that self-confidence and self-improvement, even if it develops and grows, the entire human race will still be a weak race with no future at all. That's fine now, even though the entire human race is still very weak, even though the first step of their power is to defend a small village in the aftermath of the war between the other two races.

"Now let's see what Riku will do. Should he play tricks on each race to win the Star Cup like in the original novel, or should he give priority to developing his own race's strength? I'm looking forward to your choice.

Fang Yuan suppressed the idea of ​​actively interfering with human thoughts through the psychic network. It was enough that he had done this once before. If he did it too much, it would completely violate his desire to draw information from the infinite possibilities of human beings. The original meaning of grain. How to go next depends on human beings' own choices!

Chapter 568: When a human product manager meets an Ex-Machina designer...

The conflict between goblins and draconics was quickly over.

Although several shellings did come close to the human stronghold during the period, and one even hit directly above the village, the force field defense network that ShuVi deemed to be strong enough to withstand two consecutive rounds (Bengma's force field defense network) did not. As expected of Riku and others, it perfectly withstood the power of the bombardment. Apart from a slight shock, it did not cause any substantial damage to the human village.

Moreover, perhaps because the defense of the psychic field does not include any elven reaction, the rock formations blasted away by the bombardment also melted at high temperatures and turned into magma, covering the gap in the mountain again. Therefore, the goblins and dragon elves fighting on the other side None of them noticed that one of their attacks was actually defended.

After the "small conflict" in the sky was over, the nervous humans looked at their home with almost no damage, and all felt confident and proud from the bottom of their hearts - for the first time in history, they protected the At this time, the entire human village was filled with a fiery atmosphere. Everyone was cheering and celebrating, as if they had just won a big victory. Although the fact of "not escaping" meant that they had been escaping all the time. For them, it was indeed a victory that they had not won for an unknown amount of time. However, in this atmosphere of national celebration, there are still sober people who can see the hidden worries in the future of the human race. Riku did not participate in the spontaneous celebration banquet of the villagers. Instead, he continued to think about the thought that was interrupted by the accident before - should humans develop strategic deterrent force like other races? No, Now it is no longer a question of "should". It is a question of "how to do it". This "small conflict" that happened very close at hand, although with Riku's advance planning and ShuVi's dedication, it became a near-miss exercise, he turned the harm into an advantage and advanced the situation. It boosted the morale of the whole clan, but it also broke his past illusions. It made him realize more deeply that there is no way to survive in this world without real power!

If humans hadn't gained psychic power, if it hadn't been for the Mecha girl who appeared beside him by accident, if it hadn't been for the rapid development over the past year, facing this conflict between goblins and dragon elves, maybe Human beings can only embark on the journey of escape with helplessness and fear as before!

Therefore, if we really want to allow mankind to develop with peace of mind, we must make our own voice heard in the gaming field of this world, occupy a piece of territory that truly belongs to mankind, and then have the power to prevent other races from easily invading. force.

Although Riku learned the true cause of this endless war from ShuVi, he did not think about obtaining the Star Cup by penetrating the core of the planet and ending this war once and for all.

But after careful deduction and careful calculation, he finally gave up the idea. On the one hand, this is because the stakes involved in doing so are too high, and it is not a good choice when there is no end in sight - the entire human race can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. This is undoubtedly contrary to his original intention. On the other hand, it is quite ironic - because humans have gained extraordinary power and have fought against other races more than once, they are no longer as non-existent among the races as they used to be. Feeling.

Although so far, no race should have guessed that those warriors using strange powers are humans, but the matter of "there is an organization using mysterious powers on the mainland" is not too secretive. Therefore, in this case, if humans are still allowed to serve as spies to stir up troubles and conflicts among many races, trying to increase the intensity of the war to the highest level in the shortest time, and finally use the power of these races to penetrate the star core , causing the Star Cup to appear... Perhaps when human spies appear, they will be regarded as enemies by people of other races as soon as they appear, and they will start a war directly!

This left Riku with no choice but to abandon this seemingly alluring "shortcut" and turn to another upright path to rise.

He didn't believe it. If the human race could maximize the power of psychic energy, wouldn't it be possible to penetrate the elven corridors deep in the planet?! However, in this way, the matter returned to the previous problem: how should humans develop and have possessions? What about that powerful strategic force?

