You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!For Huang Yuan, Qian Daoliu had no choice but to maintain the status quo, hoping Huang Yuan would save him as he said.

At this time, Jin Crocodile also came back with Qian Renxue. As soon as Qian Renxue entered the hall, Qian Renxue saw Qian Daoliu and Huang Yuan, and ran over eagerly.

"Grandpa!" Qian Renxue cried out affectionately.

Qian Daoliu also noticed that Qian Renxue and Jin Crocodile had returned, and his face instantly turned into a gentle expression.

"Xue'er, let Grandpa see if he is injured..." Qian Daoliu is still very concerned about Qian Renxue, so Qian Daoliu is very upset that Qian Renxue was abducted this time.

But fortunately, Madara didn't hurt Qian Renxue. If Madara hurt Qian Renxue, Qian Daoliu would make Madara pay the price even if he was fighting for his life.

Of course, this is only Qian Daoliu's determination. As for whether Madara can pay the price, it is obviously impossible from the situation of the fight.

"Then you guys just have a good chat, the old man and Jin Crocodile will withdraw first~" Huang Yuan is very fascinating, and it is better to let Qian Daoliu and Qian Ren Xue Ye and Sun be alone.

"Golden Crocodile, accompany the old man to drink tea outside~" Jin Crocodile nodded and signaled Qian Daoliu, and then went out with Huang Yuan.

After leaving the palace of the elders, Jin Crocodile couldn't help sighing: "Hey, today can be regarded as a gain in knowledge. It turns out that there is such a powerful existence in this world. I originally thought that Tang Chen was very top-notch!"

Jin Crocodile looked at the gray sky, today's weather is also strange, it is such an atmosphere.

"Well~ It's better not to pay too much attention to this question. The world is so big that there will be no improvement in the future if you are entangled in this. Why bother yourself~"

Jin Crocodile listened to Huang Yuan's words and nodded in agreement, "Yes, why bother about whether you are the strongest? What if you are the strongest? What if you are not the strongest?"

Jin Crocodile suddenly wanted to open up. At his own stage, his cultivation is more about the sublimation of the soul rather than the improvement of soul power.

Huang Yuan said in a flat tone as always: "If everything slows down, you might find something different~"

It seems that what Huang Yuan said is completely irrelevant to cultivation, but if you carefully understand it, you will find that it is very reasonable.Everyone embarks on this path of practice, thinking about how to improve their own strength. Few people pay attention to spiritual practice. Without a correct mentality, the path of practice will be difficult.

Jin Crocodile's brows suddenly relaxed, as if he had dropped some heavy burden, and said to Huang Yuan: "Yang Yuan, thank you, I just learned a lot of things!"

"Oh, it's really scary like a monster, the old man doesn't know what he said~"

Jin Crocodile did not pay attention to the funny Huang Ape, just smiled faintly: "I have realized that I may be in retreat, and I don't know how long it will be. In the future, you will need Huang Ape to take care of it! Especially Qian Ren Xue, that old fellow Qian Daoliu will be very strict sometimes!"

Huang Yuan sighed, "This is really a troublesome question, it will really find a job for the old man~"

Jin Crocodile looked at Huang Yuan and smiled cheerfully, "Yong Yuan, you look really comfortable like this! I guess nothing is more painful than letting a lazy guy not be a bastard. Right, haha."

"That's right~ The old man is the one who loves leisure the most~" Huang Yuan also teased himself.

Jin Crocodile laughed before turning suddenly, and said seriously to Huang Yuan: "Yang Yuan, before I retreat, I also want to have a try with you. I want to see how far I am from the top combat power. "

Huang Yuan actually didn't want to agree, but after thinking about it, since the golden crocodile is going to retreat, it will probably not come out for a long time. It is not a big deal to satisfy the small wish of the golden crocodile.

What's more, Jin Crocodile is one of the few good friends who can talk to Huang Yuan.New Pen Quge Novel

"Well~ well, the old man will practice with you~"

Jin Crocodile originally thought that he would directly reject himself according to Huang Yuan's character, but he did not expect to agree, which really surprised him.

"Okay, let's go to the martial arts field!"

Soon... the golden crocodile and the yellow ape were standing opposite each other in the martial arts arena, and the golden crocodile took the lead to say: "Are you ready? Yellow ape!"

"It's okay anytime~" Huang Yuan still looks like a fool, although he still looks like he can't lift his energy, but the golden crocodile doesn't dare to underestimate it.

This kind of yellow ape is the most terrifying. The golden crocodile has already placed the yellow ape at the same height as the spot. In his guess, the yellow ape must be equal to the spot.

Huang Yuan has never shown his true strength. Golden Crocodile only knows that Huang Yuan's strength is unfathomable. He doesn't know how strong he is, nor can he know.

"Yellow ape, take the move!" The golden crocodile rushed towards the yellow ape, and with a wave of his right hand, a golden crocodile bit at the yellow ape.

Huang Yuan leaned slightly to escape the violent blow. Huang Yuan looked at the golden crocodile passing by his side with an unfinished smile on his face.

Jin Crocodile was sweating all over his body, he could feel a sense of danger, but he wouldn't do stupid things like showing speed in front of Huang Yuan, and immediately used the defensive spirit ability.

"Golden crocodile scales!"

"Oh, I was able to perceive the danger in advance, not bad~ Dai Mo (but), have you forgotten the power of the old man~"

Huang Yuan swept his foot horizontally and kicked directly on Jin Crocodile's abdomen. Jin Crocodile only felt that his armor was as weak as paper.

"I have defended in advance, is there such a powerful way?" Jin Crocodile resisted the sharp pain in the abdomen, and flew more than 100 meters away. After the tenacious resistance, he finally controlled his body.

Jin Crocodile held his belly with one hand, and knelt on one knee, panting, "Yellow Ape, your blow is really heavy. Is this trying to send me to heaven?" Jin Crocodile could only open one eye in pain. , Even if so, he still teased Huang Yuan.

"No way, who made you one of the few friends of the old man? It would be too disrespectful to treat you perfunctory~" Huang Yuan explained helplessly with his hands spread out.

Although what Huang Yuan said was very reasonable, he still had to pay attention to the strength. On that leg, if the golden crocodile had not sensed the danger in advance, perhaps Huang Yuan would have to kneel beside him and beg him not to die.

"Huang Yuan, I did ignore your power. Although I am inferior to you in every aspect, I still hope you can give me some pointers on this trick of my own soul ability!"

"No problem, I tried my best~"

Jin Crocodile intends to use his own self-developed spirit ability on Huang Yuan, but he has not found a suitable person for training before, so he has never used it much.

Now that the yellow ape is present, the golden crocodile doesn't worry too much. Even if it is a problem, the yellow ape should be able to stop it.

"Then, Huang Yuan, catch it!" After the golden crocodile reminded, he burst out with huge spirit power, and then the whole person spun around.As the golden crocodile continued to rotate, the surrounding atmosphere was pulled by the golden crocodile, and even the yellow ape felt a huge suction.

"Oh, Jin Crocodile, your move is really terrifying~"

Jin Crocodile now has no extra thoughts to answer Huang Yuan's words, everything will be done after this trick is over!

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