You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Now Chihiro Ji has successfully stepped into the trap designed by Rota, the reason Huang Yuan wants to say this is to ensure that Chihiro Ji will follow along.

If it weren't for what Chihiro Ji had seen with his own eyes, he wouldn't take it seriously, so it is safest for Chihiro Ji to follow along.

"When will we leave under the Pope's crown?" Huang Yuan asked.

"Now, right now!" Qianxunji couldn't wait a long time ago. There is no news from Qianxunji now, how can Qianxunji not worry.

"Hi, hi, hi, but the Pope crowns your speed~" Huang Yuan said as he looked at Chihiro Ji meaningfully.

"You slow it down for me!" How could Qianxunji not know what Huang Yuan said, but just teasing that he is not as fast as him?This time he had to follow him to see everything he said in person, and Huang Yuan was playing tricks.

"Huang Yuan, if you slack off in this mission, don't want the salary for the next two months!" Chihiro Ji finally released his hard work.

"It's too much, hey hey old man, I see~"

After that, Huang Yuan followed Qianxunji and left Wuhun City and hurried towards the Boundary Canyon.

If it was Huang Yuan alone, it would take less than half an hour to arrive. Of course, it would be faster if Huang Yuan moved forward at full speed.

Rota himself had already made preparations on the plains he had fought before. Before, he had used a fierce fire to clear the ground once, causing the fire on the plains to still be burning.

These natural environments don't need to be arranged by yourself, you only need to arrange some details.

"Huang Yuan, if I give you three times the original salary in the future, would you be willing to assist Shengzi!" Chihiro Ji suddenly said to Huang Yuan next to him.

Huang Yuan almost couldn't hold back his smile when he heard that, Chihiro Ji was still thinking about the matter of the Son, but he didn't know that the Son had been resolved by the body long ago.

However, in order to cooperate with the acting, Huang Yuan still said in a local tone: "Well~ the old man doesn't know the saint son very much, I think the saint is very good~"

"Is this the reason for you?" Qianxunji looked at Huang Ape in disbelief. He didn't expect that the reason for Huang Ape was because he had never been in contact with Shengzi.

"Yes, why is it that the pope is crowned?"

It seems that Huang Yuan did not lie, but Chihiro Ji did not intend to just believe what Huang Yuan said, so he still needs to consider carefully.

"Under the crown of the Pope, your speed is so slow~"

"Huang Yuan, you shut up!"

"Hey hey hey~" Huang Yuan stopped speaking, he really felt that Chihiro Chi's speed was too slow.But now I still have to cooperate with Chihiro Ji, and naturally he can't detect the abnormality.

In this way, because of Chihiro Ji's very persistent personality, he always wanted Huang Yuan to accompany him to travel at the same speed. After a day's time, the two men came to the great plain in front of the Boundary Canyon.

"The status quo is really tragic~" Huang Yuan looked at the devastated plain and exclaimed.

Chihiro Ji had an inexplicable premonition in his heart as to how much destructive power it would take to destroy the intact plain like this before.

"Huang Yuan, this...what's going on..." Qianxun asked with a trembling voice to the Huang Yuan who looked like nothing happened next to him.

"There is no way for the pope to ask the old man about this question. Didn't the old man come with you, how do you know what happened?"

Chihiro Ji already has feelings, and Chihiro Rap may have been killed nine times out of ten.He had vaguely felt this way in Wuhun City before, and seeing such a scene now strengthened his thoughts.

"Crack, you won't... That's it..." Chihiro Ji is now filled with endless anger, "I must find the person who bad my good deeds!" U9 e-book

"What are you doing so loudly, as if no one can hear it!" a heavy male voice sounded.

Chihiro Ji reacted instantly, this was not Huang Yuan's voice, and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

"This is...crack..."

The man who made the sound was Rota who had been waiting for a long time, and his hand was holding Chihiro's body.

"It looks like you know this guy, and I have to say that he is courageous. He even offended me because I blocked his way, so this ended! It's too weak!"

Rota threw the body of Chihiro Chi directly in front of Chihiro Ji. Chihiro Chi looked at Chihiro Chi who had been beaten so badly on the ground and shouted at Rota angrily: "You guy Who is it that you dare to fight me Chihiro Chi, you should know what will happen to you!"

Looking at Chihiro Ji's desperate appearance, Rota put his hands on his chest and looked at Chihiro Ji in a condescending manner: "My name, Uchiha Madara! It looks like you are slightly stronger than this ant!"

Because Rota was standing on a huge rock now, the pressure exerted on Chihiro Ji from high to the bottom was extraordinary.

The original Uchiha Madara's domineering, coupled with the feeling of covering the sky and the sun created by standing on the rock, made Chihiro Ji gradually show a trace of fear in his heart.

It was this trace of fear that made him sober, and the arrogant guy in front of him must have real talent.Chihiro Rakuchi's letter that day obviously stated that he had brought a full 5,000 people, but the man named Uchiha Madara could defeat 5,000 people, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Just in this dazed effort of Chihiro Ji, Rota spit out a huge fireball at Chihiro Ji casually.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Chihiro Ji looked at the huge fireball that had approached, and his body was too late to react, so he could only silently watch the fireball fly towards him.

"Don't think of the old man as air~" Huang Yuan then summoned the Heavenly Cloud Sword and directly cut away the huge fireball.

"Yellow Ape!"

Chihiro Ji was surprised that Huang Yuan would save himself. He thought Huang Yuan might be watching the show!

"The pope doesn't necessarily think the old man is too despicable, no matter how you say you are also the pope of Wuhun Hall, the old man still has the obligation to protect your safety~"

"Yellow Ape!"

"Stop yelling, now can I trouble you to roll aside first, you are getting in the way here~"

Chihiro Ji didn't pay attention to Huang Yuan's words just now. From the huge fireball just now, he could feel a powerless force. Maybe the guy in front of Huang Yuan had trouble dealing with it.

"Roar, there is still someone who can beat! Oh Moses Roy (interesting)! Okay, just try it with you! Hope you don't let me down!" Rota was full of fighting spirit at the moment, scarlet The writing wheel has emerged.

"It's really troublesome, how come each one is strong like a monster~" Huang Yuan sighed and got ready for battle!

Rota summoned his own fan and sickle and rushed towards the yellow ape.

The extreme speed makes Chihiro Ji feel whether she has presbyopia!Qianxun Ji originally thought that he would be very strong after reaching Title Douluo, but he didn't expect that he was still a younger brother in front of these two.

A violent collision sounded, and Rota's sickle had collided with Huang Yuan's Sky Cloud Sword.

"You fellow, made me boil!" Rota was already laughing excitedly at this moment.

"Really motivated~" Huang Yuan said unhurriedly while parrying Rota's attack.

"Motor motor! (It's not over yet!)"

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