However, if Fang Yuan continues to attack like this, when the alien world inside his body is completely shattered, his "middle core" will be forced to emerge day by day, and in the end there will be no escape.

One it decides to negotiate.

Wait...wait! My powerful kinsman! I don’t know why you are so hostile to me, but in any case, there should be no sworn hatred between you and me. If there is any misunderstanding, we can Let's have a good talk....

"Huh? Same race? What nonsense are you talking about! Fang Yuan, who was about to throw his next punch, received the mental fluctuations of this fantasy species. He raised his eyebrows and was very surprised. Did this fantasy species have a problem with its eyes or something? What? You actually thought he was a member of the same race?

Fang Yuan is an upright human being, isn't he! Even taking a step back, his current body may have nothing to do with ordinary humans, but it should still be closer to the spirit species. Why did he become a fantasy species?

In fact, from Niflhel's point of view, Fang Yuan is indeed a fantasy species, and it is also the kind of super fantasy species that is ridiculously strong, so strong that it makes others of its kind tremble when it comes near. Who sealed the person inside Fang Yuan’s body?

Although this mental universe, which is extremely close to the real universe, was forced to be sealed due to Fang Yuan's relationship between humans and gods, there is still a trace of insignificant breath flowing out through the seal. To Fang Yuan, this kind of atmosphere is almost equivalent to himself. The weak breath of body odor, to the fantasy species in this world, is equivalent to the same kind that is more terrifying than all the gods, releasing its own breath without concealment. Moreover, the indifference, coldness, and power faintly revealed in that aura made every fantasy species who sensed Fang Yuan's presence unable to think of getting close, and just wanted to stay as far away from this extremely terrifying "same kind" as possible.

-It’s no wonder that Fang Yuan failed every time he tried to find fantasy species!

Chapter 573: The Submission of the Fantasy Species \u0026 the War of the Human Species

After patiently listening to the explanation of this fantasy species. Fang Yuancai suddenly realized that the problem actually lies in the mental image universe sealed in his body! Then he was quite dumbfounded - it turned out that the mental image universe he developed based on the mental image world actually had such an effect in this world?! However, ,Although he has figured out the reason why the previous operations to capture the fantasy species have failed, it does not mean that Fang Yuan will let go of the fantasy species in front of him. On the contrary, after he realized that his mental universe still had this effect, Fang Yuan even borrowed a little bit of the power of the divine side to reveal more of the breath of the new universe and turned it into a substantial one. The aura oppressed the fantasy species in front of him.

"Hmph! Since you are so knowledgeable, I will give you a chance! Fang Yuan deliberately made a condescending attitude and said forcefully:

"I will give you a choice now - either sign a contract with me and become my apostle for my research; or reject me, then I will kill you directly here and drag your remains into my laboratory. Become a precious experimental sample, so choose!'


Although Niflhel had the intention to refuse, the powerful oppressive force on it, which even passed through the isolation of the inner world and reached its "central core", made it unable to say a word of refusal. After a long time, I found a reason for myself: "It's not shameful to recognize the powerful fellow in front of me as the boss." This fantasy species, which was unexpectedly timid in nature, finally gave in.

[Anyway, since you are so powerful, you may be the natural king of our fantasy species. It is natural for me to follow you...] Using such words to try to save some face for myself, this fantasy species had no choice but to He let go of the protection of the "Central Core" and allowed Fang Yuan to impose a slightly harsh contractual restriction. Since then, after capturing the sixth Flügel in the sequence, Fang Yuan once again acquired the second-ranked Phantasma in the sequence! And Jibril, who watched the entire performance of this Phantasma from start to finish, was Looking at this fantasy that has a great reputation in history with a look that is mixed with contempt and contempt.

_It was hard for her to believe that this coward was really of the same race as Abant Heim, who carried them as the Flügel?

Well. After all, she was also a Flügel who had to succumb to the enemy's power due to the "curse". If she doesn't laugh at her, she really has no position to despise them. But she can no longer have feelings for this fantasy species in front of her. Emotions such as "like you are facing a formidable enemy" After harvesting a little brother of the fantasy species, Fang Yuan himself took Jonifolhel back to the base and conducted preliminary research on the life structure of the fantasy species. As for Jipri Er, she continued to keep them outside, letting her search for more fantasy species.

