"Eh~~?!!" It's not a quilt hanging on the railing, but a girl! ! ! "Girl... why is she hanging here?... This dress... is she a nun?... She looks like a foreigner..." Just then - "Hmm -" The girl hanging on the railing opened her eyes and uttered two words: "Stomach..." Kamijou boy: "Eh?" "Stomach... hungry..." The silver-haired girl who appeared in such a fantastic way in a nun's clothes said the words that Kamijou boy feared the most in the future.

... In the windowless building, the upside-down figure was watching the scene in the dormitory building through the hovering loops that spread throughout the Academy City.

"The Forbidden Book Index has arrived, and the British Puritans have tied it to your chariot.

But... there seems to be some interesting little things in this Forbidden Book Index!" The voice with noise echoed in the space here.

Obviously, the holy guardian angel who called himself Aiwass, who did not belong to any religion, discovered what Fang Yuan had done in Index's body even though he did not appear in person.

"It doesn't matter. This should be the method of that magical outsider."

A simulated voice came from the life support device.

Although he had never met the other party and had not really understood each other, Aleister knew that the nanomachine hidden in Index's body, which was somewhat similar to his hovering loop, was the one who "created" such an unexpected variable as Saten Ruiko.

"If I calculated correctly, the other party should also have set his eyes on the original text of the magic book in the forbidden book index, and used this method that would never be detected by the magic side. This does not contradict my plan. Just let him do it."

I don't know what kind of method Aleister has, but looking at his sure look, it seems that he is indeed very confident in his judgment.

"Anyway, after another test, it should be time to meet the other party..."  ...  On the other side, in the dimly lit office, Kimura Haruo, who stayed up late to finish reading the information, finally perfected her plan. Feeling the network connected in her brain waves, it became stronger after she injected a new calculation formula, and finally a smile appeared on her lips.

It's almost there, it's almost there!   Children, I'm coming to save you! ')279'\u003eChapter 278 This is not a turn-based game!

On the evening of the day when Kamijou Touma met Index, a slender figure was closing her eyes, floating thousands of meters above the Academy City.

The warm summer breeze blew the girl's long hair and dress, and the setting sun shone on her face. In her still young face, it was reflected the calmness and majesty that was completely inconsistent with her age.

The person who was cosplaying as Superman in the sky was none other than the new generation of urban legends in Academy City, Riri Saten.

At this moment, she was using the power of thunder that she had mastered to fully sense all the changes in the electromagnetic force field within Academy City, and with her powerful brain that far surpassed that of humans and even ordinary people with special abilities, she understood, screened, analyzed, and stored all the received information at the same time.

Any slightest movement, as long as it occurred in a place that was not an electromagnetic shielding place, would definitely not escape Riri Saten's sensing.

It can be said that she had completely achieved the effect that Aleister needed to achieve through 50 million "hanging loops" just by relying on her own brain - monitoring the entire Academy City.

In order to find the mastermind behind the development and dissemination of [Fantasy Hand], Riri Saten also fought hard.

Although there was Hatsuharu Shikiri, the guardian of the network, who was investigating from the information network level, she herself did not relax, but expanded her perception range to the entire city, trying to use this method to find the mastermind among the 2.3 million people living in this city.

However, after hanging in the sky for several hours and acting as a humanoid radar for most of the day, she did not find the mastermind behind [Fantasy Hand], but she discovered something else.

"Is that... the student dormitory building? Is there someone fighting?" Although her naked eye vision was not strong enough to see people's faces clearly from a few kilometers away, her strong electromagnetic induction ability gave her a new and more powerful sense.

Through the detection and reading of the human body's electromagnetic field, she seemed to be able to see with her own eyes the two people fighting in the dilapidated apartment building.

Transformed into thunder, she rushed to the battle scene in an instant. Riri Saten immediately saw the fire that almost set the entire floor on fire, and immediately frowned: "Who is so bold that he dares to use such a power in a residential building!" You know, there are many restrictions on the use of superpowers by people with superpowers in Academy City. Although using superpowers to assist daily life or to fight privately is common among students, and it is impossible to ban it, for most students (excluding those at Lv.5), it is almost a convention to avoid affecting innocent people and public buildings when using superpowers.

