Except for the fleeting flash of lightning, the water behind did not capture any trace at all, and then, endless attacks came from all directions.

In an instant, the ice weapon in Rear Water's hand was shattered, the bones of the limbs were broken, the connection points of the main muscle groups in the body were torn, and the movement function of the whole body was instantly destroyed.

The next second, when Fang Yuan's figure reappeared, Shui Shui, who had been standing upright, fell limply to the ground like a puddle of rotten flesh.

"Ahem! You're actually... so strong..." Hou Zhishui, who could only move his mouth, coughed up a mouthful of blood and lamented the gap between himself and Fang Yuan.

He was wrong, the wind ahead was wrong, and the Roman Orthodox Church was also wrong. The other party was not the kind of Xiaoxiao who relied on conspiracy and tricks to steal angels, but a truly strong man with powerful power! "Well, there is another experimental subject. He is a saint with the attributes of the "Holy Mother". He is a rare breed!" As the winner, Fang Yuan ignored Fang Zhishui's sigh. Since the other party dared to come to Academy City, he dared to fight against If he takes action, he will naturally have to bear the consequences of failure.

Walking to the side of Qian Zhifeng, who had been lying dead for a long time, Fang Yuan put his hand on him, and saw a slight distortion of space flash by, and Qian Zhifeng, who was lying in a pool of blood, had disappeared.

——As Fang Yuan's latest trump card, the mental image world has not been completely upgraded to a real physical cave at this time, but it can already store matter from the outside world for a long time.

Moreover, the legal environment in this mental world, after Fang Yuan took care of the angels, has been readjusted back to the appearance closest to the outside time and space. It is not a problem for people to survive for a long time.

In view of this, Fang Yuan even moved his entire laboratory into the mental world. Naturally, there is plenty of room to house seriously injured prisoners, so there is no need to worry about them accidentally bleeding too much and dying.

Just as Fang Yuan stepped forward, intending to incorporate the water from behind into his mental world, a sultry girl with a naked upper body and only a bandage covering her chest appeared in front of Fang Yuan.

And with her appearance, the trace of the water in the rear disappeared suddenly, and it was unknown where it was moved by the other party.

"...Jie Biao Danxi, do you want to stop me?" Facing this space user who is said to have Level 5 potential, Fang Yuan looked at him with a downward attitude.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Although the space ability looks very magical and the mobility is ridiculously strong, it is not difficult for Fang Yuan to deal with a mere space ability user.

In fact, Jiubiao Danxi also knows this. As the "guide" directly under Aleister, she is also one of the few people who has access to Academy City's high-end secrets. Naturally, she has something to do with Fang Yuan, the mysterious boss. learn.

She didn't think that her limited spatial ability would cause any trouble to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Jie Biao Danxi's attitude was also very low.

She bowed to Fang Yuan, and then said: "I have no intention of stopping you, but the chairman has something to say to you."

At this time, Fang Yuan's cell phone rang again.

"Hey, what do you mean?" Without looking, Fang Yuan answered the phone and asked.

“First of all, congratulations on defeating two members of the Roman Orthodox God’s Right Seat.

However, I suggest you let them go back. Now is not the time to start a full-scale war with the Roman Orthodox Church. "

Aleister's mechanically synthesized voice with almost no emotion came from the phone.

"No, you are wrong. The war had already started when they sent God's Right Seat to deal with me!" Regarding Aleister's appeasement suggestion, Fang Yuan rejected it without hesitation: "When will the war begin?" In the beginning, it is up to the Roman Orthodox people to decide, but when the war will end, it is up to me!" This is called a decisive statement, but it is called a domineering sidestep! "However, this is not a good thing for Academy City. At this stage, our strength is not enough to completely resist the power of magic. If the war starts, Academy City is likely to fall in a short time. In that case, the library information I promised to share with you may not be realized!" Facing Fang Yuan's domineering declaration of war, Aleister said this lightly.

"...You guys, do you want to default on your debt?!" Fang Yuan didn't expect that the old fox Aleister would actually pull such a trick! If he had known earlier, he would have gotten the reward first before taking action! "No, this is not a repudiation, but a scientific estimate of the possible future. Judging from the calculation results, the situation I just mentioned has a 78.96% chance of happening."

Aleister reported a number that seemed to be scientifically calculated, with zeros and zeros, and it sounded serious.

