"No, no need to do anything!" Kurutuo's decision was somewhat unexpected, but it made sense when you think about it carefully.

"No matter how we fight with Zazbarum's party, we are all members of the Weiser Empire.

What we are about to face now is not an internal struggle, but an invasion by the Earth Alliance. We can't let them spread the war to the Empire's homeland!" Although he said so, Kurutuo also knew that the war between them and Zazbarum's party had already brought great damage to the Weiser Empire. Now facing the threat of the Earthlings and completely closing the hyperspace gate, it was just a way to make up for the loss.

"Send an envoy to Zazbarum and others to propose a ceasefire. At this time, the civil war cannot continue!" Kurutuo was still concerned about the country and didn't want to see the empire continue to sink in the civil war. Therefore, he took the lead in proposing the intention of peace talks with the other party-protecting the empire and clearing the rebellion, which one is more important, he still knows clearly.

… "Want to destroy the hyperspace gate on Mars? I can't agree to that!" [Ether] sent a warning, and Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, immediately became restless.

He was still counting on the Earth Union to quickly push to Mars. If the hyperspace gate on Mars was destroyed, whether it would cause the hyperspace gate to go out of control and blow up Mars was another matter, but his desire to find out the truth about the super-ancient alien civilization as soon as possible would definitely not work.

Moreover, Kurutuo actually wanted to negotiate? This was even worse!   He had worked so hard for so long, and finally made the Mars Empire so chaotic, and he didn't want to see the good situation ruined in one day!   No, they must be stopped!   Then, look for those Earth spies on Mars?   It seems impossible!   So far, the spies developed by the Earth Union in the Weiser Empire are basically ordinary civilians and middle and lower-level soldiers. For such a major matter, it would be useless even if they were found.

After all, neither Zazbarum nor Kurut'o is the brainless princess in the plot, so assassination is not feasible.

It seems that he has to go there in person!   ...  Fang Yuan came to a secret space hundreds of meters underground in the Anaheim headquarters.

This place is not like his research sites in other places, with all kinds of experimental equipment and various mature or immature experimental products.

There are only huge hexagonal arrays constructed by high metal walls with smooth surfaces. If you can see the panoramic view of this array from above, you will find that its overall structure is almost exactly the same as the hyperspace gate on the surface of the moon, but it is much smaller in size.

This is exactly the result of Fang Yuan's research on the hyperspace gate. He successfully copied a small hyperspace gate that can correctly connect to other hyperspace gates in the universe.

In fact, copying the entity of the hyperspace gate has never been a problem for Fang Yuan.

As early as a few years ago, when he first went to the moon to record the structure of the hyperspace gate, he was able to copy this alien super-technological product 1:1.

However, simply copying the external hardware entity cannot make the new hyperspace gate realize its function. For this kind of creation that can transport a large amount of matter through time and space, how to connect it with another hyperspace gate is the real problem.

Before cracking the activation factor of Aldnoah technology and the secret of the hyperspace information network, Fang Yuan was completely at a loss.

After all, unlike the Aldnoah core and armored cavalry used by the Weisser Empire, they are all made by humans. Although they use the technology of alien civilization, they have gone through the process of "human civilization" and can be analyzed and interpreted by civilizations that are also human.

This hyperspace gate is a real creation of alien civilization. From hardware to software, it uses a technology system that is completely different from human civilization. It is much more difficult to crack this technology than to crack the technology of the Weisser Empire! Fortunately, after years of hard work, Fang Yuan finally analyzed most of the technologies of the hyperspace gate, especially the space coordinate positioning technology, which is the most important foundation for cross-time and space material transmission. After completing this, there is almost no problem in re-copying a small hyperspace gate.

Now, Fang Yuan is going to use this hyperspace gate he built himself to go to Mars and stop Zazbarum and others from destroying the hyperspace gate on Mars! ')154'\u003eChapter 153 The God of Death is Coming

"Here, here, and here, mark them all. When the construction starts, they must be removed at the same time!" The surface of Mars, where the hyperspace gate is located, is not covered by an artificial ecosystem because it needs to transport the space fleet.

The elderly scholar in protective clothing is pointing at the key nodes on the hyperspace gate and instructing the assistants behind him.

"Yes!" Several assistants answered, and then marked them one by one on the tablet in their hands and uploaded them to the database.

"This section is like this, let's move forward..." The old scholar was about to move forward, but at this moment--"Not good! The hyperspace gate shows signs of activation!" The technicians in the back found the abnormality and immediately sent a warning from the communication channel.