Although with the help of ZhuVi, the Ex-Machina, human beings' understanding and application of psychic powers can be said to have advanced rapidly. Almost every few days, some new usage of psychic powers or new props will appear, even allowing them to In just one year, it has grown from a weakling with no power to resist the alien race to a level where it can barely stand today, but this is not enough! The time is still too short, and the human population is too small. They still lack too much talent that can participate in R\u0026D and innovation, as well as time for R\u0026D and innovation.

"Sure enough, I still have to find ShuVi? In desperation, Riku could only settle for soft food and find an Ex-Machina girl who had almost completely integrated into the human race.

"What strategic force can humans use?" After hearing Riku's request, ShuVi tilted her head cutely.

Although Riku's question was a bit strange, the Ex-Machina girl still responded obediently:

"Do you have any specific requirements?"

"...Request, Riku rubbed Ruo Ruo's chin with one hand, and said while thinking: "First of all, it must be usable by humans, without having to rely on the power of other races. Then it must be powerful enough, as long as you use one. ... No, as long as other races know that we have this kind of power, they will not dare to launch attacks easily. And if possible, can you make some efforts in terms of convenience of launching and controllability of power... The more he talked, even Riku himself felt that it was a bit too much, so he decisively shut his mouth and suppressed more and more outrageous requests that followed. Even so, he felt that his requirements were a bit too high, and he was very worried that he had exceeded the limit of ZhuVi's abilities. However, ZhuVi verbally agreed to many of Riku's unreasonable "product requirements"

"I know, the request is accepted, the plan is being calculated...

Seeing the mechanical disc on ZhuVi's head emitting blue light due to high-speed calculations, Riku felt a little guilty but also full of anticipation.

Chapter 569: 17 plans, is the first one so crazy?

After a long time, ZhuVi, who was calculating at such high speed that even her head began to smoke, finally came up with the result. The Ex-Machina girl opened her eyes and said to Riku who was full of expectations:

"Based on Riku's requirements, as well as humanity's current strength and technological level, a total of 17 plans have been calculated.

"17 kinds?!" Riku couldn't help being surprised and happy. He originally just expected that there might be a result, but he didn't expect that ShuVi suddenly gave out as many as two digits of alternatives - what should I say? Is he really worthy of being an Ex-Machina? After taking a few deep breaths and calming down his mood, Riku asked: "Well. 17 types... Let's talk about it from the beginning!"

Zhu Vi nodded, projected an extremely complex light and shadow model in her hand, and introduced

"The first is the first one, which simulates a black hole.

"Model... black hole?" Riku had a puzzled expression on his face. He lacked knowledge about astronomy and had no idea what the so-called "black hole" was.

_But this is no wonder. After all, after the long war, the sky of the entire planet was covered with thick clouds. Human beings have not seen the sun for countless years, let alone the dimmer starry sky. Even in the minds of Riku's generation, their understanding of the "world" is only limited to this planet full of disputes. No one has ever imagined the starry sky above the sky that they have never seen with their own eyes. What is wrong with this? For the previous humans, even "surviving" was already something they could do with all their strength. No one would focus on such useless things. Right! This didn't change until Fang Yuan bestowed spiritual power on humans, and Zhu Vi brought knowledge belonging to the Ex-Machina species. But even so, knowledge about astronomy, which seems to be completely useless at present, is not included in Riku and others' study plans. Therefore, after hearing the name mentioned by Zhu Vi, he could only look at it with a look on his face. Confused. Fortunately, Riku quickly understood what the so-called "black hole" was through the super high-level teachings in the spiritual connection. It was when the sky had not been strangled by war and the stars were still visible. One of the results of research on the detection of extraterrestrial objects.

Just like physicists and astronomers on Earth, at a certain period, Ex-Machines also came up with the conjecture that "there is some kind of massive celestial body in the universe that even light cannot escape." And unlike earth scientists who have only speculated about the existence of black holes in the past hundred years or so, it was not until the development of modern astronomical observation technology that evidence of the existence of black holes was actually discovered; Ex-Machines have used their knowledge of space technology After exploration and research, it was directly proved from another aspect that there is a basis for the existence of this kind of celestial body.

However, because of the unique way of thinking and logic of the Ex-Machina, they have never thought of using this knowledge to make weapons. Simply analyzing and imitating other tribes' attack elements is enough for the Ex-Machina to gain a foothold in this world. Yes, these super artificial intelligence life forms do not have a strong desire to develop destructive weapons.

Until now, the Ex-Machina individual who was abandoned by the group and the mechanical girl ShuVi who pursues human hearts have mobilized all their knowledge reserves at Riku's request to design strategic weapons for mankind that can deter all enemies. This The knowledge that had been stored away for a long time finally came into use.