However, Fang Yuan sneered at the old fox's statement.

Who are you fooling? ! Do you think I don’t know about the killer weapons hidden in Academy City? There is a 78.96% probability of falling in a short period of time... the other way around is right! However, Fang Yuan also understood what Aleister meant. He did not want to start a war immediately, so he had to send the two people, Wind in the Front and Water in the Back, back alive, otherwise Fang Yuan would not be able to get the knowledge he wanted. .

"Tsk! Old fox!" PS: There are still two updates today...')356'\u003eChapter 355 Fang Yuan's ruthless revenge

"Sorry, I think you may have some misunderstandings about me!" Faced with Aleister's shameless coercion, Fang Yuan expressed his stance without giving in: "Even if you are unwilling to pay the price that you should pay, this will be very important to me. It is not an unacceptable loss.

On the contrary, it would be really unacceptable for me to just let it go! "Although Fang Yuan's temperament has always been homely and stubborn, when he really faced an unavoidable battle, he would not flinch at all.

Just like in the biochemical world, at that time, Sanlian Group and the capitalists behind the scenes provoked Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan's merciless backhand was a big purge; another example is when facing Mars in the A/Z world Despite human provocation, he also killed all the Martian spies without hesitation, and even made the final push to completely destroy the Martian Empire.

This time, it was the Roman Orthodox Church - Fang Yuan just captured an angel to study and study, but the Roman Orthodox Church actually wanted to send people to kill him? Regardless of whether their intelligence is problematic or not, since he dares to take action against Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan will naturally not give up so easily! "It's a pity that in this war with the Roman Orthodox Church, Academy City will stay out of the war, and you will be alone."

Aleister said this on the phone.

"Hmph! Who said I am alone!" Fang Yuan snorted coldly and said something that surprised Aleister: "My allies are a total of 2 billion!" "Two billion, this number ..." When Aleister heard this number, which was often used for propaganda by the Roman Orthodox Church, he immediately realized something: "Fang Yuanjun, it seems that you have prepared a great trump card outside of Academy City!" " Yes, this is a gift package that I carefully prepared for those religious fanatics, just take a good look at it!" With that said, Fang Yuan moved his hand, and the person who had been moved to the rear by Danxi didn't know where to go. Water (in a coma) appeared in front of him again, and was then absorbed into his mental world.

The next moment, Fang Yuan's figure disappeared, leaving only a mobile phone that was still "on call" and fell to the ground with a clatter.

... From that day on, Fang Yuan's figure disappeared in Academy City. The "Youjian Shop" with the weird name he originally opened was also closed, and all the more brutal props and items inside were also closed. Disappear.

However, they were not taken away by Fang Yuan. Instead, under his will, they found those incompetent and low-ability people one by one who were frustrated because of their low abilities.

In an instant, Academy City, which had just calmed down from the external attack, became lively again.

——However, this time, it is no longer any foreign invaders or those inhumane cold-blooded researchers who are making waves, but those who are truly at the bottom of Academy City and are looked down upon by the upper echelons of Academy City. The lowest class of silt and scum.

One after another, the incompetent people who could only be bullied and ignored by others got their own golden fingers after an "adventure" that fell from the sky one day, suddenly possessing the power that others may not be able to achieve after more than ten years of hard work. strength.

Some of the beneficiaries, like the former Saten Ruiko, did not go into extreme and narrow paths because of their status as incompetent people. After gaining powerful power from the sky, they did not change their past lifestyle. —Well, at most, like Saten Ruiko, she becomes a super vigilante who maintains order and fights crime at night.

But such people are only a minority after all. The vast majority of beneficiaries who have received "gifts" have their minds distorted in the atmosphere of endless oppression and contempt. As soon as they obtain such a powerful power, comparable to Level 5, All expanded to the limit, causing a lot of big news in Academy City every minute.

In just a few days after Fang Yuan left, there were at least dozens of large-scale destruction caused by battles between (suspected) powerful ability users, and the entire Academy City was filled with a sense of restlessness. Atmosphere.

But all this has nothing to do with Fang Yuan, let’s leave Aleister and his dog legs to have a headache! However, although Academy City has fallen into endless chaos because of the "gift" left by Fang Yuan, it pales in comparison to the real chaos outside Academy City.

