"This proposal seems very feasible, but it doesn't seem to be a huge project that can be completed in a short time, right? Your information says that the birth of a god species requires strong and long-lasting prayers. Strongly, I believe this The clansmen can do it, but this long-term prayer...you don't seem to have said how long it will take?" Regarding this issue, the fox witch could not be as confident as before, and could only sigh and said:

"This is something that can't be helped. After all, it can be said that no one has ever done such a thing as actively creating gods. There is no such record in the past books. I can't be sure how long it will take, maybe ten or twenty years." Years, even a hundred years, or two hundred years are possible, but I am ready to pay the price of this life, and even more years, - I must complete this thing!"

Missing 577 chapters

Chapter 578: Intelligence spreads, no longer hidden, declares war on the world!

Although the battle between goblins and dragon elves destroyed all traces of the human stronghold, and these two always powerful races did not pay attention to the weak race of humans, due to the relationship between the orcs, human intelligence was still inevitable. leaked out.

The first to learn of the relevant situation were the vampires. This race specializes in illusion magic. As losers who have lost their creator in this endless war, they have now basically become hired spies for all major races. Therefore, their lurking manpower among the orcs quickly spread the information about the orcs' great defeat - even though the orcs themselves desperately wanted to cover up this matter to the Flügel and dragon spirits. For such a high-level race, the orcs are only slightly stronger than the human race in the past, and there is no value in paying attention to them at all.

However, for races such as the forest elves and goblins, which are not very powerful and mainly rely on the magic and mechanical civilization of the group, it is still necessary to pay attention to the intelligence of the orcs.

After all, whether it is a forest elf or a goblin, the danger is still very high when encountering a close attack from an orc in a one-on-one situation.

However, this time the two races coincidentally ignored the fact that the orcs had been severely damaged in the intelligence, and instead focused on the human race who could annihilate the orc army with a strategic-level magic.

"Those monkeys...when did they have this ability?" Xinkenirbalan said, looking at the information about the human species in his hand. As a genius among the forest elves, he is the chief magician who can cast the Eight Layer Temple Technique, and is also the developer of several strategic-level magics including [Void Zero Protection]. He has only annihilated several orcs [ [Psychic Storm] naturally cannot move her. But what she really cares about is why the human race, which has no magical adaptability and was even treated as livestock in the past, suddenly possesses this level of power. Is there any existence that interferes with human beings? Basically, the only ones with this ability are the divine species. Is it a divine species that has not participated in the melee between gods before? Or is it a purely new individual? She doesn't know. However, it is almost certain that "there are existences suspected of being gods interfering with humans." This forced Xinkenilbarian to put humans, a race that was not even worth looking at in the past, as a focus of attention. After all, the endless war in this world is essentially a war for the Star Cup led by the gods. When another god joins the game, even if the god chooses an extremely weak human, she I don't dare to despise it at all.

"Collect more information about the human race!" the chief magician of the forest elves made this judgment. On the other side, although the goblins are not like the forest elves, who have come to the conclusion that "there are gods behind human beings" on their own, they do have Okan, the god of forging. Unlike Kainas, the creator of the forest elves, who is almost indifferent to the Buddhist system, as the god of forging who has the ambition to forge the world, Okan's intervention and academic control over the goblins is stronger than Kainas. Much, much more. If Kainas's status among the elves is that of an idol standing in a temple for people to worship, and has almost no sense of existence except on rare occasions; then for the goblins, Okan is equivalent to their mentor, If they continue to improve their forging skills through personal guidance and practical guidance, they can even be said to be the de facto leader of the goblins. Therefore, after the goblin species obtained information about humans, the divine species immediately judged that except for the divine species, or the fantasy species that holds the power of creation, it is basically impossible. Let humans, a race that is inherently demonic, gain magical abilities.

Well. Although it is said that the spiritual energy obtained by humans is not actually "elven magic", in a broad sense, this conclusion is actually correct.

Of course, what Okan doesn't know is that what stands behind human beings is not the so-called "god species" in this world, but another species from another world that is evolving towards the "true god". Regarding the sudden rise of the human race, he made a decision that was almost the same as that of the elves - to collect as much information about this race as possible.