In fact, there was no need for anyone to remind them. Everyone in the hyperspace gate saw the signs of its activation. The brightness of the Aldnoah power device started to increase. The special beam of light that penetrated the space barrier had been emitted from the ground. The gravity fluctuations caused by the space distortion swept through the people inside the hyperspace gate, causing several elderly people to feel unwell and stagger to almost fall to the ground.

"What? What's going on? Are the Earthlings attacking now?" The officer in charge of supervising the removal of the hyperspace gate said with gritted teeth, resisting the discomfort like motion sickness in his body.

According to the intelligence, the Earthlings should have just taken over the hyperspace gate on the moon. According to convention, even if they want to use it, they have to go through several days of preparation and inspection. How could they launch an attack so soon... Did those Earthlings want to die? ! Well, that's right. Since the hyperspace gate itself is a super-ancient relic left by an alien civilization who knows how many tens of thousands of years ago, it is a very old antique. Whether it is Earthlings or Martians, it is impossible to use the hyperspace gate without any care when using it.

Even the Martians who have the most in-depth understanding of the hyperspace gate need to check and test the entire hyperspace gate facility again and again before each interplanetary transmission to ensure that this transmission will not become a one-way ticket to hell.

- God knows what will happen when the transmission fails. What if, as described in those science fiction movies, only the upper or lower body is transmitted, or even more terrifying, only the bones or internal organs in the body are transmitted... Tsk tsk, it's scary to think about it!   Ahem! Let's get back to the topic! The suddenly activated hyperspace gate immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding garrisons. A shrill alarm sounded immediately. Laser anti-aircraft turrets, plasma ray cannons, gravity trap generators... Various anti-aircraft weapons responded immediately, and the attack targets were all directed at the gradually distorted space above the hyperspace gate. Even those who had not yet left the hyperspace gate range could not help but point their guns at the sky.

Are the earthlings... coming?   ... The impact of the opening of the hyperspace gate became more and more obvious, and the space-time distortion soon reached the threshold of penetrating the space dimension.

The next moment, the space that was distorted to the extreme suddenly returned to calm - it's coming!   Everyone present was awe-inspiring, and their vigilance was raised to the highest level. The moment the earthling troops appeared, they would immediately launch an attack.

However, when the space distortion calmed down, the expected army was not seen, and the sky above the entire hyperspace gate was still empty...  "No, that's not right! There are people! There are people in the sky!"  Yes, just a few hundred meters above the hyperspace gate, a small black dot was falling rapidly.

As the black spot got closer and closer to the ground, the people below also saw it, no, it should be him - Is this... a person? Bang! With a not-so-loud crash, the black humanoid figure landed on one knee with one hand supporting the ground - that is, the so-called superhero kneeling posture.

At this time, everyone saw the appearance of this uninvited guest clearly.

The other party was wearing a black heavy armor that was completely different from the Martian technology style. The body curves like biological muscles, the defensive armor with a metallic texture, and the arc light reflected on the full reflection mask all made people feel a sense of power from technology and machinery.

And when the black figure slowly stood up, the shadow cast by the more than two-meter-tall figure in the sunset just covered the people in the hyperspace gate, presenting a huge sense of oppression.

"Hello, Martian! Then, goodbye!" A strange voice came from the communication channel, but the people present had no time to be surprised that the other party had invaded their Martian communication channel in a short time.

Because, in the next moment, dozens of light-speed attacks instantly pierced through everyone's protective clothing, penetrated the skin and skull, burned the brain tissue underneath, and instantly took the lives of everyone present.

This is a high-energy laser!   Crack——  The high-energy laser emitter that had just popped out of the shoulder of the armor was reset and retracted after completing the task. It was under the precise control of [Ether] that it was able to achieve the achievement of killing dozens of people in an instant in such a precise and efficient way.

"Damn it, he killed them!"  "Lock him immediately, attack! Attack!"  The commander of the garrison outside the hyperspace gate also saw this scene, and immediately roared hoarsely. His subordinates subconsciously obeyed the order and pressed the trigger buttons of their weapons one after another, without even considering how much damage and impact this would cause to the hyperspace gate.

In an instant, countless attacks poured down like raindrops towards Fang Yuan's position.

High-energy particle beams, high-energy lasers, plasma cannons, electromagnetic cannons, and even ordinary gunpowder weapons, everyone was doing their best to pour bullets on the invaders.

