The next moment, along with the sudden strong wind that cut the face, a series of cutting marks appeared on the cement floor of the rooftop, just like the invisible sword energy in the movie, just right around the place where the girl stood, but He almost cut off a strand of the girl's hair - such a scene did not happen.

In fact, the real situation is that after the sound of the sword being sheathed was heard, the cuts and scratches on the ground stopped abruptly in front of the "ability user" girl, but the so-called "invisible sword energy" was revealed by the seemingly white and tender girl. The little hands clenched tightly, and their true bodies were revealed under the moonlight - they were seven extremely thin special steel wires that were almost indistinguishable to the naked eye.

"You were underestimated! You deliberately avoided my body. Do you want to scare me away with this little trick?" Saten Ruiko used force in her hands. The huge force that required tens of thousands of tons was instantly applied to the tough body. On the wire.

Bang——Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang—— Seven times in a row, there was a sound like the strings of a piano were being broken. The seven steel wires, which were made by a special process and blessed with magic, just broke without any warning.

"Use whatever means you have!" Kanzaki Kaori: "..." Only then did she realize that the girl in front of her was not an enemy that could be dispatched by just using [Seven Flashes], but A powerful enemy on the same level as her, one of only twenty saints in the world! So, do you want to use [Only Flash] here? No, that is a unique move that can only be used when facing a real and unrelenting enemy. The girl in front of him is from Academy City, and her original intention is not to be an enemy of the church, so she stands in front of herself and others. Yes, but for Index... However, if she does not use the power of the "Son of God", she may not be the opponent of the girl in front of her.

——Just now, when Saten Ruiko grabbed the wire fired by Kanzaki with her hand, with her dynamic vision that still crushes mortals in her normal state, she didn't see the opponent's movements clearly! ')283'\u003eChapter 282 The battle was interrupted

In the windowless building, a scene from a certain rooftop is being displayed on a projection screen.

In the picture, a female saint in revealing clothes is confronting a girl with long black hair and straight hair who is wearing an ordinary school uniform and looks like an ordinary junior high school student. On the other side, there is a red-haired girl who cannot interfere with her at all and can only watch. Bad priest.

"The plan has gone a little awry. Saten Ruiko should not have been involved in the Index of Forbidden Books incident at this time."

A voice with no audible emotion came from the life support machine.

"So, do you want to revise the plan?" A voice mixed with noise echoed.

"It just needs a little correction."

Aleister conveyed his will through the machine.

... In a dark alley, a person's upper body was exposed, and his chest was only tightly wrapped with bandages. He was wearing a school uniform, and his lower body was wearing a highly revealing miniskirt. Overall, he looked rather disgusting. The beautiful girl with busty breasts, who was even better than Kanzaki Kaori, had her cell phone ringing.

"It's me... Got it!" Bang - After hanging up the phone, the girl looked up to determine her location, took off the military flashlight that never left her body from her waist, and waved it in a certain direction. After a few seconds, , her figure disappeared here.

Yes, this is the leader of the windowless building in the 7th School District. He is one of the best space users in Academy City. His LV.4 coordinates have moved, and his name is Danki.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that she was seriously injured due to space movement and the psychological trauma was too severe, based on the strength of her abilities, she could even be recognized as a Level 5 superpower.

However, due to her own psychological problems, her abilities were unstable and she lost her potential to become Level 5. After experiencing a series of events, she fell into the dark side of Academy City and eventually became a certain general director. The chess piece in the leader's hand took on the job of leading the way.

And now, she has received a new mission.

... On the rooftop, Kanzaki Kaori and Saten Ruiko were facing off nervously. The atmosphere at the scene was very solemn, enough to trigger a battle between the magic side and the science side.

Just when the atmosphere between the two parties was stagnant to the extreme and was about to explode, suddenly, a graceful figure suddenly appeared here.

"Both sides, stop it first!" The visitor recovered from the discomfort caused by the space movement and immediately said to both parties in the confrontation: "Saten Ruiko-san, it is true that these two magicians entered Academy City. It was approved by the chairman. In view of the agreement reached between the two parties, Academy City cannot interfere with their recovery of important materials belonging to their church, so please calm down."

