The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 112: You Really Pick

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Okay, really, it's the first time I've met someone like you who has made God obedient and obedient!" Meishen said in her mouth, but she said that the inheritance was transferred to the scroll quickly.

"That's much more convenient, you really are..." Meishen didn't know how to describe Rota.

"Yeah! Then you don't have to worry about no one to take your place!"

Meishen picked up beautiful eyes, "You won't say the two rabbits outside...I still hope you can think about it carefully..."

Rota shook his head, "No, there is someone else who meets your standards!"

If you meet your own criteria, then it should be a fox or something, that's not bad, anyway, you will also screen at that time, if you are really talented, then you can be regarded as finding an heir.

"By the way, your name!" Rota remembered that he hadn't asked Charm God's name, only that she was Charm God.

"Is my concubine's name? You can call me Qingqiu Tanyue!"

Charm said with a charming smile, although it was of little use to Rota.

"Qingqiu, it seems you are still very authentic~"

Meishen couldn't understand what Rota meant by this tunnel. Did the other party see anything from his name?

"Nothing, just thought of something, that's it! You will stay in the mental space of this scroll from now on!"

Rota let the enchanting god follow him in the future, as for the candidate Rota has already decided.

Outside, Xiao Wu and the others were still a little worried looking at the spotless spot, and then Xiao Wu asked: "Uncle Huang Yuan, there is nothing wrong with Uncle Ban!"

Huang Yuan knew Madara's strength and said leisurely: "Of course there is no problem, but Uchiha Madara~"

"That Uncle Ban is famous?"

Huang Yuan was thought about by Xiao Wu for a while, and said: "Well~ If you are interested in listening, I don’t mind saying..."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Yuan was interrupted by Rota.

"Is it interesting to make up stories without the consent of others?"

Looking at Rota's hideous writing wheel eyes, Huang Yuan raised his hand: "Hey, hey, I just leave it alone~"

Rota scanned the surroundings and said: "I have put the inheritance of the gods into this scroll. Does anyone of you want to try it?"

The Titan Great Ape just wanted to say that he wanted to give it a try, but he was mercilessly interrupted by Rota's next words: "The Great Ape and the Python are no longer necessary. You can't settle for this god position!"

The Titan Great Ape sat down disappointedly, propped his head with his huge arms and sighed.

"I wonder what kind of god this is?"

"The god of charm, in fact, I think it's a very useless god!" Rota felt a spirit wave hitting him as soon as he finished speaking.

It's a pity that such fluctuations are almost negligible for Rota.

It was undoubtedly that Meishen had just heard him say bad things about her, so he lost his temper.

"I just talked to that god for a while. Although Xiao Wu, you don't meet her standards, you can give it a try!"

"Really? Uncle Ban?" Xiao Wu also knows the importance of the god position. Although this god position may be of no use to Madan, Xiao Wu is not willing to accept the gift like this.

After thinking about it, Xiao Wu still rejected Rota's proposal, and the two rabbit ears twisted together and said: "Uncle Ban, thank you for your kindness, but we can't ask for this position of God. We have already received a lot of help from you... and so……"

Xiao Wu's heart was still very kind, so it didn't surprise Rota.

"Tan Yue, do you think Xiao Wu meets the requirements for the inheritance of the gods?" Rota suddenly asked Qingqiu Tanyue in the spiritual space, because Qingqiu Tanyue's spiritual power is strong, so he can talk directly through the air.

Qingqiu Tanyue demon stretched her waist softly and said, "Want to hear the truth or lies?"

"Don't ink!"

Sure enough, I couldn't make a joke with this person, and I would treat myself so cruelly in the face of a big beauty.Girls Classmates Network

"To be honest, this little girl doesn't meet the requirements."


Qingqiu Tanyue rubbed her brows, "This little girl should have been transformed into a human from a beast."

Rota did not speak, and tacitly recognized it!

"My god position mainly takes the route of charm. Although the rabbit has a certain charm ability, it is not the right way. Even if she can pass the first test, what about the remaining tests?"


Actually, I don't have to worry about Xiao Wu. In the future, she will also ascend to the God Realm with Tang San, and can take charge of one of the two gods for Tang San at any time.

I think it is more appropriate to stay in this position!

"Well, I understand!" Rota then turned around.

Huang Yuan immediately noticed, and stepped forward and said, "Well, this god is actually nothing. Uncle Huang Yuan doesn't care much~"

Xiao Wu didn't care too much about this god position, because she didn't win it by herself, so she couldn't take the advantage of Ma.

"Well, Uncle Huang Yuan will teach you some tricks that are not worse than God~"

Xiao Wu was immediately happy when she heard that she was also a kind of lively girl. When Huang Yuan wanted to teach her moves, she was very interested.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, what is it, it's comparable to the moves of a god!"

It is not only Xiao Wu who is interested in this, but also Xiao Wu's mother, Daming and Erming.

"How should I say, what the uncle wants to teach you is physique, of course, don't underestimate this physique~"

"Don't worry, Uncle Huang Yuan! I won't underestimate physical skills. How can I say that the most used among soul beasts besides soul skills is melee physical skills!"

Hearing what Xiao Wu said, Huang Yuan touched her head, "Really good, then the uncle will give you special training from tomorrow~"

"Yeah!" Xiao Wu looked high in fighting spirit, very excited.

As for why it is tomorrow, it is Huang Yuan who intends to enjoy his vacation for a while.

"Ban, this time things really trouble you, I ran such a long way~" Although Huang Yuan and Ban are the same person, they still have to have the politeness they should have.

"Nothing, this discovery is not bad for me! If nothing happens, I will leave!"

Huang Yuan knows many things about Madara, such as Madara is in charge of teaching Bibi Dong physical art.

"Uncle Ban, go slowly!"

Xiao Wu said goodbye to Madara politely.

Rota thought for a while and still stretched out his right hand back to Xiao Wu and gave a thumbs up, as a response.

"So handsome!" Xiao Wu couldn't help sighing as she looked at Madara who left domineeringly.

This is not surprising at all, after all, Madara's face value is higher than that of Huang Yuan by several grades.Huang Yuan's face is one... more civilized than Bian.

"How about it, isn't Madara handsome~" Huang Yuan asked with interest when he came to Xiao Wu's back.

"Yes...Uncle Huang Yuan is also very handsome!"

Although I don't know if Xiao Wu's remarks were made for the sake of being close to him, Huang Yuan thinks that he is handsome as Xiao Wu!

Huang Yuan doesn't care about his appearance, on the contrary, he thinks his looks are interesting enough, but he doesn't know why everyone likes the lonely and handsome man like Madara!

After Madan left, Xiao Wu saw Huang Yuan lying on the recliner, so he jumped onto Huang Yuan with a smile and said, "Uncle Huang Yuan, tell us the story of Uncle Ban~"

"Well~ Xiao Wu can forgive the uncle, if Madara finds it, it won't be fun~" Huang Yuan didn't know if the main body would smash himself a tremor for imitation.

Thinking that Xiao Wu and the others are here, it is estimated that the ontology would not do this.

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