However, when the attack that lasted for several minutes ended, as the smoke and dust caused by various attacks and ammunition explosions gradually dissipated, the Martians despaired and found that the other side was still standing there intact!   "This, this is..."   Looking at the light distortion layer that enveloped the armor in the picture, covering the area of ​​hundreds of meters like a pot lid, the commander who had seen similar scenes before made an incredible sound: "Is this a space shield? Can the earthlings do this? !!"   -Because the war on the moon ended too quickly, and no survivors returned to Mars, all the Martian garrisons on the moon were either killed or captured, so the details of that battle were not transmitted back to Mars.

What level of technology the earthlings have reached is still an unknown mystery for most Martians and even Martian officers.

But now, the mystery has finally been solved! ')155'\u003eChapter 154 1 to 5 Battle

Boom-! ! ! With the last plasma cannon turret destroyed in the explosion, there was no living Martian near the entire Mars hyperspace gate.

"Huh! Is that all?" Fang Yuan, who fell from the sky, stepped on a piece of metal wreckage that was burnt black by the flames and sneered.

Although he had expected it before setting off, he did not expect that the Martians' combat effectiveness was even lower than he imagined. In the absence of armored cavalry, the Martian army of thousands of people could not even last five minutes in front of him.

However, at this moment, [Ether] sent an enemy warning - someone is coming again!   And this time it was no longer the ordinary people's army that could only use conventional weapons, but the strongest force of the Weiser Empire in the true sense - the Martian Knights! Well, although five of the so-called "strongest forces" have already fallen into the hands of Earthlings... "Oh~ [Dioscuri], [Deucalion], [Herschel], [Arre], and the other one is... [Skandia]? They are all familiar faces!" There are five Martian knights who appeared this time, including Zazbarum and his wife Vorain (the two have officially married), two other nobles who are also earls, and a knight directly under Zazbarum.

The machines they drove were all those that had appeared in the anime plot - [Dioscuri], the most powerful machine in the anime plot, has the ability to transform and combine. According to the performance in the anime, it can even integrate the abilities of other armored cavalry into one, which is very powerful! [Deucalion], which has the ability to control wide-area gravity, unfortunately crashed into the disaster caused by Heaven's Fall in the original plot. After the first Earth-Mars War, it was recovered and analyzed by the Earth United Army, and its core components were used to create the anti-gravity spacecraft [Deucalion], which played a vital role in the victory of the Earthlings.

Now it has luckily escaped that catastrophe, but under the push of fate, it has once again stepped into the dead end... [Herschel] is the machine driven by the stupid noble who fought one-on-one with Slaine and was defeated in the anime. It uses dozens of floating guns as a means of attack. It is very advantageous in long-range combat, but becomes very weak once it encounters close combat.

[Alre], which uses a plasma saber as a weapon, is one of the few machines in the anime that the protagonist has to fight twice before defeating. Its weakness is sea water (funny).

[Scandia] is another armored cavalry that does not use humanoid design. It looks like a centaur, has the ability to be invisible, and uses powerful explosive arrows as a means of attack. To be honest, it can only bully the Earthlings with backward technology. Once the stealth ability is cracked, it will be easily harvested.

These five machines are all the high-end combat forces that Zazbarum can summon in a short period of time. The other Martian knights are now in a stalemate with Kurutou's party on the front line on the other side, and they cannot participate in the battlefield here for a while.

At this time, these five Martian knights are killing Fang Yuan in a formation of four bright and one dark, three near and two far.

[Scontia], who has the ability to be invisible, turned on transparency and hid in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack; [Herschel], who only has the ability to attack from a distance, flew high into the sky early and released the floating cannon, and the main body has been hiding far away and did not approach; [Dioscuri], [Deucalion], and [Arre], who are better at medium and short-range attacks, came to Fang Yuan from three directions in a triangle formation.

It seems that Zazbarum and others did not take this Earth warrior who dared to come to Mars alone lightly.

——In fact, on the way here, the knights watched how Fang Yuan slaughtered a full thousand-man Martian army in five minutes through various surveillance cameras, and they really regarded this Earthling as an unprecedented enemy! The first to speak was [Herschel]'s floating cannon. These small flying objects, which numbered dozens, could still fly and change directions freely even in the Martian atmosphere, and were very flexible.

The high-energy laser beams fired from the front of these arrow-like floating guns have the power to burn through rock layers tens of meters thick within one second.

