So, in fact, among many true rebel nobles, all kinds of intrigues and selling out teammates are really common. Things like "retreat and advance as fast as the wind, outflanking as slow as the forest, burning, killing, looting and invading like fire, standing still like a mountain when friendly forces are in trouble" have even become a daily routine! This also led to the fact that the true rebels on Zazbarum's side, who obviously had more troops and armored cavalry than Kurut'o, were forced to tie with the royalists who were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers! Anyway, Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, watched the evolution of the war situation on Mars all the way. Especially after seeing the various tricks of those rebels, he no longer regarded the Martians as real opponents - such a group of people occupied the vast majority of the ruling class, and this country was definitely doomed! ')150'\u003eChapter 149 The war begins, seize the hyperspace gate! (3000 words)

The Earth Union has sent troops! Just one day ago, the diplomat of the Weiser Empire, who was stranded on Earth because of the civil war in the Mars Empire, received a declaration of war from the Earth Union.

This diplomat, who also holds the title of baron in the Weiser Empire, had an expected expression on his face when he saw the declaration of war sent by the Earth Union.

In fact, the baron himself was not the kind of brainless noble who was extremely hostile or contemptuous of Earthlings to be selected as a diplomat to be sent to Earth.

On the contrary, among the entire Weiser Empire aristocracy, he was also one of the few rational people who had a clear understanding of the power comparison between Earth and Mars, and he also agreed very much with the ceasefire and negotiation strategy proposed by the old emperor.

In addition, during his stay on Earth, everything he saw and heard told him that Earthlings were strong and were getting stronger!   The Mars Empire may have some advantages in cutting-edge military technology, but thanks to a certain butterfly wing, this advantage is no longer very obvious nowadays, and if the productivity and size gap between Earth and Mars are calculated, it is Mars that is falling behind.

Since he learned about the civil strife in the Martian Empire three months ago, which further triggered a civil war, because he lost the direct order from the emperor and because he himself did not want to participate in this unjust war of fratricide, the baron diplomat decided to stay on Earth and watch the development of the situation on Mars together with Count Reinhardt, who had temporarily regained some freedom.

In the past three months, seeing that there was no sign of the end of the civil war in the empire, but rather a trend of intensifying, coupled with the fact that the Earthlings were almost undisguisedly sharpening their knives, he had already been mentally prepared. Even if the next moment, the people of the Earth United Army immediately rushed into his residence and arrested him or even shot him to death, he would not be surprised at all.

However, the Martian baron still underestimated the moral integrity of the Earth United Government.

He was not arrested or killed, but received a declaration of war formally delivered to him by the Earthlings in accordance with the diplomatic etiquette of one country launching a war against another country in the past.

The Earth United Government has always been courteous to him - except for the 24-hour surveillance and restricted range of action that are no longer concealed, he can still maintain a normal life here.

This made him sigh. In the propaganda of the Martians in the past few decades, they basically regarded the Earthlings as primitive people, inferior people, and barbarians, but judging from this incident alone, it is probably the Martians who are really outdone!   He is very clear about the nature of his own people, especially those nobles. If this incident were put on Mars, it is estimated that the Earthling diplomats would not receive a declaration of war with rigorous wording and grace, but a volley of bullets!   One day after receiving the declaration of war, the diplomat, whose personal freedom was temporarily restricted, could only stand on the roof of the hotel where they lived with Count Reinhardt, looking up at the "meteors" in the sky that were moving backwards and heading out of the sky - that was the scene of the Earthlings' space fleet officially setting sail to fly into space. From the ground, the scene of hundreds or thousands of "meteors" gathering in the sky was indeed very shocking.

"It is said that the Earthlings intend to take down the moon in one go this time."

The two Martian nobles were speechless for a long time after seeing this scene, and finally it was the Baron who broke the silence.

"Really... After the moon was taken down, the next thing was the Mars mainland... And those people are still fighting each other now, really..."  After several months of imprisonment, it seems that the originally very paranoid and impulsive Reinhardt has also grown a lot. Now he does not have any contempt for the Earthlings on his face, and even directly acquiesces in his words that the Martian troops on the moon cannot stop the Earthlings' army at all.