"In fact, this model's black hole skill is developed based on the gravity field skill created by Riku. By changing the default downward gravity field to be activated around a certain point, combined with the space distortion skill, As long as the strength of psychic energy reaches a certain limit, some characteristics of a black hole can be simulated in reality, swallowing everything within the range of the skill's influence.

-While talking, Zhu Vi also used an optical projection to show the scene of a simulated black hole explosion - in just a few seconds, it is enough to swallow an entire mountain of thousands of meters high, and after a long time, it can even rewrite the planet's landscape. The power, if it were true, would make Riku's hair stand on end.

"This, this is too exaggerated!" Riku wiped the cold sweat from his head, a little unbelievable - such a powerful and terrifying skill can really be possessed by humans? Fortunately, ZhuVi's next words made He calmed down a little:

"Well, this is a demonstration of the maximum controllable output of a simulated black hole in calculations. With the current average human psychic energy intensity, even if the power of all humans is integrated, it is impossible to achieve this level. Hearing this, Riku couldn't help but relax. tone.

Although in theory, human strategic deterrent weapons should be more powerful, the better, but when Riku actually saw this terrifying skill with unimaginable power, he still couldn't help but resist from the bottom of his heart. Then, ShuVi demonstrated it for Riku The result after all humans jointly activate this skill is much less powerful than the previous exaggeration, but it also looks much more real. The amount is only enough to swallow an entire goblin floating fleet.

If he had seen the initial demonstration, Riku might have been amazed by this effect, but after seeing the previous demonstration by ShuVi, this level of impact is not that big now.

Well, with all the strength of the human race, we can only destroy one goblin squadron... This is enough!"

Riku nodded, indicating that this level of power has been achieved, no, in fact it has far exceeded his expectations.

"So, after using this skill, what will happen to the initiator? Will there be any serious price to pay?" Riku asked another key question. This was not just his imagination, after all, he knew, Moves such as the Dragon Elf's [Collapse] and the Flügel's Sky Strike, which are powerful enough to be used as trump cards, will cost the initiator a high price.

For example, if a Flügel is only weak for 50 years after activating [Sky Strike], it is considered a small price after all. For example, the dragon type's [Collapse Howl] even requires the initiator to pay the price of his life, which can be said to be a cost to all enemies. The trick of death. Therefore, Riku couldn't help but worry about what painful price humans would have to pay for launching a powerful forbidden move like simulating a black hole? In response to Riku's question, ZhuVi was silent for two seconds, and then said:

"The price... In addition to the risk of being involved in the power of the simulated black hole, the initiator has a 49-56% chance of dying because the soul cannot bear the output of excessive spiritual energy.

Chapter 570: The terrifying talent of Ape erectus awakens

-Half mortality rate...the price is still too high!" Riku sighed, and finally shook his head and put this plan among the alternatives. He raised his head and looked at ZhuVi: So, let's talk Let’s talk about the next plan?”

"The second option is psychic storm. This time, she explained on her own without waiting for Riku to ask:

"By converting spiritual energy into waveforms that can resonate with the elves, guiding the elves with spiritual energy, creating a chaotic and disorderly large-scale energy release in a certain area. Setting off a destructive storm that can destroy most materials, at the same time It also has the damage to the spiritual body caused by the psychic energy itself, which has huge lethality on both the material and soul levels." The projection in her hand was switched to demonstrate the activation scene of this psychic storm.

In an area of ​​at least several hundred square kilometers, the chaotic energy storm swept across everything. Whether it was rocks or the army, they were all destroyed indiscriminately in the destructive storm. Even if individuals were protected by heavy metal armor, their bodies might survive the destructive energy storm, but their souls would be torn apart by the pervasive spiritual energy, and eventually die miserably. Moreover, within the range of this skill, all the spirits in the atmosphere will fall into riots, which makes it impossible to activate most of the Anfa. For the forest elves, who are extremely dependent on magic and whose bodies are not too strong, it is a sure kill!

"Unlike the simulated black hole, which requires a minimum psychic strength limit to activate, this psychic storm can be activated by one person alone, and its power becomes stronger with the number of co-activators. What is demonstrated now is the power of all current human individuals activating this skill together.

"What is the cost?" Rikuyiri still asked this question.

"After the skill is activated, the initiator will fall into a weak state and can no longer use psychic energy. The duration ranges from one day to seven days. Theoretically, there will be no incurable after recovery. Riku nodded with satisfaction after meeting ShuBi's answer.