She paused, then turned to the two magicians and continued: "On the other hand, I also ask you two to be careful when moving in Academy City, so as not to cause the same commotion as before.

The chairman has said that the damage list for the apartment building that suffered the fire will be sent to your archbishop. Please try to exercise restraint in the future. "

Saten Ruiko \u0026 Kanzaki Kaori \u0026 Steele: "..." "Tsk!" The long, straight black junior high school girl did not doubt the words of this girl who suddenly jumped out.

First of all, the other party called out her name as soon as she arrived, and it was obvious that she had already investigated her identity.

And Ruiko Saten was very careful in her past actions, and basically never showed her face. Even if she showed her face later, she never reported her name, let alone exposed herself to ordinary cameras.

Apart from the general director who can monitor the entire Academy City in real time with the "suspension loop", who would notice a small character like her who should be Lv.0? On the other hand, although she had never seen it, she had heard of the "guide" in the urban legend, and her teacher had described the appearance of this urban legend to her.

The breasts wrapped in bandages were too obvious, and she recognized them at a glance.

Although theoretically, she, a "heretic" on the scientific side whose abilities had little to do with Academy City, did not seem to need to obey the orders of the general director, but for Ruiko Saten, this city was not only a place for her to learn supernatural powers, but also her second home in her mind.

She knew that she was very strong and had definitely reached the level of a Lv.5 esper, but she was not stupid enough to think that she could go against the entire Academy City alone. Didn't she see that her master didn't dare to show up in Academy City openly? Since she was going to continue to live in this city in the future, it was very necessary to listen to the opinions of the controller of this city.

It was obvious that she could no longer teach these two religious dogs who used people as tools, and Saten Ruiko could only retreat.

She leaped up, deliberately without covering up, with a deafening sonic boom and cone-shaped clouds, and flew into the sky at supersonic speed, and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

Seeing this scene, Kamisaki Kaori felt relieved after her heart sank.

Unexpectedly, this girl had such a strong flying ability in addition to the ability she had shown before. If a fight really broke out, Kamisaki Kaori, who could not fly, would inevitably face a huge disadvantage.

However, she was mostly grateful that she could avoid a head-on conflict with such a powerful ability user.

After all, no matter who wins or loses, the huge conflict between the magic side and the science side is inevitable, so it is better not to fight! After completing the task, Atsuki Yuzuki nodded to the two magicians, then pointed the military flashlight in one direction, and disappeared in a flash.

"..." Kanzaki Kaori walked to the place where Saten Ruiko stood before, picked up the broken thin steel wire from the ground, put it in her pocket, and then said to Stiyl behind her: "Let's go, find a place to stay first."

Stiyl: "...Ah-!" The bad priest sighed for a long time and threw away the cigarette butt in his hand. The sigh was mixed with regret, fear, anger, helplessness and other emotions, which was extremely complicated.

... "Oh? Did you include my lovely disciple in the plan so soon?" In a strange country far away from the Japanese archipelago and unknown continent, Fang Yuan, who was shopping like an ordinary person, sensed what happened on this day through the little backhand left in his lovely disciple's body.

He immediately understood that the deep-minded, meticulously planned, endlessly conspiracies and tricks, and the upside-down man who never knew how many cards he had, had already included Saten Ruiko and even himself in his huge and complex plan.

"Well, it seems that we should have a good talk!"  PS: From today on, I will resume three updates, and occasionally four updates to make up for the previous updates.

Well, I will update three times today.

')284'\u003eChapter 283 We need the power of experts

"Saten-san, you look very upset, did you encounter something?"  When Saten Ruiko came to the Discipline Committee 177th Branch as usual, and investigated the behind-the-scenes disseminator of [Fantasy Hand] with Hatsuharu Shikiri and others, the wreath girl keenly felt that Saten Ruiko was in a very bad mood and immediately asked.

"Ah,, nothing!" Still immersed in what happened last night, Ruiko Saten was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that her performance was too obvious. Her displeasure with those "dirty adult worlds" was so obvious that Hatsuharu could see it at a glance.

