The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 108-Huang Yuan's Holiday

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan didn't worry much about what happened between Ban and Bibi Dong. He needed to spend his days leisurely.

After this did not become an offering, Huang Yuan ushered in its first holiday, which was a full half a month.This is a rare good time for Huang Yuan.

"Well~ I think about where to spend a leisurely vacation~" Huang Yuan felt that it would be nice to visit Xiao Wu during his vacation, not to mention the ecological environment in the Star Dou Forest.There is also a large lake inside, which is suitable for leisure fishing.

Huang Yuan actually has nothing to pack, except for a rocking chair, there is really nothing to take.

Also after becoming an enshrine this time, Huang Yuan received a larger storage ring, otherwise Huang Yuan would have to worry about how to bring this rocking chair over.

"It's almost done~" After Huang Yuan had packed up, he was about to set off from Wuhun City.

When he arrived at the gate, the knight in the Wuhun Hall who was familiar with Huang Ape exchanged greetings with Huang Ape for a while as before, and the other knights who were watching were envied.

After that, Huang Yuan planned to buy something to take with him. After all, he was going to Xiao Wu and the others to harass for a while.

Huang Yuan's speed was much faster than before, and he arrived in the small village outside the Star Dou Forest in less than ten minutes.

"It's as lively as ever~" Huang Yuan sighed as he looked at the people coming and going.

This time Huang Yuan plans to choose some different foods, and it can't always be the same food as the last time, it has to be changed to something new!

"Boss, get some of this this time~"

Although it was still in the snack bar before, Huang Yuan did not buy the red bean pastry last time.

"Oh, old customers, it seems that the taste of our store is still good!" The store owner has a deep impression of Huang Yuan, and there are not many people with such unique dress and height.

"Yes, the food in your store is really good~"

"That's not it! We are an ancestral craft!" the shop owner said proudly.

Huang Yuan bought a lot of dim sums this time. After all, he would have to stay there for a few days, so naturally he should prepare more.

After bidding farewell to the shop owner, Huang Yuan rushed towards the place where Xiao Wu and the others lived.

When passing a certain area deep in the Star Dou Great Forest, Huang Yuan suddenly noticed an aura of hostility.

Huang Yuan stopped at the same place and secretly said, "This is surprising~ It's so strange to have such a strong desire to attack~"

When it was said that it was too late, then a swift figure struck towards the yellow ape, a purple electric leopard!

"Oh oh oh, this is not an old friend~"

The purple electric leopard encountered one when they met Fengyin before, but the age of that purple electric leopard was much higher than the current one.

According to Huang Yuan's rough estimate, this purple electric leopard is only about 5,000 years old, and it is also a tricky existence for ordinary low-level spirit masters.

But in front of Huang Yuan, this is not enough!

The Purple Lightning Leopard did not hesitate at all to hit Huang Yuan with a claw attack with purple thunder.

Of course, since the Purple Lightning Leopard has launched an attack, the end of the game is expected.

After the gunpowder dissipated, the entire body of the purple electric leopard was stepped on the ground by the yellow ape, and the whole soul beast was dying.

Huang Yuan did not have the habit of killing soul beasts. Although the kick looked extremely serious just now, Huang Yuan also controlled his intensity.

This purple electric leopard can recover after taking a rest. The purple electric leopard has no grievances with the yellow ape. The yellow ape will kill because of this.

In Huang Yuan's eyes, this is the instinct of the soul beast. Humans and soul beasts do not deal with it, and it is common for soul beasts with lower IQ to attack humans.Literary Theory

By the "Daming Lake" in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, Xiao Wu sat obediently in the comparison, enjoying the good time her mother combed her hair.

"Mom, why don't you say Uncle Huang Yuan hasn't come to see me~"

"Haha, your uncle Huang Yuan must have a lot of things to do. Human beings are different from our soul beasts. They have a lot of things."

Xiao Wu had to nod her head. She also understood what her mother was saying, but she felt boring sometimes.

At this time, Xiao Wu's mother suddenly guarded Geology and asked the surroundings: "Who, come out!"

Looking at her solemn mother, Xiao Wu also became alert.

"Ah la la, it seems that the old man has been away for a long time~"

Listening to this familiar voice, the two women's grounds suddenly came into contact and exhaled deeply.

"Uncle Huang Yuan!" Xiao Wu ran toward Huang Yuan happily.

Huang Yuan touched Xiao Wu's head, and took out a lot of snacks from the storage ring, "Uncle Huang Yuan brought you some other delicious food this time~"

"Wow! Uncle Huang Yuan is the best!" Xiao Wu looked at the dazzling array of snacks and wondered which one to eat first.

"Try it too~" Huang Yuan said to Xiao Wu's mother.

Xiao Wu's mother nodded, and she couldn't refuse Huang Yuan's kindness, and immediately took a snack and tasted it.

"Mr. Huang Yuan really hasn't come here for a long time, Xiao Wu talks every day!" Xiao Wu's mother smiled and preached to Huang Yuan.

"Well~ after all, there are a lot of things after becoming an elder, not to mention that now I am inexplicably become an offering, this is not a half-month holiday~"

Huang Yuan put the recliner in a spacious place, and lay down leisurely.

"Mr. Huang Yuan can come here often if he is okay!"

"Naturally, but if the old man runs out often as a consecration, it will definitely arouse some people's suspicion, so for your safety, the frequency should not be too high~"

Xiao Wu's mother thought for a while and thought it was right, after all, if she and Xiao Wu were a hundred thousand year soul beasts, they would face countless human soul masters if they were exposed.

However, Huang Yuan is obviously different from those ordinary human beings. Xiao Wu's mother found that Huang Yuan's eyes did not have any greedy desire in their eyes, they were very clear.

As the saying goes, eyes are the windows of a person's soul, and eyes are not deceiving. This is also the main reason why Xiao Wu's mother is relieved of Huang Yuan.

"I guessed it was you who came!" Suddenly a huge ape like a mountain appeared behind Huang Yuan, a giant giant ape like Titan.

"Er Ming is you, long time no see~" Huang Yuan threw a bag of snacks to Titan Great Ape.

From a human point of view, this snack bag is no longer small, but in the eyes of the Titan Great Ape, it is still not enough to stuff his teeth.

"The taste is not bad, you are quite witty!" The Titan Great Ape sat cross-legged behind Huang Yuan.

"This is a snack that the old man spent a lot of money to buy, but it's a pity that the weight will never satisfy you~" Huang Yuan smiled.

The Titan Great Ape was used to this appearance of the Yellow Ape, and shouted: "Brother, don't hide it!"

The water level in the middle of the lake suddenly bulged, and a huge bull's head emerged, "Yellow Ape, you guys are finally thinking of our group of guys!"

Huang Yuan smiled and said hello to the sky green cow python: "Long time no see, Daming~"

After the one person and two beasts exchanged greetings for a while, Huang Yuan remembered the purple electric leopard he had met on the road, so he told them the matter.

After listening to Huang Ape’s narration, the Sky Green Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape were silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Yellow Ape, didn’t you expect you to meet it? A strange phenomenon that happened recently in the Star Dou Great Forest!"

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