... A few days passed, and Fang Yuan's "trump card" that Aleister had guessed was finally activated! 113 countries around the world with Roman Orthodox churches set off a massive wave of "anti-Roman Orthodox" protests at almost the same time. Countless people from all walks of life and of all ages spontaneously took to the streets, carrying slogans written on their backs. Demonstrations began in every city with a Roman Orthodox church, with slogans against religious superstition.

At the same time, mainstream media in various countries began to expose the dirty deeds of Roman Orthodox church members hidden in the dark - taking bribes, extorting believers' finances, violating young children and female believers, and massacring non-believers. and pagans, using illegal means to control political power... One after another, they are all shocking and horrific deeds. Once they were announced, they immediately caused an uproar around the world.

Many people do not believe this is true and think it is a long-planned malicious slander attack, but more people agree with the denunciation of the Roman Orthodox Church and actively join this wave of demonstrations.

In just a few days, not only the 113 countries where the wave of protests first broke out, but also more and more countries and regions began to denounce the Roman Orthodox Church.

Moreover, as the situation develops, this wave of "anti-Roman Orthodoxy" protests that have spread all over the world has no intention of dying down. Instead, it has become more and more intense. It has gradually escalated from the original protest march to an actual act of exclusion.

Church doors were broken down, priests were expelled, and devout believers who insisted on supporting Roman Orthodoxy were driven out of their original communities by opponents.

For a time, this religion that once had the largest number of believers in the world seemed to have reached the end of its rope in just a few days, and was rejected and reviled by everyone around the world.

... "What a violent and ruthless revenge!" In the windowless building, Aleister, who was hanging upside down in the life support device, looked at the intelligence coming back from all over the world, and felt the cruelty of Fang Yuan in his heart. Means was a little surprised.

To be honest, if these protesters were not targeting the Roman Orthodox Church, he would have thought that this was the effect of the "C Document" collected in the Roman Orthodox Church! ')357'\u003eChapter 356 Technology to control people's hearts

"What the hell is going on?!" In the Vatican, in St. Peter's Basilica, the Roman Orthodox Pope, Matthew Leis, who has always shown himself to be gentle and compassionate, is falling into unprecedented fury, with his snow-white beard accompanying his body. His body trembled and trembled, showing how angry this respected old man really was.

"If it weren't for the fact that the C document was still well stored in the secret vault, I would have thought that this was the effect of the C document! Could it be that Academy City has finally developed a large-scale brainwashing technology and controlled everyone?! They want What are you doing? Do you really want to start a war with us? ""So, your weak response has been proven to be useless, and the war should have started long ago!" The church door opened with a bang. A man with red hair and red clothes pushed open the door and entered.

"...Fire of the Right, are you here to ridicule me?" Seeing this young man who had been suppressing him as the "right seat of God", the old pope calmed down from his anger and showed a smile on his face. A look of loss.

God knows how hard he has tried to maintain peace in the entire world over the years! As early as when Academy City was just born, there were voices in the church saying that this emerging force that shouted arrogant slogans such as "listening to God's will with a body other than God" should be killed in advance.

But at that time, in order not to trigger a war hastily, the Pope suppressed such voices and allowed Academy City to develop and grow.

Later, Academy City gradually grew into the stronghold of the science side that opposed the magic side, and it attracted the Puritan Church of England, an ally of the magic side. There were voices in the church to completely eliminate this hateful force that dared to be hostile to "God".

In particular, the most radical "God's Right Seat" even forced himself to sign an order document to attack Academy City. In the end, the wind in front and the water in the back were trapped in the enemy camp, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead, which even led to Now the whole world is against the Roman Orthodox Church. In the final analysis, he is still too unqualified as the Pope... "No, I am here to inform you that the war has begun! But it looks like, You won’t be as opposed to war as before!” Although the Right Fire has always been unruly and has no respect for the Pope, and even has doubts about his belief in “God”, he But he also knows that in this situation, the Roman Orthodox Church has reached the most critical moment of life and death! After all, the most indispensable element of a religion is the god they believe in, followed by the believers who believe in the god.

For the Roman Orthodox Church, there is no difference between the presence and absence of the "god" who never responds to believers. The God of the Cross religion in the forbidden world does not have a personal self-awareness. Therefore, the number of believers and the orientation of people's hearts determine the difference. It is the true foundation of Roman Orthodoxy.

