"..." Shokuhou Soki deliberately wanted to use the [Psychological Mastery] ability to read the opponent's memory, but unexpectedly, his ability was bounced away again.

Moreover, it is different from facing people with abilities such as Misaka Mikoto and Mugino Shinri who can directly manipulate electricity, whose abilities are essentially restrained. It is also different from facing an unpredictable being like Fang Yuan, who cannot feel anything. Shokuhou Misaki realized that what was blocking his ability was another almost identical mental ability.

"It seems that you still haven't remembered who I am! My name is Mianyi Aiyu, and my ability is Level 3 [Psychic Puncture]. In the past, you and I both had the chance to become Level 5 superpowers. But just because your qualifications are higher than mine, the city’s upper echelons gave up on me and poured all their resources into you, allowing you to grow into a Level 5 girl named Miyi Aiyu! , facing the opponent she had never met before and the person she hated the most, she spoke out her past experiences that had been deeply buried by her: "But, these are not important. What really makes me unhappy with you is that you were the first to fight with me. The person Kamijou-kun knows is obviously me, and it should be me who should be by his side, but just because of you, you not only took away my future, but also took away the memories between me and Kamijou-kun, leaving me I didn't wait for him that day... So, go to hell!" Although he didn't know exactly what happened to Miantai Yu, Shokuhou Caoqi could guess that the other party must have been with him! Just like myself before, I must have had a wonderful encounter with Kamijou Touma... But it seems that the final result was not very good, so he took his anger out on her... Thinking like this, Shokuhou Misaki wanted to persuade him. , but seeing the opponent's merciless offensive, she could only step forward again and start a battle with her destined opponent who also obtained this power called "Spiritual Base".

For a moment, black flags and spears clashed, the fire of hatred and the fire of love burned each other. The streets that had been torn apart by the previous battle further evolved towards ruins under the more violent force.

If Fang Yuan could be here, he would probably sigh with regret - it is such a pity that Joan of Arc's spiritual foundation was not given to Shokuhou Caoqi, otherwise the current scene would look more picturesque! Well, that’s right. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or fate. Among the hundreds of spiritual foundations randomly scattered by Fang Yuan, the avenger named Honey Ant Aiyu received the spiritual foundation of Black Joan of Arc, the Avenger class.

And this girl who had always held the greatest hatred for Shokuhou Misaki, after gaining new power, immediately put aside everything and went straight to Shokuhou Misaki, wanting to complete it in the most direct way. Her revenge.

However... what she didn't expect was that Shokuhou Misaki, who was obviously just a physically disabled person, actually obtained this kind of power beyond the ordinary like her. The road of revenge that was originally planned to be a quick and decisive battle eventually evolved into Now this is a protracted battle that is evenly matched.

')360'\u003eChapter 359 Anbu's actions \u0026 one side's opportunities

Not to mention Kamijou Touma, who has begun to suspect a certain mastermind, and the two girls who are killing each other for love, let us zoom in to the entire Academy City.

It can be seen that Academy City, which was originally like a university town, full of youthful vitality and peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, has now become full of wars and turmoil caused by powerful ability users fighting each other everywhere.

Compared to the Roman Orthodox Church, which had its foundations destroyed due to the mass jump of believers around the world, Academy City at this moment was also plunged into chaos that endangered the very foundation of its existence because of a casual chess move thrown by Fang Yuan before leaving.

——If a city with students as the main body falls into such chaos that life is in danger just by going out, how can the parents of those students be willing to continue to let their children stay here? It can be said that if Aleister's processing is delayed for a few more days, when the parents of those students get together and request that all the students be taken away, the entire Academy City will be like the Roman Orthodox Church, which exists in name only. In this predicament, Aleister's plan will completely go bankrupt.

Therefore, for those "lucky ones" who can't help but jump out and cause chaos after gaining some abilities, the ANBU dispatched under Aleister's order will show no mercy! Boom——! ! ! The violent shock wave that was enough to turn half a block into ruins dissipated, and the brown-haired boy with six white wings spread out behind him slowly fell from the sky like an angel on his deathbed.

However, this young man with wings like an angel is actually like a devil, a pure villain who loves destruction and killing.