Even those bad superpowers who are mixed in the underworld - although there are actually very few people among the bad who have real combat abilities - they will try their best not to make a big noise in illegal actions. Such examples of burning houses and playing arson can be said to be really unscrupulous.

"Huh?" When she turned her eyes to the two people fighting in the flames, she suddenly found something wrong.

"This guy... is not a superpower!" The guy who was confronting a boy who looked like a student, or rather, the guy who was waving the flames to prevent the fire recklessly, was not using superpowers! Since connecting to the human brain network through [Fantasy Hand], she also had a more intuitive understanding of the AIM diffusion field, which was usually ignored by Ruiko Saten.

With just one glance, she could see that this bad priest who was wearing a priest robe and had a barcode tattooed on his face, who looked a bit like a fire ability user, did not emit any AIM diffusion field from his body. Instead, he had another kind of inexplicable and familiar special "aura".

Well, as for the other person who was confronting this bad priest, Ruiko Saten also knew him. Wasn't that the hedgehog-headed boy who was often chased and beaten by Misaka Senior? I didn't expect that a guy who looked ordinary could actually fight against such a powerful enemy... However, no matter how much she sighed, Riri Saten couldn't just watch this pyromaniac continue to wreak havoc.

... The red-haired bad priest was indignant because his proud fire magic was easily blocked by the esper on the opposite side, and was about to use his best skill "Witch Hunting King" to end the opponent.

At this moment - Bang! Accompanied by the air wave that instantly extinguished most of the flames, a figure suddenly blocked him and the hedgehog-headed boy.

"That's it!" This was a female voice that was still a little childish.

"Girl?" "Female esper?" Kamijou Touma was happy that there was a rescuer, but he was also very worried about this female classmate who helped him out - the enemy in front of him was very strong, so he didn't want to get the girl injured... And Stiyl felt shocked.

He had originally looked down on the so-called scientific side. When he first fought with a special ability user, he encountered a strange special ability user who could eliminate his own flames. Then another girl who looked even more powerful jumped out. For a moment, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Academy City was indeed a place where crouching tigers and hidden dragons were hidden. In addition to the seven Lv.5s on the surface, the two special ability users he met casually were not weak.

"That bad priest with a barcode tattoo on his face, you are not from Academy City, right!" Just as the priest was thinking about the power of the scientific side, the girl who broke into the battlefield said so firmly, which immediately made Stiyl's heart sink.

Did this girl know his identity as a magician? Was she from the dark side of Academy City? Was he sent by the controller of Academy City to stop him because his actions were too extreme?   No, that's not right!   Before entering this city, the archbishop had already greeted this side. In the matter of recovering the forbidden book index, Academy City would not stop their actions. Why...   Forget it, don't think about it! Anyway, the girl in front of him is also an enemy, just recognize this point! "Huh! Another reinforcement?" Stiyl did not answer the girl's question, but snorted coldly, took out more rune cards from his sleeve, threw them casually, and covered the entire apartment building with them under the effect of magic, turning it into a rune space that is most suitable for him to cast magic.

The next moment, the flames that had been mostly extinguished by the wind and waves driven by Saten Ruiko suddenly rose again, not only returning to their original scale, but even becoming more violent under the blessing of countless runes.

The priest raised his right hand, countless flames gathered in his palm, and the spell representing mystery and magic came out of his mouth: "One of the five elements that build the world, the great magic flame! It is the light of grace that breeds life and the light of punishment that punishes evil! While bringing peace and happiness, it also eliminates the cold and cold fate of cold darkness!" As the spell was chanted, a certain terrible "existence" awakened from the flames! "Its name is flame, its job is sword! Show yourself! Devour my body and turn it into power! Hunt the witch, poof!!" Removing her fist from the unconscious priest's abdomen, Saten Ruiko looked at the flame that could not condense into shape because it lost the guidance of the initiator and could only dissipate helplessly in the end, and curled her lips with some disdain: "Such a long attack pre-swing, do you think we are playing a turn-based game?"')280'\u003eChapter 279 The so-called pseudoscience

In the eyes of the young Kamijou, everything that happened today seemed unreal like a dream.

