You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The other half, Bibi Dong was reading the book quietly at home, although on the surface it seemed stable, in fact, he was always very worried.She asked Ma to take a look at her daughter Qian Renxue, but she was also worried that Ma would make things too big.

Indeed, the fact is, just as Bibi Dong guessed, that Madara made things unusually big, which can be described as shocking.

If it weren't for the insiders who were present at the time, it would be possible that the reputation of the Wuhun Palace would have been defeated.If an offering in the Wuhun Hall was beaten, there might be room for explanation, such as encountering a stronger hidden world powerhouse.

But the one who was defeated was Qian Daoliu, the most powerful person in Douluo at present, how could this be explained?Can't you explain that someone randomly appeared to repair Qiandao Liu?How to say it will affect the prestige of Wuhundian.

However, the above is another worst situation. The facts are good. When Madara abused Qian Daoliu, he was surrounded by only Huang Ape, which was considered to have not caused much sensation.

"Hey, is Bibi Dong dazed after reading and watching?"

Bibi Dong only came back to his senses when he heard this voice, only to realize that the book in his hand had fallen to the ground at some point.

"Ma~ You appeared so suddenly again, it really scared me!" When people are serious, what people fear most is what happens suddenly, even the strongest person can't avoid it.

If there are people who are not afraid of such shocks, they must be the kind of people who have lost their emotions.

Rota came to Bibi Dong and picked up the book on the floor, and read it roughly, "I didn't expect you to read this kind of romantic novel. I can't tell it. Do you want to pursue someone?"

Bibi Dong reacted, and her entire cheek was covered with a blush in an instant, "Don't look!"

Bibi Dong got up to grab the book that Rota had obtained, but it was a pity that Rota threw the book behind him, and Bibi Dong directly threw it into the air, which meant that she was about to pounce in Rota's arms.

Things were just as Rota expected, Bibi Dong threw himself directly into his arms, Rota smiled evilly, "goodjob!"

Unlike Rota, Bibi Dong didn't dare to look up at Madara's face. She didn't know what Madara would look like to see herself.

"This is really a big mistake!" Bibi Dong closed his eyes, but isn't this what he wanted?

"Roar, you are getting bolder and bolder, you dare to take advantage of me!" Rota pretended to say coldly.

Bibi Dong hurriedly retreated from Rota's arms, even so she still didn't dare to look directly at Rota.

"Well, this time I'm here to tell you business affairs, and I will also be a pope in the future, prudent!"

Bibi Dong doesn't deny that Madara's words are indeed reasonable, but somehow he should put himself in her position and think about it.

Although Bibi Dong is still a bit shy, he sits with Madara honestly because what Madara is talking about is business.

"That Madara...that my daughter, how is Qian Renxue's life?" Bibi Dong's eyes glimpsed, but he did not dare to look directly at Madara for more than two seconds.

Madara also knew that Bibi Dong needed time to adapt, and didn't intend to struggle too much with this issue.

"Qian Renxue, it's a good time! Qian Daoliu is very concerned about her, don't worry about this!"

Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief when Ma said this, and Qian Renxue was content to be well.

"Then, did you tell her about me?" Bibi Dong asked tentatively.

"Hmm, I misunderstood you a little bit!"

Madara's answer did not surprise Bibi Dong. This was the most normal result.

"Really..." Bibi Dong's mood seemed a little low. After all, Qian Renxue is her own daughter. Although she hates Chihiro Ji very much, it has nothing to do with Qian Renxue. Bibidong doesn't want to have trouble with Qian Renxue. unhappy.

Madara looked at Bibi Dong with a pitiful appearance, leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes and said, "I have dredged it out for you. Qian Renxue also understands your situation, but you still need to practice it later."

Bibi Dong's eyes suddenly burst into sparkle, "Really?"

"Do I need to lie to you?" Madara asked grimly.

Bibi Dong was moved in her heart. She didn't know how to thank Madara, so she could only lower her head coyly and said, "Madara...Couldn't open your eyes..." Tiantian Novel

How could Rota not know Bibi Dong's intentions, and instantly opened his eyes, "No!"

Madara is also a principled person, and his imitation is 5% worse than the last one. When he waits 80%, he is better than Dong.

Bibi Dong is also accustomed to Madara's appearance, which was not the case the previous few times, but she was attracted by Madara like this, compared to that person, she can only sigh deeply.

"You haven't had any trouble this time, Madara?"

"What do you think is troublesome?" Madara asked back.

Bibi Dong pondered for a while and said, "Is there something that is not easy to handle, such as Qian Daoliu..."

"That old fellow Qian Daoliu is not bad, but he played with me for a while, can only say that he can barely dance in front of me!"

Bibi Dong felt bad, listening to Madara's tone, could it be that they had already fought against each other?

"Bara, you and Qian Daoliu have already fought?"

Rota nodded, "Why should I say that kind of evaluation without fighting against each other?"

Bibi Dong looked at the spot carefully, and the spot looked strange.

"Is there anything on my face? Staring at me like that."

Bibi Dong shook his head and said with concern: "Qian Daoliu's strength should not be underestimated, you can't underestimate him, let me see if you are injured!"

Rota laughed loudly after hearing this, "Bibi Dong, you think Qian Daoliu's old thing will hurt me, kidding! You should worry about Qian Daoliu's mentality more than this!"

Bibi Dong raised his brows and exclaimed: "It's hard to say..."

"Yes, I abused Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile!"

Bibi Dong was indeed taken aback. She thought that Madara's strength was about the same as that of Golden Crocodile, but the truth was that Madara Jin Crocodile and Qiandaoliu were beaten together.

Looking at Bibi Dong looking relieved, Rota deliberately asked: "How do you know that I'm telling the truth? Are you afraid that I will lie to you?"

Bibi Dong smiled faintly, "I trust you, you won't fool me with this kind of thing!"

"Not bad!" Rota was satisfied with Bibi Dong's answer.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Rota knew that it was Huang Yuan, but he still had to pretend not to know.

"I'll open the door first!" After saying that, Bibi Dong came to the door and opened the door.

"Huang Yuan, you are here, come in!"

"Oh, the old man thanked him~ oh, Madara is here too~"

Bibi Dong looked at Madara who was completely motionless on the chair, and couldn't help it. Unexpectedly, Madara would not even welcome the yellow ape.

"Well~ That guy Madara is like this, the old man is used to it~"

Huang Yuan originally planned to go home directly, but since he dropped in and brought Bibi Dong to sit here, he was alone at home anyway.

"Speaking of which, this guy Madara is really out of the limelight this time~ It broke the mentality of the two guys Qian Daoliu~" Huang Yuan laughed and teased.

Bibi Dong looked at Huang Yuan, and asked in confusion, "Huang Yuan, do you know what I told Ban?"

"Of course, otherwise Ban can't handle it alone, the old man has revealed Qian Renxue's information to him~"

"Yellow Ape! Too much talk!" Rota looked at Yellow Ape viciously, and he closed his mouth quickly.

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