On the one hand, he was hit by Fang Yuan at the beginning, and on the other hand, in the past few months, he has come into close contact with the Earthlings and learned about the development and progress of the Earth in these years. He immediately calmed down from the arrogance that was caused by the reliance on Aldnoah technology in the past.

Nowadays, let alone seeing hundreds or thousands of space battleships collectively going up to the sky, even if he saw countless Earth soldiers wearing power armor with more black technology than armored cavalry collectively flying out of the atmosphere, he would not be surprised at all.

Well, he thought that the individual weapon that completely defeated him at the beginning should have been completely popularized in the Earth United Army now... In fact, his guess was very close to the truth.

Indeed, the first batch of super soldiers equipped with the latest space-powered armor had already boarded the fully invisible warship specially provided by Anaheim Company and flew into space several days in advance, and now they have landed on the moon!   They, who are responsible for the important task of "seizing the hyperspace gate", have undergone a round of strengthening from the inside out, completely transformed from immature experimental full-body prosthetics to the ultimate individual force with super survival and combat power.

The new super alloy skeleton and the sports system composed of artificial muscle bundles designed and manufactured by Fang Yuan himself, combined with the energy system composed of the dimensional interaction module derived from the Aldnoah core, allow these super soldiers to lift the road roller with one hand and throw it a hundred meters away even without wearing any external equipment, running faster than F1 cars, and their endurance is close to endless.

The brain and spinal cord, which are protected by high-strength materials, and the biological life support system in the body, allow them to survive tenaciously, whether they are hundreds of meters deep in the sea or naked in outer space.

The electronic sub-brain directly connected to the central nervous system gives them computing power and thinking speed far beyond that of ordinary humans, allowing them not only to communicate directly through brain waves, but also to enter a state called "bullet time" like the characters in a certain movie, stretching one second to ten seconds, twenty seconds or even a hundred seconds, which makes these super soldiers not only physically but also mentally beyond human existence.

Coupled with power armor with anti-gravity flight, full-band stealth, power enhancement, space barrier shield and other functions, as well as various powerful experimental individual weapons, these veritable super soldiers can slaughter an entire earthling armored force alone, and even face off against the Martian knights riding armored cavalry.

And now, there are a full thirty super soldiers who have undergone this all-round strengthening and quietly sneaked into the fortress rebuilt by the Martians around the hyperspace gate.

[Alpha team, responsible for the core energy area; Beta team, dealing with these high-authority targets; Gamma team, responsible for clearing the field...] After a few days of close reconnaissance and even infiltration reconnaissance, the super soldiers have figured out the situation of the Martian army stationed around the hyperspace gate, and also know which strategic points they need to occupy.

In the mental communication channel composed of the electronic sub-brain and the Aldnoah hyper-time and space information network, the soldiers have allocated their targets by themselves, and maintained their stealth form one by one to enter the predetermined position, waiting for the order from the captain - their actions need to be coordinated with the attack of the frontal troops, not too early, not too late, and need to grasp the best time.

Before this, they relied on the characteristics of their prosthetic bodies that did not require eating or excretion, and they stood silently in their respective positions like sculptures. Even if they did not eat, drink, move or speak for several days and nights, they could continue to endure.

——After all, they were the best soldiers before they underwent prosthetic surgery, and they still had this level of psychological stress resistance.

Besides, because their bodies now do not have physiological reactions such as hunger, thirst, urgency to urinate, urgency to defecate, fatigue, etc., and they can communicate freely in the internal communication channel, the pressure they feel during this lurking process is actually much smaller than that of ordinary people with healthy bodies.

Of course, in real actions, they would not need to lurk for such a long time.

Only three hours later, when the Earthling fleet was observed to be attacking in large numbers, the Martian army came out in full force, and most of the forces were invested in the space battlefield. The number of garrison troops left on the moon has dropped to the limit.

At this time, they received an order-the action begins!   【Go! 】  The captain's order came through the mental communication, and everyone started to move.

The Alpha team that had infiltrated the energy system took the lead in their actions.

In order to more efficiently kill the Martian garrison in the fortress, the soldiers from Earth did not launch an attack from the front at the first time, but insidiously started from the energy system that supported the operation of the entire fortress.