However, his idea is more advanced than Sinker Nilvalen. He not only wants to collect information about the human race itself, but also focuses on collecting information about the unknown God species. After all, in the eyes of Okan, who is an God species, the only one who can really be an enemy of the God species is another God species, just as Sakura has always regarded Cainas and Artosh as enemies, and not the Elves and Flügel as enemies. The suddenly rising human race will naturally be dealt with by the Dwarfs, and he has to deal with the gods behind the human race!

Of course, in addition to the Elves and Dwarfs, races including the Fairies and the Seaborn also obtained information about humans, but unlike the two races that actively participated in the war, these two races only held an attitude of "knowing" for this matter that had almost no impact on their own interests, and then no longer paid too much attention.

-Perhaps for the all-female Sea-dwellers, this is an additional list of candidate species to snatch males during the breeding season? As for the human race, or for Riku, although he didn't know how far the information about humans had spread at this time, he had already prepared for it.

That massive psychic storm, in addition to annihilating the enemy, was also intended to show strength and deter foreign enemies. It's time for the human race to openly stand on the world's hegemony stage! After this, there may be war, or, no, it will definitely bring death, but Riku is ready, and humans are also ready! They will officially declare war on this unreasonable and cruel world! Feeling the firm belief coming from the psychic network, Fang Yuan nodded, expressing his great relief. What he wanted to see was the human race rising up in a dignified manner, not the kind of race in the original plot that had to be humble even if they won, and even the names and existence of heroes had to be erased!

Chapter 579: The Difficult Diplomatic Environment of Humans \u0026 Riku's Fantasy

After the war with the beastmen, the human race officially entered the vision of all major races.

However, knowing that the current strength of humans was still weak, Riku did not swell up because of defeating the beastmen army. Instead, he became more cautious and deeply implemented the principle of "a cunning rabbit has three burrows". In addition to the new base at this time, he once again tried every means to open up multiple backup micro-separation points. --This time, the incident with the dragon spirits made him realize that in this fucked-up and unreasonable world, any kind of accident could happen, and therefore, no matter how many back roads and backup plans were prepared, they would never be too many.

For the survival of the entire race, he must be more careful, more cautious and more cunning than before! Although he was slightly weak, he had already initially acquired the ability to protect himself.

As long as we don't expect those upper races like natural disasters, and powerful lower races like the Elves and Dwarves that can compete with the upper races, humans can already gain a foothold on this continent.

"But we lack allies!" Riku said so in the meeting to decide the direction of human strategy. He clearly realized that although humans now have the initial ability to protect themselves, if they want to truly gain space for development, with the current strength of humans, they are still too alone.

However, the external situation facing humans now is not very friendly. The beastmen were just beaten hard by them, and now they absolutely hate humans to the bone and are complete enemies. There is no possibility of repairing the relationship in a short time: the Sea-dwelling species live in the sea and have no intersection with terrestrial humans. Even if they come into contact, the other party is likely to use human males as breeding tools, and it is good if they don't fight. As hired spies shared by multiple races, the Vampire species itself has no position at all.

The Demon species has no IQ and cannot communicate at all.

Although the Mecha species has ShuVi as a link , but the problem is that even ShuVi herself cannot return to the Ex-Machina, and it is even more difficult to win over this absolutely rational race. The three major races of the Fairy, Elves, and Dwarfs are too powerful, and humans can't communicate with them on an equal footing at all;

As for the upper races above the sixth, they regard the lower races as ants. With the current strength and size of the human race, they can only pray not to encounter these walking disasters. How can they be the main

Looking around, all the intelligent races in the world, there is actually no one who can become an ally of humans!

Well, at this time, Riku didn't know that if he could make ShuVi truly fall in love with him and then persuade her to upload her "heart" back to the Ex-Machina, he would immediately get the full help of this race that is powerful enough to kill gods.

