The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 102 Look, This Is Professional Acting

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Looking at Rota, who was so motivated, Huang Yuan sighed helplessly. It seemed that the main body was in the act, so I just happened to accompany Rota to have fun!

Huang Yuan wielded the sky cluster cloud sword and collided with Rota's sickle, one blow after another, and one blow was faster than one blow.Accompanied by the violent collision, there was also a violent air wave, and the surrounding two people had become a vacuum zone.

The already devastated ground was turned upright by the shock, Rota and Yellow Ape intertwined each other, and every collision would cause damage to an area.

"Hahaha, it's really enjoyable!" Rota exclaimed excitedly, and then increased his strength a bit.

"Ah la la, it's terrible~"

After Huang Yuan blocked Rota several heavy blows in succession, he obviously felt a little tingling in his arm.

"It looks like you have to be a little more serious~"

Huang Yuan silently added a layer of invisible domineering to the sky cluster cloud sword, and also slammed back at Rota.

The physical fitness of people in Pirate World is usually terrifying, and Rota certainly does not have the advantage compared to Huang Yuan.

Rota caught Huang Ape’s slash and slid to the rear for more than ten meters, and then completed Jieyin in an instant: "Fire escape. Extinguish the fire!"

The huge sea of ​​flames directly rushed towards Huang Yuan, "This is a bit of a headache~"

However, Huang Yuan still had a way of coping with this move released by Rota, and saw Huang Yuan holding the sky cluster cloud sword in both hands and raising it above his head.

"This guy Huang Yuan doesn't want to face this trick directly!" Chihiro Ji had retreated far enough from the battlefield, but even so, he still felt the billowing heat hit him.

Just when the sea of ​​fire was about to engulf the yellow ape, the yellow ape slashed towards the front, and a golden sword aura soaring up to the ground directly separated the fire.

Although Huang Yuanshi separated the fierce fire released by Rota, it was limited to the area in front of Huang Yuanshi.The cut open sea of ​​fire split into two halves and struck Huang Yuan in both directions.

"It's a terrible move~" Huang Yuan said pretending to be scared.

Although Huang Yuan can still handle it, it is not as easy as before.There is nothing to say that Huang Yuan's physical fitness is stronger than Uchiha Madara, but some ninjas are fancy ninjutsu, and Huang Yuan is also easy to learn.

"Roar, you can cut off the arrogant fire so easily, it seems that your strength is indeed worthy of my full treatment!"

Since you want to act like a little, you have to show off what you say. Although it is not so fancy, it is absolutely powerful.

"Speed ​​is weight, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

The Yellow Ape, who was still far away before, didn't know when he had come to Rota's front, and along the way, he struck towards Rota's front door with a right leg shining with golden light.

"Good job!"

Rota waited for this trick. With the help of the round eyes, Rota didn't react slowly. Just as Huang Yuan was about to kick him, Rota blocked the ball in front of him.

"Ah!" Huang Yuan let out a suspicious exclamation inadvertently.

Huang Yuan’s tremendous strength directly kicked the ball fan in Rota’s hands, but to Huang Yuan’s surprise, Rota was not kicked!

"Uchiha rebounds!"

At the moment when Uchiha's rebound was used, a huge rebound shock wave erupted toward the yellow ape.

But it would be too naive to count on Huang Yuan in this blow...

Countless photons not far away began to converge into a figure, it was Huang Yuan!

"Kowa, it's the first time I let the old man use this trick~"

"Sure enough, the speed is very fast!" Rota was not very surprised by this result. After all, Huang Yuan in the theater version can avoid even the bomb rock on his face without injury, and it is normal for him to be avoided by this trick.


"This strength is really great!" Rota's hand holding the ball fan was already trembling slightly. This was the first time Rota had experienced the speed of light kicking in person.

I usually kick others by myself, and now I finally taste the destructive power of light speed kicking.Novel 3800

If he didn't use Uchiha's rebound in time just now, he might have at least one arm lost.

