You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!After fighting with Tang Hao, Rota was also satisfied. I have to say that although this battle was not comparable to that of Qianshou Zhuma and Bamen Yekai, it also made Rota feel endless fun.

Tang Hao has also become the only powerhouse in the Douluo world to be praised by Madara!

Tang Hao also obtained the companion Horcrux during his trip, which can be said to be a bumper harvest.Rota also felt satisfied after competing with Tang Hao.

"Feiyu, you will take care of this in the future, and Bai Jue will stay and help you." Rota gave Feiyu an order.

Feiyu bowed respectfully, "Understood, respected master!"

Tang Hao and A Yin were able to teleport themselves into the secret realm of the Star Sky anytime and anywhere because Rota gave some control rights.

Tang Hao obtained the companion Horcrux and planned to continue his journey with Ah Yin, and Rota would continue to go back to teach Bibi Dong Physical Art.

When they parted, Tang Hao and Ma Pain happily drank a drink in the Star Sky Secret Realm. Tang Hao became drunk and fell directly into A Yin's arms.

Rota used Chakra to dissolve the alcohol, which is equivalent to drinking but not drunk.

"It seems that I am better than drinking!" Rota said with a rare smile.

"It's really rare, it's the first time I saw Madara with a normal smile like you!" A Yin covered his mouth and said, touching Tang Hao's face while talking.

"Is that so? Haha, I will leave first, and you will leave after Tang Hao wakes up!"

Just when Rota was about to get up and leave, Ah Yin said, "Bara, thank you! This place is a very leisurely place, very suitable for living!"

Why didn't Rota know what she meant, waved his hand and said: "It's all right, it's just a small matter!"

A Yin knew that being with Tang Hao would definitely cause a lot of trouble, and that there was such a hidden place, it was really much safer.

After Ban came out of the Star Sky Secret Realm, he hurried to the position of Wuhun City at his highest speed.

One day has passed since Rota was on his way. Bibi Dong was pacing back and forth in his home, obviously feeling a little uneasy!

Madara hadn't appeared for two days. Although he had told himself that he had something in the past two days, she just couldn't help thinking about him.

"Bibi Dong, what's the matter with you!" Bibi Dong couldn't help asking himself.

"Roar, do you want to learn physical skills after only two days?"

Bibi Dong was thinking about the problem and suddenly heard this sudden voice, and hurriedly said: "Didn't I say that I should knock on the door before disturbing me... Madara!"

Bibi Dong reacted after realizing it. After rubbing her eyes to confirm that it was not dazzling, "Scaly...Scaly... just not... deliberately... shouting at you~"

Even if a domineering queen-level figure like Bibi Dong is arrested, she will become such a coy look.

Rota smiled playfully, "Huh, I haven't seen you for two days, just like this. Let's see how you will be in power in the future!"

The blush on Bibi Dong's face gradually appeared, and everything Rota said was true, and she could not deny it.

"Well, I won't tease you! Ask you a question, do you know the companion Horcrux?"

Bibi Dong naturally didn't know this kind of thing, Rota raised an eyebrow: "This is for you!"

Rota threw a crown to Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong hurriedly took it, and then looked at Madara with a grimace. Can't he be a gentleman if he is a big man?

But this crown is really beautiful, Bibi Dong was attracted by the style and workmanship of this crown.

"Bara, is this?" Bibi Dong looked at Rota expectantly.

"Humph, let me give you a gift for your physical training so hard!"

Bibi Dong took off his saint's headgear, put on this gorgeous crown, and then went to the mirror to pose and watch.33 Novel Network

"Come on, it's not clothes!" Rota sighed helplessly.

"Mabra, you men don't understand!" Bibi Dong was still posing, and by the way he turned around and asked Rota: "Mabra, am I beautiful?"

"What do you look like, don't you feel compelling?" Rota just replied lightly.

Hmph, I want me Uchiha Madara to praise you, except for my initiative, other ways are impossible.

Bibi Dong pouted, "Really!"

"You should inject your soul power into the crown first. This thing is not just for decoration!"

Bibi Dong then transferred his soul power into the crown, and something astonishing happened. The crown glowed with a lavender light and then entered Bibi Dong's body.

"This is!" Bibi Dong exclaimed.

Rota didn't make any expressions, and she would understand it herself afterwards. How could a smart person like her not understand things that even Tang Hao understood.

After a while, Bibi Dong was relieved from the shock, and hurriedly leaned in front of Rota and asked, "Maa, what is this, it is... so incredible!"

"Remember the companion Horcrux I just told you about? No, this is it!"

Bibi Dong covered his mouth, "That was the companion Horcrux you mentioned just now! This is too..."

"Doda (how), is this gift satisfactory?"

Rota closed his eyes and looked smug, but after a few seconds he still didn't hear Bibi Dong's voice, which was a bit strange.

Just when Rota was about to open his eyes to take a look at the situation, he suddenly felt a soft body in his arms.

"This guy!" No need to guess that Bibi Dong is right, but this Nizi is too proactive!

"Hey, Bibi Dong, what are you doing, let me go within three seconds!" Rota pretended to be angrily. In fact, his heart has blossomed, but he still has to maintain the appearance of Madan's cold male god.

"It won't be loose!" Bibi Dong was also excited, not listening to Rota at all.

Anyway, Rota's original intention was not to let Bibi Dong let go and just behave a little.

"Forget it, don't entangle with you woman! You can talk about the effects of your companion Horcrux!"

"Well, my companion Horcrux is called the Crown of Dawn of God! The main effect is to increase your mental power by 200%, and is immune to psychedelic spirit skills below the god level, and the psychedelic spirit skills of god level will be reduced by 50%. And all the attacks of spirit abilities come with psychedelic effects, and a slight incompetence will cause the opponent to fall into an illusion."

After finishing talking, Bibi Dong stood up to her majestic twin peaks and looked very proud.

"Yes, at least you should be under one person in terms of illusion." Rota rarely admired.

"Why is it under one person?" Bibi Dong was a little puzzled. With such a strong mental power, when he broke through to the Title Douluo level, who would be his opponent.

"Bibi Dong, are you floating?" Rota did not answer Bibi Dong but asked silently.

Bibi Dong shook her head. She was not drifting, she was just telling the truth, "Then who else can compare to me in illusion?"

"Did you forget me Uchiha Madara?"

Bibi Dong thought what Madara wanted to say, but he didn't expect Madara to say something like this, so he smiled and said, "Maara, your physical skills and some other moves are very powerful. I really have nothing to say, but you can't say yours. Illusion is also very strong!"

Bibi Dong has never seen Uchiha Madara use illusion, so he doesn't know what Madara's illusion ability is. In her opinion, Madara will always have some shortcomings, it is impossible to be strong in all aspects!

"It seems that you need to experience my Uchiha Madara's illusion baptism!" Although Bibi Dong said that she is not floating, it is clear that she is already floating in the floating, and Rota needs to wake her up.

The powerful tail beast with nine tails is not to be called father in front of Madara, nor is it still submissive by Madara. Bibi Dong's one-sided idea is not advisable.

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