You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile looked at the undamaged spots on their faces with solemnity. Although the Sanction Sword Array was only a second spirit ability, it was very powerful under Qian Daoliu's use.

Even so, it failed to cause Madara to hurt, and was even blocked by the dark blue armor around Madara.

"What kind of soul skill are you!" Qian Daoliu asked, he wanted to know what exactly was this move that could defend against his attack.

Rota put his hands on his chest and raised his brows and said: "It's okay to tell you, listen up! This is the power of God..., Suzuo Nenghu!"

"God...! How dare you talk about God! Absurd!" Qian Daoliu didn't believe what Ban said.

Madara shook his head helplessly. He had already told Qian Daoliu with great compassion, but Qian Daoliu didn't believe it. It had nothing to do with him.

"Huh, believe it or not! But this place is quite spacious, you can try this trick! If it is the power of God, just look at it!"

Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile quickly prepared for the battle, and it seemed that Madara would use some very powerful moves next.

Rota jumped onto the hill, folded his hands together, and the Suzuo Nenghu wrapped around his body instantly rose, turning into a half-length giant.

"It can still be changed?!" Jin Crocodile exclaimed. He originally thought this move was a defensive move, but he didn't expect that it could be changed.

Rota ignored the golden crocodile's exclamation, but made a mark, and a pair of huge arms appeared on the left and right sides of the huge Suzuo Nenghu half-length giant with the same marks.

"What the hell are you doing!" Qian Daoliu couldn't help but feel a little anxious looking at the mysterious spot in front of him.

"The sky is shaking the stars!" Rota shouted.

This loud roar directly made Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile aroused the spirit of twelve points, immediately alerting the surroundings.

After that, Rota retracted Susano Nohu and returned to his original state, with his hands on his chest looking at Qiandaoliu and Jin Crocodile as if watching a play.

Seeing Madara's appearance, Jin Crocodile felt that the other party was playing with him and Qian Daoliu again, but after looking at Qiandao Liu who was on high alert next to him, Jin Crocodile swallowed what he wanted to say.

Finally, after waiting for a while, Jin Crocodile couldn't help it anymore, and said: "Dajin, this guy is playing with us, just attack..."

Before he finished speaking, suddenly the whole sky dimmed, and a faint roar sounded.

"Listen carefully!" Qian Daoliu just said solemnly.

Jin Crocodile really wanted to suggest Qian Daoliu to attack quickly. In his opinion, Madara might just scare them.

"Great worship!"

Qian Daoliu didn't seem to hear Jin Crocodile's call, as he whispered to himself: "Left, back, wrong... it's up!"

Qian Daoliu reacted in time, raising his head and looking at the dense clouds, as if it were normal.

"Don't be coaxed by him!"

"Shut up!" Qian Daoliu scolded Jin Crocodile harshly.

"But..." The golden crocodile hadn't finished speaking, suddenly an invisible pressure came from the sky, it was as uncomfortable as being locked in a small space.

"Could it be!" Jin Crocodile also reacted at this time, looking over his head.

The thick clouds began to flow downwards gradually, and it seemed that some giant was about to appear.

"Get ready!" Qian Daoliu said to Jin Crocodile earnestly. He could feel that this move that Madara released was absolutely terrifying.

The yellow ape on the side raised his head and sighed idly: "Wow~ this is really spectacular~"

Huang Yuan didn't have any intention to make a move, or he would be exposed.

"Enjoy this great gift!" Rota said lightly, seeming to have done a trivial thing.Tiantian Book Bar

Finally, "Mount Lu" showed its true colors, Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile saw a tingling scalp!

A huge meteorite that obscured the sky broke through the clouds and hit Qiandaoliu and Jin Crocodile.

"This... is too exaggerated!" The cold sweat on Jin Crocodile's face went straight, he hadn't seen such awe-inspiring scene after so many years of living.

"Measure the sky!" Qian Daoliu showed a radiant and exquisite long sword in his hand, "It's just a meteorite, let me break it with one sword!"

Rota looked at Qian Daoliu who summoned Liang Tian in a playful manner. Although Liang Tian looked like a sword, Rota knew that it was a piece of Qian Daoliu's soul bone.

"Let me see how powerful this amount of sky is!" Rota was a little curious about this.

Qian Daoliu's body shone with shining light, the holy angel's wings gradually appeared, and the Heavenly Sword in his hand also exuded dazzling light.

The golden crocodile was not idle either. At this time, it would be them if they didn't make every effort to deal with death.

Of course, they can also choose to evacuate, not to mention whether they can withdraw or not. The impact of the evacuation alone is huge.Although there were no other Wuhundian members present, they knew it well.

If they leave, they may leave a huge shadow in their hearts, and it will be even more difficult to make progress in the future.

In any case, they cannot withdraw!Only a positive solution can be taken!

The golden crocodile directly opened the Wuhun real body, flew to the huge meteorite and flicked it.

Qian Daoliu was also ready at this time, directly facing the falling meteorite with one hand.

The Condensed Heavenly Sword quickly rushed towards the meteorite. Although it was full of power, it still seemed a little insignificant in front of the Star Trek.

The golden crocodile controlled the giant golden crocodile to beat the meteorite with its tail, trying to destroy it.

Even if the golden crocodile destroyed part of the meteorite, the damaged area is really not enough to see compared with the entire meteorite.

"Gold Crocodile get out of the way!" Qian Daoliu reminded.

Jin Crocodile moved away from the meteorite without hesitation. He also knew how powerful Qian Daoliu's blow was, and how far he could hide.

"Measuring Heaven Sword-Open Heaven!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Sky Sword changed drastically, and it instantly turned into a giant sword tens of meters long, slashing towards the meteorite.

Rota's eyes condensed, and he had to say that Qian Daoliu still had a few brushes, and could even make such an attack.

Under Qiandaoliu's attack, the meteorite began to fall apart, and many fragments fell on the ground, causing huge damage.

Qian Daoliu couldn't control that much, he could only break this huge meteorite first.

"Broken!" Qian Daoliu roared, controlling the amount of heavenly sword to continue cutting the meteorite, finally cutting the meteorite in half.

The meteorite that was divided into two halves fell towards both sides. Although the damage would be great, at least Qian Daoliu managed to prevent himself and Jin Crocodile from being hit by the meteorite.

Although the force of the two halves of the huge meteorite was greatly reduced due to the attack of Qiandaoliu, the impact was still not small!

"Wonderful, but can you stop the second piece?" Madara said playfully.

"What! The second piece!" Jin Crocodile was taken aback, and there was still such a huge meteorite!

In an instant, a second huge meteorite followed one after another, even larger than the first meteorite.

Qian Daoliu sighed. Today, he has seen what a stranger is.Qian Daoliu thought he could cross the continent, never thought that there were such monster-like humans in this world.

"The second one? I'll take it!" Qian Daoliu was not scared. He was not scared to achieve what he is now.

"Quantity Sword-Flying Kill!" Qian Daoliu planned to deal with this second meteorite with different moves this time, after all, he already had an experience!

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