First, when he woke up in the morning, he found a nun from a foreign country who called herself Index hanging on his balcony. Then, this big-eating nun who seemed to be the incarnation of gluttony and ate everything also talked about magic, magic books, and other things that no one believed at first.

Seeing that Kamijou didn't believe her, she took out her nun uniform as evidence, saying that it was a "mobile church" made of magic that could defend against nuclear-level attacks. However, he touched it with his right hand and the uniform burst.

Although the girl's naked body is indeed very attractive, the other person's toddler size is not really a benefit, but he was still bitten by the angry girl with teeth marks all over his body... What a misfortune! But the misfortune was still to come - after a whole day of painful tutoring, when he returned to the dormitory, he found Index lying in front of his door, with blood flowing under her body, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead.

Then, a tall bad priest with a barcode tattooed on his face jumped out and talked a lot about magic, church and things that people couldn't understand. He also claimed that he wanted to "recycle" Index and put her She treated him as a pure tool... Naturally, he started fighting with the opponent. Although the bad priest's cool fire magic really shocked him, when he blocked the opponent's fire attack with his right hand, he went up. The young man understood that he had no chance of winning.

However, just when the battle was about to escalate, a girl who looked like a high-level ability person suddenly came out - she was definitely smaller than him in terms of height and appearance - and actually defeated this girl who looked like a person with one move. A very strong bad priest! Well, even though I took advantage of the opponent's big reading, I rushed in front of him unprepared and knocked him down with a punch... "Um... thank you!" Even though I relied on my right hand, I couldn't really fight myself. He might not be able to defeat the bad priest, but Kamijou Touma still expressed his sincere gratitude to this girl who was kind enough to lend a helping hand.

"You're welcome. I just saw the fire here and took action because I was worried that the fire would continue to expand."

While waving the strong wind to extinguish the remaining flames, Saten Ruiko answered nonchalantly.

"I saw a person lying over there. Is he injured? Do you need my help?" At the beginning, she had already spotted the figure lying on the side of the battlefield.

Judging from the nun's uniform that is completely out of tune with the overall atmosphere of Academy City, she must be an outsider like this bad priest.

Well, it should be the magician that Master once mentioned.

However, unlike this arsonist bad priest, the nun seems to be a victim. Judging from the boy's attitude, he should be someone he knows. Is he involved in some trouble... "Ah! That's right. ! Index is injured! I have to take her to the hospital!" After Saten Ruiko reminded him, Kamijou realized that there was a seriously injured nun lying at the door of his dormitory! However, just when he carefully lifted Index up and wanted to take her to the hospital, his movements suddenly froze - 'No...that's not right! Index did not enter Academy City through formal channels, and she did not have an ID here. If she went to the hospital, her information would be easily exposed...' Kamijou Touma thought of this at this time, and was immediately helpless.

"If you are worried about this nun's identity and being unable to go to the hospital, I think I can help."

Saiko next to her seemed to notice Kamijou Touma's predicament and took the initiative to lend a helping hand.

"Really?" Kamijou boy immediately turned to look at Ruizi, with an expression on his face as if he was grasping at straws.

"Well, don't look at me like this, but I actually have some experience in medical first aid!" Saten Ruiko said, her tone full of confidence.

... "Is this... really okay?" After thinking about it, he couldn't think of any other way. Kamijou Touma finally handed Index to Saten Ruiko and asked her to help.

However, since Kamijou Touma's dormitory had been destroyed by a fire caused by a certain pyromaniac, Saiko took the nun and the boy and moved to an empty park.

"It's no problem, believe me!" Saten Ruiko said this while ruthlessly tearing open the slit on the back of Sister Index's uniform. Because of the movement, the blood had already coagulated accidentally. Many wounds burst open again and more blood flowed out. Kamijou Touma saw this and felt even more unsure.