" it really nothing?" Hatsuharu Shiki put her face in front of the other party and looked at her best friend with suspicion.

"It's really nothing!" Ruiko Saten waved her hand and pushed Hatsuharu, who was too close, a little further away.

"...Well, since you don't want to say it, forget it..." Fortunately, Hatsuharu Shiki was not a person who had to get to the bottom of other people's privacy. Seeing that Ruiko Saten was unwilling to admit it, she did not continue to ask.

"Um, how is the investigation behind [Fantasy Hand] going?" In order to prevent Hatsuharu Shiki from continuing to dwell on this matter and to divert her attention, Ruiko Saten asked about this matter.

"Well... the other party is very cunning. The original transmission path on the Internet has been tampered with and cleaned up very cleanly. Even I can't find clues in a short time."

Hatsuharu Shiori had to admit that this time the opponent was indeed quite capable and cleaned up all his traces on the Internet very cleanly.

Well, in fact, it was not Kiyama Haruo who knew almost nothing about the Internet who cleaned up the traces on the Internet, but another force. However, even Kiyama Haruo himself did not know this.

"Tsk... Is the clue broken..."  Riri Saten bit her lips unwillingly, and her evaluation of the unknown mastermind in her heart was raised to a higher level again - this is a very difficult opponent!   Just then, the phone in the branch office rang suddenly.

"Moshimoshi...ah, it's me, Hatsuharu...what? All the users of [Fantasy Hand] are in a coma?!"  Hatsuharu Shiki's exclamation woke up Riri Saten who was thinking about countermeasures with her head down.

"What's going on? The users of [Fantasy Hand] are in a coma? No, it should be said that it is indeed the case..."  After seeing the essence of [Fantasy Hand] clearly, Riri Saten immediately thought of the risks of this kind of human brain network. Now that it has really happened, it only proves her foresight at the time.

...Half an hour later, several more figures appeared in the Discipline Committee of Branch 177. Miwei Gufa, Kuroko Shirai, and Misaka Mikoto who sneaked in with Kuroko Shirai were all here. Except for a ghost member who had hardly appeared in the plot, all the people in Branch 177 were already here, and there were even two more powerful foreign aids.

"What's the situation?" As a senior and the de facto leader of Branch 177, Miwei Gufa took the lead in speaking and asked about the current situation.

"The situation is not good. According to the news from the security guards, all the [Fantasy Hand] users captured by the 'Ghost Avengers' have fallen into a coma, and people in the entire Academy City have also fallen into a coma for no reason. Although the number is not large, it has indeed caused a lot of commotion."

The answer was still given by Hatsuharu Shikiri, but when she mentioned the "Ghost Avengers", she glanced at Saten Ruiko who was sitting on the side and listening.

In fact, although Xiao Hatsuharu has a very naive personality, she is not really stupid. If she was really a fool, she would not have been able to develop such powerful hacker skills and even become the famous guardian of the library on the Internet.

Hatsuharu naturally noticed some of Saten Ruiko's abnormal behavior.

Although at the beginning, because Saten Ruiko almost only acted at night, except for herself and a super voyeur, almost no one in the Academy City knew that she was the so-called "Ghost Avenger".

But later, Saten Ruiko became more and more bold. Recently, she even made a big move to arrest the bad group that sold [Fantasy Hand]. It happened that she handed over the audio file of [Fantasy Hand] to the discipline committee, and also told the truth behind [Fantasy Hand]... Anyone can think that something is wrong! However, just like she would not continue to ask why Saten Ruiko was in a bad mood, since her best friend decided to hide the fact that she had a powerful power, Hatsuharu Shiki would not be like some annoying characters who would not stop asking questions until they got to the bottom of it.

Since she is unwilling to say it, just pretend that it is nothing!   Well, let's get back to the topic.

Hatsuharu Shiki introduced the current situation to everyone present, but because the people who were tricked by [Fantasy Hand] this time were not their relatives and friends, everyone was not as anxious and worried as in the original plot.

"All users fell into a coma in a short period of time... In other words, this is not a negative impact caused by personal physique, but the [Fantasy Hand] itself has this function in its inherent design!"  In just a few breaths, Gufa Meiwei grasped the key points from this series of information.

