You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!After solving the puzzle effortlessly, Rota was able to see the contents of the stele. It was obvious that this was the same as Huang Yuan's expectation, and it was an ancient inheritance, to be precise, an inheritance of a god.

"Anything to find? Spot~" Huang Yuan also came to Rota's side and asked.

"Well, this thing is the same as you think, it's a heritage of God's position!" Madara gave a definite answer.

"Really, it seems that the old man is right~"

"All in all, let's move this stele over there first!"

"But will there be any...special situation~" Huang Yuan asked as a precaution.

"Don't worry, the special energy around the stone tablet has been relieved by me, and it won't affect the soul beast now!"

Rota took out a scroll and said that the stone tablet was included in the scroll. In fact, the scroll and the storage ring are the same.

Returning to "Daming Lake", Rota released the stone tablet again, and Xiao Wu immediately ran to the stone tablet to take a look.

"Uncle Ban, what is this thing?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

Rota couldn't help but smile when Xiao Wu called him. He didn't expect Xiao Wu to have a familiar talent.

"This is the inheritance of a god, but I don't know which god it is yet! But I will know soon!"

The inheritance of the god position, how important the weight of these four words is, the people present are very clear, especially the soul beasts, their desire for the god position is very strong.

Soul beasts, although they have a long lifespan, are not as talented in cultivation as humans, so humans can cultivate to a strength comparable to their 100,000-year cultivation base in just a hundred years or even decades.

Although soul beasts have a long lifespan, they cannot escape death in the end. If they can't get the god status, no matter how strong their cultivation base is, they will eventually die.

This is also the reason why many soul beasts have chosen to become humans, because humans have more convenience in the inheritance of the gods. This is undeniable, humans are a unique race in this respect.

Rota and Huang Yuan actually didn't care much about gods. Both of them had the ability to kill gods. The difference between them and gods was nothing more than life span.

If they were simply more destructive, Rota and Huang Yuan could be regarded as destructive, and the destructive power of the gods was not enough in front of them.

Rota opened the scarlet writing wheel and directly invaded the spiritual space inside the stele.

In the spiritual space, a beautiful woman in pink clothes is suspended in it, her soft long hair swaying behind her.

"I'm Uchiha Madara, I haven't asked you yet..." Rota took the lead in saying hello, after all, he had forcibly entered the spiritual space.

The beautiful woman opened her closed eyes, looked at Rota and said softly: "I didn't expect there to be someone like you, hum."

The woman's voice is full of temptation, Rota's firm will is extraordinary, and he is naturally not tempted by the woman's voice.

"Answer the question, woman!" Rota didn't mean to fight her.

The woman also looked a little surprised. This is the first time she has met someone who is completely unaffected by her charm.

"Well, well, I am a charm god, and I have the power of charm to fascinate sentient beings."

If the woman didn't attack Rota before, Rota might still be a little convinced by this sentence, but Rota was completely immune to the charm of the god of charm just now, and this sentence now looks a little pale and weak.

Rota looked at the Charm God so coldly, and the Charm God was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Rota.

"Well, right? What is the purpose of your approach?" Rota asked straightaway.

Mei Nerve just got in touch with Rota's character, and this man doesn't like to make jokes at all, so let's answer his questions honestly!

"Well, this time I am mainly here to choose the next successor to the Charm God!" Baixiao Novels

As expected by Rota, the main purpose of Charm God should be to use that method to test who is eligible to be the heir of Charm God.

Suddenly, the God of Charm leaned against Rota, leaning his head against Rota’s ears, and said, "I think you passed my test effortlessly. Do you want to become my successor? what!"

Rota closed his eyes and said: "I should have said that charm is useless to me, so I just talk, and if you do these little movements, your god position is unnecessary!"

The charm god did not doubt the authenticity of Rota's words, she knew that if Rota really wanted to destroy herself, it would be easy.

"I really don't know how to Lianxiangxiyu, I won't find the other half in the future!"

"Roar, do I still have to thank you~ It seems that it is better to let your god position completely disappear!"

Meishen also knows that the joke is too big and hastened to be softened, "Don't don't, if you have something to say, why are you so cruel to others!"

The enchanting god actually played coquettishly beside Rota, but it was a pity that Rota didn't eat this.

"I am not interested in your heir to the throne, but if you can wait, I can help you find a suitable candidate!"

Meishen was a little surprised, this man would say something to help him.

"But why are you so kind?" Meishen asked suspiciously.

Rota said arrogantly: "Don't think too much. The reason for helping you is entirely because although your god status seems to be useless in my opinion, it is still useful to many people who have not become gods."

The charm god is also used to Rota's straightforward way of speaking, indeed, his own god is really incapable compared to other gods.

"Okay, then the heir of Meishen will be handed over to you, then I can leave without worry."

Meishen put away the charming way of speaking before, obviously what he said now is not joking.

"How to say?"

"The reason for choosing an heir this time is entirely because of what happened in the God Realm. Unfortunately, I clashed with a certain God and was injured by him. How much."

However, Meishen immediately turned around and smiled: "But there is no problem living for a few hundred years. I hope I can find a suitable candidate within these few hundred years!"

"Do you think the soul beasts outside may become your heirs!"

After listening to Rota's words, Meishen looked at the soul beasts outside, and shook his head: "First of all, I won't talk about the big python and the giant ape, it must have nothing to do with charm!"

It is true that Rota thinks so too, the two big bosses have nothing to do with cuteness in this life.

"As for the two rabbits, I can only say that it is possible to try! But the charm of the rabbits can only be said to be half a catty, I actually want to find a fox!"

"Reason!" Rota asked simply.

"Because I'm also a fox, it can be considered a little selfish!" Meishen finished speaking and showed nine tails behind him.

"Roar, it's the same as the nine lamas!" Rota stared at Meishen not knowing what he was thinking, but smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth.

"That's it, I actually have a personal choice! Secondly, I plan to put your inheritance on the scrolls, because the stele is too inconvenient!"

For Meishen, this problem is something that can be solved casually.

"no problem!"

It's just to change the carrier of inheritance, and it's not difficult.

"Then put the inheritance into this scroll!" Rota threw a scroll over.

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