What's more, due to the change in the plot, although he and Zhu Vi had developed a liking for each other during more than a year of getting along, they did not pierce the last layer of window paper, and Zhu Vi herself did not realize it. She has already obtained the "heart" she has always wanted, and the relationship between man and machine is still in a hazy and youthful state. Some people may say, don’t humans have a psychic network? Have they not shared their thoughts for a long time? But in fact, the human psychic network is not the consciousness connection of Ex-Machines, and it will not even share everyone’s most private deep emotions. Go out, and those who can do this are the ones with the closest relationship. If Riku really made such a request to Zhu Vi, it means that his feelings for her are not pure, and there are too many utilitarian intentions in it. And this kind of feeling is obviously impossible to get Zhu Vi, unless In reality, ZhuVi once again encountered an unmatched and powerful enemy like a Flügel alone, knowing that she would die, otherwise this option would be almost impossible to happen.

Of course, all of the above can only be seen clearly from the standpoint of an outsider like Fang Yuan. For insiders like Riku, the Ex-Machina has been defined from the beginning as a race that "cannot be touched rashly" even if there are people around them. The same goes for a cute and adorable Ex-Machina girl!

"So, what should we do now?" After listening to Riku's explanation, Ke Luo and others have realized that the current situation of human beings is not much better than in the past, and Yiri is still in a state of isolation and helplessness.

.Why...there is indeed a way, but to be honest, I don’t know whether this method will work or not! Riku showed a rare hesitation, and it seemed that he was really interested in this so-called " method" without much confidence.

"what exactly is it?"

Everyone present was very curious.

"Well, I don't know the specific technical details very well. I can't explain it very clearly. I'll just give it a rough outline." After thinking for a while, Riku decided to inform everyone of his plan. However, before that, he asked a question:

"Everyone knows that the spiritual energy we are using now actually comes from a great being of unknown identity, who is suspected to be a god. So have you ever thought about that great god?

Why do you want to give this power to us?"

"Why...maybe it's because we humans have a future?" Someone said this. But after saying that, he immediately shook his head. Even he didn't believe it!

"Perhaps you want to get something from us humans? But we humans were already in such a state of despair at that time, what else is worth planning by such a great being?

Although Ke Luo usually seems a bit naive, and her IQ is completely crushed by Riku, she is not stupid. She just thought about it for a while and came to this conclusion.

"Well, yes, we don't know what that existence wants from humans, but what he wants from us is almost certain! Riku nodded and said: "Of course, this so-called 'what' is unlikely to be anything tangible. Rather, it is more likely to be some kind of intangible, concept-like existence, or something else that we humans cannot understand. Of course, no matter what that 'what' is, in my guess, the spiritual power given to us by the Lord God must be the key to it!"

Listen, Riku, what exactly do you want to explain?"

"What I want to say is clear... Riku looked around and said slowly: "Everyone knows that spiritual energy can communicate with people's hearts. We can even make everyone's minds communicate with each other and understand everyone. What you are thinking, have you ever thought about how far the Lord God, as the giver of spiritual energy, can achieve?"

When he said this, he couldn't help but think of the bizarre and shocking magical dream a long time ago. Since then, he had known that the unknown "spirit" was paying attention to him and them in some way. Humanity!Everyone

After Riku's prompt, everyone reacted - even humans themselves have the ability to communicate with each other at the spiritual level using spiritual energy. As the creator of spiritual energy, Fang Yuan wanted to see spiritual energy from a superior position. The inner thoughts of everyone on the Internet should be easy!

"So, Riku, you want to... Ke Luo had a vague guess that Riku seemed to want to do something extraordinary.

"Yes. I want to use ZhuVi's power to decipher the deep secrets of those who may be hiding in this psychic network, and try to use another method to actively contact the unknown 'god'.

He paused and said word for word: "I want to represent mankind and talk to him directly!

Chapter 580: Meeting between Man and God, Three Questions

[Information output port... completely locked...]

[Information flow monitoring...

[Additional data flow confirmation...

[Discovered urgent hidden port...

[Communication code decryption....]

[Decryption completed. Lock additional data transmission nodes!]