"In other words, this is the intentional act of the mastermind behind the creation and dissemination of [Fantasy Hand]?"  After hearing Gufa Meiwei's statement, the others immediately understood this point.

"No, I think the real point is that this shows that the human brain network constructed by [Fantasy Hand] has a main server or control center!" said Hatsuharu Shiori, who is most familiar with information networks.

Well, because distributed computing networks are no longer a new thing in Academy City, there have been disagreements and debates about whether this computing network composed of human brains and AIM diffusion fields has a core.

But now it can be confirmed that although the carriers and media used are very unusual, the essence of this network is still a very traditional centralized network system.

"And this control center is the criminal, right!" Misaka Mikoto punched her palm with a smile without a trace of smile on her face. She looked very motivated and wanted to catch the mastermind and teach him a lesson.

"But the question now is, how can we find the control center? The formation of the [Fantasy Hand] network relies on brain wave frequency modulation and AIM diffusion field, right? It's not radio waves, and we can't find the core of this network through the direction of signal propagation!" Although Saten Ruiko's understanding of information networks is far inferior to that of Hatsuharu Shiki, who is a god-level hacker, she still knows the most basic common sense.

For a network like this built with AIM diffusion field as the medium, with their existing technology, they can't find the location of the control core at all! Well, because Saten Ruiko was not unconscious and hospitalized, the people of Branch 177 did not go to the hospital in person, and they did not meet the doctor with a frog face, and naturally they could not learn from the great doctor known as "The Soul Chaser" about the information about the specific brain waves inserted into the victim's brain waves.

Therefore, unexpectedly, the investigation of Fantasy Controller got stuck in an awkward place.

"So, we need the power of experts!" Gufameiwei pushed up his glasses and said.

')285'\u003eChapter 284: Speculations Close to the Truth

"Gua, Gua Tai! Doctor Gua Tai!" This was the first reaction of a certain Tokiwadai princess after seeing a certain "expert".

Well, in the end, everyone in Branch 177 found Dr. Guatai.

After all, the superb medical skills of this ghost hunter from the underworld are well-known throughout Academy City, and have even become part of urban legends.

And this time, a large number of the victims who fell into coma due to the influence of [Fantasy Controller] were sent to the hospital where Netherland Soul Chaser is located. If you want to find experts who can conduct in-depth analysis of [Fantasy Controller], the most convenient way is indeed came here.

With the professionalism of chasing souls in the underworld, it is not difficult to find the mastermind behind [Fantasy Master].

——Of course, no one knows whether there is any secret guidance from some conspirator.

... "You are here! In fact, if you don't come, I will have to notify the security guards. This matter is really big!" The old doctor with a crotchety face said to him This is what the girls who came to ask for help said.

"Eh? Do you mean, doctor, have you found a clue?" Gufa Meiwei, who led the team, asked in surprise.

Well, as a senior in the disciplinary committee system, Gufa Meiwei certainly knows Mingtuhunzhui - after all, in their position, it is not uncommon to be injured and hospitalized, so when they meet this "oddly ancient" person Doctor, naturally it’s not just once or twice.

Regarding Gu Fa Meiwei's question, Ming Tu Soul Chaser gave a positive answer: "Yes, we found a special brain wave in the brain waves of the comatose person. Just like the information you conveyed before, it was caused by Humanly modified.”

"So, are there any clues in this brain wave?" Misaka Mikoto asked, having finally recovered from her enthusiasm for the living body.

"No, it should be said that this brain wave itself is a clue - because it is a brain wave belonging to a real person."

Dr. Guata corrected Misaka Mikoto's statement.

"Belongs to a real individual? Could it be that it is the control center of the [Fantasy Master] network?" Everyone thought of this.

"Is [Fantasy Controller] online? That's what you call it. It's quite appropriate... Yes, the creator of [Fantasy Controller] uses special audio files to change the user in a sympathetic way. Some of the brainwave frequencies are the same as the creator’s own brainwave frequencies. This human brain network is constructed with the help of the resonance between brainwaves of the same frequency and the existence of the AIM diffusion field.”