Originally, the Roman Orthodox Church had more than 2 billion believers, accounting for one-third of the world's total population. This was the basis for their confidence and strength in claiming to be the world's largest religion.

But now, under someone's ruthless revenge, all the people who were once devout believers have abandoned the Roman Orthodox Church and stood on the enemy's side. This can be said to have hit the weakness of the Roman Orthodox Church at once.

Moreover, the magic of this world, especially the magic of major churches, is largely related to the beliefs of church believers and the orientation of people's hearts. If a religion loses all its believers and loses all its people's hearts, then many of their Magical power will also be reduced to a minimum.

"I am not opposed to war..." At this time, the Pope no longer insisted on his past anti-war stance, and instead raised another more important question: "But do you know what is going on now? ? If there is no way to win back the hearts and minds of the believers, even if we launch a war, there will be no chance of winning!" "After checking, there is no sign of magical interference. It seems that all the believers have been killed overnight. Spontaneously becoming disgusted with the church has the same effect as document C, but in essence it is completely different.”

Speaking of those believers who suddenly changed their stance against the Roman Orthodox Church, the Right Fire had an expression of disgust on its face.

Although it is clear that the change of position of the believers is due to external forces, the hatred for the "betrayers" still makes the Right Fire unfavorable to those stupid people.

"...Is it really brainwashing technology? It seems that my previous kindness to Academy City was indeed in vain!" The Pope straightened his back, with a serious expression and a cold face. Only at this time can we see from him A glimpse of the world's largest religious leader.

"Then, Fire of the Right, I am here to authorize you, the Right Seat of God, to wage war on Academy City!" ... Huh? Why are you here to hit me? ←Academy City, where the innocent took the blame... "...What on earth did you do?" In a laboratory outside Academy City, the whole body's strength was sealed away, and the limbs and body were also tightly tied to the experimental table. The water behind the scenes watched the turmoil discovered around the world through a TV placed in the corner of the laboratory.

Accompanying him was Qianfeng Feng, who had also become a prisoner. However, because Fang Yuan thought that ugly woman with a terrible mouth was too annoying, he directly used alchemy to remove her mouth. At this time, he could only make a sound like "Uh-huh" with his throat and struggled (refer to Neo's treatment in the first part of The Matrix).

"What did I do...hehehe!" Fang Yuan, who was immersed in a pile of experimental data, laughed sinisterly. The plain glasses specially worn on the bridge of his nose flashed two strange reflections, which made him He looks like a mad scientist.

"Do you know? Human thinking is actually a very interesting thing. Although every modern person claims to have free will, in fact their minds are not free at all!" Fang Yuan said in a speech-like tone. He said, and the audience was only the two people on the experimental stage: "Every moment, they are affected by various external factors from TV, newspapers, the Internet, rumors in the market, and conversations with friends, and they change. It depends on their thinking and understanding, but this process is too hidden for ordinary people to notice. "

"So?" Fangzhi Shui, who still maintained a calm attitude even though he was a prisoner, asked cooperatively.

"So, if you can find a suitable medium, it is not difficult to change people's hearts. Even if it is like now, to control the inherent thinking of billions of people on a large scale, for me, it is just a matter of pressing a button. things.”

"Button..." Hou Zhishui felt very ridiculous in his heart. Could it be that this power to change people's hearts is actually some kind of technology... "Yes, it controlled me to spread the nanometers that spread all over the world early and sneaked into the brains of all human beings." Mechanical button!" A test tube appeared in Fang Yuan's hand, filled with a liquid that looked bright silver, like mercury.

')358'\u003eChapter 357 I have to take the blame

Yes, Fang Yuan did not use magic or any kind of noble phantom. He used complete technology.

Well, it was the kind of nanomachines that were used in Kamijou Touma and Index's bodies before. This time, Fang Yuan directly spread it to the whole world, "infecting" almost all humans.

——The word infection is not used incorrectly. This kind of nanomachines based on viruses is indeed just like ordinary viruses. It can infect the human body through air and water as the medium, and collect the required material elements in the human body to replicate. itself.

However, unlike viruses in nature, Fang Yuan's nanomachines will not cause disease, will not be detected by the human body's immune system, and will not produce any side effects after entering the human brain.

Only when Fang Yuan sends a corresponding signal, these nanomachines will emit electrical signals in a specific pattern, affecting the neuron signal transmission of the human brain, and then interfering with the thinking of the human brain.

