You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Old stuff, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Rota opened his eyes and looked at Qian Daoliu with excitement.

"You are honored, this is the first time that I have teamed up with someone to deal with a person!" Qian Daoliu walked towards Madara on the void step by step.

In the past, no one could get Qian Daoliu to work with others to solve it, but today is a precedent.

"Golden Crocodile, don't worry about attacking! I will solve those attacks!" Qian Daoliu ordered.

"Understand!" The golden crocodile nodded his head heavily, indicating that he understood.Qian Daoliu’s arrangement is actually very reasonable. If Qian Daoliu attacked by himself, then if Madara uses the just-reaching move again, there will be no way to resist the returning attack, Jin Crocodile. Daoliu can resist without too much effort.

"Martial Spirit, King of Golden Crocodile, come on!" The Golden Crocodile roared angrily. A giant golden crocodile phantom appeared around his body, which was less than 20 meters long.

Of course, this was not the Martial Spirit Real Body of the seventh spirit ability, and it was not yet time to activate the Martial Spirit Real Body.

"Golden crocodile roll!" The figure of the golden giant crocodile around the golden crocodile spun around, and a huge and thick tail struck towards the spot.

Rota snorted coldly, Uchiha's rebound is enough to use once, but he still has to fight a fight to experience the fun of battle.

Rota took a deep breath, "Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes condensed. This move was a move he had used before, and he wanted to deal with Golden Crocodile, dreaming!

Qian Daoliu's two fingers merged and compared to a sword-like shape, and a horizontal stroke toward the spot, a holy light directly blocked the fierce fire!

"Oh?" Rota looked at Qian Daoliu who blocked his attack, and couldn't help becoming more interested. It seemed that he couldn't underestimate Douluo's combat power!

"Is there anything else in mind? Respect the battle between us a little bit!" Jin Crocodile roared.

Because Rota's original plan to stop the attack of the Golden Crocodile was stopped by Qian Daoliu, the attack of the Golden Crocodile came to Rota's face.

"That's it!" Jin Crocodile admitted that this spotting would definitely not be able to hide, after all, at such a close distance, it would be too late to react.

Rota didn't even want to hide, so she took the golden crocodile a hard blow.

Madara was shot and flew out for an instant, and the whole person glide on the ground for tens of meters before stopping.

Although the golden crocodile's attack hit Rota, Rota still looks intact.

"This... how..." Jin Crocodile looked at the unscathed spot, his mouth couldn't close for a while.

He is a 98-level super Douluo, even if the power of the blow just now is not the highest, even a powerful person like Qian Daoliu dare not take it hard!

It was not only Jin Crocodile who was also shocked, but also Qian Daoliu next to him. He did not dare to make a big attack by Jin Crocodile. Although Jin Crocodile's strength was one level lower than his own, he still couldn't be underestimated.

"It seems that he is capable of eating a golden crocodile with his body!" Although Qian Daoliu couldn't see any strange emotions on the surface, he couldn't calm down long ago.

"Such an attack is considered an attack, this is a battle!"

Rota decided to use a little bit of strength to let them feel the power of Uchiha Madara!

"Huo Dun. The technique of Long Yan singing!"

Rota spit out dozens of flames of dragon fireballs falling from a high altitude to Qiandaoliu and Golden Crocodile!

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile felt a scorching high temperature, which was obviously incomparable to the previous one.

"Golden Crocodile!" Qian Daoliu yelled Jin Crocodile, and Jin Crocodile naturally understood Qian Daoliu's intention and instantly came to Qian Daoliu's side.

"The first spirit ability, the holy sword guards!" Qian Daoliu used the first spirit ability, and it was also the first time he used a spirit ability since the battle began.

Qiandaoliu could feel that the flames released by Madara had stronger power than before.

A dragon-head flame bomb happened to smash towards Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile, and Qian Daoliu could feel the scorching high temperature far away.360 Literature Network

"Be careful!" Qian Daoliu exhorted, the flame bomb directly hit Qian Daoliu's holy sword defensive barrier.

Because these flame bombs fell from a high altitude, they also received a significant acceleration bonus, and the resulting attack power increased by a notch.

"Motor motor!"

Then there were more than a dozen flame bombs covering the area around Qiandaoliu and Jin Crocodile, and the nice plain instantly became a sea of ​​flames.

"Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!" Rota took a deep breath and spit out in the direction of Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile without stopping.

Rota has strengthened these attacks, and the power is even better than before!

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile were completely surrounded by flames. Not to mention the issue of power, the temperature alone made them feel a little uncontrollable.

Qian Daoliu knew that it was not the time to continue his defense, otherwise he would be beaten from start to end aggrieved.

Qian Daoliu snorted, and slashed his fingers forward fiercely. The sea of ​​fire was split instantly, which made them feel much better in an instant!

Rota stood not far away and looked at Qiandaoliu and Jin Crocodile who broke through the sea of ​​flames, and couldn't help showing a little admiration in his eyes.

"Is this over?" Rota asked grimly.

"How come!" Qian Daoliu didn't want to be so suffocated by Madara to clean up, "Now it's just started!"

Qian Daoliu's soul power began to tremble, and a seraph phantom appeared behind him.

"Maa! I admit that you have this arrogant qualification, but sometimes arrogance is also a price!" Qian Daoliu is not a vegetarian, and will not tolerate a stranger on his head.

"Second Spirit Ability. Sanction Sword Array!"

In an instant, some wing marks appeared on the ground tens of meters around Rota.

"Roar, are there any interesting moves?" Rota didn't panic at all, just staring at the patterns underground.

"Arrogant!" Qian Daoliu waved his finger downward, and a huge barrier appeared in the area covered by the mark.

"You, can't escape! Kill!" Qian Daoliu shouted.

Suddenly countless angel holy swords appeared in the range of the imprint, all of which was aimed at Rota, with no dead ends!

"This really didn't leave me a way to survive, but such an attack is really nothing!"

Without much opportunity for Rota to prepare, these angel holy swords started an indiscriminate attack towards Rota.

A loyal smile appeared on Qian Daoliu's face. Such an attack was not so easy to open more frequently. These angel holy swords were all pointing spirit abilities.

Countless holy swords stab towards Rota, even if such a intensive attack can block part of the attack, it will still suffer heavy damage!

Inside the sword formation, a burst of gunpowder smoke filled the sword formation, Qian Daoliu felt that the time was almost up, and then lifted the sword formation.

Just as Qian Daoliu was going to investigate Rota's situation, a voice rang out from the smoke: "Why don't you continue? Or are you tired?"

Qian Daoliu frowned and could say such words, presumably he had resolved his own attack just now.


The smoke dissipated, and Rota was surrounded by a dark blue skull armor, and the armor was covered with holy swords.

"Have you blocked all my attacks? It seems that you have kept your hands before!" Qian Daoliu's feeling towards Madara is getting more and more dangerous now, who knows if he has any hidden moves.

"Your trick made me very happy, continue! Don't stop!" Rota still yelled arrogantly.

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