While his consciousness was connected, Riku watched as ShuVi peeled off the psychic network bit by bit, found the emergency data port hidden on the back of the network, and locked the machine that did not belong to any human being or ShuVi. Kai's "Psychic Node"

[Riku...do you really want to do this?] During the spiritual communication, ZhuVi's pure concern was conveyed to Riku's consciousness, making him feel confused.

Of course he knows what a huge risk he will do next - after all, what he is doing now is spying on the secrets of the god, and it is very likely that he will offend the god, or even cause trouble. If it's not good, it will affect the entire human race. But he also knew that the god was very likely to have been watching every move of human beings, and everything he did now might have already fallen into the eyes of the other party. Even maybe this is a test left by the god to mankind? With a hint of anxiety and expectation, Riku strengthened his mind, and with the help of ZhuVi, his consciousness came into contact with the psychic network. A special node emerges from the back.

The next moment, his consciousness was suddenly pulled away, and with the light and shadow of the Array of Light Saint Lu Li flowing, when Riku came back to his senses, he found that he had arrived in the space of Director Chu Qi.

There is no sky or earth here, just a dark void, but Riku can feel the feeling of being grounded, standing just above the void. However, what really aroused Riku's idea was what appeared in the void. They were pictures that were far or near, large or small, suspended in the void. In each picture, you could see - one by one. Different figures. Riku looked intently. Inside there were Ywang, Yare, Ke Luo, and everyone in the human village. These people are either working, exercising, or getting along with their family and friends. Every tiny movement among human beings can be seen clearly from these thousands of pictures! No, it’s not just the external ones. By doing this, Riku discovered that if he focused his attention on a certain picture, he could even "hear" a voice from it and "read" every subtle thought of the person in the picture!

That's right, this is the place where the god "observes" the human beings! Riku looked around for a week, and unsurprisingly found Zhu and himself among several figures. However, just when he "saw" himself At that moment, the several pictures surrounding the void changed from time to time, all switching to the same picture. Thousands of "Riku" looked at Riku himself through the light curtain, which made his hair stand on end. At this moment, he seemed to see several different versions of himself through these thousands of images. Each one had a different reaction to the scene in front of him in the next second, some were panicked, and some were calm and patient. , some were full of interest and curiosity, some looked away indifferently after taking one look, and some even cursed when they lost their minds.

Each different self derives different possibilities, there are differences within differences, and different pictures within pictures. More possibilities keep emerging, and finally, just in time, When Riku was about to lose himself, a voice sounded from behind him:

"It's still too early for you to see this!"

In an instant, the countless different "selves" disappeared from Riku's mind. He raised his eyes and saw that in the thousands of pictures, although his image was being projected day by day, it was just that the image no longer had the same image as before. That kind of terrifying miraculousness. Riku turned around and saw a figure appearing behind him. He recognized it. It was the "god" who imparted spiritual power to Ivan.

'Welcome, you came much earlier than I thought, well done!'

If this god said this, Riku finally let go of his initial thoughts - he had made the right bet!

“Welcome. You came much earlier than I thought, well done!

Seeing Riku who was able to come here, Fang Yuan admired this guy's courage. This guy had the courage to make such a big gamble, and even wanted to put humans and gods on the same level. Although this outstanding person did have enough That’s crazy!

"Sit down! Fang Yuan said. He snapped his fingers, and the dark void instantly turned into a patch of light, and the images reflecting Ruoliku's figure disappeared.

At the same time, the postures of him and Riku also changed, and they sat on top of Zahe who appeared at an unknown time, sitting opposite each other.

"I know you have questions to ask me. As a reward for finding this place, I will answer three questions for you. Fang Yuan tapped the armrest of the seat with his finger and emphasized. This made Fang Yuan, who originally wanted to speak immediately, Riku couldn't help but shut his mouth, and had to think carefully about the questions he should ask. He only had three chances, and he had to seize it!

After a long time, he asked the first question: "Excuse me... what do you want to get from us humans?"

Fang Yuan was not surprised by Riku's question. In fact, he was still monitoring every thought in Riku's mind at this time and could even give him the answer before he asked the question.