"Ah, sorry, sorry!" Saten Ruiko also realized her mistake and apologized with some embarrassment, her movements becoming gentler.

However, her next move made Kamijou Touma almost jump.

"What are you doing!" Kamijou boy saw the electric sparks shining in the girl's fingers, rushed forward, and pulled Saten Ruiko away from Index.

"Eh?" Feeling that the magic power flowing in her right arm suddenly disappeared after being caught by Kamijou Touma, Saten Ruiko was suddenly confused.

"...Is this your ability? Eliminate other supernatural abilities?" Because the magic power was eliminated, the supreme power in the girl's arm that could capture dragons and throw elephants also disappeared, which cost her a lot of effort. Only then did he break free from the hands of Kamijou boy.

"Let me ask you first! Aren't you talking about saving people? What are you doing with all the electricity?!" Kamijou Touma said with a broken face - luckily he thought Saten Ruiko could really heal As for Index, I didn’t expect that she is the same discharge girl as Bilibili? ! "Young man, did you know? Appropriate amount of micro-current stimulation can promote the rapid division of cells!" Saten Ruiko re-transmitted the magic power to her right arm, restored her own abilities, and asked Kamijou Touma for help. said.

"Eh? Is there such a thing?" As for what Ruizi said, Kamijou Touma, who was essentially a scumbag, had never heard of it at all. He just thought that as a person with high-level abilities, he was naturally academically capable. He is much better than a scumbag like himself. Maybe this is really the case? "That's right, that's it! So don't interfere with my treatment anymore!" As she said that, the girl condensed a weak electric spark in her hand and lit it on the wound on the nun's back.

Sure enough, just as she said, wherever the arc passed, the huge hideous wound seemed to heal a thousand times faster, and in the end not even a scar was left.

"Okay, that's awesome!" A certain Kamijou boy who didn't know how powerful he was was dumbfounded.

‘That’s weird! I lied to you! ’ Saten Ruiko said in her heart.

In fact, this was just her taking out the vitality contained in the divine thunder, which had both the power of vitality and destruction, and injecting it into Index's wound, promoting the healing of the wound.

This is purely a mysterious method and has absolutely nothing to do with so-called science.

')281'\u003eChapter 280 The First Meeting of Shazam Girl and the Female Pope

"Touma..." Just as Kamijou boy was thanking Saten Ruiko profusely, Index, whose wounds had healed, finally woke up from her coma.

"Where are we?" Index, who had just woken up, was still a little confused. She half-opened her eyes and looked around at her surroundings. She didn't know where she was for a moment.

"Index, how do you feel?" Upon hearing the silver-haired nun's call, a certain Kamijou boy who was trapped immediately put aside Saten Ruiko, rushed to Index, and asked nervously With.

"Feel... eh? Are my injuries healed?" Index was still a little confused at first, but after she woke up, she suddenly discovered that in addition to some weakness caused by excessive blood loss, her injuries It's completely healed! "Well, this young lady saved you... eh? Where is the person?" Kamijou Touma was about to introduce Saten Ruiko to Index, but when he turned around, he found that the other party had disappeared.

"... Just left like that, I didn't even have time to ask her name..." Kamijou boy scratched his scalp, and finally could only put the matter aside for the time being.

Looking back, the biggest problem he has to face now is where to stay tonight! …… On the rooftop hundreds of meters high, a female saint with a long black ponytail and very shady clothes landed here carrying the unconscious red-haired bad priest.

"I didn't expect that even Steele would be defeated..." Kanzaki Kaori sighed, the light of healing magic lit up in his hand, and he treated Steele who had been hit hard in the internal organs.

A few minutes later.

"Well——" The tall but fragile bad priest came to his senses while clutching his still painful abdomen. He opened his mouth with a curse word: "Shit! You actually attacked me while I was chanting the curse!" "Steele, You are careless!" Kanzaki Kaori shook his head and expressed his dissatisfaction with Steele for underestimating the enemy in this operation.