Although the power of this plan seems a little weak, its risk and cost are much smaller than the previous simulated black hole, and its power is quite easy to control, and it can even be used as a single skill. Overall, it is very suitable for the current situation of humans.

"This can be used as a standing battle force. I think it should be included in the list of essential skills for combatants in the future... Then, what's the next plan?" Riku was very satisfied with the skill of the Psychic Storm, but he still wanted to continue to listen to other subsequent plans. Next, ShuVi introduced the remaining fifteen strategic force plans to Riku one by one. 84 5 Among them, there are skills similar to the first two. For example, [Psychic Storm] is similar to Psychic Storm, but it completely abandons physical destruction and specializes in soul killing power, which is enough to kill tens of thousands of lower-level races in an instant. Moreover, this skill specializing in the soul side has a much larger range than the [Psychic Storm] with the same output, but it does not have the ability to interfere with elf magic. Compared with each other, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, the soul virus, which is based on the "psychic seed", that is, the meme virus, can infect the entire hostile race silently and completely eliminate the individuals of the entire enemy race with an unsolvable soul plague. However, due to the lack of knowledge of the soul by the Ex-Machinas, this soul virus has the possibility of getting out of control. If you are not careful, it may harm humans themselves. The risk of using it is not small, which can be regarded as half good and half bad.

For example, at the cost of the soul collapse of the initiator, the full potential of the "psychic seed" is stimulated. The portal to the higher dimension is directly opened in the macro world, and the endless energy pouring down from the higher dimension is used to [soul split] everything around. The power of this skill is comparable to a small nuclear explosion, and it is very flexible to start. Only one person can start it alone, and it is very practical in battle.

Of course, its cost is also obvious. The power of these skills varies, and the risk cost varies. Some of them were adopted by Riku, and some were rejected and sealed by him on the grounds that they were not suitable for human use. Of course, among these plans, there are also weapons and equipment in the form of physical weapon cities. For example, after the refined pyroxene crystal is melted and recast, it can be made into a giant single crystal. After special processing and charging, the huge amount of psychic energy stored in it can be converted into energy rays with great lethality. Its power can even be equal to the [Pseudo-classic Yanlongxiao] copied by the Mecha-Machina! However, in this plan, the processing requirements for the giant single crystal are very high. Although it is psychic processing, it does not require a very high level of technology, and it can barely be achieved with the current human technology level, but it has very high requirements for the precision control ability of the processing personnel. Without long-term training and practice, it is really impossible to cultivate enough processing talents.

Moreover, the lethality of this weapon is indeed great. However, its size is also large, and it is inconvenient to carry and move. It can only be used as a defensive weapon for fixed bases. Therefore, although it was recognized and adopted by Riku, it was not used as a strategic weapon. Instead, it was intended to be used in the future base defense system. In addition, there is also a plan based on pyroxene crystal, but it was not made into an energy cannon, but was made into an air-dropped bomb with a space device.

Well, the "airdrop" here is not an ordinary "airdrop", but a more high-energy and otherworldly "spacedrop". With the precise positioning of psychic shuttle skills or equipment, the overcharged pyroxene crystal is dropped into the center of the enemy, and then it is remotely detonated. Its power is no worse than that of the energy cannon, and through the different sizes of the crystals, its power level can be easily controlled. It can be said to be a very useful weapon. Of course, in addition to the above, there are some other plans, which are not listed here due to space limitations. After weighing and choosing, Riku quickly made arrangements and began to think about how to make those new weapons and equipment. The entire human settlement area suddenly became lively and busy again.

Chapter 571 Capturing Fantasy Species

"Ah hoo~~! I finally came out of that prison!" The Flügel girl happily fluttered her small wings and flew up and down in the sky, shouting and screaming as she flew back.

Well, I can't say "see the sky again". After all, although you can see the sky here, you can't see the sun. But for a Flügel girl who always likes to fly around, it's been a long time since she could be so free. The ground is flying under the sky, which can be said to be a long-lost fun. However, before Jibril could be happy for a few minutes, a voice that made her deeply unhappy sounded in her ears:

"Don't just have fun, don't forget the mission I gave you!" Fang Yuan's figure did not appear here. In fact, he was still staying in the secret space opened up in the unknown dimension at this time. It's just a conversation with Jibril through the "tightening curse" connection. After seeing that the human side was starting to get on the right track, Fang Yuan also put down some of his attention and turned his energy to another thing that had not been completed before.

