The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 126: Are You Having Trouble With Me?

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Bibi Dong also got a little temper, "Come on!" She really doesn't believe that Madara's mental power is stronger than hers, and her mental power is not weak, coupled with the increase in the accompanying Horcrux, it can be said to be Like a tiger with wings.

Rota shook his head helplessly, it seemed that Bibi Dong had to see the real illusion of writing round eyes.

Rota didn't plan to use some particularly powerful illusions, or it would be troublesome for Bibi Dong to indulge in illusions too deeply.

"Leave the horse here, Madara!" Bibi Dong eagerly wanted to prove that he was stronger than Madara.

"as you wish!"

After Rota finished speaking, he slowly opened his own kaleidoscope writing wheel, and it was not necessary to open the eternal kaleidoscope to deal with Bibi Dong.

"What kind of eyes are these!" Bibi Dong couldn't help exclaiming as he looked at Rota's scarlet and mysterious lines.

In all, this should be the first time Bibi Dong saw Rota using these eyes. It was not surprising that he was a little surprised.

Bibi Dong just looked at Rota's eyes and fell into the illusion for an instant.

"Where is this...?" Bibi Dong watched the drastically changed environment, but didn't realize what was strange.Bibi Dong has fallen into the illusion very deep, naturally can't wake up by his own strength, the future may be acceptable.

Bibi Dong was suddenly surrounded by a huge maze. The walls of the maze were as high as a mountain, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.

"Get out as soon as possible!" Bibi Dong knew what to do in his heart, but his body just couldn't move.

"If you don't get out of the maze within an hour, you will have to endure 100 high-temperature flames in a minute." Rota's ruthless words were heard in the dark.

"Bara! Where are you?" Bibi Dong was already in a daze now, he couldn't even see such an obvious reminder.

Rota looked at Bibi Dong who was dumbfounded and shook his head. It seemed that he was busy, not only physical skills, but also illusion resistance.

Although Bibi Dong's companion Horcrux can withstand illusion attacks, it seems that the effect has not been fully exerted.There is also a possibility that Rota's illusion has surpassed God.

Just now Rota used the simplest type of illusion, Bibi Dong's own mental power plus the increase in the accompanying Horcrux should be no problem.

"Let's untie it first!" Now Bibi Dong is too embarrassing, Rota can't stand it anymore.

After the illusion touch, Bibi Dong still didn't seem to get out of that psychedelic state, so Rota stretched out his finger and flicked his brain on Bibi Dong's forehead.

This bullet made Bibi Dong awake, "Where am I..."

Rota looked helplessly at Bibi Dong, who was holding his head. It seemed that he needed to explain himself!

Rota then told Bibi Dong what had happened, and then asked: "So, why do you get a illusion so easily with the companion Horcrux?"

Bibi Dong was a little embarrassed, "Could you not say..."

"No!" Rota wouldn't fight on this serious issue now haha.

"Well, because it's Madara you are releasing the illusion, I didn't have much defense, and then...just..." Bibi Dong explained while observing Madara's face.

Sure enough, Madara's face turned black for an instant, "Hoo, are you still playing?"

"This is not Madara, let me explain!"

"The illusion that I released can definitely be unlocked with your strength, but it turned out that it made me think for a long time because of this reason, you and I are having trouble!"

Bibi Dong kept his head down silently, knowing that he was wrong. Bibi Dong is usually a prestigious leader. After all, he is also the candidate for the next pope. It is normal to be a little deterrent.But her deterrence is not worth mentioning in front of Madara, and she can't compare with Madara in terms of aura.

"I won't care about you this time, and don't play around during the next training!" Rota also knew that everything must have a degree.

"Bara, you are the best!" Bibi Dong cheered happily, now it seems that he doesn't have the seriousness of being a pope in the future.

"Then try again, don't mess around this time!" 19th Floor Literature

Knowing that Bibi Dong was making a mess for the first time, Rota directly added a little intensity for the second time, and it really took Bibi Dong a lot of energy to unlock it.

"Woo... Madara, you didn't expect your illusion... to be so strong..." Bibi Dong said slowly while looking at Madara with one eye open.

Bibi Dong's clothes were also soaked with sweat when she first got rid of the trouble of illusion.

Rota admits that he is an old-fashioned critic, but now he is playing Madara, so he can't get rid of it. Wait until the degree of acting reaches 80%!

"Hmph, just can't stand it with just such a little strength? It seems that you have to go through a lot of training!" Rota said sternly, without any pity at all because of the big beauty in front of him.

Bibi Dong had experienced physical training with Madara before and gradually adapted to Madara's personality.Although Madara's actions are indeed difficult to understand sometimes, it is all for her good, and she can know this.

Strictly training physical skills is to make yourself stronger!

"In the future, while teaching you physical skills, I will also conduct illusion resistance training on you!"

"Okay, I get it! I'm obedient!"

"It's almost the same! Take a good digest today!" Rota planned to leave after speaking, and went to Huang Yuan to rub a cup of tea.

"Um... Madara, can you please help me with something?" Bibi Dong asked with a hint of uncertainty.

"Say!" Rota stood at the door and turned back.

"Can you sit down first?"


Not long after, Bibi Dong sat opposite Rota, and the two looked at each other face to face.

Bibi Dong was burnt by Rota's face, and his eyes didn't dare to look directly at the spots.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about me...girl...children..." Bibi Dong's voice became smaller and smaller.

"Daughter? What happened?" Rota continued to ask.

Bibi Dong didn't expect that Madara didn't care at all, so he felt relieved, and then said, "Because that guy, you don't know who it is! I gave birth to a daughter, her name is Qian Renxue... although not me I mean, but at any rate, it is also my child, so can you please help me see her recent situation!"

Rota knew about Qian Renxue, and to be honest, she felt sorry for Qian Renxue. If that's the case, just help her out.

"That's okay, but where is she now?" Although Ban knew Qian Renxue, he didn't know anything about Qian Renxue's information.

"If you remember correctly, she is the saint of the elder hall, she should be 5 years old now, and Qian Daoliu is taking care of her." Bibi Dong doesn't know much because she rarely comes into contact with Qian Renxue.

"Is the elder hall? Wouldn't it be better to let Huang Yuan go?" After Rota finished speaking, he looked at Bibi Dong and found that the other party was full of anger.


"Let Huang Yuan go with you are two concepts!"

Rota also realized this, and it was indeed his negligence just now.

"Okay, I see, it's really noisy!"

Bibi Dong's small eyes stared at Madara again, and after staring for a while, he heard Madara say: "It's useless to stare at it anyway, you can't help me anyway!"

"Okay, let's not talk to you, I'll discuss it with Huang Yuan!"

Bibi Dong also smiled slightly when looking at Madara, who was gradually moving away, "Maara is good at all points, just the character... Actually, it's not that annoying!"

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