The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 141 Awakening

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Bibi Dong had just been recognized by Madara, and he was very happy. After all, this was the first time Madara recognized his appearance.

"Ban, can you answer one of my questions? Seriously!" Bibi Dong couldn't help it anymore. Now is an excellent time, but you must seize it.

Rota nodded, he played the role of Gui, but he was not a second stunner. It was such a timing and he couldn't be fooled like before.

"Okay, what's the problem!"

Bibi Dong pressed his two fingers back and forth, still a little nervous, confessing that she did not have much experience in this period, if you count the previous and that person...

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong shook her head, how could she think of that guy at this time!

"Mabra, tell me seriously, do you have that...that feeling to me?" Bibi Dong asked cautiously, at this moment she was also very worried.

Rota was silent for a while, then turned around and said, "What do you mean!"

"It's... the emotional aspect..." Bibi Dong didn't know if Madara could hear her words clearly just now, she herself felt too quiet.

"Yes! But now is not the time!" Rota said seriously, without any other tone in it this time.

When Bibi Dong heard Madara's answer, he only heard "Yes", and ignored the rest.

"Really? Madara! Then why do you still treat me like this..." Bibi Dong was a little puzzled. Since Madara has a good impression of herself, why is she still so cold towards herself.

Rota sighed. At this time, it was not as fast as the actual action.

Bibi Dong now shrugged his shoulders and lowered his head, completely unaware of Madara's movements.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong felt a hand appearing on his head stroking him. This move caused Bibi Dong to quickly open his eyes. It was not someone else who appeared before him.

"Ban!" Bibi Dong didn't expect this situation at all. Before, he had always made some closeness spontaneously. This time...Ban took the initiative to get close to him.

Rota stroked Bibi Dong's head, "Believe me, don't ask, it's natural when the time comes!"

Although Madara is a cold and arrogant person, it does not mean that Madara's EQ is also low, but it is rarely shown in anime.

Although he is playing Lord Madara, the master character is still Rota.

Bibi Dong threw himself into Rota's arms, with crystal tears in his eyes, and said with joy, "Well, I believe you!"

Just holding them for a while, Ban and Bibi Dong sat on the bench in the garden and enjoyed the night view together.

The Wuhun City at night also has a special flavor, dotted with sparks in the night, it looks very warm.

Bibi Dong leaned on Madara's shoulder, but still looked a little uncomfortable, but she didn't know what to do.

Rota knew Bibi Dong's relationship history, and suddenly had his own chaos in this relationship, which made Bibi Dong very entangled.

"Just say what you want to say!" Rota took the initiative to open the deadlock.

Bibi Dong took a deep breath and slowly said, "Bara, you already know about Qianqianrenxue. But there is one more thing about...another man who has something to do with me..."

"Well, go ahead!" Rota did not react abnormally.

Bibi Dong looked at the spot with no overreaction before continuing to speak, "Yu Xiaogang, you should know..."

"Know, it's just a waste!"

When Bibi Dong heard Ban's remarks, she couldn't make any waves in her heart. It seemed that her fate with that person was gone.

"Maara, you are really straightforward, but some of his theories are still correct!"

It's a fact that Bibi Dong doesn't feel much about Yu Xiaogang now, but it does not deny that some of his theoretical results are still useful.Hot search novel

"It's just the truth, I remember saying before, this method is just a self-comfort for the weak!"

"Don't digress, Madara!" Bibi Dong said softly.

"This question is very important, do you care about my previous things?" Bibi Dong's heart was also very nervous when he finally asked about this important thing, and he kept jumping fast.

"Huh! It has nothing to do with me. I like Uchiha Madara just like and don't care about other things! What's more, this kind of thing is not that I care, but you care!"

Bibi Dong suddenly became a little confused. How could this kind of thing have something to do with him? It shouldn't be...

"Did you think that this kind of thing should depend on my vision? It's a big mistake! Because you were the only one who struggled with this kind of thing at the beginning!

Bibi Dong was awakened by Madara's remarks. Yeah, she cared too much about Madara's views on her previous events, which made herself sink deeper, so that she was confused by herself.

Rota paused, "Bibi Dong, do you remember what happened when we first met?"

Bibi Dong nodded, how could she forget, it would be better to say that she remembered the things at that time the most.

"After solving the Chihiro Rift, I said that no one cares about your past. At that time, I already expressed my attitude, but unfortunately you didn't understand the meaning of it!"

Bibi Dong suddenly realized it, but he didn't expect that Madara would have told himself so early, but he hadn't realized what it meant.

"Understood, so it's useless for you to be puzzled by yourself!"

Bibi Dong finally understood that her heart finally became less nervous, her heartbeat gradually stabilized, and she completely leaned on Madara's shoulder.

At this moment, she finally felt relieved, because she had always worried too much.

Rota could obviously feel that Bibi Dong's whole person was different from before. Now Bibi Dong's whole body was showing only ease and relief.

"It seems that you are not that stupid!"

Bibi Dong laughed and agreed with Madara's words.

After a long time like this, Bibi Dong asked comfortably: "Hey, Madara~ When is the time?"

"Almost!" Rota simply answered two words.

"Yeah!" Bibi Dong had already got the answer he wanted, and he didn't care how long it took, not to mention that Madara said it was soon, so she didn't worry.

She can't eat hot tofu if she is anxious. She also knows that everything has its own rules, and the same is true for emotions. Don't act too hastily.

"Today's stars are very bright!" Bibi Dong pointed to the twinkling stars in the night sky.

"Yes, it's been a long time since I saw such a bright night sky!" Rota also rarely praised.

"Unexpectedly, you would also enjoy the beautiful scenery in Madara. I always thought you were not interested in these things!" Bibi Dong smiled lightly, covering his mouth.

Rota didn't speak, but silently looked at the night sky and said, "These beautiful scenery are just set off. The real beautiful scenery is not these stars!"

"Oh? What is that?" Bibi Dong asked with a grin.

"Ask it knowingly!"

"Speaking of which, Madara, you are going to take Cher to get the spirit ring next month. Where do you plan to go? Soul hunting forest?"

"Go to the Star Dou! There are indeed no powerful soul beasts in the hunting forest. With me present, there is no problem with the highest age of the first soul ring!"

"But..." Bibi Dong is still a little worried, she knows that Madara is powerful, but Qian Renxue is not like Madara, is there any risk if the first spirit ring is too high.

"Worry too much, there can be no problems with me!"

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