The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 115 I am optimistic, this is domineering

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The violent spirit power released by the bloodthirsty bear began to rages, Xiao Wu's mother hurriedly protected Xiao Wu behind her, and now Xiao Wu could not stop such an impact.

The bloodthirsty bear stood upright, his huge body made Huang Yuan's three-meter height seem a bit small.

"Wow, it's really like a monster~" Huang Yuan said in a teasing tone, as if he had never put the bloodthirsty bear in his eyes.

"Don't even put me in your eyes? It seems that you are itchy!" Aside from the bloodthirsty bear, a huge bear paw with scarlet soul power patted the yellow ape.

Huang Yuan said unhurriedly: "You pay attention, this is the first kind of domineering that the old man will give you, seeing and hearing domineering ~" Huang Yuan easily turned around and escaped the bloodthirsty bear The huge slap.

"Seeing and smelling domineering, you can predict the opponent's next move through keen perception, and react to it ~ even practicing well can predict the short future~" Huang Yuan seemed to regard the bloodthirsty bear as air, and gave Xiao Dance and they explain what they see and hear and domineering.

"You guy has been whispering and muttering something!" The bloodthirsty bear became more and more angry as he listened to Huang Yuan's constant muttering.

Huang Yuan simply stretched out his arms to block in a direction where a bloodthirsty bear could not attack.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, it's empty!" Xiao Wu couldn't help but anxiously reminded.

Unexpectedly, the bloodthirsty bear's attack followed and collided with Huang Yuan's arm.

"How is it possible!" The bloodthirsty bear was full of disbelief, how exactly did this human being in front of him do it, and he was one step ahead of him.

"This is the domineering, as long as you can master it well, you can predict the enemy's attack like the old man~"

The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape were already stunned. It's not that they have too little knowledge, but that such moves are simply incredible.

"Next, the second kind of domineering, armed color domineering~"

The bloodthirsty bear roared: "Don't be proud, your grandpa bear will make you die ugly!"

"The so-called armed domineering is that the surface of the body is covered with a layer of invisible armor. After skilled practice, the surface of the body will be covered with a layer of black armor-like substance~"

It is useless to say more, Huang Yuan will demonstrate in person to really let them understand the power of armed sex!

The bloodthirsty bear has entered the rage mode at this moment. It was in this mode last time that the Titan Great Ape accidentally caught his way.

"Yellow Ape, be careful of his form!" The Titan Giant Ape couldn't help but reminded.

It's a pity that Huang Yuan is still standing steadily on the spot, seeming not to dodge, looking at the angry bloodthirsty bear very peacefully.

The spirit power erupted by the bloodthirsty bear caused the surrounding trees to start to crack, obviously it should be preparing some powerful move.

Xiao Wu's mother has secretly made preparations. If necessary, she will use the invincible golden body to help Huang Yuan buy time.

"Human, die!" The bloodthirsty bear burst out with violent spirit power and rushed towards the yellow ape.

The sky green cow python looked at the yellow ape without a trace of fear, obviously with full confidence, and then chose to believe in the yellow ape.

The Titan Great Ape looked at the Yellow Ape who was still motionless and planned to rush up, but was stopped by the Azure Bull Python.

"Big brother, stop me!"

"Calm down, is there a hint of worry about Huang Yuan's appearance? Let's trust Huang Yuan!"

Although the Titan Great Ape still wanted to refute something, he was obediently obedient when he thought about it. He should believe that the Yellow Ape was.

"Bloodthirsty Killing Palm!" The bloodthirsty mad bear waved the huge bear's paw at the yellow ape.

"Although I really want to kick you, the old man is demonstrating domineering, so this time I will deal with you in another way~"

Huang Yuan stretched out his right palm and aimed it at the huge body of the bloodthirsty bear... 127 novel

"All you can do now is to beg, human!"

Xiao Wu's mother is ready to take action at any time, and the Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Great Ape are also ready to go.

"Go to hell!" the bloodthirsty bear roared!

Huang Yuan spit out two words flatly: "Liuying~"

In an instant, an invisible force burst from Huang Yuan's palm.

The bloodthirsty bear was hit in the abdomen by this invisible impact without any accident.

The huge impact directly interrupted the bloodthirsty bear's attack and his entire body was beaten into a shrimp shape.

"this is……"


The huge invisible shock penetrated directly into the bloodthirsty bear's body, destroying all his organs from inside.

Huang Yuan used a little energy, and the invisible impact directly pierced the bloodthirsty bear's body, and the bright red internal organs were flying all over the sky!

"Impossible..." The bloodthirsty bear looked at Huang Yuan with desperate eyes. He didn't know what move it was until he died, how could it have such power.

As his huge hollow body fell to the ground, everything was calm...

The audience was silent, and the Titan Great Ape couldn't help touching his abdomen. Now he finally knew why the Yellow Ape asked himself to find other soul beasts...

With such a power, the Titan Great Ape thinks that he has no way to contend. It is impossible for him to directly penetrate a 100,000-year soul beast before. Such strange things have appeared alive today. In front of myself.

"I'm really embarrassed, it seems that I have used it a little bit more~" Huang Yuan said with a little embarrassment, scratching his head.

I had known that he had just tightened his strength, but I didn't expect to feel that he would confiscated his strength after a moment.

"Are you all right, the old man just made it a bit violent~" The main reason is that Xiao Wu is still watching in front of her. Although she is also a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast, she also looks like a child.

The sky green cow python swallowed, and the first one came over and said: "Yellow Ape, you are a monster!"

"Well~ Although the old man is stronger, but I don't want to be regarded as a monster~"

Until recently, the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Great Ape have truly seen the true strength of the Yellow Ape, which is incredible.

However, after thinking about such a powerful move, Huang Yuan intended to teach Xiao Wu, and quickly said to Xiao Wu: "Xiao Wu, you must study hard with Huang Yuan. After you learn it, you can protect yourself!"

"Xiao Wu must work hard!" Although Xiao Wu hasn't fully recovered from it, she also knows that she can't be immersed in it all the time.

"Uncle Huang Yuan, you taught us such a powerful move, what should we do..." Xiao Wu also asked sensibly. Huang Yuan has helped them a lot, but they...

Huang Yuan came to Xiao Wu, touched Xiao Wu's head and said: "Who said that, the uncle also got important things from you~"

Xiao Wu looked at Huang Yuan in confusion, she couldn't understand what Huang Yuan meant.

What answered Xiao Wu was Huang Yuan’s friendly smile!

Seeing Huang Yuan's smile, Xiao Wu also laughed happily, "Uncle Huang Yuan is so funny!"

On the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, Rota stopped and looked towards "Daming Lake", "Really, it's a pity not to be a teacher!"

Rota felt the spirit power that the bloodthirsty bear had just exploded from a long distance away, but it disappeared shortly afterwards, presumably it was solved by the yellow ape.

To deal with such a guy, Rota said that it doesn't take much effort. If he wants to go, he can knock down the bloodthirsty bear with a illusion!

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