That’s right, it’s hunting fantasy species!

Due to some unknown reason, every time he made a move, he failed. Fortunately, he met Jibril who came to his door, and finally he didn't come back empty-handed. During this year, he had almost studied the body composition of the Flügel, so he once again had the idea of ​​catching a Phantasma to study.

However, this time, in order to ensure that he would not fail again, he decided not to go out personally, but asked Jibril, who had become much more docile, to help him search for those fantasy species that had no fixed abodes.

With the "Tightening Curse", he doesn't have to worry about Jibril taking the opportunity to escape. He can already seize control of Jibril's body with just a thought. Even if she does escape, Fang Yuan can still do it at any time. A thought made her come back on her own. As a prisoner, Jibril was well aware of this, and she seemed to be very curious about Fang Yuan, a foreign god, and had no thoughts of escaping for the time being, so she accepted the task obediently. But perhaps because she had been held in a closed space for so long, Jibril became a little too happy when she was let out. This made Fang Yuan have to take the initiative to remind her, which made her remember that she actually still had a mission on her shoulders. . .... In response to Fang Yuan's urging, Jibril pursed her lips in displeasure, stopped her meaningless venting, flapped her wings, and gradually moved away in one direction. To be honest, for Jibril, the task Fang Yuan gave her this time was not even a task. Fantasy seeds or something. Although there are not many in the whole world, it is not that difficult to find, but I don’t know why. Her temporary new boss came to her door again and again but failed every time. It was really Something strange. No, it was just a few space transfers, and after flying for a few minutes, Jixiril found the nearest fantasy species.

It was a gray-black cloud that enveloped an entire mountain range. In the looming clouds and mist, you can see that there seem to be some moving black shadows inside, and it seems that you can see mountain cities built on the mountains, hidden in the clouds and mist. I don't know if it is really an illusion.

Jibril looked at the slowly flowing clouds and mist between the mountains, and the looming mountain city in the clouds and mist. A solemn expression appeared on her face - facing a Phantasmal Seed alone was a very dangerous thing.

"Niflhel, lifeless gray mist...

Yes, this cloud and mist, including the black shadows and cities in the cloud and mist, are actually the body of this fantasy species. Because of the low black clouds in the sky and the high altitude of the mountains, it is not even possible to distinguish the gray clouds at a glance. Is the black cloud and mist a natural phenomenon or something else? Even though the gray-black cloud and mist is quietly stagnating in the mountains now, and it looks harmless, only the indigenous races of this world know what a fantasy species with the alias "Inanimate Gray Mist" is. A terrifying existence! When this fantasy species is active, it will migrate along the monsoon like the naturally existing clouds between heaven and earth, swallowing up all the creatures, villages, cities, and even countries along the way. However, what is really terrifying is However, the creatures and cities after being swallowed did not die or disappear. Instead, they were infected and transformed by the heterogeneous magic power in the gray fog. They gradually lost their physical bodies and conscious gods, and finally became able to only survive in the gray fog. The unique mist-like life form became Niflhel's slave forever! In fact, in the long time before the war began, this fantasy species had already become a terrible natural disaster in the minds of many lower races at that time. It is a terrible disaster that means death + no life. However, in the past few thousand years, this fantasy species seems to have entered a dormant period, greatly reducing the frequency of activity, and finally took root in this mountain range.

"Oh...Is this the fantasy species you found for me? It seems to be in some kind of transformation stage...Well, no matter what, you have completed the task well. The next step is Step away first. Leave it to me! As Ruo Ruo finished speaking, Fang Yuan's figure passed through the layers of void dimensions and appeared beside the Flügel girl. The moment he appeared, he was in a quiet dormant state. The fantasy species seemed to be awakened from a deep sleep. The gray fog covering the entire mountain range suddenly accelerated, drawing in the mountain cities hidden in the gray fog and even the mountain itself, and then the fog dissipated. The fantasy species also known as "Inanimate Gray Mist" seems to have changed from an unfolded and dormant state to a contracted state for easy movement. And judging from the direction of its movement, it seems to be trying to escape?

"Squirt! Weird. What is the reason for you to react like this to my arrival?!" Fang Yuan was a little puzzled, but his movements did not stop. He decisively took out the gun he used to capture Jiprey. Throw your hyperdimensional cube in the direction of the gray fog.

In an instant, the unfolding dimensions enveloped the entire mountain range, instantly blocking all the Phantasmal Species' escape routes.