Unlike the Flügels, which are mass-produced weapons made by gods with no big difference in each individual, the Phantasmals are lives born from the spontaneous condensation of the power of the planet. The life characteristics of each Phantasmal are completely different, so A mere individual as an experimental sample is completely insufficient. Fang Yuan needs more experimental materials! However, just when Fang Yuan is obsessed with research, the human side that he has slightly ignored is about to usher in their first A real war.

The fact that humans had annihilated the beastmen teams several times while on missions was finally exposed. For the beastmen, being killed by a mere bald monkey again and again was a shame among shames! The war broke out as expected. Fortunately, humans at this time had just completed the "upgrade" of the new stage. The various strategic skills and equipment deduced by the Mecha girl Zhu Bi had also been initially in place, and humans were ready to welcome the war. Due to their deep-rooted contempt for humans, even though they knew that humans had gained some extraordinary power at this time, the beastmen still did not regard them as serious enemies, and did not even fight them. They directly sent a large group of hundreds of beastmen warriors to the base of the human race.

They planned to just massacre the human race and completely wipe out this race from this planet!

However, the orcs didn't know that when they treated humans as prey, humans also treated them as prey!

[Psychic Storm!] Just as hundreds of orc warriors marched towards the human race, the human warriors who had already set up an ambush on their way did not hesitate to launch the forbidden move they had just learned not long ago. [Psychic Storm], a pure spiritual skill that would not disturb the elves and would not be detected by most detection magic, swept the army of the orcs with a devastating force. Although it was not a strategic-level power that gathered the power of the entire race, the power of this soul attack skill, launched by hundreds of human warriors, had far exceeded the resistance of the orcs.

After all, the orcs are a race that excels in physical strength, and they don't have much attainments in how to be strong and how to protect their souls. Therefore, in just a moment, including ten blood-damaged individuals, hundreds of beastmen warriors died in this gray-black canyon without a single chance. Their bodies were gradually corroded and rotted by the spirit bones, leaving only bones and broken clothes on the ground.

The result of this battle was not discovered by the high-level beastmen until the day after. After sending out scouts, they learned that the team they had sent out had been completely wiped out! This incident finally made the beastmen take humans seriously and regarded them as enemies that threatened the beastmen. Therefore, the beastmen also took a real posture to fight the enemy, organized an army of thousands of people, and rushed straight to the territory of the human race.

[..... ....Six thousand...At least six thousand five hundred troops! Sir Riku, did you see it?]

[I saw it! Thank you for your hard work, Noah, your mission is over, return immediately, and be careful!]

Such a large-scale military action by the beastmen could not be hidden from the scouts sent by humans. However, with the convenient feature of the psychic network that transmits information regardless of distance, Riku, who is in the human settlement area, can learn about the movements of the beastmen from the front line at the first time.

"6000....Heh. This is more than the total number of our human beings! It seems that we have to use this powerful force that even scares us... Riku showed a trace of reluctance on his face, but it was immediately replaced by a resolute expression. At this critical moment related to the survival of mankind, he will not be soft-hearted!

Chapter 574 Psychic Storm, Destroying with Everything

"General, the army formation of those bald monkeys was found 15 kilometers ahead, with a number of about one...

A beastman scout was reporting the situation of the front-line reconnaissance to the academic controller of this army.

... Humph! Are you looking down on us? Or are those bald monkeys unable to send more people?"

The general, who was wearing armor and a mighty mask on his face, had a tone of disdain in his voice, but if one looked carefully, one could hear a trace of barely perceptible fear in his words.

After all, this suddenly rising human was too mysterious. Not to mention the many times before when they silently killed the beastmen's teams, just last time, a large team of hundreds of people was easily wiped out by the other side. Even now, it is still unclear what kind of power those humans used. There is no doubt that although this beastman general seemed to look down on humans, his vigilance and fear were actually increasing day by day. Until now, when he heard that the human race had only dispatched a mere 1,000 people, his fear reached its peak - he did not believe it. , the humans who were able to completely wipe out the orc troops in the last battle would not be able to detect the actions of their own army, nor would they believe that the other side would not be able to detect the number of people dispatched by their side. However, given this, the other side still only sent out less than one-sixth of the orcs' troops. There are only two possibilities. The other is that those hateful bald monkeys think that only so many people are needed to win this war. As for the orc general who has learned the lesson of the last failure, he is undoubtedly inclined to the latter possibility.