Of course, out of habit, he waited until Lee had finished asking before answering: "It's very simple, I need the possibilities in you humans."

"Well, it's possible. I don't need your faith, nor your allegiance, nor do I need any physical offerings from you humans. But, your existence, your struggle, your development, you are The pain and death in every war in the future, the emotions and thoughts in daily life, and even the sparks of thinking that emerge from everyone's sleep at night, will become the basis for my further progress! Are they illusory things? Again Or is this just a special case of the god in front of me? Well, what a beautiful misunderstanding.

"Okay, I already understand the first question, so the second question

Riku took a deep breath and asked seriously: "What position will you stand in this endless war?"

"Oh?" Hearing Riku's second question, Fang Yuan's lips raised slightly: "It's interesting... Well, I can answer this question for you. I'm not interested in the so-called 'Star Cup'. .I don’t want to sit on the so-called position of the only god, but for those gods, I am undoubtedly on their hostile side, and there will be a battle one day!" This answer does not matter to Riku. It's not a bad thing, but at least he doesn't have to worry about humans being used as pawns by this god to compete for the Star Cup. Didn't Fang Yuan say before that "human beings' allegiance is not needed", so why should he worry about this?

Riku is not one of those simple-minded novices. He knows very well that even if Fang Yuan does not rule humans openly, but based on his influence on psychic powers, there are still ways to indirectly control humans as his pawns. At that time, his allegiance was not What difference does it make in terms of allegiance? But on the other hand, Fang Yuan also admitted that he and the other gods were destined to be on a hostile stand, which made the position of the human race very dangerous - because other gods were against Fang Yuan It is very likely that the hostility will radiate to the human species, and the consequence of this hostility will inevitably be more wars! However, the current situation of human beings is not much better. This hostility is not good for the prospects of human beings. It's just the difference between difficult and more difficult.

"Then, the third question!" Riku said solemnly, "How important are we humans in your eyes?" To this, Fang Yuan also replied solemnly: "Irreplaceable! "

Chapter 581 The Key to Human Progress \u0026 Jibril’s New Trouble

After getting the answer he wanted, Riku's consciousness was sent out of that space. But before he could open his eyes, Zhu Vi's concerned voice came to his ears:

Riku, Riku! How's it going? Did you fail?"

"No, it worked!"

Riku answered like this, but then he asked doubtfully: 1Why do you think I failed?"

.Because Riku, after you came into contact with that node, you were ejected only after 0.0001 3 seconds. I thought you failed. "ZhuVi's words made Riku's face full of astonishment. He looked at the girl's serious expression, and it didn't look like she was joking. What's more, ZhuVi had never learned to joke at all!

In other words, this is true! But... He had been talking to the god in that strange space for at least ten minutes. This was something he had personally experienced. What happened?

Is it possible that... that god still has the power to learn to control time? No, maybe it's just the acceleration of time in consciousness. Riku has also experienced it. The time in dreams is often different from the time in reality. This may be the reason An application of this phenomenon.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this is really the other party's divine power that is powerful enough to interfere with time. After all, it is a divine species that is so powerful that it is completely unreasonable! Riku explained his doubts, and after analyzing it for a long time, ZhuVi initially agreed. His judgment. Of course, this incident is just a minor incident for Riku and others.

What is really important is what he brought back from this adventure!

After obtaining the necessary key information from Fang Yuan with the help of three questions, Riku already had a plan in mind and knew what human beings should do in the next development.

The most important point is that by understanding the importance of human beings to Fang Yuan, he can worry less about many things.

At least, when human beings are in danger of life and death, having the power to back them up is enough to ensure that human beings will not suddenly perish due to some unpredictable accidents. Well, just like the dragon spirit species that suddenly appeared last time, it was harmoniously lost by the fantasy species sent by Fang Yuan.

Of course, Riku didn't intend to tell anyone except ShuVi about this. Because he is clearly aware that the reason why human beings have been able to flourish to the present level in time is precisely because of the heavy sense of crisis that was always pressing on human beings at that time.