"...Yeah, I was indeed careless..." After the initial anger, the bad priest also calmed down - this time the failure was indeed his own problem.

He was clearly facing a powerful ability user, but he never regarded the opponent as a real powerful enemy. Instead, he had a feeling of contempt in his heart, and he just chanted spells and cast spells in front of the opponent. .

Although he was surrounded by flames of over 3,000 degrees when he chanted the spell, which was theoretically enough to provide him with strong protection as a spell caster, there were thousands of kinds of magic in the world, and the ones in Academy City There are no two students with the same super power among the 1.8 million students. It is impossible for there to be someone strong enough to break through his flame protection.

But he just stood up and cast the spell unpreparedly. As a result, he was knocked unconscious by the opponent's sudden attack to the abdomen. He didn't even have time to release his ultimate move. The defeat was really embarrassing.

Steele had no excuse for his mistake and could only admit it.

But what he was most concerned about was another thing - "...How is Index?" Kanzaki Kaori shook his head and said: "I don't know, the tracking technique on the Mobile Church has been completely destroyed. In order to prevent you from being captured by the security personnel in this city, I can only take you to retreat first, and I have no way of understanding the situation at Index."

"...This is really troublesome..." Steele took out the cigarette case from his breast pocket and pulled out a cigarette. The ring engraved with flame runes in his hand flashed an invisible magical light. A candle-like flame lit up his fingers, lighting the cigarette.

He took a deep puff, then exhaled the depression of being defeated by a little girl along with the second-hand smoke filtered by his lungs, and then said: "I think I know who destroyed the Mobile Church."

"Oh?" When Kanzaki Kaori heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Who is it?" Steele took another puff of cigarette, and then said: "It's the boy who took Index in.

When I attacked him before, I discovered one thing - that boy had the power to eliminate magic. "

"The power to eliminate magic?" "Yes, when he blocked my flames at first, I thought he was an esper created in Academy City with defensive abilities. But after we fought several times, I It was discovered that what the boy eliminated was not the flame, but the magic foundation that caused the flame phenomenon."

Although Steele seemed very reckless in the previous battles, he was actually a genius in magic. In just a few fights, he discovered part of the truth about Kamijou Touma's ability.

"Destroy the power of magic... As expected, Academy City is my biggest enemy on the magic side!" Kanzaki Kaori nodded, understanding in his heart.

After all, although the "Mobile Church" is powerful and its defense reaches the level of the Pope, the basis of its function is still magic and magic. If it is a power specially created by this science-side base camp to deal with magic, then it is indeed very possible.

"Yes, and that girl... Although I was defeated because of my own carelessness, that guy was able to ignore my fire defense and get close to me. He is also a strong man..." "Oh? Then I am really honored, the two intruders on the magic side!" The person who answered him was not Kanzaki Kaori, but another voice that had just impressed Steele.

"It's you?!" Following the sound, the two English Puritans saw the figure flying in the air. It was the girl who had defeated Steele lightly before, Saten Ruiko! "I didn't expect to catch up here! Kanzaki, you are actually being followed?" Steele looked at his companions with a look of disbelief on his face - as the ninth of only twenty saints in the world, His strength ranks among the top ten magicians in London, yet he is being followed without even realizing it? ! "No, I can confirm that when I took you away from the scene, no one was following me!" Kanzaki Kaori shook her head seriously. She can confirm that when she took Steel away from the scene of the battle, No one followed her. This was her confidence in her own strength.

"Maybe it's because the other party has wide-area investigation capabilities..." Kanzaki Kaori gave his own guess.

"That's right! My perception range covers the entire Academy City. Anyone I have seen cannot escape my perception tracking unless they hide in some special shielded buildings!" Slowly falling in the air, Saten Ruiko seemed to be kindly explaining some of her abilities, but in fact she wanted to use words to put pressure on the other two.

"Powerful perception ability, immunity to the high temperature of flames, ability to drive wind, powerful close combat ability...are they espers with multiple abilities? No, they should develop certain abilities to a very comprehensive level. "You can't be someone at Level 5 in this city, right?" Counting the powers displayed by the girl in front of them one by one, Steele guessed the identity of the other party.