Netherworld Chaihun explained it in detail, allowing the girls to have a clearer understanding of the nature of the Fantasy Master.

"In other words, as long as we find the person who matches this brain wave from the library, we can find the culprit!" Kuroko Shirai can't wait to arrest the mastermind behind the scenes - it's this guy. Due to the reason, so many students who were originally incompetent have stronger abilities, which caused many security cases, so she had to give up the intimate time with her sister during the holidays to work overtime, but she was filled with anger! "So, doctor, have you found the identity of that person?" Gu Fameiwei looked at Netherland Soul Chasing Soul and asked in a positive tone.

"That's right, look -" Dr. Guatai, who walked to the computer, did a few operations and opened the brainwave file retrieved from the library, and a photo came into everyone's eyes.

"Huh?" Misaka Mikoto let out a startled cry when she saw the figure on the screen.

"Haruso Kiyama...isn't this the stripper?" Some time ago, Misaka Mikoto met a woman on the road who was so nervous that she took off her clothes in the street because she was too hot. She was very impressed by this woman, so she recognized it at a glance. figure in the photo.

"Kiyama Haruo, Academy City's brain physiology expert, specializes in brain physiology and AIM diffusion field, affiliated with the AIM Analysis Research Institute..." Uiharu Shiri here has already used the portable terminal in his hand to find out Kiyama Haruo at the speed of light. The information provided everyone with a basic understanding of this person.

"Expert in brain physiology, proficient in the field of AIM diffusion field... Sure enough, only experts of this level can create something like [Fantasy Controller]!" Seeing the long list of academic titles on the terminal display in early spring and service experience, Saten Ruiko sighed.

"Uiharu, can you confirm the current location of Kiyama Chunsheng? Or her residence?" As the leader of branch 177, Gufamiwei became the one who gave orders, and immediately asked about the key.

"Leave it to me!" Uiharu Shiri replied confidently.

... An hour later, in an empty apartment, the girls from Branch 177 looked at the empty room and looked at each other speechlessly.

"Damn it, I failed again!" Misaka Mikoto, who has a straightforward temper, couldn't help complaining.

This isn't the first time they've failed.

The girls have been to the research institute where Haruo Kiyama is currently working, and to another hospital that invited her to solve the coma caused by [Fantasy Hand], but they were always a step behind.

Before they arrived, Haruo Kiyama had already left there, and no one knew where she was going.

Until the end, they found Haruo Kiyama's residence, but still had no gains.

"How come it's as if she knew we were coming..."  Because the timing between the two parties was so clever, Shirai Kuroko couldn't help but complain.

"Maybe she knew we were coming!"  The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Although Shirai Kuroko was just an ordinary complaint, in Saten Ruiko's ears, it was a hint - would the other party master some kind of reconnaissance method and discover the actions of their group in advance?  Because knowing more, naturally thinking more.

Saten Ruiko knew that there was a "hover loop" in Academy City, and she had also seen Hatsuharu control thousands of cameras in several school districts with an ordinary laptop. Naturally, she suspected that this Kiyama Haruo, or perhaps her accomplice whose existence she didn't know, might also have similar abilities.

If so, then it would be easy to explain why they kept missing.

However, this was just her personal guess. In fact, in Saten Ruiko's mind, there was another more ominous idea - the [Fantasy Hand] network could use the "cloud computing power" to improve the user's ability level, so theoretically, Kiyama Haruo, as the core of the network, should also be able to mobilize the computing power of all users. What if... she could mobilize more than just computing power?   The girl accidentally guessed the truth.

PS: I underestimated the laziness of human beings... Sure enough, after two consecutive updates, it is impossible to immediately resume three updates.

So, there are only two updates today! ')286'\u003eChapter 285 Active Future Vision

In Haruki Kiyama's apartment, several girls from Branch 177 were checking the items and documents left by Haruki Kiyama, hoping to find some clues. Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko, who were not members of the Discipline Committee, also volunteered to help.

"Is this... the design draft of [Fantasy Hand]?" Saten Ruiko found a handwritten manuscript from a pile of documents. The handwriting on it was very sloppy, but the words were still legible.

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