The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 104 The old man and Madara played him a wave

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan naturally knows Bibi Dong’s purpose, and knows what Bibi Dong wants to ask, so he took the lead and said: "Bibi Dong, this time Chihiro Ji can make such a change is actually because Madara and the old man played him together. Field~"

Bibi Dong's face showed strong interest, and he seemed very curious about the details.

Huang Yuan had no choice but to tell Bibi Dong the details.

After telling the story, Bibi Dong couldn't help being surprised by Huang Yuan and Ban, and he could come up with such a brilliant idea.Chihiro Ji didn't know Madara, and was naturally confused by Huang Ape and Madara.

"Then Huang Yuan, how do you and Madara plan to deal with Chihiro Ji? Since you didn't kill him at the time, you must have other plans too!" Bibi Dong asked a little excitedly.

Huang Yuan took a quick sip of coffee and said, "That's it~ The old man and Madara already have a plan. It would be a bit cheaper for a guy like Chihiro Ji to kill him easily~"

Bibi Dong nodded in agreement when he heard Huang Yuan's statement. Her anger towards Chihiro Ji could no longer be described in words.

If she has the ability, she will definitely try to solve Chihiro Ji.

"Then how did you arrange Huang Yuan?"

"At present, your strength is still very weak. The old man intends to wait for you to become self-protective before starting to act. During the period, Mr. Madara should have said that he would teach you physical skills!"

Just when it came to the issue of physical skills, Bibi Dong was so angry that he groaned: "That guy Madara is unwilling to give me that powerful fire-breathing move, and he said that I can't learn it. Actually, I'm afraid of trouble!"

Huang Yuan sighed, but he didn't expect that the main body's progress was not going very smoothly, so let yourself help solve it!

"Bibi Dong, the old man can tell you that, Madara definitely doesn't teach you, but you really can't learn~"

Bibi Dong is very puzzled, why even Huang Yuan talks about herself like that? Is her talent so unbearable?

Fortunately, Huang Yuan’s words later gave her a sense of balance, "This has nothing to do with talent, but for future considerations. If you want to learn this, there is a certain risk. If there is an accident, it is likely to become a useless person, see~"

If only Madara had said this to her, Bibi Dong might have thought that Madara was unwilling to give it to herself, but now that the yellow ape also said to Madara, it might be true.

"Don't underestimate Madara's physical skills. If there is a gap in spirit power between Title Douluo, you can make up for it through physical skills~"

When Huang Yuan said that, Bibi Dong suddenly became acquainted. In fact, it was the same reason.

"Furthermore, if you run out of soul power, then not only physical skills will be the only one to save your life~"

Bibi Dong's previous views on physical skills were just some factors that slightly affected combat power, and he didn't pay much attention to it, but now that he heard Huang Yuan's answer, Bibi Dong had a complete change in physical skills.

Previously, Madara had hardly used those fancy moves when dealing with Contra, and he had directly ended it with physical skills.

Seeing Bibi Dong gradually awakened, Huang Yuan also showed a faint smile, and it seemed that Bibi Dong had taken care of what he meant.

"Yellow Ape, I understand, I will definitely learn physical skills with Madara seriously afterwards! But..."


"Yellow Ape, can you tell me something about Madara, such as what he likes!" Bibi Dong asked blushingly.

Unexpectedly, the main body became integrated with Bibi Dong so quickly, even Bibi Dong came to inquire about information from him.

Huang Yuan pretended to be contemplative, "Let me think about it~"

After thinking for a while, Huang Yuan said: "According to the old man's understanding, Madara doesn't really like many things. The only thing he likes is his younger brother, because Madara is a younger brother~" Beauty Nest Novel

Bibi Dong listened with great gusto, and carefully memorized this message.

"It turns out that Madara has a younger brother. This is the first time Bibi Dong heard of this kind of thing today. What I didn't expect is that Madara still cares about his younger brother!"

After Bibi Dong learned that Madara had a younger brother, she had an idea whether she could start with Madara’s younger brother and get closer to him, so that she could get closer to Madara.

"Then Huang Yuan, you know Madara's brother..."

Huang Yuan seemed to have seen Bibi Dong's thoughts a long time ago, and before Bibi Dong could finish asking, he said, "No more~"

"Where is it?"

"Ma's brother has already passed away, you still don't talk about his brother in front of Madara~" Huang Yuan's friendly advice.

Bibi Dong nodded to indicate that she knew it. She has no habit of exposing others' scars. It can be said that she knows this feeling very well.

The younger brother whom he loved so much has passed away suddenly. It must have been a big blow to Madara. Bibi Dong planned not to mention his younger brother in front of Madara.

Unless Madara is willing to tell her past stories, Bibi Dong will never take the initiative to speak.

"It's almost done. Today's old man will talk about this week first, and tomorrow I heard that the old man has to go to the Elder's Hall~"

"That's right, Huang Yuan, you are also the worship of Wuhun Hall, so naturally you have to go to the Elder Hall! Congratulations again for your promotion to worship!" Bibi Dong sincerely offered his blessings to Huang Yuan.

"Then the old man borrowed your auspicious words~" Huang Yuan sees the matter of becoming an enshrinement very ordinary. In the eyes of others, the enshrinement of the Wuhun Temple is a status symbol!

Enshrinement can be taken carelessly, it requires strong strength to be competent, otherwise it will compromise the majesty of the Wuhun Temple.

"Huang Yuan, you must pay more attention to Qian Daoliu in the Hall of Elders!" Bibi Dong kindly reminded Huang Yuan, after all, there is a powerful limit Douluo like Qian Daoliu in the Hall of Elders.

"Qian Daoliu? The old man pays attention, thank you, Bibi Dong~" To be honest, Huang Yuan has no bird Bibi Dong, and promised Bibi Dong to make her feel at ease.

Afterwards, Huang Yuan and Bibi Dong separated, and Huang Yuan who left the coffee shop walked towards his hut leisurely. Just as Huang Yuan was about to enter the door, a voice came from the roof.

"It looks like this kind of round-off work is still suitable for you, Huang Yuan!" Rota's figure suddenly appeared on the roof of the hut.

"Oh oh oh, the body is really leisurely, and it takes so long for the old man to explain to Bibi Dong~"

Rota sat on the roof with his arms folded in front of him and said, "There is no way, it's all about acting, this kind of work is your specialty!"

"Is there anything I need to order~"

"We've already discussed the rest of the matter. You can just go around as usual now, and I'm also going to start training Bibi Dongtai!"

Hearing Rota talk about physique, Huang Yuan couldn't help but smile: "The old man just dispelled her misunderstanding of physique, and then I will leave it to you~"

Rota shook his head and looked at Huang Yuan and said, "You can play Huang Yuan well, so fucking hard!"

"Hi, hi, what you said is correct~" Huang Yuan scratched his head and walked into the hut.

It is also not suitable to stay here for a long time. If you let unrelated people see that you are in contact with Huang Yuan, your previous efforts will be in vain.

"It's time to leave!" Rota jumped and disappeared from the roof of the hut.

"I'm going to see that old fellow Qian Daoliu again tomorrow, it's really troublesome~" Huang Yuan sat in a chair and looked at the newspaper with emotion.

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