"Increase the intensity of reconnaissance again. No matter what the bald monkeys do, they must report the information as soon as possible!


[Riku, everyone is ready!]

On the plain where the terrain is almost invisible, more than a thousand fully armed human warriors have lined up in a neat queue.

The one who spoke was the one-armed middle-aged man Yiwang. This calm and experienced warrior as always did not speak casually because of the large number of human warriors. Instead, he still strictly abided by the rules set by Ruoliku and communicated through spiritual connections. .

In fact, not only him, but all the thousands of human warriors formed a dense queue on the plain, but not one of them spoke. They all remained astonishingly silent. But for Ivan, The first "senior" to obtain psychic powers, Riku was also very relieved. He nodded silently and said in the connection of consciousness:

[The 1st to 8th brigades will participate in the next joint attack. The 9th and 10th brigades will be left in your charge to ensure our safety when launching the attack!]

[Understood, leave it to me!]

The one-armed man nodded and immediately turned around and returned to the queue, alert for any slight movement that might threaten the safety of the larger army. Looking at Ruoyiwang's back as he walked away, and then turning to look at the thousands of silent warriors behind him, Liku took a deep breath behind his mask and let go of the last hesitation in his heart.

[Let's start, [Psychic Storm], joint mode activated!]

More than 800 human warriors who can use psychic powers in battle, under the guidance of Riku, gradually communicate with each other's psychic powers. The spiritual powers that were originally slightly different due to each person's selfish thoughts gradually became indistinguishable from each other through the resonance and contact. The hearts of everyone gradually removed the barriers and temporarily merged into one. The gradually pure spiritual energy also gradually grows in this resonance and fusion, and it grows exponentially! The overly powerful spiritual energy even takes on a physical shape in the material world without being transformed, like a continuous piece of paper. Like a sea of ​​fire, pure white flames enveloped the human warriors. It was almost impossible to even see their figures clearly. But this is just a prelude!, adjusted to a band that resonates with the spirits in the atmosphere.

The next moment, the materialized spiritual energy that turned into a sea of ​​pure white flames suddenly expanded and rose, turning into an extremely dazzling flame tornado, soaring into the sky from the human military formation, splitting open the wind and snow filled with human corpses. , and even split open the thick clouds that forever covered the sky, revealing the dark starry sky behind it. The elves in the atmosphere who were aroused trembled slightly, and all kinds of energy emerged from the void, but they were suppressed by a powerful will.

But don't worry, when the main body of the orc army entered the maximum range of this move [Psychic Storm], the collective consciousness formed by hundreds of human warriors immediately discovered them

In fact, at this moment, the orcs had also discovered the actions of the humans. Even the orc scouts who came close to investigate saw the large formation created by the humans. The humans who wanted to use their ultimate move launched a surprise attack.

However, the defensive personnel that Likucha asked Iwang to place on the outside came into play at this time. Two hundred heavily armed warriors did not hesitate to kill anyone who dared to approach the human side.

...!" The orc army was marching towards the human race in the distance. The orc general looked at the flame tornado in the distance and felt a palpitation in his heart. He knew that this was the instinct passed down in his blood. He was warned of danger! Danger!! Danger!!! However, before he could make a decision between attacking to stop the human beings or escaping immediately, the next moment, the enemy's attack had already come to him - right before the human beings. The moment one party locked onto the orc army, the soaring tornado suddenly separated from the human army formation below, turning into a real fire dragon, rushing wildly from the sky, splitting the clouds and tearing the sky. Then it landed like a thunderous punishment from the orcs.

Finally, the will that suppressed the restlessness of the elves dissipated, and the elves who were no longer restrained immediately fell into the craziest rampage. The nearly endless energy was released by the extremely tiny lives in the atmosphere, turning into flames and... Turning into thunder, turning into storm, turning into frost...all kinds of chaotic magic spontaneously generate, entangle, and conflict, and finally turn into a chaotic energy storm that sweeps everything.