The cloud, which was so thick that it was almost black, seemed to know that it could not escape. So it immediately stopped moving. The next moment, a spiritual wave came from the cloud:

[...Who is it? Why are you disturbing my sleep!] Well, although this sounds like an accusation. But why does Fang Yuan always sound like there is a hint of trembling in the other party's words?

Chapter 572 Huh? When did I become a fantasy species?

Fang Yuan did not respond to the somewhat stern and inwardly questioning question from the fantasy species. From Jibril, he had learned about the past achievements of this fantasy species. In his opinion, this kind of existence that acted unscrupulously and regarded other living beings as ants definitely could not follow the same path as himself.

Since we can't walk on the same path, then naturally there is no need to talk nonsense with the other party and just start fucking!

Boom-!!! Fang Yuan's style instantly changed to that of a Hong Kong comic, and he used extremely violent moves.

With just one punch, the space blocked by the hyperdimensional cube began to tremble and even shatter. Large swaths of gray mist were swallowed up by the broken space, and were then exiled to unknown directions in time and space.

After obtaining this god-level body, Fang Yuan felt more and more that this body was really useful. In particular, this physical body's ability to perceive and control the dimensions of time and space can even replace most of Fang Yuan's Taoist spells. The physical instinct alone is worth the vast majority of magical spells. Just like now, it seems like he just punched out, but in fact it is through the resonance connection between the physical body and the essence of time and space, transmitting the destructive punch force into the matrix of time and space. This creates the exaggerated effect of punching to shatter the space. . However, although it seemed that the space-shattering blow tore apart the fantasy species' body a lot, Fang Yuan knew that the opponent did not actually suffer much damage. Different from the "creatures" after the sixth position in the sequence, and even different from the several "life" races from the third to the sixth position, the body that the fantasy species appears in the material world is not its true body, but just them. The projection of the small "alien world" in the unknown dimension in the body in reality.

Therefore, as long as the "small world" within the body of the fantasy species is not shattered, the "middle core" hidden in it is found and destroyed, no matter how much damage is caused to the external body of the fantasy species, it will not cause any essential damage to it. on the damage. This is also the terrifying thing about this race. Even if it has not mutated into a "Demon King" with the power of creation, it is just a single ordinary fantasy species. For most lower-level races, it is impossible to even harm them.

The only exception is the fantasy species capture magic jointly developed by the forest elves and the fairy species, and the [Void Zero Protection] extended from it, which can be regarded as a successful victory for the lower race against the upper race. Counterattack. As for upper-level races such as Flügel, Giants, and Dragon Spirits, it is difficult for them to face Phantasma alone, especially the alien world within the Fantasy whose rules are very different from those of the real world. Once captured, except for the gods, All other races will be cut off from the Elf Corridor, and most magic will be ineffective against fantasy opponents. Not to mention anything else, just one [Bad Release of the Melting World], which means the collapse and reshaping of the alien world within the Fantasy Species, is enough to eliminate any existence except the Divine Species. And here is the contradiction. If you want to defeat the Phantasmal Species, even if its body in the material world is completely wiped out with destructive energy, its body in a higher dimension can still project its body again at any time, creating a new life. Immortal, unless it enters the body of the fantasy species and finds its "core", it is possible to truly pose a threat to the life of the fantasy species.

Therefore, with the exception of the [zero protection of the void] of the elf species, among the fantasy species that have been defeated or killed in history, apart from the civil war between the same fantasy species, only the divine species can This has been done.

Of course, it was said before that under Fang Yuan's punch, the fantasy species named "Niflhel" "did not suffer much damage", but in other words, his punch also It did cause damage to the opponent.

After all, his punch was not a simple physical attack, but a space-time attack that directly hit the essence of space. When the broken space tore the mist-like body of the fantasy species, it also tore off part of the space of the alien world in the fantasy species' body.

Although this kind of damage only requires the fantasy species to take the initiative to [break the melting world] once to disintegrate and reshape the world inside the body, it can be restored immediately, but at the same time, at the moment when the world inside the body is shattered, the "core" of the fantasy species that is covered and protected by layers will briefly emerge from the unknown dimension and be exposed in the material body. At this time, the fantasy species is both the strongest and the weakest moment. As long as anyone can seize this momentary opportunity, they can immediately give the fantasy species a fatal blow!

At this time, Nifolher obviously understood this point. Facing such a powerful enemy as Ruo Fangyuan, it is impossible for it to risk being killed in one blow just to recover that little bit of damage that does not hurt the essence.

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