The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 105 Thousand Daoliu

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Early in the morning, Huang Yuan followed Qian Xun Ji to the Elder Hall.

"Huang Yuan, this is the Palace of the Elders but not my Palace of the Pope. The person in charge of the Palace of the Elders is the great worship of the Hall of Souls, Qian Daoliu! He is also my father! Try not to do anything outrageous!"

Qianxunji repeatedly told Huang Yuan not to cause trouble in the elder hall. If he provokes Qian Daoliu, then Qian Xunji cannot keep Huang Yuan.

"Well, don't be so flustered, the old man is free, not to mention the old man doesn't think he is inferior to Qian Daoliu~"

Okay, it seems that Huang Yuan didn't mean to listen to his advice at all, and Chihiro Ji had to give up. He and Huang Yuan weren't as good as that.

Now it's just that Qianxunji is better than Huang Yuan unilaterally, Huang Yuan's attitude towards him has not changed, it is still the same as before.

Soon, the two arrived in front of the gate of the Elder Hall, and Qianxunji took the lead in pushing open the closed gate.

In the hall of the elders, an old man with a white beard and fluttering white hair stood in the middle of the hall watching Chihiro Ji and Huang Yuan.

The old man also wore a gold mask on his face, revealing endless majesty and dignity.

"See Dafu!" Although it was facing his own father, but now it is a public place, Chihiro Ji can only call Qiandaoliu Dafu.

"See the great worship~" Huang Yuan said casually, not taking it seriously.

Qian Daoliu's white eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and the first impression of Huang Yuan in front of him was very bad. Who is Qian Daoliu?One of the three peerless Douluo in the world, whoever sees it is not respectful, let alone the members of the Martial Soul Palace itself, Huang Yuan's appearance is surprising.

"Great worship, Huang Yuan's character is like this, I hope to understand!" Regardless of how prestigious Qian Xun Ji was speaking outside, she was still a big fart before Qian Daoliu.

"Did I let you speak?" Qian Daoliu stared at Chihiro Ji with unconscious majesty and released him.

How could Chihiro Ji dare to continue to offend Qiandao Liu, and immediately stood beside him properly.

"Huh, I'm good at being a pope, do you think the pope is the biggest one?" Qian Daoliu scoffed at Chihiro Ji's behavior just now.

What can Chihiro Ji do? What else can he do besides not speaking obediently?Do you still rush to and Qian Daoliu theory?

In that case, as long as Qian Daoru thinks about it, it is possible to beat Chihiro Ji on the spot.

"Huang Yuan, ask for more blessings!" Qianxun Ji couldn't help Huang Yuan to round the field, only seeing Huang Yuan's own performance.

Qian Daoliu turned his gaze from Qian Daoliu back to Huang Ape, but because of Huang Ape's height, Qian Daoliu had to look up at Huang Ape.

"Are you Huang Yuan?" Qian Daoliu slowly said after looking at it for a while.

Qian Daoliu's voice gives people an extremely depressing feeling, maybe this is the prelude to planning to rise to power!

The Douluo who can be worshipped may be all arrogant, which requires Qian Daoliu to frustrate the arrogance of these Douluos and make them obediently obedient.

Huang Yuan is not at all afraid that Qian Daoliu will ignore his deterrence at all, ah, la la, what did the Great Enchantress stare at the old man like this~"

"Can't you feel any deterrence? He seems to be a troublesome person!"

Qian Daoliu can ignore this question for now, mainly because of the phrase "old man" behind Huang Yuan, which made Qian Daoliu feel insulted.

"Old man? Okay, in front of me, you dare to call yourself an old man? You are so courageous!" Qian Daoliu was the first time he saw such a bold person.Novels

"I can't help it, worship the adults, the old man can't change this habit~" Huang Yuan doesn't seem to care about Qian Daoliu whose emotions are already wrong, but still looks like he is talking about himself.

Qianxunji on the side looked cold and sweaty. This was not an ordinary titled Douluo, it was Qiandao Liu, one of the three great Douluos on the mainland!

The gap between each level of Title Douluo is gradually widening, and it is a qualitative leap before and after level 95.Of course, reaching level 99 is another leap, and the strength is simply not what an ordinary Title Douluo can rival.

Although Chihiro Ji had seen Huang Yuan's battle scenes, his father's strength was not weak, and he didn't know whether Huang Yuan's actions would make Qiandao Flowing murderous.

Huang Yuan is a talent in the Martial Soul Palace, and Qian Xun Ji didn't want him to be dealt with by Qian Daoliu so easily.If Huang Yuan could control his own way of speaking a little bit, it might not be so much!

Chihiro Ji felt that the previous ones with Huang Yuan were like playing the piano to a cow, and Huang Yuan didn't listen to a word!

Huang Yuan put his hands in his pockets and looked down at Qian Daoliu in front of him, without giving Qian Daoliu a trace of face at all, which also made Qian Daoliu slightly angry.

Having been respected by people for so many years, there is such an outlier today that Qian Daoliu did not expect.

"It looks like you need some baptism!"

Qian Daoliu said that the spirit power of his body began to radiate, and the burst of spirit power impacted the yellow ape. Qian Daoliu tried to use this method to make the yellow ape weak and obey.

But Qian Daoliu's approach was undoubtedly a big mistake, if it were an ordinary Title Douluo, it would be fine.Because they couldn't withstand Qian Daoliu's soul power impact at all.But who is Huang Yuan, how could he be afraid of Qian Daoliu's soul power impact.

"Well~ the old man advises you to save some effort, there is nothing~" Huang Yuan's humble voice sounded.

Such words not only did not stop Qian Daoliu, but angered Qian Daoliu again, "I don't even know how to repent, then I will increase my strength!"

Qian Daoliu is bound to subdue Huang Yuan’s stabbing head today, or else his fame as Qian Daoliu will be destroyed. Although there are only people from Wuhun Hall nearby, Qian Daoliu doesn’t want to. Refuted his own prestige.

Huang Yuan scratched his head. It seemed that the old man didn't understand his ordinary way of speaking. Is he really too old?

Huang Yuan then waved his hand, directly dissipating the soul power impact Qian Daoliu exerted on him.

"What?!" Qian Daoliu's heart was extremely shocked, this was the impact of his own soul power, and he bounced away so easily."

Qian Daoliu is not sluggish, and Huang Yuan's hand is sufficient to prove his strength.

"No wonder, it turns out that there is such capital!" In this step, Qian Daoliu had to admit Huang Yuan's strength. He couldn't fight Huang Yuan for the sake of face. It would be too cheap.

"The old man passed the baptism~" Huang Yuan asked with a grin

Qian Daoliu looked at the yellow ape in front of him, and finally let his heart down and slowly spit out a few words: "Passed! From now on, you will be the third consecration of Wuhun Hall!"

Huang Yuan sighed, and it was finally over. He thought Qian Daoliu would want to learn from him, but he didn't expect this old guy to take care of his face!

If Qian Daoliu must compete with Huang Yuan, it would be fine if he wins, but if he loses, then Qian Daoliu's face will be lost!

"The old guy is still quite smart~"

Qian Daoliu deserves to be an old antique who has lived for so many years, and these hidden consequences have been carefully considered, and his mind is still extremely meticulous.

But this is also a good thing for Huang Yuan. At least he doesn't have to fight so hard. Huang Yuan hates trouble.

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