The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 114 Hey, Zuan Regards

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The Titan Great Ape seemed reluctant to hear Xiao Wu's injury to him, and tried his best to stop Xiao Wu, but Xiao Wu seemed to have no understanding, and directly shook the matter out.

Rota covered his face with a huge palm, and he felt that the animal life was bleak now.

At this time, the Azure Bull Python came to the Titan Great Ape to comfort and said: "Actually, this is not something unacceptable, and that guy is not an ordinary person~"

It was true that that guy had been in the ranks for 100,000 years, and he didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, and then he went crazy, as if he had to let All Star Dou Forest know that there was a spirit beast like him.

The Titan Great Ape seemed to want to move too, and put down the hand covering his face, "That's right, why don't you remember that kind of thing, it was the guy who attacked it anyway."

Huang Yuan came to the Titan Giant Ape at this time and said: "What kind of soul beast is that guy you are talking about~"

"It's the bloodthirsty bear, and the most combative clan in the Star Dou Great Forest, and the current momentum is even more swift!" The Titan Great Ape still has a deep contempt for them in his voice.

It's no wonder that, whether in the eyes of human society or soul beasts, this kind of guy who gets a little bit of benefit and advertises everywhere usually has no good end.

"Indeed, this guy is not the type that the old man likes, and it is indeed a suitable material for a target~ In that case, please bring that guy in~"

The Azure Bull Python looked at the Titan Great Ape, and the Titan Great Ape nodded to express understanding.

Just when the Titan Giant Ape was about to set off, Huang Yuan suddenly thought of an idea and stopped him, "Er Ming wait a minute, the old man will teach you something that can definitely arouse his interest~"

Afterwards, Huang Yuan came to the ear of the Titan Great Ape and quietly underestimated it. After all, there was a smirk in the eyes of the Titan Great Ape, "Will it be so bad~"

Although the Titan Great Ape said so, the expression in his eyes completely exposed him!

"No, say it with confidence~ In short, this is just a sentence that arouses anger~"

After that, the Titan Great Ape left to look for the bloodthirsty bear.

However, it is not so easy for the huge Star Dou Great Forest to find a soul beast, but it is much easier to find a bloodthirsty bear than other soul beasts.

The bloodthirsty bear likes to fight and invade. As long as you know the direction of his invasion, you can easily find him.

The Titan Great Ape just happened to know the direction of his recent invasion, and just look in that direction.

Sure enough, the bloodthirsty bear and the Titan Great Ape had always invaded in the same direction as expected.

Looking at the tragic surroundings, this guy must have loved the habitat of some soul beasts.

"This is a rare visitor, I really don't know what the last time the defeated man was doing in front of me?" The bloodthirsty bear looked at the Titan Great Ape arrogantly.

I have to say that the bloodthirsty bear is really good at picking things up, and it is also very good at reversing right from wrong.The last time he was clearly defeated by the Titan Giant Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python, it was because he slightly injured the Titan Giant Ape and began to distort the facts.

The Titan Great Ape also knew that it was not the time to be angry, so he calmed down the anger that was about to gush in his heart, and slowly said: "Don't you love fighting? I have a challenge here, do you dare to take it?"

"Oh? Then why do I have to accept it?"

The Titan Great Ape spit out without even thinking: "Bloodthirsty bear, nmsl!"

The huge bear face of the bloodthirsty bear showed a thick bewilderment, and the Titan Great Ape didn't do anything to change to a human...a beast, but he was so confused that he should be angry wherever he should be.

"You are so courageous, do you think he can pick me up? Last time, if it wasn't for your elder brother, Sky Blue Cattle Python, you were a shit!" ok composition website

This time, the Titan Great Ape really restrained his temper for an unprecedented time, and just looked at the bloodthirsty bear and said: "Can't you pick it up?"

"Of course! How could this uncle be afraid!" The bloodthirsty bear now just wants to give the guy who provokes him a hard hit.

"Very well, come with me! I'll tell you the rules when I get to the place!" The Titan Great Ape led the bloodthirsty bear and ran towards the "Daming Lake".

Not long after, the Titan Great Ape arrived at "Daming Lake" with a bloodthirsty bear.

"This is the venue for the game. Really, your head is not showing off. Playing in your own home is really yours!" For this beautiful treasure, the bloodthirsty bear does not want to destroy it. He still wants to be here as himself. Home.

"Don't worry, there will be no major problems, because the battle will not last long~" Huang Yuan's voice sounded.

The bloodthirsty bear looked at the talking yellow ape, and the disdain on his face suddenly increased a little, and he ruthlessly joked: "Are you so scared of me? Even humans have been found, and you still have soul beasts. A little bit of self-esteem?"

"They are friends of the old man. I heard that you have been a bit overwhelmed recently, so the old man volunteered to help his friends handle it~"

Hearing Huang Yuan's tone, the bloodthirsty bear's anger greatly increased. Facing himself, this guy was still the same slouchy look before, and he didn't seem to care about himself at all.

"You guy is very kind, and he said something like this!"

"The old man doesn't think I made a mistake~"

The bloodthirsty bear found that if he didn't teach the annoying guy in front of him a lesson today, he wouldn't understand how stupid his behavior was.

"What are the challenge rules you are talking about?" The bloodthirsty bear seemed to be impatient.

"The rule is that the old man and you are singled out. If we lose, we will leave this place collectively. If we win, we will take your life~"

Huang Yuan's words were already very concise and clear, and a pair of bloodthirsty bears gradually showed a strong murderous in their eyes, and the whole body was still wrapped in a scarlet aura.

"Very well, I accept it! Just get out of here obediently! Of course, you guys don't leave like alive!"

For Huang Yuan, the threat of the bloodthirsty bear is really not even a fart. Anyway, this guy doesn't live long, and it doesn't matter that he has a mouthful.

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape looked confident towards the Yellow Ape, and there was no worry in their eyes.The same is true for Xiao Wu, she has tremendous trust in Huang Yuan's strength.

"Giving your destiny to a human, I have to say that the two of you are really getting back alive! Today I will show you that humans are all weak ants, how wrong your choice today will be!"

The Azure Bull Python and Titan Great Ape all ignored the words of the bloodthirsty bear. The yellow ape is their friend, and they have no doubt about the strength of the yellow ape.

No matter how the bloodthirsty bear screams, the trust between friends will not be broken so easily.

"The old man advises you to think about your last words, don't have time to say it then~"

"A mere human, don't pretend to look high on me!" The bloodthirsty bear finally couldn't help but explode with huge spirit power.

The spirit power blew the navy cloak behind Huang Yuan, but Huang Yuan still stood firmly on the spot without shaking.

Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape also want to use this battle to see how far they are from Yellow Ape!

"Yellow Ape, let us see your true strength!" The sky green cow python only knows that Yellow Ape is better than himself, but how strong is still unknown!

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