When they launched the attack, dozens of red high-energy lasers came from all directions, like a net, covering the black-armored warrior in the center.

"What, dodged?!!" The knight driving [Herschel] exclaimed in disbelief.

Yes, just when dozens of floating guns launched the attack, Fang Yuan, who was surrounded in the center and seemed to have no way to escape, actually dodged all the high-energy laser beams with just a few simple dodges, rolls and jumps!   ——Fang Yuan, who was deeply connected with [Ether] again, observed and calculated the direction of all the floating gun muzzles before the floating gun group launched the attack, and calculated the path to perfectly avoid all attacks at this moment, and then, the next thing was a few difficult gymnastics moves.

"This enemy is not simple! Increase the density of attacks, don't let him have a chance to relax!" Zazbarum was also shocked by the operation that Fang Yuan just showed, but he had already prepared for the powerful combat power of this invader, so he immediately issued the correct order, letting [Herschel] continue to attack and contain the opponent's actions.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with Zazbarum, who was also an earl, for meddling in his actions, the knight driving [Herschel] also knew that this was the most correct response plan, so he executed it immediately without hesitation.

Dozens of floating guns kept flying around in the air, adjusting their directions, and launching continuous attacks on the black-armored warriors in the center in batches. Although each attack was avoided by the opponent in various simple but incredible ways, it did limit the opponent's range of action to a small area.

Then, the next moment, the attacks of others arrived! Just as Fang Yuan leaped up to avoid another high-energy laser fire attack, invisible arrows silently streaked through the thin air on the surface of Mars, flew hundreds of meters, and attacked the figure in black armor from behind.

At the same time, two rocket fists attacked the black-armored warrior from the front, and arrived at the target almost at the same time as the arrows behind the opponent-Boom---------------! ! ! The explosion of the invisible arrows containing high explosives and the shock waves generated by the rocket fists hitting the objects were still deafening even in the thin atmosphere of Mars.

"Did it succeed?" Because the smoke and dust raised by the shock wave blocked the view, [Herschel] paused the attack of the floating gun.

"No, not yet!" Zazbarum replied in a solemn tone.

')156'\u003eChapter 155 DoubleKill!

When the smoke and dust cleared, the following scene appeared before the Martian knights: A warrior in full black armor was holding back the rocket fists coming from both sides with one hand each, and his body was unscathed, without even a scratch.

"He actually caught it..." There was also a hint of astonishment in Zazbarum's tone. Someone could actually catch the attack of the "Strongest Spear" with bare hands!   Yes, the rocket fist used by Zazbarum did not have the molecular gigantic ability in the anime plot, but the "Strongest Spear" that was exactly the same as Count Reinhardt's [Hector], that is, the ability to compress and pierce space.

This attack method, which is considered the strongest attack in the current Martian Empire, should have been indestructible and destroyed any object in front of them, but today, they were firmly blocked by two ordinary-sized palms!   No, it was not directly blocked by the hands! By zooming in and looking carefully, you can find that there is no direct contact between his hands and the flying fist, but a series of visible and constantly fluctuating light distortions.

No, this is not the distortion of light, but the distortion of space!   That's right, it was not Fang Yuan's hands that blocked the space compression rocket flying fist, but the space defense barrier he released with the same space manipulation ability.

With the help of [Ether], which far exceeds the opponent's computing power, Fang Yuan successfully neutralized the space compression layer that was enough to collapse all matter with the opposite phase of space fluctuations at the moment of contact with the two rocket flying fists. The space distortion between his hands and the flying fist is the external manifestation of this kind of space fluctuation neutralization.

As for the invisible arrows attacking from behind, Fang Yuan simply ignored them - he turned on the space defense, and the only thing he was afraid of was the attack with the same space attribute. He would not even look at this kind of arrow that relied on high explosives to produce fragments and shock waves.

"The technology of the earthlings... has it reached this level!" Wolain also saw this scene. She couldn't believe that the earthlings who were easily slaughtered by her had developed rapidly to this level in just a few years! "Wolain, the opponent is using space-related abilities, and your gravity control can come in handy!" Zazbarum calmed down immediately after a brief shock, and also discovered the opponent's biggest flaw.

"Got it!" After hearing her husband's reminder, Wolaine also reacted - indeed, space fluctuations would interfere with [Deucalion]'s gravity control, and in turn her gravity control could also interfere with the opponent's space control ability! It just so happened that the distance between the enemy and her was close to the range that wide-area gravity control could affect! "[Deucalion], let's go!" ... Fang Yuan, who was wrestling with two rocket fists, detected the change in gravity index through [Ether], and also noticed that the space shield was disturbed. He immediately understood the opponent's actions.