"Tsk, you were clamoring about 'power more powerful than Level 5', but the result is just this?" Looking at the huge pit on the ground that was hit by his own ability, it almost looked like a puddle of rubbish. The corpse looked like flesh, and the superpower named Teito Kakine spat in disdain.

When the corpse completely lost its last trace of vitality, a fist-sized ball of light flew out of the deceased's body.

However, Emperor Kakine did not feel any surprise at this seemingly supernatural and terrifying scene - without him, he had seen it so many times that it had long since worn out its novelty.

Yes, this is the fourth "power user" who created chaos in the Academy City that he has dealt with - although these guys look like ancient warriors and have magical abilities, they don't look like power users at all.

Moreover, judging from the light balls floating out of the bodies of these dead people, the authenticity of their abilities is indeed questionable.

At least, some people in the General Council are very interested in this special substance that is suspected to be able to mass-produce superpowers, and ordered the Anbu "School" led by Emperor Kakine to collect as many of these light balls as possible during the mission.

"Huh! This kind of toy that the weak use to comfort themselves, I actually have to collect it... Hey! Over there, hurry up! Get the things back and leave!"  He scolded the entourage hiding in the distance and told them to hurry up and work, and Emperor Kakine kicked the gravel under his feet with some dissatisfaction.

So many people suddenly appeared out of nowhere to create chaos, and he had to suppress them one by one. Even Kakine Teito, who was fond of fighting and killing, felt a little impatient.

"Hurry up! Where is the next target?" After recovering the unknown light ball, the second esper asked the entourage about the next target with an annoyed look. After getting the confirmed information, he spread his wings with a "swish" and flew away from the sky.

... The Anbu "School" led by Kakine Teito, the second-ranked esper, was very effective in suppressing the chaos makers.

On the other hand, the newly formed Anbu "Group" was also very successful in completing their first mission.

Because, among them, there is the superpower who once represented the "strongest", the first in Lv.5 [Vector Manipulation], Accelerator; and the former Onmyoji, magic-side spy, who has experienced ups and downs and finally regained his power as a "backstabber", triple agent, Tsuchimikado Motoharu; plus Azari, a former Aztec magician, who can barely be regarded as a bonus.

Well, because of the plot changes, the "Group" was established much earlier than the original plot. Aoki Yuzuki, who should have also become a member of the "Group", has not yet defected and is still performing her "guide" work.

——Such a newly established Anbu with only three main operators in total seems to be very comfortable dealing with those rioters who suddenly gained powerful power.

This is also natural. After all, whether it is Accelerator or Tsuchimikado Motoharu, with their combat power, ordinary Lv.5 cannot be their opponent, not to mention those "lucky ones" who have just obtained powerful abilities but are still clumsy in actual use.

Although the brain-damaged Accelerator needs to rely on the "electrode" worn on his neck to normally exert his abilities, and because the battery used is of a special nature, there is a time limit for the use of abilities, and the actual combat power has dropped by at least half compared to before.

But the enemy he faced this time was not the kind of opponent that he needed to go all out to deal with. Each battle lasted for at most three to five minutes. After a few rounds, those rioters who had not even fully mastered their abilities had already fallen to the streets.

"By the way, you can actually try to absorb a spiritual base!" After defeating another rioter, and because this person's crime was too bad, he was accidentally killed by Accelerator, Tsuchimikado Motoharu looked at the light ball floating from the corpse and quietly suggested to Accelerator.

"Is this thing called 'spiritual base'? What's the use? If it's just the ability just now, I don't think much of it!" After experiencing several drastic changes, Accelerator, whose personality has changed a lot, is no longer as difficult to approach as before. At least he can still talk to Tsuchimikado, a teammate with comparable power to him, calmly.

"Well, the power in this spiritual base is ever-changing. I don't know what kind of power this one has, but all spiritual bases have one characteristic-" Tsuchimikado Motoharu deliberately spoke mysteriously, keeping it a secret, and even Ezal on the side pricked up his ears.

"What is it?" Although Accelerator was not interested, he still cooperated and asked.

"It can improve the host's computing power!" Tsuchimikado said word by word.

Accelerator admitted that he was moved! ')361'\u003eChapter 360 The Roman Catholic Church's Counterattack \u0026 The Abnormal Movement of the Right Fire

Although Fang Yuan still let [Ether] keep real-time monitoring of everything happening in the Academy City in a hidden way, he actually no longer pays too much attention to it.