The soldiers who had received the fortress design drawings from a powerful Anaheim company boss before departure knew very well how to cut off the energy connection between the Aldnoah core in the fortress and the peripheral facilities.

So, the next moment after the order was issued, a series of not violent explosions sounded in the fortress. In an instant, the lights of the entire fortress were completely extinguished, and all equipment without independent power supplies were powered off and shut down.

"What's going on?" The commander who was responsible for staying in the fortress stood up in astonishment. Just as he was about to say something, a bullet from a dead corner of the room pierced his skull, shattered his brain, and completely deprived him of the opportunity to speak.

"No, there's an attack!" With the dim light of the emergency lights, the Martian soldiers around the commander saw this shocking scene. The instinctive reaction brought by long-term training made them draw their guns at the first time and find shelter to protect themselves.

However, all this was in vain. In the next moment, a silent wave spread throughout the room. Sudden tinnitus, dizziness and nausea enveloped everyone in an instant, followed by uncontrollable vomiting, severe internal pain, and hemoptysis. In the end, one by one, they fell to the ground with painful expressions and lost consciousness.

This scene happened almost simultaneously in various exchanges in the fortress. In just a dozen seconds, there was no one who could stand in the entire fortress.

This is the effect of infrasonic weapons.

With their completely different body structures from ordinary humans, the super soldiers are completely immune to this kind of subsonic attack that specifically targets the internal organs of the human body. In order to eliminate the combat effectiveness of the entire fortress in a short period of time, the soldiers madly adjusted the lethality of the subsonic weapons to the lethal level, resulting in the horrifying result of the previous scene.

Just after everyone in the fortress fell to the ground, figures wearing power armor emerged from the air. They were silent and assigned their tasks one by one. Some began to finish off the "corpses" on the ground, some began to restart the key electronic equipment with the help of various instruments, and some began to sweep the rooms that were not within the range of the first wave of attacks... After more than ten minutes, the entire fortress had been completely swept clean. Except for the completely inhuman cyborg soldiers, there was no living person.

The hyperspace gate officially fell into the hands of the earthlings!   PS: Today's copy is divided into two chapters, each chapter is 3000+, as usual.

')151'\u003eChapter 150 The Knights' Choice

"Not good!" As soon as the hyperspace gate fortress lost its energy, the Martian knights who were confronting the Earth fleet immediately realized that something was wrong.

"Damn, at this time..." The Earthlings really chose a very good time to take action, and they hit the Martians' soft spot at once.

Now is the moment when the Martian troops and the Earth fleet are about to engage in battle in space, and they can't retreat just because they want to.

The troops of the Weiser Empire now have only two choices - either defeat the Earthling fleet on the front battlefield, and then turn back to deal with those small troops that have gone around to the rear to steal the home; or take the risk of dividing the troops and withdrawing part of the troops to the surface of the moon, first eliminate the major troubles in the rear, ensure the retreat, and then have the choice of fighting or fleeing.

Yes, the option of "escape" has now become an option that the Martian knights can openly bring out, which was a situation that they dared not even think about a few years ago.

After all, for the arrogant Martians, especially the Martian knights, it is a shame among shames to retreat in the face of primitive earthlings. If someone dared to do such a thing a few years ago, he would be laughed at by other nobles when he returned home, and he couldn't even raise his head when he went out.

But the situation is completely different now-the current Martian Empire is almost completely different from the Martian Empire when it invaded the Earth a few years ago.

At that time, the Martians, under the leadership of the second generation of emperors, relied on technology and military force far superior to that of the Earthlings to suppress the entire Earth Union to near collapse. At that time, they were so arrogant and imposing.

But times have changed. After just a few years, the development of the Earthlings has changed three times a day, and the level of technology has soared to almost the same level as the Martian Empire. The Martian knights, who were originally united under the leadership of the emperor, turned against each other and even killed each other due to various factors, and the entire empire was about to fall apart.

In this case, it is conceivable how high the morale of the Martians can be.

Even those Martian knights who claim to be of noble blood and look down on the earthlings are not really brainless. They can still tell whether the enemy is strong or weak.

This time, the Earth Alliance is not the weak "primitives" of a few years ago, but an interstellar civilization as powerful as their Martian Empire.