"Huh! Is that the plan..." Seeing this, Fang Yuan no longer stalemates with the two dead objects, but crossed his hands, turned his body, and used the power of his body rotation to throw the two rocket fists far away, and at the same time jumped back again, on the one hand, to get out of the range of influence of [Deucalion]'s gravity control, and at the same time avoid the floating artillery group that launched another attack.

"Then, let's kill the weakest one first!" Fang Yuan had seen clearly that the weakest of the five Martian knights present was actually the [Scontia] who had been stealthed and shooting arrows. This machine had neither the ability to fly nor the weak attack power. There was nothing special about its defense. Once someone caught its hiding position, one attack would be enough to defeat it.

Coincidentally, this stealth ability was very difficult for Earthlings and even Martians, but for Fang Yuan who could track the Aldnoah device through [Ether], its position was clear at a glance! "The first one!" Just as Fang Yuan jumped into the air to avoid the attack of the floating gun and the rocket flying fist, his right arm armor flipped and deformed, and a handheld electromagnetic gun was reconstructed in an instant. He was seen hanging upside down with one hand stretched forward, aiming the muzzle at a seemingly empty corner.

There was a deafening explosion, a scorching flash, and a crisp sound of metal being penetrated in the direction of the muzzle. A huge man-made machine like a centaur gradually emerged in the air.

The next moment——Boom! ! ! A shot hit the energy core directly, directly causing a violent explosion of [Scontia]. The knight who was driving it, that is, Count Lafia, who was supposed to appear in the war more than ten years later, was immediately buried in the sea of ​​fire along with her beloved machine.

"Lafia!" "Damn it!" "Damn it, he dared..." "We can't let him go!" The remaining Martian knights saw this scene and were immediately furious. Killing their comrades in front of them, was this mocking their incompetence? ! However, the enemy's attack would not be affected by their personal emotions.

The next moment after destroying [Scontia], Fang Yuan instantly accelerated and approached the front machine [Alre] at a high speed from the air.

As a pure melee machine with only the plasma saber as its attacking means, [Alre] is naturally at the forefront of the attack formation.

Its driver is the Martian Knight Brand who appeared in the plot. He should have been a knight under Kurutou, but in fact he was also an insider arranged by Zazbarum. Therefore, after the two sides broke up, he immediately separated from Kurutou and officially joined Zazbarum.

His original mission today should have been to attack the enemy at close range and provide offensive opportunities for teammates in the rear.

But he didn't expect that the target this time was so slippery and didn't give him any chance to play melee. So far, all the attacks have been contributed by his master and the adults, and he, the melee player, seems to have nothing to do.

Therefore, when Fang Yuan rushed towards him without any concealment, he not only did not dodge, but instead faced him head-on with excitement - no matter how powerful the enemy is, he will offer his loyalty to his master! Let this damned earthling see the indestructible blade of [Alrui]! However, the gap between dreams and reality is extremely huge.

When the black-armored warrior and the armored cavalry named [Alrui] crossed each other, the huge blade composed of high-temperature plasma was perfectly avoided by the "petite" humanoid, but the huge [Alrui] took the opponent's fatal attack head-on.

"The second one!" After the intersection, Fang Yuan did not pause at all, and continued to perform various difficult maneuvers in the air to avoid the floating artillery group chasing behind him.

And as his opponent just now - "How could it be..." Murmuring the last words of his life, Brand's head slid down with most of the upper body of his armored cavalry.

The invisible and intangible attack neatly split the armored cavalry in half at the moment when the two sides crossed, and also perfectly beheaded the driver inside it.

——This is the space slash that Fang Yuan used to defeat [Hector]!   Double kill! ')157'\u003eChapter 156 Are you a NewType? !

"Brand!" The consecutive loss of two knights suddenly suffocated the offensive of Zazbarum and others.

This time the enemy is so strong! However, the black-armored warrior did not intend to give the opponent time to regroup. After destroying [Alrui], he did not stop and turned back to rush towards the floating artillery group that had been chasing him.

"Walk into a trap? No, do you want to attack the floating cannon directly?" The knight driving [Herschel] snorted coldly and said with disdain: "But you found the wrong target!" In his opinion, it was a very unwise behavior to not attack his vital main body directly, but to find trouble with those floating cannons, which also made him less afraid of the enemy who had just killed two of his own people.