')282'\u003eChapter 281: Seen Through [Seven Flashes]

Although they had a deep-rooted dislike of Academy City and superpowers on the science side, the two magicians had done their homework in advance in order to enter such a city full of superpowers.

They at least know that unlike magicians like them who have no "talent", the espers in Academy City can only use a single ability throughout their lives, and at most they can only derive it after the ability is developed to a high level. Affiliated abilities in the same field.

And to be able to develop the original single ability attribute into a very general field, there is no doubt that there are only seven people with the highest combat power in this city, named superpowers! Unfortunately, Steele and Kanzaki Kaori's guesses were fundamentally wrong.

What appeared in front of them from the sky was not the so-called Level 5, not a superpower, but a mysterious side-power user wearing the skin of a superpower.

"Lv.5, I'm not that kind of big shot!" Saten Ruiko directly denied the bad priest's speculation, and changed the subject before the other party spoke again: "It doesn't matter what my identity is. Let’s talk about you outsiders first! I don’t remember that Academy City has become a place where you magicians can come whenever you want!” In the past few months of guidance, Fang Yuan had briefly talked to Saotian. Ruiko has explained some situations about the dark side of the world, such as the ANBU in Academy City that specialize in dealing with things in the dark, and the magic-side forces that are not visible to ordinary people.

Among them, Fang Yuan focused particularly on the contradictions and disputes between the magic side and the science side, as well as the magicians' disgust and malice toward superpowers and Academy City, the base camp of the science side.

Therefore, when she confirmed that the two magicians in front of her were magicians, she subconsciously regarded them as enemies - especially the unscrupulous pyromaniac performance of the bad priest before, which made Saten Ruiko's impression become... More ingrained.

"Looking at you, you should be someone in Academy City who knows about the existence of magic, right? We are magicians affiliated with the English Puritan Church of Necessary Evils, and we entered this city to retrieve our church's vital catalog of forbidden books. That's the injured nun, you should have seen it, right?" Since Steele had been defeated by the girl in front of him before, this time it was Kanzaki Kaori who took charge of the negotiations.

She said: "Besides, before we entered this city, we had reached an agreement with the general director of this Academy City. We will not cause damage in this city, but Academy City cannot prevent us from completing our mission."

"Recover... the Index of Forbidden Books? Treating people as props..."  As soon as Saten Ruiko heard what Kanzaki Kaori said, she immediately formed a bad impression of the so-called Church of Necessary Evil that "does not treat people as human beings".

"Heh! It's really the same style as the corrupt church in the Dark Ages!"  The girl frowned, and the sense of justice in her heart made her unable to remain indifferent to what was happening in front of her.

Although the other party seemed to have reached some agreement with the upper echelons of Academy City, what did it have to do with her?  She was just a Lv.0 at the bottom of the pyramid of Academy City, and she would not care about the dirty deals of those adults! "Hmph! You said you wouldn't cause any damage, but didn't you just set fire to a building? And I saw with my own eyes that you tried to use violence against ordinary students in Academy City, which is a complete violation of your so-called agreement!" The clever girl completely ignored the special nature of a certain Kamijou boy's right hand, and unilaterally classified him as an "ordinary student", and even described a certain bad priest's fighting method as arson. She immediately stood on the moral high ground, thinking that she had grasped the "righteousness" of attacking the two magicians.

"This..." Kamijou Kaori couldn't help but get stuck at Saten Ruiko's statement.

To be honest, they were wrong for taking the initiative and causing quite a stir.

But can this little thing be compared with the matter of the Forbidden Book Index? ! These are completely two different levels of things, okay! Kamijou Kaori wanted to defend herself, but her eloquence was only average, and she couldn't find any good excuses at once, and suddenly fell into an awkward silence.

"… Sorry, but it is our mission to recover the Index of Forbidden Books, so, I apologize for offending… [Seven Flashes]!" Since language was not an option, they could only use swords.

Kanzaki Kaori's right hand grasped the hilt of the sword at her waist.

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