Sensing that things are not going well, the Martian knights discussed countermeasures, but in fact they all knew that there was only one way to choose - "Divide the troops!" Regardless of the situation in the rear, it is very impressive to continue to fight the earthlings, but everyone knows that this is actually unrealistic.

After all, the current situation is that the Martians actually have a lower chance of winning. If they really fight the earthlings so stubbornly, it is very likely that no one will be able to escape in the end, and all will have to die here.

They are nobles, not civilians with cheap lives. No one is willing to die on the battlefield casually - after all, although they are called knights, they are not the kind of real warriors who are ready to die, and each of them cherishes their lives very much.

But then another question was placed in front of them - "Who should go back?" This question made everyone silent.

The reason for their silence was not that they didn't know who to choose, but that they all had their own candidates in mind, but no one had the courage to speak out first.

Due to the civil war on Mars, most of the Martian nobles were involved. There were only four Martian knights stationed on the moon. In order to deal with the invaders from the hyperspace gate, at least one Martian knight with armored cavalry had to return to the moon.

This means that there are only three Martian knights left to face the huge space fleet of the Earthlings. The one who returns to the surface of the moon to deal with the intruders is likely to slip away alone if the battle situation is not good.

If it were in the past, the eager Martian knights would probably rush to the front battlefield and regard the one who shrank in the back as a soft egg and a coward, and despise him to their heart's content.

But the current situation is completely different. Facing the Earthlings' army, the chances of survival are slim for those who confront them head-on, and the one who returns is very likely to escape back to Mars. None of the four is willing to give this opportunity to others.

Although everyone is reluctant to speak, the current situation does not allow them to hesitate for too long-the direct battle with the Earthlings is coming, and they don't have much time to consider! "...Forget it, I choose to stay on the front battlefield. Whoever wants to go back can go back!" In the end, it was the youngest knight who gave up this "retreat" first and took the initiative to take on the responsibility of fighting against the earthlings head-on.

He was still young and had just inherited the title from his father. Unlike those nobles who had been in the noble family for many years, he was not completely black-hearted and still had the idea of ​​"serving the country" in his heart.

Let him die on the battlefield, and he will not live up to the honor and responsibility of a noble knight. As for the coward, whoever wants to be the coward can be the coward! After making the choice, the young knight no longer participated in the discussion, and directly closed the communication here, leading his troops to the front and facing the earthlings head-on.

His performance instantly stunned the other three Martian knights, leaving several "seniors" speechless for a while.

"...I'll stay here too!" The other noble seemed to be infected by the "junior" just now, and also chose to stay on the front battlefield, not competing with the remaining two for the place to survive.

Like the previous knight, he also directly closed the video call, led his troops forward, and stood side by side with the previous young knight to welcome what might be the last battle of his life.

The remaining two Martian knights looked at each other through the video screen, and saw a trace of shame and embarrassment on each other's faces - since when did the Martian knights, who represented honor and responsibility, become corrupt nobles who were afraid of death?   "I..."  "I'll stay, you go back!"  Both parties spoke almost at the same time, but in the end one of them spoke faster and said this first, leaving the other with the highest chance of survival.

"... I wish you good luck in your military career!"  The knight who was forced to become a "coward" and "coward" because he spoke a step slower left this sentence, and then returned to the moon alone without looking back, leaving his subordinates to his comrades to command.

He decided that even if he risked his life, he must take back the hyperspace gate, hold on to this last retreat, and absolutely bring everyone back to Mars alive! However, this man did not know that he who chose to return would soon face a more desperate situation...')152'\u003eChapter 151 Charge in Despair

"Damn, those damned earthlings!" When the knight who returned to the moon came to the hyperspace gate fortress, what he saw was a dead place that had fallen into complete silence.

Near the entrance and exit of the fortress hangar, he saw some cold corpses that were rushed out by the airflow into the vacuum environment outside the fortress - the invisible force field originally used to retain air had failed due to the cut-off of the total energy source. These ground crew members who were only a thin shield away from the vacuum environment were rushed out by the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the fortress at the first moment of the accident, and eventually died in the vacuum and ultra-low temperature on the surface of the moon.

As for the other personnel inside the fortress, although there was an airtight isolation door, they should have survived, but through the high-power life detector carried by the armored cavalry, he did not find any traces of survivors.