However, the next moment, he knew that he was wrong, very wrong!   Buzz~~ A layer of faint red glow emerged from the black armored warrior, accompanied by an almost inaudible buzzing sound, and spread to cover the entire battlefield in an instant.

Then, the knight of [Herschel] found that his floating cannon group had completely rebelled!   "This, this is..."   Looking at the light circles in the panoramic cockpit that changed from green to dazzling red, the knight watched his armed forces betray him.

——Since there are large humanoid mechas and floating cannons, it would be complete to have another classic scene of NT seizing the control of the floating cannon! ……  "What's going on? Do people on Earth have this kind of technology?!"  The knight's voice was full of disbelief.

You know, the floating cannon controlled by [Herschel] is not controlled by signals such as electromagnetic waves, but directly controlled by the Aldnoah core in the body using the principle of super-time and space communication. In theory, it is impossible for anyone to usurp the control.

However, this impossible scene actually happened in front of him - a certain artificial intelligence [Ether] was responsible for this matter. For it, it was just a special control protocol in the super-time and space information network, and it would be cracked in minutes!   "Damn, how could it be... [Herschel], take it back for me!"  The knight pressed various buttons on the console in a panic, making futile attempts to take back his weapons, but found that it had no effect at all. He could only watch the floating cannon group that "rebelled" to the enemy side reorganizing its formation under the command of another will and attacking their former masters.

After an emergency maneuver to avoid the attack of dozens of high-energy laser beams, the armored cavalry named [Herschel] accelerated and climbed up, quickly flew thousands of meters high, and turned to fly away.

"No, no, I can't die here!" The knight was naturally the most clear about the attack power of his floating artillery group, so he didn't think that the not-so-thick armor of the body alone could stop it.

So, he directly abandoned the remaining two comrades and fled the battlefield.

"Heh, you actually ran away?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised by the other party's performance. He thought that everyone who came this time was as courageous as the knight who dared to charge him head-on just now.

"But you seem to have forgotten something!" Fang Yuan under the armor chuckled and issued a command to the [Ether] that was deeply connected in his consciousness: [Go, take these little cuties and find their owners! 】The floating artillery groups originally surrounding Fang Yuan responded immediately, like a school of predatory fish, or like a peregrine falcon staring at its prey. Dozens of floating artillery groups reorganized into a simple formation, and one accelerated to chase in the direction where [Herschel] fled.

Under the control of [Ether], these autonomous weapons with simple intelligence will "entertain" their former masters!   …  "Even [Herschel] was defeated?"  Zazbarum was not very angry about his teammates' desertion. In fact, now that all the floating artillery groups have been captured, [Herschel], who has no melee ability, is simply a burden. It's good to escape, after all, it can save a part of his own strength.

——However, looking at the last pursuit of those floating artillery groups, he was also pessimistic about whether the other party could escape.

And regardless of whether the other party can survive successfully, the current situation is that three Martian Knights have been defeated, and only he and his wife Wolein are left! "Dear, what should we do?" After seeing her knights being defeated one after another in a short period of time, Wolaine, who was originally full of fighting spirit, dared not act rashly for a while and could only ask her husband for advice.

"...Try to attack again. If it doesn't work, retreat!" Zazbarum said this with an unwilling tone, which was equivalent to admitting defeat.

"This time I'm in front, you wait for the right time in the back and destroy the opponent's space defense!" Although Wolaine's [Deucalion] is also a medium-to-close range attack machine, it has no advantage when facing this opponent - the space manipulation ability and gravity manipulation ability can interfere with each other, and [Deucalion] has no other melee weapons. Facing the black-armored warriors with endless attack methods alone, Wolaine does not have much chance of winning.

At this time, he is the only one who can stand in the front.

"[Dioscuri], go!" Zazbarum, who completely immersed himself in the role of a warrior, drove his car forward and faced the terrible enemy on the opposite side head-on.

"Oh? After seeing what happened to the people in front of you, you still dare to charge head-on. I respect you as a real man!" However, Fang Yuan had no interest in confronting such a huge enemy head-on. He jumped back and flew into the air. The figure in black armor seemed to gradually melt and disappear into the air.

"Is this... invisibility?!" Zazbarum hurriedly stopped the charging [Dioscuri], turned on all the detection equipment, and alertly guarded the surroundings.

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