The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 129 Gentle Spot

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Don't hit me on this matter, Huang Yuan! This time you will deduct your salary if you are not active!" Qian Daoliu naturally knew how to threaten Huang Yuan.

On the surface, Huang Yuan raised his hands and became soft, "Hey, hey, you are the boss, listen to you~"

Huang Yuan also contacted Ryder and the others recently, and their development has improved a lot. With the addition of Xing Lan, it is even more enjoyable.Especially Ryder was signed by Tang Hao, good fellow, who works harder than anyone else!

After Tongbaoge develops in the future, that one...100 million little bit of still to be paid!

Huang Yuan found out that the salary in the Palace of the Elders was really high. Of course, this would not buy Huang Yuan out. After all, Huang Yuan was only acting on the surface.

"If you know it, act quickly!" Qian Daoliu hurriedly shouted while looking at the yellow ape who was pestering aside.

"I understand, don't worry~"

Huang Yuan casually turned into a flash of light towards the direction designated by Qian Daoliu.

Huang Yuan knew that Qian Renxue was definitely not in any danger, but just wandered around.

Qian Daoliu sighed heavily, but this time he was grossly negligent!

After waiting for a long time, Jin Crocodile also came to Qian Daoliu, "Great worship!"

"Golden Crocodile, just right, you and I are going to search this direction!"

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile did not waste time and immediately launched a search.

At the place where the west of Wuhun City bordered the Star Dou Great Forest, Luo Ta put down Qian Renxue and turned around to reach a huge boulder not far away.

Although Qian Renxue is more mature than his peers, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not panic when faced with such a situation.What's more, Rota stared at him with cold eyes, and asked which child was not afraid.

Qian Renxue's ability to restrain herself from crying was already very commendable.

There was a long silence, it seemed that Rota deliberately let Qian Renxue slow down, and then Rota spoke: "Are you... Qian Renxue?"

"Yeah..." Qian Renxue replied in a low voice, fearing that Rota would be offended.

"I didn't introduce myself just now, my name is Uchiha Madara, you can call me Madara!"

When Qian Renxue heard Rota's introduction, she drowned and spoke slowly: "Ban..."

"Well, very good! I was sent by your mother Bibi Dong!" Rota didn't sloppy at all and straightforwardly pointed out his identity.

When Qian Renxue heard her mother's name, there seemed to be a gleam in her eyes, but it quickly dissipated. She didn't know how to face her mother.

Qian Daoliu told her about her life experience very early. Although she mentioned some things vaguely, she was as smart as Qian Renxue and couldn't understand it.

Bibi Dong hasn't seen her much in recent years. She didn't feel Bibi Dong's love for her. On the contrary, she showed a little disgust when meeting Bibi Dong once.

"Why would she let... Madara, you come to me?" Qian Renxue asked tentatively.

"Not why, just want to see how well you have been recently!"

Qian Renxue lowered her head, her beige hair hanging down her face, "How can she care about me? She hasn't cared about me all these years. Maybe she just wants to be the next pope!"

There was a little choking in Qian Renxue's tender voice...

Rota also knew the direct relationship between Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's mother and daughter. It was impossible to say that Bibi Dong really didn't love Qian Renxue, otherwise he wouldn't beg Tang San not to kill Qian Renxue.

Rota is the worst at dealing with this kind of things, just taking advantage of Bibi Dong's opportunity to let him come this time, he also wanted to adjust the contradiction between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong as much as possible.

Although Qian Renxue has received a lot of education from Qian Daoliu, she is still young and still has time.It would be a lot more difficult to really wait until later to enlighten. At that time she will have her own opinion.Century Novel Network

Qian Renxue is still young and his autonomy is not too strong yet.

Of course, for the current Rota, there is nothing that cannot be solved with one illusion. If there is, there will be two.But this is not a random character, can not use illusion such a strong method.

Rota was silent for a while, and said flatly: "You think Bibi Dong doesn't care about you, why do you want me to see you?"

Qian Renxue really didn't expect this, and quickly retorted: "Maybe...maybe...this is where she can get me..." The more she talked about it, the smaller her voice became.

Rota paused and asked again: "Then do you know who I am?"

"Ban?" Qian Renxue replied suspiciously.

Rota shook his head, "Does the previous Martial Soul Hall Saint Child know? It's the Spirited Away, you know?"

Qian Renxue nodded obediently.

"I killed it!"

Rota didn't say anything else, just said these three words.

Qian Renxue was also stunned, she didn't expect that the spot in front of her would be the person who caused grandpa so much headache.In the previous confrontation with Qian Daoliu, Qian Daoliu had actually revealed Madara's identity, but Qian Renxue's brain was a little dazed at that time, and he hadn't heard the content at all.

"Bibi Dong, even at the risk of asking me to see you, do you know how much she values ​​you?" Rota asked calmly.

"Why don't you let her confidant come to see me?" Qian Renxue asked puzzledly.

Rota knew that she would ask, and came to Qian Renxue and squatted down and looked into her eyes and said, "Because she has no confidant other than me and Huang Ape!"

Of course, the ghost and the moon pass are also confidants, but they cannot be exposed yet, so Rota does not intend to disclose it first, mainly because in case Qian Renxue said that he missed his mouth, the ghost and the moon pass do not have the ability to protect themselves.

"Qian Renxue, do you know how bad the relationship between Bibi Dong and Chihiro Ji is?" Rota's tone was slightly stern, because it needed a little atmosphere at this time.

Qian Renxue really didn't know this aspect, and she didn't know what to do.Whether she should believe Madara or not, she doesn't know, after all, she is just a little girl.

Rota has said what Maan has said for a lifetime, but it is useless to talk too much. Seeing Qian Renxue now looking confused, Rota knew that her mind might have been confused.

Rota made a smiling expression with Madara’s face as much as possible, and tried to put it lightly: "These things may not be acceptable to you now, but you will understand in the future! You can change the topic. It doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Qian Renxue felt a lot more relaxed when she heard that Madara didn't continue to say the things that made her mind swell, and she was less restrained when facing Madara.At least she knew that Madara was not a bad person!

"Mabra, can you listen to me?" Qian Renxue looked at the tall Mabra in front of him with watery eyes.

"No problem, but wait a moment!"

Rota took out a scroll, how could such an important thing not be prepared in advance?

With a puff of white smoke from the scrolls, a clean stall appeared, followed by some delicious snacks.

"It would be better to say while eating!" Rota squinted and smiled. This should be the first gentle smile he played Madara.

Qian Renxue looked at the beautiful and delicious snacks that appeared in front of her, and could not help but wiped the saliva from her mouth. She looked at the spot who was sitting on the carpet and said, "Can you?"

"of course!"

Qian Renxue got Madara's permission, picked up his favorite cake and ate it happily. After a while, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Looking at Qian Renxue's cheeks full of snow, Rota shook his head, "What a cute little guy!"

"Eat slowly, be careful of choking!"

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