For ordinary humans who do not have extraordinary powers and rely solely on their brains for thinking, this kind of interference can be compared to the most high-end mental control magic or supernatural powers, and can even reverse a person's beliefs that have been devout for decades.

In fact, in addition to this, Fang Yuan also learned more subtle information induction methods in Academy City, just like Aleister did on weekdays, through complete control of Academy City, with the help of a little bit of inconspicuous information. Information changes, subtly affecting the choices and actions of specific people, and ultimately achieving the results he wants.

However, this method can be used in a specific area with a fixed range. If you want to apply it to hundreds of countries around the world and take effect within just a few days, Fang Yuan cannot do this for the time being. To an extent——or rather, not even Aleister himself could achieve this level! Therefore, Fang Yuan, who did not want to delay for too long, directly chose a faster-effective method and used scientific "brainwashing" technology to reverse the thinking of 2 billion Roman Orthodox believers around the world overnight and completely destroy the world. The foundation of the greatest religion.

Of course, this is also thanks to the contribution of a certain [Psychological Mastery] Queen.

You must know that before entering Academy City, Fang Yuan's understanding of the thinking and memory mechanisms of the human brain was not yet at the level of manipulating people's minds. It was under Shokuhou Misaki's personal demonstration that Fang Yuan truly understood Learn how to interfere with human brains and reverse their thinking in the most reasonable way.

——It’s not a loss to give away a spiritual foundation for this! ..."Evil heretic!" After listening to Fang Yuan's explanation, Fang Zhishui yelled angrily, regardless of his status as a prisoner.

"Ha! My use of scientific and technological means to achieve this power of controlling people's hearts is an evil way. Then those spiritual equipment and magic that you have collected in the Roman Orthodox Church to change people's hearts are the right way?" Fang Yuan just replied to the howling of the defeated dog in the rear water. With a sneering taunt.

"..." The water behind him was choked and he was speechless.

He does know that the Roman Orthodox Church collects several special spiritual items, such as the Apostle's Cross and the C Document, which are powerful tools that can change people's hearts on a large scale.

As a soldier who was born in the English Puritan Church, worked as a magic mercenary, experienced real battlefields, and witnessed countless tragedies, Water from the Rearrangement would not naively say that the Roman Orthodox Church would not use these spiritual equipment.

In fact, as a member of the "God's Right Seat", he has seen too many dirty things in the church, and has also seen many true fanatics who have even abandoned morality for their faith. Naturally, he knows that when When necessary, some people in the Roman Orthodox Church would not hesitate to use these spiritual items.

After all, for the vast majority of fanatics, the purpose is to spread the gospel of the Lord and allow more people to bask in the glory of the Lord. There is no need to pay attention to the means - whether it is relying on the personal preaching of priests or relying on As long as the forced brainwashing of spiritual equipment can achieve the effect of "making everyone believe in religion and making everyone happy", anything will work! Thinking about it this way, as a member of the Roman Orthodox Church, he really had no position to reprimand Fang Yuan for launching the brainwashing tactics.

"Are you... going to completely destroy the Roman Orthodox Church?" Rear Water was silent for a long time, pursed his dry lips, and finally asked.

Fang Yuan's answer was: "Well... that's a very good suggestion! After all, apart from the church structure, there are only two really important things in a religion - God and believers.

If I convert all the believers in your church into atheists, then your religion, which claims to represent 2 billion believers, will exist in name only! "...I have confirmed that you are indeed an unforgivable blasphemer, and you are a devil from the lowest level of purgatory!" "Rear Water said.

"No, I'm just a researcher pursuing the truth!" "It's really troublesome. I didn't expect that the Roman Orthodox Church would target Academy City instead of Fang Yuanjun... But this is inevitable, if the enemy is only one person. , the target is too small, it is not easy to find the other party, but if it is an immovable city, the target is much more obvious. "

Aleister was still hanging upside down in the life support device, watching the intelligence sent back from the spies in the Roman Orthodox Church.

"Then, are you going to surrender to the Roman Orthodox Church and tell them that the real culprit is no longer in Academy City?" A ethereal voice with traces of noise came from the air, which only Aleister could reach. The holy guardian angel calls himself Aiwass.

