You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Huang Yuan's exposed hand directly stared at the surrounding soul beasts, killing a hundred thousand year soul beast so easily, this power was too terrifying.

"Although I don't know if you can practice well, let's start learning. The time is short. The old man will leave the method to you, and you will have to work hard in the future~"

Huang Yuan’s vacation is only 15 days, and now he plans to spend it all on teaching.

Xiao Wu nodded resolutely. Seeing such a huge power, she couldn't wait for a long time. She must try to learn such a powerful move well, even if the power is not as powerful as Huang Yuan, she must at least improve her strength.

"It's great to have this determination. The training will be very hard and I hope you can stick to it~" Huang Yuan is not joking about this. He is usually very serious when talking about business.

Xiao Wu stared at Huang Yuan and nodded vigorously, "I see, Huang Yuan...Master!"

Huang Yuan didn't expect Xiao Wu to be so prosperous, so she changed her name to Master Huang Yuan, "You don't need to call it that way, let's call it Uncle Old Man~"

Huang Yuan heard that Xiao Wu was used to calling herself uncle, and after changing her name for a while, she became a little uncomfortable.

"Hehehe!" Xiao Wu smiled playfully.

In this way, time passed day by day, and every day Huang Yuan trained Xiao Wu to completely collapse.Although Xiao Wu is a girl, Huang Yuan has no such idea. If he wants to train strong skills, how can he not endure hardship?This has nothing to do with gender!

Xiao Wu, who was still white and clean, now wears different degrees of bruises on her body every day.In fact, this has reduced the intensity of training. If you practice according to the standards of the pirate, maybe Xiao Wu may be able to ascend to heaven on the spot.

During this period, the sky green cow python and the giant giant ape almost couldn't stand it for a few times. If they had not thought that they had agreed to the yellow ape not to intervene in the training before, they might have already argued with the yellow ape.

Although Xiao Wu's mother felt very distressed, Huang Yuan did everything for Xiao Wu's good, and Xiao Wu's mother could also understand Huang Yuan's intentions.

Xiao Wu has only two states every day, rest and training!In addition, the time is relatively short, Huang Yuan must train Xiao Wu to a certain level in a short time!

"It's so light, the method of exerting force is wrong~ come again~" Huang Yuan pointed out after receiving a whip from Xiao Wu.

"Okay, got it!" Xiao Wu couldn't make a joke either. After several days of training, she had put away her playful character.

This training is not a joke, you may get injured if you are not careful.In a state of full concentration, you will get hurt, let alone run a small run, Xiao Wu dare not open and can't open.

"In addition, try to believe in your own feelings~ Otherwise, you will never realize the domineering appearance~"

Huang Yuan still discovered Xiao Wu's biggest problem right now. She still couldn't fully delegate her judgment to her senses, and she still used her mind to assist her judgment.

It's okay if you don't practice domineering. If you want to practice domineering, you must use your senses to judge.

Hearing Huang Yuan's explanation, Xiao Wu also tried to let go of her body, doing everything by feeling.

A series of attacks have been avoided by Huang Yuan in a row, "Not bad~ The comprehension is really strong like a monster~"

At this rate, it shouldn't be a big problem for Xiao Wu to get started in 15 days. After that, it depends on Xiao Wu's own efforts!

Time passed quickly and the 15-day holiday was used up. Huang Yuan was training Xiao Wu every day.The expression of these trainings is also very obvious. If Xiao Wu could not hold up a move in front of the water ape, now she can hold on for a quarter of an hour with the domineering just getting started.

Looking at Xiao Wu panting, Huang Yuan recalled the bits and pieces that had happened before. Although it didn't take long, but because of training every day, his memory was still very deep.

"It's been 15 days before I knew it~"

Xiao Wu didn't feel that 15 days had passed. She felt that maybe only a few days had passed, and she never thought that 15 days had passed.

"Uncle..." Qiandu Chinese Website

"To be honest, Xiao Wu, you really shocked the uncle, your talent is very good, this training is considered to be somewhat effective~"

"Then, uncle, are you leaving again?" Xiao Wu seemed to be a little bit reluctant, but she also knew that Huang Yuan could not be with herself all the time.

"That's right, the uncle's vacation is also used up, it's time to go back~"

Xiao Wu lowered her head and said, "Does the uncle have to work in Wuhun Hall?"

"Yes, after all, you can paddle that the old man can find some fun in life~"

Xiao Wu was not so selfish either, nor continued to discuss this topic, just silently nodded.

The sky green bull python and the giant giant ape also came to Huang Yuan to bid farewell to the yellow ape, "I'm sorry to trouble you this time, yellow ape!" The sky green bull python sincerely thanked them.

It was the first time they saw someone like Huang Yuan who helped spirit beasts. This was also unprecedented.

"Good journey, Huang Yuan!" The Titan Great Ape beat his chest and sent off to Huang Yuan.

"The old man will say goodbye to you here, remember to supervise Xiao Wu's exercise~"

"It must be!" Sky Green Cattle Python agreed without hesitation.

"This is for Xiao Wu's good, but you can't be too laissez-faire~" Huang Yuan reminded the sky green bull python with special kindness, and the sky green bull python couldn't help but stunned.

Huang Yuan is really keen, and he can directly see through his inner thoughts, what a terrifying guy!

According to the plan of the sky green cow python, Huang Yuan can make Xiao Wu relaxed after he leaves. The amount of Xiao Wu training these days is terrible and scary.

Huang Yuan actually said that. As for how they arranged that was their business, Huang Yuan turned into a flash and flew into the distant sky.

"Xiao Wu, you have to remember what your Uncle Huang Yuan said, you can't lose your training." The sky green cow python said to Xiao Wu sympathetically.

"Yeah, Uncle Huang Yuan is right. Although it is very hard, these moves have really made me stronger. I can't live up to my uncle's expectations!" Xiao Wu's eyes were full of determination.

The sky green cow python couldn't say anything when seeing such a determined Xiao Wu. In fact, he also considered Xiao Wu's hard work and was in good intentions.

However, it seemed that Xiao Wu didn't feel the hard work, but was very interested. The Green Bull Python had nothing to say that day, just a few simple words.

"Everything requires a combination of work and rest, Xiao Wu, you don't have to make yourself too tired all day, it will have the opposite effect!"

Hearing the sky green cow python's concern for herself, Xiao Wu nodded: "Don't worry, Daming! I will definitely not let myself hurt!"

"Said that I won't hurt myself, but the whole body is hurt. Come and ask my mother to give you some medicine!" Xiao Wu's mother said softly.

Xiao Wu's mother used herbs to wipe the injured area on Xiao Wu's body. This is a medicinal material they often use, and the effect is surprisingly good.

When Xiao Wu's mother gave Xiao Wu medicine, Xiao Wu couldn't help but scream because of the stimulation of the wound.

"Be patient!"

Xiao Wu nodded. Although she suffered some injuries, Xiao Wu thought that she was worth the effort.She discovered a new world through this period of training.

Huang Yuanjiao's these moves are extremely practical, and the most important thing is that they don't consume soul power, which is the most powerful!

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