- Were they all killed?   How did they do it? In such a short time, all the people in the entire fortress were killed... Before he could make any guesses, the alarm of the attack woke him up.

"What!..." He instinctively manipulated the armored cavalry to turn sideways, but it was too late. The attack launched from the blind spot behind hit the right side of the machine at this moment. The anti-armor electromagnetic warhead with a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound, carrying enormous kinetic energy, destroyed the right shoulder of the armored cavalry, and immediately destroyed half of the attack power of the machine.

"Behind--" Although one side of the weapon was destroyed, the brave knight did not fall down. He struggled to control the machine to turn around, and ejected a thick bright yellow beam whip from the intact shoulder on the left shoulder, swinging it in all directions around, destroying all the materials along the way.

This is the most terrifying weapon of the armored cavalry named [Gilion]. It is a high-energy beam whip controlled purely by a force field. Just like the lightsaber in "Star Wars", it has an indestructible power against any solid matter.

Well, [Gillion] is the armored cavalry that landed in Beijing in the anime plot. At this time, its owner was not the later Count Catlatse, but his father, Catlater, a middle-aged man over 40 years old.

This machine is also one of the few machines among the Martian armored cavalry that does not completely follow the humanoid setting. It has no hands, but instead has two beam whips extending from the left and right shoulders, which is now the terrible weapon that is almost destroying the fortress granary.

The raging beam whip is like a light dragon. When it is the longest, it can extend to hundreds of meters, and when it is the shortest, it is only a few meters long. It can be stretched and retracted freely. Under the control of the onboard AI, it quickly and accurately swept every inch of space within hundreds of meters around.

"Found you!" Such a violent attack is naturally difficult to avoid. The Earth warriors who just launched an attack on this armored cavalry were forced to open the space shield to protect themselves at this moment, and therefore exited the optical stealth state, and were soon discovered by the angry knight.

"Go to hell!" The knight, who hated the earthlings and had just seen the tragic situation of the base, did not intend to have any mercy on these enemies. He directly turned the killing power of the beam whip to the maximum, and swung it at the fastest speed to crush the few tiny figures who were exposed.

[Plan B, attack! ] Facing the enemy's powerful counterattack, such an order came from the tactical channel of the super soldiers. The next moment, more than a dozen soldiers in armor rushed out from all corners almost at the same time, holding a variety of powerful weapons in their hands and focusing fire on the armored cavalry surrounded in the center.

For a while, electromagnetic shells, high-energy particle beams, directional gravity waves, high-energy lasers...all kinds of attacks bombarded [Gillion]'s body densely and orderly.

Although the knight who reacted immediately controlled the beam whip to defend, he was still a step slower after all, and most of the attacks hit their targets.

The firepower of the individual weapons of the super soldiers was originally designed with the Martian knight as the imaginary enemy. Therefore, even the armored cavalry, which represents the highest technological crystallization of the Martians, still knelt down as expected when facing such a dense concentrated fire attack.

First, a directional gravity wave directly bombarded the simple shield constructed by the beam whip. The force field that constitutes the light whip lost its stability under the influence of the high-frequency gravity wave, exposing the vital points protected behind it.

Then, an electromagnetic shell similar to the initial attack hit the beam force field generator on the left shoulder, destroying its last armament and protection, making the knight sitting in [Gillion] completely lose the ability to resist.

Finally, a high-energy particle beam and a high-energy laser hit the cockpit and the power cabin respectively, causing the brave knight and his beloved car to melt together in the high-temperature flames.

‘It turns out... Earthlings are really so strong! ’ In the last moment of his life, this thought flashed through the knight’s mind.

... [Target eliminated, enter latent state, continue alert! ] The command came from the tactical channel, and the super soldiers executed it silently, turning on full-band stealth one by one and disappearing, and the entire fortress returned to dead silence.

... "Sir Katelar died in battle!" On the front battlefield, the three Martian knights who were besieged by countless stealth space fighters also received news of the death of the fourth knight.

However, at this time they had no time to mourn the death of their comrades-"Yes, it will be our turn soon..." A knight sighed with a hint of unwillingness.

