You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!For a long time, Qian Renxue touched her swollen belly and sighed contentedly, "It's delicious!" Qian Renxue was not unable to eat these foods, but Qian Renxue usually looked very rigorously and ate everything. Specially prepared food, rarely can you taste what is in the dim sum store outside.

"How about it, are you in a better mood?" Rota asked.

Qian Renxue nodded happily, and said happily, "Hmm! I feel better now than before!"

"Well, in that case, please tell me the recent troubles, and vomit it quickly!"

As expected, Qian Renxue was not as annoyed as before, and agreed very happily, and then talked about what happened to her.

"Grandpa said, then I will be assigned to the Tiandou Empire to replace a prince, so that I can take the Tiandou Empire without any effort, but... then it should be tormented!" Qian Renxue, although young , But the consideration is very comprehensive.Replacing a prince is definitely not so easy, and you have to endure the depression of fear and fear.

Rota also roughly understood what Qian Renxue was worried about now, but simply didn't understand why his grandfather wanted to enter the Heaven Dou Empire to replace a prince.

"Hmph, it's not a big deal, if this is the case, you can really take down the Heaven Dou Empire without any effort, and you can also help your mother Bibi Dong!"

Because of Madara’s relationship with Bibi Dong’s view, Qian Renxue has changed a little bit, and asked somewhat puzzledly: "Why did you help her?"

"Bibi Dong also wants to unify the mainland, this is not necessarily a bad thing, but these things have to be done after her succession to the pope, but it will be sooner or later!" Rota deliberately raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Renxue. .

Qian Renxue seemed to understand, and nodded to Rota.

"If this is the case, I can also try... But it should be very hard... Will it be discovered?" Qian Renxue didn't feel so disgusted to go to Tiandou after listening to Rota.

It's just that she has been worried about whether she will show her feet, so she is also a little unconfident.

Rota knelt down and touched Qian Renxue's head, "Don't worry, I will arrange everything for you that day!"

"Really?!" Qian Renxue looked at Rota excitedly.

"Of course, I'm Madara, I keep my promise!"

Just when Rota and Qian Renxue were having a good chat, a huge lizard spirit beast suddenly appeared in the large forest behind him.

"Ban, there is a thorny lizard, at least 5000 years old!" Qian Renxue noticed this hostile soul beast.

Qian Renxue was a little anxious looking at Madara's motionless back to the soul beast, never thought that Rota put one hand on Qian Renxue's shoulder, and said peacefully: "You just saw me fighting with your grandpa. Is the scene right? What's so scary about the 5,000-year-old soul beast?"

Qian Renxue only remembered that Madara had just played with his grandfather regardless of high or low. There is no need to worry about the 5,000-year-old spirit beast.

Qian Renxue's face flushed slightly, she suddenly forgot what happened before and made a joke.

"Ban..." Qian Renxue was a little embarrassed to look at Madan.

"Wait a minute, I'll deal with it!"

Rota stood straight and looked at the lizard soul beast behind him, coldly spit out a few words: "Do you want to die? Get out if you don't want to!"

While threatening, Rota released a little bit of murderous aura, as if feeling the aura of death, the lizard soul beast in front of him trembled.

The lizard soul beast wanted to evacuate this dangerous place, but found that its limbs were completely out of control.One did not control it, and the lizard soul beast lay directly on the ground and completely collapsed.

It looked at this extremely "tall" human in horror, it felt the endless murderous aura, and simply fainted.

Qian Renxue who was watching the battle hurriedly clapped when she saw this incredible scene. Although she didn't know how the soul beast was solved, the problem was not big.

"Ban, that's amazing!" Qian Renxue came to the lizard spirit beast lying on the ground and observed it closely. This lizard spirit beast had no skin trauma at all. It seemed that it might be a mental attack or some other attack means.Must-Read House

"It's not a big deal, it's just a mere 5,000-year-old soul beast. Just a illusion can solve it!"

"Illusion?" Qian Renxue suddenly heard this strange name, "Is the illusion the same trick you just used?"

Rota nodded and then spoke in more plain language: "In fact, it is not difficult to understand, you can just use the spirit and soul skills at that time."

Qian Renxue opened her mouth slightly and looked at Rota with a hint of admiration in her eyes!

As for this annoying soul beast, Rota didn't kill it, just let him sleep.

"It's been so long since I've been out, grandpa should be anxious!" Qian Renxue only talked with Madara and forgot that her grandpa was still worried about her.

"Don't worry about this, but I have to make Qian Daoliu pay a price!" Rota thinks that the effect of bringing Qian Renxue out today is still very good. After all, this kind of thing is slowly and urgently. No.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a little worried when she heard Ma's words, and gently pulled the corners of Ma's clothes, "Maa, can you not hurt Grandpa..."

Although Rota said that Qian Daoliu paid the price, it was actually just talking. Rota just wanted to take this opportunity to fight a good fight. The previous discussions with Qian Daoliu were all trials.

This time, Rota plans to come to a huge battle feast, and strive to increase Madara's imitation to 80% through this battle.

"Don't worry, I just want to have a good discussion with your grandfather, after all, such strong people are rare."

Qian Renxue was also relieved to hear that Rota didn't intentionally hurt Qian Daoliu. She still had a deep feeling for Qian Daoliu, and she didn't want Qian Daoliu to be injured.

"Can you promise not to tell anyone about these things that happened today?" Rota stared at Qian Renxue earnestly.

"Can't you tell Grandpa?"


Qian Renxue looked at Rota firmly and nodded after thinking for a moment: "Don't worry, Madara! I won't say anything about today."

Hearing Qian Renxue's reply, Rota also smiled, "Yo Xi, this is the secret between us, pull the hook!"

Rota stretched out her little finger, Qian Renxue also stretched out her little finger, and then the two little thumbs were hooked tightly together.

"Then, it's almost time. Come out. I've been watching the theater for a long time!"

Qian Renxue looked around, as if observing the surroundings.

"Bara, who are you talking about?" Qian Renxue looked at Rota suspiciously.

"This is here!" Rota raised her eyebrows, and Qian Renxue immediately looked behind her.

A familiar figure made Qian Renxue exclaimed: "Yellow ape worship!"

"It came on time!"

"Okay, okay, you didn't call the old man to come over~" Huang Yuan had originally planned to wander around, but he received Rota's message after a short stroll.

If it wasn't for Rota who suddenly wanted to compete with Qian Daoliu and the others, Huang Yuan wouldn't need to come here specifically.

"I will trouble you this time, Huang Yuan! I beg you to spread the word!"

Huang Yuan sighed helplessly, "Hey, I'm leaving now, and you guys should prepare a little too~"

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