After all, the real enemy now is the Roman Catholic Church, which seems to have reached the end of the road.

However, it is obvious that as the largest religion on earth that has existed for at least two thousand years and once ruled the entire Western world, even if they suffered a great loss under Fang Yuan's global brainwashing attack, it does not mean that they have no power to resist.

In fact, the Roman Catholic Church's counterattack was much faster than Fang Yuan imagined!   In order to change people's hearts, the Roman Catholic Church did not hesitate to use the "C Document" and tried to use the power of magic to take back the believers' faith from Fang Yuan by letting the Pope give a public speech.

At this moment, magic and technology, religion and anti-religion, reaction and progress, with the human soul as the battlefield, launched a "war" that no one can see, no one knows, but a unique "war".

"Tsk! 17% of the people have changed their stance again and returned to the embrace of the Roman Orthodox Church..." Fang Yuan looked at the data displayed on the monitor and frowned slightly.

He checked the nanomachines in the brains of those who changed their stance again, and found that the nanomachines in everyone's bodies were still working normally, and the interference program for thinking was always turned on.

However, those people were so unreasonably influenced by magic that they re-believed in the Roman Orthodox Church, and they also firmly stood on the opposite side of the people who still maintained an anti-church stance, causing various conflicts.

During subsequent inspections, Fang Yuan also discovered a characteristic. Before Fang Yuan used brainwashing tactics, those believers who were affected by magic were themselves long-term believers of the Roman Orthodox Church, and their beliefs were very firm. During the previous wave of anti-Roman Orthodoxy, , are also a group of people with the calmest mentality and the most restrained actions.

"It seems that firm belief and clear reason can sometimes resist brainwashing at the physical level!" Fang Yuan sighed.

However, he still doesn't understand. It's just a mere devout belief. These people are ordinary people without extraordinary abilities. How can they resist this kind of brainwashing attack from the most basic level of thinking? "If it's not on the material level, then the problem should be on the non-material level..." Fang Yuan once again called out a piece of data, which was collected by nanomachines. Among all the infected people, regarding magic adaptability, Statistics for the indicator.

Sure enough, those who changed their stance again were almost all people with high adaptability in magic. In other words, their talent in magic was much better than that of most ordinary people.

——Although the magic in this world is said to be a power system developed to allow "untalented people" who are not original stone ability users to use extraordinary abilities, there are actually learning thresholds and talent qualification requirements.

The vast majority of ordinary people may be able to use one or two magic spells by chance or with the help of a magician, but if you want to truly refine the magic power in your body and have truly practical extraordinary power, it cannot be done by just anyone. It can be done.

"In other words, are these people affected by the power of Document C because they are more adaptable to the power of magic..." Fang Yuan nodded, temporarily no longer thinking about these people being manipulated like puppets on strings. the so-called "people".

Originally, using them as the beginning of revenge had a hint of Fang Yuan's bad taste.

Nowadays, it has just changed from the betrayal of all believers to the betrayal of the vast majority of believers. In essence, it will not change the bad situation of the Roman Orthodox Church much.

Their real counterattack is still the war against Academy City that is about to begin.

From the perspective of the Roman Orthodox Church, as long as Academy City is defeated, the opponent's evil brainwashing technology can be eliminated. The current predicament is just a temporary predicament.

Fang Yuan said he was happy to hear this - the reward for letting you, Aleister, dare to hack me! Look, retribution is here now~! However, Fang Yuan soon obtained a piece of news from the global intelligence network composed of nanomachines - it seems that someone in the Roman Orthodox Church did not directly go to war with Academy City as Fang Yuan expected, but had his own Small moves... Vatican, St. Peter's Basilica.

"The effect of Document C is not as expected. It seems that if you want to solve the brainwashing effect on believers, you must start from Academy City! Fire of the Right, I hope you can succeed..." The lonely Pope said to himself Talking to himself.

At this time, he no longer had the Right Seat of God by his side. Even after he issued the order to start the war, the Right Fire had already left the Vatican with the Left Seat and headed for Japan. I don’t know what the current situation is like. ... "Isn't the C document useless... Well, it's what I expected!" The Fire on the Right received information from the Vatican headquarters and knew that although the Pope's efforts were not ineffective, on the whole Well, it still failed.