The orc army, numbering in the thousands, couldn't even react. It was engulfed by the energy storm that swept in from all directions, and was instantly wiped out.

Is this...humanity's trump card? At the last moment of his life, the orc general looked at his body that was gradually weathered and shattered, and let out one last sigh in his heart. On this day, there were a total of 6,578 orcs in the orc army, and only thirteen people survived. They had already sharpened their knives and refused to admit that humans had indeed become an intelligent race that was not inferior to their orcs, and could no longer be regarded as livestock animals.

However, this battle also became the beginning of an endless blood feud between the human species and the orc species that would last for hundreds of thousands of years.

Chapter 575: The intruding dragon spirit species \u0026 the passing fantasy species

Not to mention how frightened the orcs were after the survivors brought back Gefa, on the human side, more than 800 warriors, including Riku, cast [Psychic Storm] After that, he naturally fell into a weak state. Due to the weakness of their souls caused by excessive overdraft of spiritual energy, they have become somewhat powerless to even control their body movements. If they were left alone, these eight hundred warriors would have to wait in this gray-black wilderness. died.

However, fortunately, there are still two hundred people left led by Yiwang. These warriors who had previously shouldered the task of guarding now took on the task of leading others to evacuate.

Thanks to the auxiliary computing unit developed by ZhuVi, it allows all humans to use [Psychic Shuttle] very conveniently.

Although frequent use of this skill will shorten the service life of these computing units, based on the current situation, this loss is completely worth it.

Therefore, the remaining two hundred people carried their exhausted compatriots on their shoulders while fighting, and then activated the auxiliary computing unit and launched [Psychic Shuttle] to bring the clansmen back to the villages in the settlement, and then Return immediately and bring the next batch.

However, sometimes, unpredictable surprises just happen. Just when most of the retreat process was completed, several low dragon roars came from the sky that was once again covered by clouds.

The next moment, a small group of three dragon spirits broke through the clouds, and 6] came over the humans. In an instant, the air in this wilderness became stagnant.

"...Dragon Elf?!" Even the warrior next to him who was supporting the person was also frightened and did not even dare to activate [Psychic Shuttle] under the gaze of the Dragon Elf.

At this moment, the largest of the three dragon spirits lowered its altitude again, flying more than a dozen places above the human race, and at the same time let out a dragon roar.

It’s interesting. I didn’t expect that when I came after that light that tore the sky apart, I saw you weak beings... The language of dragon elves is incomprehensible to humans, even if it’s as erudite as Riku. , but this dragon's roar contains spiritual fluctuations, so that the humans below can understand its meaning. " "

And from what it said, we can know that these dragon spirits were attracted by the [psionic storm] sent by humans before.

"...Oops!" Riku also didn't expect that their battle with the beastmen would actually attract the attention of the dragon elves, and this was even when most of them had lost their combat effectiveness!

Then, something worse happened.

Just when everyone was shocked by the appearance of the dragon spirit species, accompanied by space fluctuations, the soldiers who had brought people back to the village reappeared, and then they were also suddenly seen in front of them.

However, their unusual space movement ability immediately aroused the interest of these dragon spirits - when did these weak monkeys have this ability?

[Interesting, it seems that something unusual happened when we weren't paying attention!] The leader of the dragon elf lowered his neck, and brought his huge dragon head in front of Riku and others, his eyes full of teasing and toying. The malicious intent was just a whim, but it seemed that I had found some interesting toys!

‘Damn! We’re really in big trouble now!

Riku still managed to maintain his composure on his face, but his heart was extremely panicked. There are just lower-ranking races such as orcs, demons, goblins, and elves. Although the overall strength of human beings at this time is not as good as those powerful races, now that they have obtained the trump card, they still have some advantages. Fighting hard. But the dragon spirit race is different. As the fourth-ranked E-race in the sequence, "life" that is fundamentally different from "creatures" like them is simply not something that humans at this time can compete with!

According to rumors, each scale of a dragon elf contains an amount of elf that is comparable to that of an individual Flügel, but the scales on a dragon are counted in the tens of thousands. Liche didn't know how strong the Flügel was, and he didn't. He had encountered it and didn't want to encounter it at all, but he knew that "the Flügel are the only non-god race that has successfully killed gods so far."