The current situation is that the Earth Federation's fleet has firmly suppressed the Martian space fleet, and because the number of Earth warships is more than ten times that of the Martian side, and the firepower is fierce, the Martian fleet is almost about to be slaughtered.

At the same time, the Earthlings also sent a large number of unmanned fighters to confront the Martian mobile forces. These unmanned fighters, which have powerful firepower, super high mobility, advanced combat AI, and can be invisible, not only easily suppressed the ordinary space fighters of the Weisser Empire, but also posed a threat to the armored cavalry with the Aldnoah core after gathering the advantage in numbers.

A single unmanned fighter can only parry and not fight back against the armored cavalry, but the Earthlings are not interested in one-on-one duels. For these armored cavalry with great lethality, the Earth Fleet Command has sent hundreds of drones at a time to siege them! Although no armored cavalry has been defeated yet, the three of them have been firmly pinned down and can only watch their own army being slaughtered.

In the end, the Martian army became smaller and smaller, and although the Earthlings also suffered losses, compared with their huge military strength, these casualties and losses were insignificant.

Two hours later, when the last battleship fell in the dense artillery fire of the Earth fleet, the three Martian knights who insisted on fighting here looked at the few subordinates around them - "This is the end!" "Yes, let's launch the final charge!" "Martians, never surrender!" ... "It seems that Martians still have some backbone!" Looking at the enemy army launching a desperate charge in the picture, the commander-in-chief of the Earth United Army recognized the opponent's fighting will and decided to express the respect of all Earth soldiers to them in the way of soldiers - "All fleets and all guns, target the enemy armored cavalry, open fire!" ...')153'\u003eChapter 152 New Hyperspace Gate

"Has the moon fallen..." Mars Empire, the palace.

Count Zazbarum, who almost openly occupied this symbol of the highest power center of the Weiser Empire, was speechless for a long time after receiving this news.

He began to reflect, is it really wrong to launch a rebellion... ... ... No, he is not wrong! He can't be wrong! This time, the Earthlings' attack was the best evidence. If the Empire did not completely defeat the Earthlings, the Earthlings' attack would only be a matter of time.

The real fault was not him, but the old emperor, Kurut'o, and those diehards who were loyal to the royal family!   If those people had not interfered, he would have unified Mars and prepared for war against the Earth. He would never be directly taken away from the Moon because of insufficient preparation like now!   Zazbarum's dissatisfaction with the royalists in his heart rose to a higher level, and it could even be said to be hatred. He really wanted to kill all opponents immediately, and then immediately integrate the power of the entire country and fight back to Earth!   But dissatisfaction and complaints were complaints, and the reality was still in front of him.

Now, facing the aggressive Earthlings, what can he do?   "Can the hyperspace gate on Mars be completely closed?"  He summoned the Empire's scientific research director and asked this question.

"This... in theory, it is possible. In fact, as long as some core components are removed, the hyperspace gate will automatically fail.

But... if we do this, we may never be able to repair it again!" The Weiser Empire has been researching the hyperspace gate for a long time, but so far, they have not completely mastered the alien technology contained in the hyperspace gate - therefore, it is easy for them to destroy the operation of the hyperspace gate, but it is not so easy to rebuild it after destruction.

If the hyperspace gate is really closed completely, the Martian Empire will become an isolated island in the universe. They will no longer be able to obtain materials from the Earth sphere as easily as usual. The future development of the Martian Empire will only rely on the resources of Mars.

Not to mention, after losing the hyperspace gate and the moon, it is no longer so easy to launch an attack on the earthlings. In the future, no matter who is the winner of this civil war, the opponent that the Weiser Empire will face will be an interstellar civilization of the same level without any shortcomings.

Weiser Empire, Martians, can they still fight against the Earth? "Tear it down!" After thinking for a long time, Zazbarum made such a decision.

No matter what, the Earthlings must be kept out first, and they must not be allowed to kill on Mars!   "...Yes!" The scientific research director opened his mouth, but finally had no choice but to agree.

... "Destroy the hyperspace gate?" After learning about the movements of Zazbarum from the intelligence personnel, Kurutou supported his chin with one hand and fell into deep thought.

"Do you want to destroy their actions?" A royalist noble who joined the "Princess Alliance" asked.

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