But he never expected the old Pope to succeed.

In fact, he was supposed to go to Academy City to stop the opponent's evil brainwashing technology, but at this time he was not in Japan at all, but in another country almost completely opposite to the south - Russia! Yes, it is the country where another major Christian sect, the Russian Orthodox Church, is located.

Anyone who has watched the original plot must know what he wants to do.

That's right, the Fire of the Right is here to seize control of Russia's adult religion.

From the perspective of Right Fire, who thinks he has "power enough to save the world," all the difficulties in front of him will no longer be a problem after he truly masters all his power.

Whether it is Academy City, the English Puritan Church, or evil brainwashing magic, under his invincible power, they are all just dust and grass, vulnerable to a single blow! In order to completely liberate his own power, he needs to collect all the necessary elements.

To this end, he customized a plan - the Bethlehem Plan.

In this plan, the Roman Orthodox Church itself is just a tool, not irreplaceable.

Since this prop cannot be used now, replace it with another one.

For example...Russian adult religion seems to be a good tool! Of course, more importantly, there is a certain "element" necessary for his plan - the magician who was once possessed by the archangel's "power of god" in the "Angel Falls" incident, Sasha Ke Loyjeev.

PS: The third update is here')362'\u003eChapter 361 How is this possible? ! !

"Ha! Things are much easier than I thought!" Walking in the corridor of the Russian Orthodox Church, Right Fire recalled the Bishop Nikolai who had just reached an agreement with him, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. A mocking smile.

Just for the sake of a mere position as archbishop, he did not hesitate to sell the entire church to outsiders. The bad nature of human beings... Sure enough, the world is already filthy, and he, the person responsible for saving the world, needs to fight. Big purge! "The next step is the carrier of the power of angels, Sasha Kroijef... I hope you won't disappoint me..." However, just when the fire on the right was about to step out of the church door, a series of stars appeared. It appeared before his eyes and gradually took on a human form.

"Ah ah ah, there are really enough magic barriers here! If I didn't have two brushes, I probably wouldn't be able to get in!" A strange voice gradually sounded from the light-solid human form. .

Is this... an intruder? The Fire on the Right didn't feel wary of the uninvited guest in front of him. He thought he was invincible. He just looked at the human figure in front of him with great interest, wondering in his heart which guy was so bold... ... And when the figure was completely condensed and formed, revealing the true body behind the light and shadow, the fire on the right recognized the other party.

"...Are you the blasphemer who took away the 'power of god'? I didn't expect that you would dare to appear in front of me!" "Ha! Everyone is a 'blasphemer'" Yes, you religious fanatics really all have the same virtue!" Fang Yuan, who had returned from the spirit form to the physical body, heard the words of Right Fire and laughed sarcastically: "Well, it doesn't matter, I The tolerance for certain aspects of experimental subjects is still very high. For those whose mouths are too bad, the most they can do is sew their mouths shut."

Although he didn't mention her by name, there was no doubt that the right fire recognized who the "she" in Fang Yuan's mouth was referring to. It was the two right gods who had not been heard from since the attack on Academy City. One of the members - the wind in front.

However, unlike the water in the rear, who is a knight who values ​​his companions and adheres to the right path, the fire on the right, a guy who is arrogant because he has mastered too much power, has now gone into the evil path, and for God's Right Seat The attitude of the other three members is very similar to Accelerator's attitude towards other superpowers in the past - what qualifications do these rubbish have to compare with me? ! Therefore, for the wind in front of him who had probably become a guinea pig for research and whose situation should not be very good, the fire on the right didn't care at all.

However, Fang Yuan's attitude of treating him as meat on the chopping board really angered Youfang Huo.

"It seems that you are the one who defeated the wind in front and the water in the rear, right? You just defeated two rubbish, do you think you can be compared with me?" So saying, on the right A block of light like a giant's arm gradually appeared on Fire's right shoulder.

This is the "third hand" that only the Fire of the Right holds, and can draw out the power of the "Holy Right".

You can hit the target just by waving it, so you don't need speed; because you can destroy the enemy by slapping it with your hand, there is no need to pursue greater power; the power of this hand will automatically increase with the "strength of the enemy that must be defeated." Adjust Power - The stronger your opponent, the more power you can draw out.