Therefore, he could not imagine how such a powerful dragon spirit could be an enemy of him. No. Let alone being an enemy, how to escape from it was a problem!

And, what's even more terrible is that the space movement just now may have exposed the stronghold of their human species!

Notify ShuVi... No, no! Let's not talk about whether we can contact her. Although the Ex-Machina has a record of defeating Enryu, one of the three kings of the Dragon Elf, the current ShuVi is just an abandoned person acting alone. There is no way a machine can defeat multiple dragon spirits! The imminent crisis caused Riku's mind to race rapidly, trying to find a way to get humanity out of the crisis.

.....Use [Soul Disintegration? Although I can't use my spiritual energy now, it's because of self-protection due to the weakness of my soul. But if I want to actively destroy my own soul, I don't seem to need to consider these things... . But the power of my own self-destruction may not be able to hurt the dragon spirits... Maybe all of us here using the power of [soul splitting] can threaten them? But... Do we really have to do this?" Riku used Glancing at his companions from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't even communicate using psychic connections at this time, but he didn't dare to directly issue such an order - the bloody mouth of the dragon elf was right above his head! Or... I'll just take the lead and blow myself up, others should be able to understand what I mean.

If he thought this way, he made up his mind to forcefully initiate soul disintegration. Everyone, including several dragon spirits, couldn't help but raise their heads and look upward, but were shocked to find that at some point, a gray mist from nowhere appeared in the air.

Human beings who are short-lived species did not recognize what it was, but as long-lived species who are well-informed, several dragon spirits recognized the essence of this gray mist at a glance.

[Fantasy? ! ! Why? Why did the fantasy suddenly appear here? ! ] The dragon spirits' exclamation had not yet spread far, and the diffuse gray fog suddenly rushed down like a living thing, instantly engulfing the three dragon spirits.

The next moment, destructive power was faintly transmitted from the gray fog, and then it calmed down in an instant, and then the gray fog disappeared silently just as it had just appeared.

That's right, the one who came was the fantasy species-Nifulheer, who was previously taken in by Fang Yuan as a younger brother and experimental sample. He had the fierce reputation of "Lifeless Gray Fog", but unexpectedly had a cowardly personality that did not match the fierce reputation.

It should have been studied in Fang Yuan's laboratory, but it suddenly appeared here without any signs, and it attacked the three dragon spirits who were interested in humans as soon as it appeared. It even used the big move of [Bad Release Fusion World], killing the three dragon spirits in seconds.

However, in contrast to the tragic ending of these dragon spirits, the humans who were close by were not harmed at all, and it seemed as if this fantasy species had intentionally let them go.

This was of course, after all, Nifolher appeared on Fang Yuan's orders, asking it to be responsible for eliminating "unexpected factors" when humans encountered enemies that they could not deal with alone.

-The "unexpected factors" here are obviously the dragon spirits that suddenly appeared. Who made them appear in the wrong place at the wrong time and want to attack the wrong target? In order to ensure that the important reliance on his own enlightenment would not be broken halfway because of this unforeseen "accident", Fang Yuan had to intervene. Let the fantasy species, which are also "off-field factors", appear on the scene to smooth out all the accidents..

The humans who were alarmed

So...what happened just now?

Chapter 576 The Werebeast's God-making Plan

The Werebeasts, with only thirteen survivors left, fled back to their territory in despair. Of course, they didn't know that after their army was destroyed, the dragon spirits and fantasy species also visited the battlefield. If they knew, they would probably stay away from this from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, even if they didn't know this, before figuring out the true strength of humans, the Werebeasts didn't plan to get close to the human sphere of influence again.

Well, after witnessing the extremely powerful and terrifying Psychic Storm, at least in the eyes of the Werebeasts, the Humans are now qualified to use the term "sphere of influence".

