The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 140 I'm Uchiha Madara Never Date, Emma Maka

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Although Rota told Huang Yuan to shut up, he could control his own mouth because of Huang Yuan's character, not to mention all the acquaintances present.

In this way, under Huang Ape’s little bit of disclosure, Bibi Dong knew all the details of the battle at that time. Bibi Dong himself already believed in Ma’s statement, and now Huang Ape has proved it, and the information is even more untrue.

Bibi Dong looked at Madara who was sitting in front of him, and didn't know what to say, and even beat the two highest combat powers in the Spirit Hall.

After a while, Bibi Dong said to Madara: "Madara, don't be so reckless next time. If you accidentally get hurt..."

"Injured? Hahaha, Bibi Dong, you think too much, except Yellow Ape who can hurt me?" Rota said indifferently, don't look at Rota, in fact, he already knew what Bibi Dong meant.

Bibi Dong knew he couldn't persuade Madara. Madara was a very arrogant person. He didn't like others to point him, even if he was an acquaintance.

"Yes, next month Qian Daoliu will have Qian Renxue's spirit awakening ceremony. After that, Qian Daoliu asked the old man to take her to hunt the first spirit ring. You probably don't know about this~"

Huang Yuan felt that it was necessary to change the topic, so he told Qian Daoliu's arrangement.

Rota knew it, after all, Huang Yuan was also himself, a matter of thought.It’s just that Bibi Dong didn’t know, and said in a little surprise: "Hunt and kill the soul beast, go directly to the soul hunting forest, and it's just the first soul ring, there shouldn't be any danger, right?"

Bibi Dong didn't mean anything else but thought that Qian Daoliu actually asked Huang Yuan to accompany Qian Renxue to obtain the first spirit ring. Would it be a fuss?

Huang Yuan shook his head and slowly said, "No, this is not too much. Because Qian Daoliu has just been abused by Madara, he probably thinks that his strength is no longer able to protect Qian Renxue better, so he turned to In the hands of the old man~"

It makes sense to explain it this way. In fact, the succinct meaning is that Qian Daoliu has become extremely cautious because of the psychological shadow cast by Madara.

Bibi Dong looked at Madara who didn't care about it, a little helpless, after all, this fight was the facade of the two spirit halls, Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile.

Bibi Dong's most worried thing is whether Qian Daoliu's senses will deteriorate for Qian Renxue.

Huang Yuan seemed to see Bibi Dong’s anxiety, and said: "Bibi Dong, the old man knows a little bit about what you are worried about, so you don’t have to worry at all. Both the old man and Madara can see that Qian Daoliu is against Qian Renxue. 'S feelings are caring from the heart~"

After Bibi Dong heard Huang Ape’s guarantee, she was relieved. Her main concern was this issue. Since Huang Ape didn't need to worry about it, she didn't have to worry about it.

"So what do you mean by Huang Yuan?" Although Rota knew it a long time ago, he still had to cooperate with Huang Yuan in performing.

"Hey duo, just want to ask Madara if you want to go~"

"Roar? Huang Yuan, do you have any other arrangements?" Madara asked.

"Any other arrangements? There is no such thing. It means that Madara might be more suitable for you to go~"

Rota pretended to be thinking, and after a while, he said: "Okay, I will go with Qian Renxue then!"

Bibi Dong doesn’t really have much opinion on who goes. Huang Yuan Zhuan is his own friend, and both of them are equally strong, but if you really want to choose one, Bibi Dong is more inclined to Zhuan, which can be seen by discerning people. come out.

This choice was not in terms of strength but another aspect. Bibi Dong had more subjective factors.

After that, the three chatted for a long time. After Huang Yuan said his farewell first, Ban began to discuss arrangements with Bibi Dong for follow-up exercises.

"I will end the teaching of body drop technique as soon as possible within the next month. I hope you can make outstanding progress at that time!"

Bibi Dong replied with very firm eyes: "Don't worry, Madara, I have this confidence!" Qiushuzhai Chinese

"Very well, what I want is this aura, but when the time comes for the assessment, I will not release the water. You must know that my release is cruel to you!"

Rota's tone was a bit solemn, and he was talking about business now, and he couldn't be joking.

Bibi Dong has already seen this kind of emotional transformation of Madara and has become accustomed to it.

"It's getting late. Starting tomorrow, I'll resume the previous training mode!" After Rota finished speaking, he planned to turn around and leave. Before going out, Bibi Dong stopped him.

"Um, Madara, tonight...Will you wait for me in the central garden?"

"Huh, woman!" Rota snorted coldly and did not continue to talk to Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong knows Madara's character well, and doesn't care about Madara's attitude towards him. Just wait for Madara in the central garden when he is ready.

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong was a little excited in her heart. She shouldn't have had an appointment with the opposite sex for a long time. She was really nervous, and this time she saw it was not a normal opposite sex, so she must dress up well.

Of course, Bibi Dong had made appointments with Huang Yuan before, but at that time he was talking about work matters, which had nothing to do with feelings.

Rota, who was walking on the road, recalled Bibi Dong's words, disdainfully said: "Bibi Dong really thinks who he is, how come I, Uchiha Madara, accompany her to play that kind of play house game!"

A few hours later, the moon was already high in the night sky, and in the central garden, a long-haired man in a red battle armor stood upright in front of a statue, seeming to be waiting for someone.

That's right, this person is Rota!I couldn't come, but my body still came!

Rota couldn't help feeling, is this the so-called "law of true fragrance"?It really is the law of nature!

"Maa!" A beautiful female voice sounded from a distance, with a lot of emotion in the voice. What Rota could hear was surprise, joy and excitement.

Bibi Dong was ready to wait for Madara for a long time. Unexpectedly, God gave her a huge surprise, and Madara waited for her for an unprecedented time.

"Ban! You..." Bibi Dong was moved and he couldn't say anything.

"Cut, women are in trouble! Just this little scene, Bibi Dong, can you be more stable!" Ma looked at Bibi Dong who lost his squareness and couldn't help but complain.

After Rota finished speaking, he noticed that Bibi Dong was wearing a different dress today, and Bibi Dong actually wore a skirt today. You must know that Rota has never seen Bibi Dong wear a skirt during this period.

"How about, Madara? Does this look good today?" Bibi Dong couldn't help but ask shyly while looking at Madara staring at him.

"It looks good!" After thinking about it, Rota praised Bibi Dong from the bottom of his heart, because Rota really didn't know where he could forcefully complain.

Bibi Dong cover her mouth, this should be the first time she has heard Madara praise herself without joking.This is already a very rare thing, and Bibi Dong knows how difficult it is for Ban to praise himself.

Bibi Dong’s eyes were warm, but she had to be a little more stable at this time, shedding tears casually would only add her own groove to the spot.

Rota looked at Bibi Dong who was holding back his tears in surprise. This woman has become shrewd. She also knows that I will spit me out if she cries.

Rota felt a little helplessly wondering if he had gone too far in the play and made Bibi Dong like this, she just shed a little tears, there is no need to worry about it!

Of course, Rota also admitted that he did have an urge to tease when he saw Bibi Dong was about to cry. This is true.However, the performance is worse than the last 5%. Rota thought about it for a while. Actually, there is no need to compare Bidong. It is too cold. A little warmer shouldn’t be a problem!

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