Although the current Fire of the Right does not have a medium to fully output power to the outside world, the output of the "Holy Right" has an upper limit. In order to achieve the theoretically supreme power that can shatter planets, it has not yet collected all the "elements" He is still unable to do it.

However, if the opponent is just a single individual, no matter whether the opponent is a magician, a supernatural being, a saint, or any other powerful being, Right Fire is confident that his "right hand" can defeat all enemies! As his opponent, Fang Yuan, after seeing the "third hand" displayed by the fire on the right, did not show any vigilance or solemn expression. Instead, as if he had discovered something good, he showed Interested expression.

"No, I'm not comparing you to me!" With a smile that concealed deep malice, Fang Yuan stepped forward: "After all, you are just a valuable research subject in my eyes!" After falling, in an instant, Right Fire discovered that the world in his eyes had suddenly changed - in just a blink of an eye, he had gone from the Russian Orthodox Church to an unknown world.

"...This is..." The sudden change of scenery made Right Fire think it was some kind of hallucination for the first time, but then he denied this guess - as he holds the "Holy Right", he has the theory He can defeat all enemies, and when he thinks he is trapped in an illusion, the "third hand" stretched out from his right shoulder will naturally break the illusion.

So, was it moved to another place by some kind of space transfer technique? Right Fire looked at the completely unfamiliar environment around him, and was somewhat inclined to this idea.

However, just a few seconds later, he denied his guess again.

——Because, just after he appeared here, the "third hand" stretched out from his right shoulder continued to collapse, just like a TV picture with poor signal. The giant palm made of light blocks flashed for several times. After falling, it suddenly collapsed into countless light spots and dissipated in the space.

It was as if the place he was in did not allow the existence of the "Holy Right" at all! "What's going on? Where is this place? What on earth did you do?!" Zuofang Huo, who was shocked in his heart, immediately asked Fang Yuan loudly. The involuntary trembling in his voice proved that The panic in his heart at this time was almost beyond concealment.

Ever since he realized the power hidden in his body, Right Fire has never felt afraid again. For him, nothing in the world can threaten him, just because what he holds is the real Invincible "power to save the world".

However, just today, at this moment, Right Fire suddenly discovered that the "Holy Right", which he originally regarded as an invincible force, actually sometimes failed to function... "My power... How is this?" Possible?!" Seeing the "third hand" that was constantly being generated and then destroyed, the fire on the right stretched out its hands in vain, trying to grasp the power of the stars, but this was obviously in vain.

Right Fire, who lost his biggest support, immediately exposed his weak nature that was supported by powerful forces. He looked so panicked that he didn't know what to do. It was really embarrassing.

')363'\u003eChapter 362: The anti-(party) faction (yuan) died from talking too much?

"Haha, it's impossible? Why is it impossible! Your 'Holy Right' is essentially just a imprint of the power of heaven projected onto the material world. To function, it also needs to be engraved in the laws of the world.' The "fire" in the concept of "four elements" of earth, water, wind and fire, but this concept of "four elements" is not actually a concept that exists in the world itself... If you are thrown into a place where there are no such four elements, In a world of elemental concepts, what kind of power can your 'Holy Right' exert?" Facing a powerful man like Youfang Zhihuo who was able to shatter stars at his peak, since Fang Yuan dared to appear in front of him? It is naturally impossible to be unprepared in front of this situation.

Fang Yuan, who has been exposed to the true power of angels and even analyzed the "divine nature" of some angels, already has a very deep understanding of the various forces related to the meaning of the Cross in this world.

Just like in the Xingyue world, if the power of magic wants to work properly, it must rely on the "foundation" engraved on the earth's veins and the world. The same is true for the magic of this world. If it wants to work properly, it must rely on the support of this world. There are various "laws" that operate, and the essence of these "laws" is actually a certain "thing" that only the devil can create or destroy - phase.

Well, we can also change it to a simpler and easier-to-understand term, which is "setting" - all magic, in order to work, must have related concepts "setting".