In terms of physical strength, Uchiha Madara is inferior to the yellow ape, plus the yellow ape has domineering blessings.Although Rota can also use domineering, Rota also wants to see the duel between the two world peaks.

"Very well, keep dancing!"

"Dip, the host is engaged in performance, and the critical strike imitation degree has increased to 50%!"

Rota only paid attention to the system's prompt sound. The most important thing now is to complete the performance of the century.

Rota rushed to Huang Yuan quickly, releasing ninjutsu as he rushed: "Fire escape. Dragon flame singing technique!"

Rota turned a gorgeous turn, directly spit out more than 10 flaming dragon head flames!

"It seems that the old man can't release the water~"

Huang Yuan stretched out his finger to aim at more than ten dragon heads, directly pulsing endless photons, "continuous laser~"

More than a dozen laser beams pierced the flame dragon head, and this wave of two people fought evenly!

The next step is close combat, which is the time to test physical skills!This time Rota not only used a sickle, but also a fan.

Huang Yuan was still dancing the sky cloud sword, but he sent out a few laser shots from time to time!

The radium shot sputtered around the fan, and the scattered laser contacted the ground to cause a huge explosion.

Even a few laser shots scattered around Chihiro Ji, scaring Chihiro Ji directly to death.

Chihiro Ji looked at the two people who were struggling to separate, and the fear in his heart kept soaring!Chihiro Ji now has only one idea, and that is to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Qianxun Ji used his fastest speed to rush towards the direction of Wuhun City.

Rota gave Huang Yuan a face, Huang Yuan instantly understood the meaning, and chased him in the direction of Qian Xun Ji.

"Fire escape. Powerful fire!" Rota raised a huge rock, standing on the top of the rock and spraying a fireball nearly 100 meters in diameter toward Chihiro.

The hot temperature made Qianxunji feel that his back seemed to be burning, and the fireball was very fast. Just when he was about to attack Qianxunji, Huang Yuan suddenly appeared and left Qianxunji with a flash of light.

If Huang Yuan really wants to be faster than Rota, then Rota has nothing to do. If he does not use the same moves as Huang Yuan, there is no way at all.

And the main reason why Rota does not use the yellow ape moves is that using moves that are inconsistent with the character when imitating a new character will reduce the degree of performance.

If it is used in Rota ontology mode, there is no problem, but since you are playing Lord Ban, then just use Lord Ban's moves well.

It is estimated that after unlocking the six modes, and the body's resilience becomes stronger, the fight with Huang Yuan will not be let down.

After Huang Yuan took Qianxun Ji flying far away, he finally released Qianxun Ji down.

"It was really thrilling just now, I didn't expect this Uchiha Madara to be a little sinister~" Huang Yuan said lightly.

Chihiro Ji is still in a panic, and what has just happened has hit him too much. He has never seen such a fight when he grows up.

If Huang Yuan hadn't rescued him in time, he might have been cold!

Unexpectedly, the guy who often irritates him on weekdays is so reliable at the critical moment.

"Huang Yuan, I shouldn't doubt you, thank you this time!" Qian Xun Ji also completely dispelled Huang Yuan's suspicion. Today's Huang Yuan undoubtedly proved himself to the Wuhun Palace by action.

"Well, it is better for this guy to try not to deal with him in the future. The old man has never seen such a powerful opponent~" Huang Yuan also pretended to be afraid.

In the past, Chihiro Ji thought that Huang Yuan's strength was almost invincible except for Qian Daoliu, but he did not expect to encounter a hard time this time.

"Under the title of the Pope, let's forget about the matter this time as the old man sees it. It's really not worth it to provoke such an opponent to the Spirit Hall~"

Chihiro Ji had an unprecedented agreement with Huang Yuan this time, and he was already in a psychological shadow.

Huang Yuan looked at Chihiro Chi now. It seemed that this big battle was a success. The acting was really tired~

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