In fact, some of the severely damaged Werebeasts are even considering whether to migrate their entire tribe to a safer place, such as overseas. After all, they don't know that the Humans will pay the price of exhaustion after using Psychic Storm, and they don't know that the total available combat power of the Humans is less than 3,000. In other words, if the Werebeasts are determined to fight to the death, the Humans can only release three Psychic Storms of the same level as before. This may wipe out half of the population of the Good People, but the remaining number of them still has an absolute numerical advantage over the Humans. On the Human side, after losing those adult males who are familiar with combat skills, the remaining women, children, the elderly and the weak, even if everyone knows Psychic, but few people can use Psychic in combat. If they really step into the battlefield, they can only die. However, the beastmen did not know this. Their long-term neglect and contempt for humans made them never think of collecting any intelligence on this race. After more than six thousand armies were wiped out, the beastmen were afraid of "humans" and no beastmen dared to approach human territory again.

一一They missed the only chance to completely wipe out humans.

In fact, let alone wipe out humans, the beastmen at this time really considered moving far away to the sea. For the beastmen who lack magical abilities, relying solely on blood damage abilities and basic mechanical technology that can only be considered mediocre, it is obviously impossible to deal with the terrible "magic" of the human race. And now they find that they seem to be too close to humans!

Although they don't know why this extremely weak race in the past has suddenly become so strong, it doesn't matter anymore. The trend of strength and weakness has reversed, and now humans are stronger - at least that's how the beastmen see it. Since you can't afford to provoke them, just stay away! This is the real thought of the beastmen's high-level officials at this time.

So, while the human race was still in shock over the appearance of the Dragon Spirit and the Fantasy Species, the Werebeasts had already begun to prepare for migration.

However, when the decision to migrate was made, some people held other opinions.

"It is useless to just hide. We Werebeasts must have our own decisive power!"

In the meeting of the Werebeasts' high-level officials, a priestess from the Fox Tribe said so.

"So, what do you think, Fox Priestess?" The question was asked by another high-level official from the Tiger Tribe. The Tigers who advocated force were naturally very interested in "power".

"Although we Werebeasts have strong physiques and blood damage abilities, we are not weak in terms of individual strength. We can even be considered very strong among many lower-level races, but we lack strong magic abilities, and our technological development is far behind that of the Goblin Race. Therefore, we need to develop a strategic force that can make the final decision. "

The fox witch clearly analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the beastmen, then looked around and said her solution in a firm tone.

"So, we need a god. A god created by ourselves!" Everyone was stunned by the melon witch's remarks.

What did they hear?!

This crazy woman actually said she wanted to create gods...Does she think she is the God of Creation?! Or is she, a witch in name only, finally dead because she has been unable to contact her gods for a long time?!

Well, the so-called witches cannot be regarded as real clergy now that the creator of the beastman race has died, but are closer to a customary inheritance.

But it is obvious that the fox witch in front of her seems to be planning to turn her profession into a real "witch" - starting from the creation of a god unique to the beastman race.

"Sorry, if I heard correctly, you just said that you want us, the people created by gods, to create gods in turn?" The orc leader sitting in the highest position asked with surprise on his face. What he said The meaning is also obvious -

However, the fox witch seemed to be unable to hear the implication of the commander's words, and said to herself:

"That's right! I discovered one thing from the remaining ancient books and legends of the clan. The so-called gods were born in response to the concepts of prayer and correspondence. There are as many potential gods as there are concepts. .. So think about it from another angle, if we take the initiative to set up a clear concept, and then use the strength of the whole family to entrust faith and prayer to this concept, then can we follow our wishes and create something that can work? Where is the divine seed used by our orc race?"

While talking, the fox witch asked the waiter behind her to take out a large stack of documents and distributed them to the senior officials attending the meeting. Everyone looked through it and found that it contained a set of gods' identity settings and related doctrines that had already been sorted out. There were even drawn statues of gods and written prayers... Among the series of settings and doctrines, It clearly depicts the image of a god who is dedicated to the orcs and protects the orcs at all costs. It may be called "the guardian of the orcs".

It seems that this matter has been brewing with the fox witch for a long time. It was only now that the other party thought that the time was ripe and released such a big news. The top brass of the orcs looked at the thin information in their hands, then raised their heads and looked at each other's faces. Unsurprisingly, they saw the moving expressions on the people around them.

The idea of ​​​​the fox witch seems to be very promising! However, some people also see some problems in this proposal.

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