For example, without the concept of "starry sky", it is impossible to use the magic of stars and astrological systems; without the concepts of "sun" and "moon", naturally it is impossible to use the power related to "sun and moon" in countless mythological and religious systems; and Without the concepts of the four elements of "earth, fire, wind and water", almost all religions and magic related to ancient Greek philosophy would be completely unable to function - including many core concepts in Christianity.

Of course, originally, these concepts, which are one of the cornerstones of the world, cannot disappear casually unless there is interference from powers above angels.

If there really is a being that abstracts these concepts from the world, then there is no doubt that the structure of the world will be completely unbalanced, various disasters will sweep everything, and even the entire world will be completely destroyed and then reshaped into Brand new form.

But if it is in another brand new world opened from scratch, it will be completely different! Although Fang Yuan's mental world itself refers to the world structure rules analyzed from the golden Dayan spell, it should contain these concepts that already exist in the real world.

However, when Fang Yuan captured the "Power of God", he was able to suppress some of the concepts of laws in the world of sealed mental images, thereby suppressing the angel's power to a minimum, allowing him to completely suppress an archangel.

And now, after studying the "divine nature" of angels, he has a deeper understanding of the laws and concepts related to the "heaven" in the world of mental images, and has even been able to "completely eliminate certain concepts while maintaining the mental images." The world itself does not collapse".

In particular, the concept of the four elements of "earth, fire, wind, and water", a classical world view concept that appeared in the ancient Greek period, is a conjecture about the composition of the world by ancient philosophers and sages, but in fact the theory itself is not very self-consistent. , which is far from the truth of real physics.

It can be said that in the highly complete modern scientific cosmology based on the four fundamental forces, there is no place for the concept of "four elements".

——Of course, if someone insists on putting the four basic forces on the four elements and forcibly explains it, Fang Yuan has nothing to say, after all, you can't stop others from using their imaginations... But at least, in this world with superpowers and magic, the four basic forces are the four basic forces, and the four elements are the four elements. The two are completely different things and cannot be confused.

Therefore, when Fang Yuan reconstructed his mental world, it was not difficult to extract the concept of "four elements" from his world - compared to the "four elements" system with many errors and omissions, he wanted to build a mental world with self-consistent and perfect rules and concepts. He has a more complete and self-consistent concept system.

Therefore, when the Fire of the Right did not attack Fang Yuan immediately after seeing him, and directly wiped Fang Yuan out with his "Sacred Right" that was "always stronger than the enemy", when Fang Yuan unfolded his mental world and dragged the Fire of the Right into it, the victory or defeat was already decided.

This is the result of being prepared against being unprepared.

As early as the moment when the Flame of the Right did not go to Japan but came to Russia, Fang Yuan noticed him and immediately understood his plan. He knew that the Flame of the Right, who was a believer but had the ambition to "surpass God", had started his Bethlehem plan in advance.

Although, even if the Flame of the Right used the power of the Russian Orthodox Church to launch the Third World War as in the original plot, and then collected all the "elements" step by step, raised the Star of Bethlehem, and completely released the power in his body, someone would definitely come forward to deal with him at that time.

——Kamijo Touma, the "God Purifier and Demon Hunter", had a less exciting experience and a smaller reputation because of Fang Yuan, but his lethality to the powerful magicians was not reduced at all. In addition, he also had the identity of the "reference point" of the demon gods, and he was basically invincible in such major events. No matter how much a character of the Flame of the Right jumped, he would eventually fall into the hands of Kamijou Touma.

However, Fang Yuan was unwilling to put his fate in the hands of others.

In his mind, since he already knew the conspiracy of Right Fire, and noticed the other party's unusual movements, and the other party's strength was not at a level that he could not deal with... Then what are you waiting for? Keep the other party for the New Year? Then, there was this precise, swift, and efficient interception operation, taking advantage of the unpreparedness to force people to change the map and update the game version, taking advantage of the incompatible version loopholes, and destroying the biggest reliance of Right Fire in one encounter.

"You... a bastard who can only play tricks!" Under Fang Yuan's unhurried explanation, Right Fire finally realized that he was calculated, and was immediately furious. He forced the huge power in his body to output it beyond the limit, regardless of whether doing so would cause harm to himself.

Even though this power quickly evaporated and dissipated after leaving the body, he still forced it to condense into a "right hand" and waved it towards Fang Yuan's position.

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