"No, Hughes Feng Zhan has completed the final emotional personality test. Now even if he fights head-on with the Roman Orthodox Church, he already has enough cards, and there is no need to compromise - in fact, I also want to thank Fang Yuanjun, His move really inflicted heavy damage on the Roman Orthodox Church, and he is much more capable than I thought!" Aleister's mechanical synthesized voice came from the machine, and it seemed that he didn't care about Fang Yuan. What he did made Academy City take the blame.

Rather, this kind of "accident" that occurs outside of the plan is a rare pleasure for Aleister who is trapped in the plan itself.

Of course, the more realistic situation is that neither Aleister nor the Roman Orthodox people can find any trace of Fang Yuan. He has to bear the blame thrown at him by Fang, even if he doesn't bear it! "However, Fang Yuanjun left a lot of troubles, and we still need to clean up..." With that said, Aleister, who did most of the thinking on the machine, answered a voice communication: "Arrange 'School' and ' Group' worked together to suppress the "Qiyu" who were causing trouble in Academy City, and allowed the use of erasure methods."

"Yes!" A voice on the other side of the communication responded.

PS: The third update is here')359'\u003eChapter 358: Chaos caused by "gifts"

Bang——! Another figure fell down, and as the host lost consciousness, the bionic armor with a sense of alien technology gradually disappeared into the subspace that did not exist in the material world, revealing the unconscious figure underneath - but it was a A delinquent boy with dyed yellow hair, a metal ring on his nose, and tattoos on his body.

Kamijou Touma held his knees and panted. His whole body was covered with scratches from the dust after the battle, and he looked very embarrassed.

Looking at his unconscious opponent, the young man said with a puzzled face: "What the hell is going on! Is this the forced-breeding armor from the store manager? And it was the same one a few times before... How could it fall into this? In the hands of a bad boy? It seems that the store has been closed since a few days ago. What happened to the store manager? "This is not the first time that Kamijou boy has encountered such a familiar prop. There are delinquents everywhere in Garden City who are causing chaos.

Every time, Kamijou Touma would be involved in the commotion caused by these guys intentionally or unintentionally under the influence of various factors, and then somehow it would definitely turn into a big fight.

For example, the little bastard in front of me who was wearing a force-bred armor but used it to do extremely low-level things like robbing banks. This was already the third "special item" holder that Kamijou Touma defeated. The first two were using The guy who transformed into a Kamen Rider with a belt and a nano-steel suit was also doing all kinds of illegal and undisciplined things before he was defeated by Kamijou Touma.

"OA, you still can't contact the store manager?" The only thing Kamijou Touma could ask was the artificial intelligence in the Green Lantern Ring.

It's just... "Sorry, this system has disconnected the information connection with the manufacturer."

This was OA's response, which made Kamijou Touma disappointed and also suspicious of the store manager's true purpose.

Could it be...that these were actually done intentionally by the store manager? But why would he do this? Don't you know how much chaos it will bring to the city if these extremely dangerous "commodities" are spread out at will? However, Kamijou Touma didn’t know that because of an irresponsible store manager, the chaos in this city was much more serious than he imagined! ... Dang——dang—— The sound of cold weapons clashing and clashing resounded continuously in the deserted streets. Shokuhou Misaki, who transformed into a Valkyrie, forced back the previous one with a shot filled with scorching flames. A black flag as a weapon for the opponent.

"So, who are you? Why did you attack me?" Facing the girl in front of her who was dressed in black, with a black metal forehead ornament on her head, and whose face was full of hatred and murderous intent, Shokuhou Misaki felt Very baffling.

——Without saying anything, he just jumped out and launched an attack with clear murderous intent on her, and his combat power was comparable to that of Shokuhou Misaki after his "transformation". More importantly, the opponent's The undisguised hatred was undoubtedly directed at Shokuhou Misaki, but as the object of hatred, Shokuhou himself had no impression of him at all.

"Ha-you who took everything from me, don't you even know who I am when it comes to this? Shokuhou Misaki, Queen of Bees, today, I will take back everything that is rightfully mine!" Listen When Shokuhou Misaki asked, the eyes of the jet-black girl who used a flag as a gun ignited the flames of hatred rising from the bottom of her heart, which seemed to be related to the remaining will of hatred in the existence called "Spiritual Base" in her body. They merged into one body and said these words full of resentment and hatred.

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