The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 131 Tool Ape

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Qian Renxue was stunned by the scene just now. She really didn't expect that Ma would meet Huang Yuan to worship, and now she was more and more curious about what kind of person Ma Ma was.

"Ban, you know Huang Yuan's worship..." Qian Renxue stared at Madan blankly.

"Hahaha, I am friends with Huang Yuan, but I am born to like to fight haha!" Rota laughed openly.

Qian Renxue was also amused. Hearing Qian Daoliu said that the new Yellow Ape worship was a too lazy guy, she did not expect to have such an aggressive friend.

"It's hard to imagine that you and Huang Yuan will be friends!" Qian Renxue smiled covering her mouth.

"Nothing is impossible, well, it's almost time to set off." Rota quickly disappeared into the forest with Qian Renxue.

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile returned to the place to wait for the yellow ape after searching to no avail.

Jin Crocodile looked at Qian Daoliu with a sad face and said: "Great worship, don't worry, although Huang Yuan is usually lazy, he works very seriously!"

Qian Daoliu glanced at Jin Crocodile helplessly. Why wouldn't Jin Crocodile even say a word of comfort? When did Huang Yuan go out to work?

Forget it, Qian Daoliu is not in the mood to fight with Jin Crocodile here at this moment.

At this time, a golden flash in the distance flew towards Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile.

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile both knew that Huang Yuan was here, so they didn't care much. Qian Daoliu only hoped Huang Yuan could bring some good news to themselves.

"The old man is back, make a big offering~"

"Okay, don't waste me time, just talk about the topic!"

Huang Yuan put his hands in his pockets and slowly said, "There are two news, one is good and the other is bad~ Do you want to hear good news or bad news?"

"Okay!" Qian Daoliu replied angrily.

"The good news is that the old man has found Qian Renxue~"

Qian Daoliu's eyes were clearly brighter, and obviously these words gave him great hope.

"What about the bad news?" Qian Daoliu wished that there was no such bad news, but there was nothing he could do. Seeing Huang Yuan did not bring Qian Renxue back, he must have encountered some difficulties!But now it is fortunate that Qian Renxue has found it.

"The bad news is that Uchiha Madara said that he wanted to have a fight with Daishi and Jin Crocodile. Of course, there can be only a lot more people. If he is satisfied, he can put it back to Senrenxue~"

In Qian Daoliu's view, as long as Qian Renxue is fine, it is not bad news, it is nothing more than fighting.

"Huh..., Xueer is fine, isn't it just trying to fight me Qian Daoliu? It's so troublesome! For Xueer, have I ever backed down!" Qian Daoliu's momentum rose in an instant.

At this time, Jin Crocodile thought of something and said: "Huang Yuan, you just said he can let us call any number of people? Then we can call the other elders together, maybe we can take the opportunity to get rid of Uchiha Madara! "

Originally Jin Crocodile thought Qian Daoliu would also agree, but he did not expect Qian Daoliu to oppose the first one.

"Absurd! Jin Crocodile, are you saying that the old man is not enough to deal with that hairy boy?" Qian Daoliu's stern tone made Jin Crocodile afraid to speak again.

"Huang Yuan, you also join the war!" Qian Daoliu said in a commanding tone.

Huang Yuan stroked his head leisurely, "I'm afraid the old man can't do anything about this, because he has already fought with the old man before and is no longer interested in the old man. If the old man disturbs him, just go straight~"

Qiandaoliu cut!

"Where is it?"

"Old man, take you there~" Huang Yuan put both hands on a person's shoulders, and the three of them turned into flashes and flew away.

On an endless plain, a small peak suddenly rose up, and on the top of the mountain were Rota and Qian Renxue.

"A real battle is about to start in a while. Be careful to protect yourself, and don't walk out of this hill at will."

Qian Renxue was very attentive to Madara's warning, he knew Madara was protecting his safety.

After Rota asked Qian Renxue to hide first, he stood erect on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

Not long after, Rota opened his closed eyes, and the corner of his mouth whispered, "Are you coming?" Fantasy Novel Network

A hundred meters in front of Rota, three figures appeared. They were Huang Yuan, Qian Daoliu, and Jin Crocodile.

Qian Daoliu saw the lofty spots at a glance, and an anger appeared in his eyes.

"Where's Xueer!" Qian Daoliu said about Qian Renxue.

"Don't worry, it's on the hill below my feet!"

"How do I believe you?"

"You can't believe it!"

Qian Daoliu couldn't help it, after all, the initiative was now in Madara's hands.

Huang Yuan said at this time: "Great worship, don't worry, I promise Qian Renxue will have nothing to do, and now I still think about how to deal with Madara more realistically~"

Qian Daoliu thought about it, and after calming down his emotions, he said seriously: "Bara, you said you want to fight us, as long as your wish is met, will you release Cher?"

"Of course, I'm Uchiha Madara no second words!" Madara stared at Sendao Yu and others condescendingly.

"Okay, today, let the golden crocodile and I worship and accompany you for fun! Beware of losing your life!"

"That's right!" Rota smiled madly, he likes to fight the strong, "A rule, hit this mountain, your baby Cher is gone!"

"No need to say it!"

Uchiha Madara jumped directly from the top of the mountain, and the huge shock that occurred when he landed almost made Jin Crocodile lose his footing.

Qian Daoliu stood steadily, and this also showed how big the gap was between Jin Crocodile and Qian Daoliu.

"Great worship, I'll go first!" Jin Crocodile is also uncomfortable with the guy in front of him who dared to abduct Qian Renxue, let alone whether Madara hurt Qian Renxue, just relying on the abduction is enough to make Jin Crocodile angry. .

The golden crocodile burst out of nine spirit rings in an instant, and the bright red spirit ring eclipsed the other spirit rings!

Rota sprinted quickly and summoned the Uchiha group fan.

The light on the golden crocodile suddenly appeared, when the huge golden crocodile's tail drew towards Rota.

"Small bugs!" Rota directly caught the attack by the golden crocodile with the same fan, "Uchiha rebounds!"

"Oh, this is another trick~" Huang Yuan joked from the side.

"It looks like you are very familiar!" Qian Daoliu looked at Huang Yuan.

"Didn't the old man say that before, I have fought against him, you have to be careful with this trick~"

Jin Crocodile suddenly felt a huge force coming from Tuan Fan, and an invisible shock wave was hitting his body.

"This power!" Jin Crocodile widened his eyes and looked at Rota.

"Familiar? That's right, it's yours. I'll give it back to you now!"

The huge shock wave directly knocked the golden crocodile into the air for nearly a hundred meters, and the golden crocodile stabilized his figure after a hundred meters.

"It's really a terrible move, but the great worship should have seen its weirdness!"

Rota shouted at Qian Daoliu at this time: "Come on with you, it's so boring to dance with only one person!"

"Okay, as you wish!"

Originally Qian Daoliu planned to go on one by one, but Madara was so arrogant, then he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Junior, I have to say that you are the person I admire most besides Tang Chen, and I can't keep you today!"

Jin Crocodile looked at Qian Daoliu who was ready to go. He knew that Qian Daoliu was serious, and he had never seen what a serious Qian Daoliu was like!

In this way, he still doesn't believe that he can't deal with this guy named Uchiha Madara.

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