You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Bibi Dong's interest is not very high, I don't know if it is because he feels that he is not doing well.Although Bibi Dong had completely accepted physique in her heart, today's training made her feel that her understanding was a little dull.

Usually a genius like himself, even such a simple movement can practice all afternoon.

"Now, Madara, do you think I don't have the talent in this area?" Bibi Dong always felt that he should understand more quickly, but today's situation has given her a blow.

Rota looked at Bibi Dong with his head down. This didn't look like Bibi Dong's style at all. In Rota's opinion, Bibi Dong would not give up so easily.

"No talent? Where did you get this statement?"

Bibi Dong looked at Rota in surprise. Isn't his performance like this not bad today?

"Isn't it difficult?" Bibi Dong couldn't figure out why Madara would say that.

"You think about physique too simple. The cultivation of physique has never been able to grow overnight. People like you are already extremely talented. Be content!"

In fact, there was no need to entangle this kind of thing, and Rota didn't understand why she entangled such small details.

"But... I always feel that my understanding today is so slow..."

Rota knew Bibi Dong's current situation, nothing more than the cultivation of physical skills compared to the cultivation of soul power.

"Practice more in the future!" Rota didn't say much, and just told Bibi Dong what he should say.

"I'm here for today, go back and have a good rest! I will continue tomorrow!"

Rota instantly disappeared before Bibi Dong's eyes.

Bibi Dong has made up his mind to learn physical skills well, and has already remembered what he said to Rota.Although he was slow to comprehend a simple movement at first, Bibi Dong is now cheering up.

"People like Madara have taught me so hard, and I can't live up to Madara's expectations." Bibi Dong's thoughts were firmer.

As a result, Bibi Dong repeated the action over and over again in place, she wanted to completely digest what she had learned today.

All of this was seen by Rota, it seemed that Rota had left, but in fact he was just hiding by the side and carefully watching.

"Ah~ He is really a strong guy. You can't overdo it when you practice physical skills!"

Physical training is not just a day of hard work, but a reasonable plan, so that the efficiency can be brought into full play.

As far as Bibi Dong is concerned, she doesn't need to practice day and night like Xiao Li and Kai, letting Bibi Dong learn physical skills is only an auxiliary role.

In fact, she has mastered the movements handed over to Bibi Dong today, but unfortunately she always feels that she is not good enough.

"Fine, there will definitely be problems if you continue to practice!"

Bibi Dong devoted herself to practicing the moves she learned today, and she found that she was able to use it handily.

"Tomorrow will definitely give Madara a surprise!"

Just when Bibi Dong was secretly delighted, she suddenly felt a sense of weakness in her body, and her whole body was about to fall toward the back.

But when she fell halfway, Bibi Dong stopped. There was no doubt that she was held up by someone.

"It's really hard work, Bibi Dong!" Before Bibi Dong spoke, Rota spoke first!

"Maa! You weren't just..." Bibi Dong blushed, and the tone of his speech became much faster.

"I'm leaving, what if someone just died here without thinking?"

What Rota said was straightforward, and Bibi Dong had a little bit of dissatisfaction with the content, but the rest felt pretty good.

Bibi Dong knew that Madara was concerned about what he meant when he first started speaking, but couldn't this language organization feel more organized?


Rota handed Bibi Dong some plasters, which had been prepared before.

These things are indispensable for physical training, not to mention that Bibi Dong is a beginner, even more so.Think twice about Pen Fun Pavilion

"Thank you……"


Bibi Dong wanted to thank the spot, but he didn't expect to be blocked by this sentence, so he had to put on the plaster angrily.

But Naihe Bibi Dong had a bruise on his back. This bruise was made during a match against Rota, because Bibi Dong couldn't wipe it because of the reason behind it.

So Bibi Dong looked at Madara with cuteness. How could Rota not understand the current situation? I watched a lot in anime on TV. There is no other way. This time is not the time to pretend to be cold, and I can help Bibi Dong with just a little bit Just do it.

Anyway, Madara is also a very arrogant person, and he fits Madara's character well.

"No way, just a poor woman!"

Bibi Dong was a little unhappy when he heard this, why didn't this guy say anything to comfort him?Why is it so straight?

But Rota's body still honestly stepped forward to help Bibi Dong wipe the bruises on his back.

When Rota's hand touched Bibi Dong's smooth back, Bibi Dong felt a slight fever on his cheeks.

Rota didn't have the ink and applied it quickly. After all, he was there to help Bibi Dong rub the medicine, not to wipe the oil.

"That...thank you, Madara!" Bibi Dong expressed his gratitude to Rota shyly.

"No thanks, I won't help you, you can't stay here for one night!"

This is the same reason, Bibi Dong said that he wanted to hear a gentle word from Ma's so difficult!

"Go back and wash and sleep!"

Because Bibi Dong's strength was too strong today, all the muscles in his body are now pulled, and he can't walk in pain.

Looking at Bibi Dong who hadn't been able to live for a long time, Rota probably knew something mentally, "Don't tell me you can't stand up!"

Bibi Dong turned his head aside, did not answer Rota but nodded silently.

Yes, depending on this situation, the eight achievements must be memorized!

Rota no longer had any ink stains, and went straight to Bibi Dong and carried Bibi Dong on his back.

"Nothing, don't talk nonsense!"

For women, weight is generally a minefield, and Rota stepped directly in.

After Rota ran with Bibi Dong on his back, Bibi Dong was still thinking about the phrase "You are so heavy" that Ma just said. She has no bottom to tell the truth, not knowing whether she is heavy or light. I really got fat recently.

"That, Madara..."

"What's the matter, say!"

Bibi Dong couldn't say it for a long time, but at Rota's urging, he finally opened his mouth.

"Well, you just said that I am really heavy..."

Rota almost got thundered. For so long, you are still thinking that the sentence I just said is really a needle in a woman's heart. It is really too detailed.

"No, I just said it for fun!"

I feel that if I don't explain it clearly, Bibi Dong is afraid that I will be thinking about it all the way.

"That's good!" Bibi Dong looked relieved and made Rota sigh.

Shouldn't your own weight be the most familiar to yourself?To be honest, Rota didn't feel the weight when Bibi Dong was on his back. One can imagine how light Bibi Dong is.

It was just a joke made by Rota casually, but Bibi Dong kept remembering it.

Otherwise, this woman is going to be thinking about it again!

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