If this sense of crisis is removed rashly, human beings who have lost external pressure may soon degenerate and cause some messy things. This was not Riku's imagination. In that magical dream a long time ago, he had truly witnessed the depravity and corruption of human beings in an entire world, which eventually led to the gods of that world punishing them and almost completely cleansing the entire human race. But in this fucking and cruel world of reality, if weak humans persist to that extent for some reason, there will be no need for the gods behind humans to impose punishment, and other races will be able to destroy humans first!

Not to mention how Riku led humanity to develop step by step while concealing important information. On the other side, Jibril, who was searching for Fang Yuan to remove traces of the Phantasmal Species, ran into trouble. Just when she found the third fantasy species and was about to recruit Fang Yuan to send it to the laboratory, an unexpected but reasonable uninvited guest came to the door.

"Jip-chan~ ~Finally found you, nya~!"

Along with this shout that made Jibril shiver involuntarily, another Flügel fell from the sky with fluttering wings.

This Flügel girl with yellow-green hair, emerald-green eyes, and some facial lines on her face - appeared and rushed straight towards Jibril's body, wanting to score the ball. However, facing Ruo's enthusiastic figure, Jibril's expression suddenly changed, and she stretched out her hand with resignation, and with lightning speed, she held down the face of the oncoming man, and held him from a distance. He pushed it away and at the same time scolded him unceremoniously:

"Azriel, you idiot, don't jump on me every time!"

Well, that's right, this Flügel seems to have the attributes of a slut. She is the first Flügel created by the God of War Artho. She considers herself to be the eldest sister of all other Flügels, and she is also the youngest sister. Jibril has a mysterious persistence. Of course, perhaps it was because when Artosh created her, she was practicing for the first time and was not very skilled in the craft (Mist), which caused some flaws in her IQ, so she was recognized as a fool by all the Flügel sisters. Even Ruomian called her that. Especially Jibril, who had been harassed countless times by her, always called her "idiot", without giving any face to this theoretical eldest sister. Azriel did not show any dissatisfaction with Jibril's disgusting attitude. On the contrary, she became even more enthusiastic. She hugged Jibril's hand that was pushing her.

- Rubbing it with his cheek, - and drooling as he said:

"Hmm~~Where have you been, Jipku, during this time! I have traveled all over the world to find you! Stop wandering outside and come home with me! I pushed Azriel. After finding that she couldn't push her away, Jibril accepted her fate and ignored her perverted behavior for the time being. However, Jibril responded to Azrael's request to call her home. After being silent for a while, he said: "No, this is the only thing I can't promise you. ‘

"Eh? Why?!"

Azriel raised her head in shock when she heard this. Only then did she discover the "tightening curse" hidden behind Jibril's hair.

She immediately understood what it was, and instantly became angry. With a cold face and murderous intent, she asked:

"Slavery magic? Who did this? Is it the challenger that Mr. Artex said?" It doesn't matter. Don't be afraid, Jipu Ku. Sister, I will take everyone with me immediately and kill that scumbag who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth. look!"

"No! Don't be impulsive! That guy is not an ordinary god! If you confront him casually, you will easily suffer a loss!" Jibril immediately tried to comfort Azrael.

During her brief relationship with Fang Yuan (more than a year was indeed short enough for a Flügel), she was well aware of the other party's terror. The opponent is not one of those gods that grow in this world, but an alien god from an unknown world. Their endless methods and far-fetched trump cards make Jibril completely unable to see through Fang Yuan's depth. . Not to mention anything else, just the hyperdimensional cube that he encountered when he lost the battle was extremely restrained by the Flügel. No matter how many people Nayang Azriel brings, as long as one person meets him, everyone will have to lose most of their magical abilities. Unless Sir Artosh is attracted to take action, there is no chance of winning!

Chapter 582: Sisters’ battle, magic trap, loser’s counterattack

Although Jibril tried to dispel Azriel's ridiculous idea by stating her interests and risks, the Flügel sister, who was both an idiot and a weakling, couldn't listen to her at all. When she saw that Jibril refused to go back with her, she became so angry that she couldn't care about anything else and said bluntly

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