The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 142 Martial Soul Awakens

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Time flies, and soon comes the day when Qian Renxue awakens the martial soul, and a month's time quietly passed.

During this period, the spirit hall was very stable, Qian Daoliu really didn't arrange much tasks as Huang Yuan thought, but he let Huang Yuan relax for a long time.

Rota continued to train Bibi Dong's physical skills. After a month of training, Bibi Dong's physical skills had improved to a terrible level.

During the period, Huang Yuan asked Guimei and Yueguan two people to accompany Bibidong to practice, but he didn't expect that the two would be beaten by Bibidong for a while.

Neither Yueguan nor Guimei had practiced physical skills. Bibi Dong's strength was similar to them, and now he had the bonus of physical skills. Bibi Dong could easily deal with them even when facing two of them.

After arriving at the assessment, Bibi Dong desperately tried to get Madara’s approval, and finally let Bibi Dong pass under the premise that Madara released the sea.

Until today, it was Qian Renxue's Wuhun awakening ceremony.

In the Hall of the Elders, Qian Daoliu motioned Qian Renxue to put his hand on a crystal ball.

Qian Renxue nodded, looked at the crystal ball in front of him, took a deep breath, and slowly put his hand on it.

"Okay, Xueer, now calm down and meditate and feel it seriously!"

Hearing Qian Daoliu's words, Qian Renxue followed the instructions in an orderly manner.

Outside the palace of the elders, Huang Yuan was standing outside the door. Today is an important day, even his old salted fish will be there.

Huang Yuan knew Qian Renxue's talent, so he had no worries.In addition to Huang Yuan, Bibi Dong also came, and usually Bibi Dong avoided coming to the Palace of the Elders as much as possible. Today she also came because of Qian Renxue.

Compared with Huang Yuan's mentality that is as stable as an old dog, Bibi Dong is not so calm, and she is also very worried about Qian Renxue's awakening of Martial Spirit.

Bibi Dong has thought about whether Qian Daoliu's attitude towards Qian Renxue will change if Bibi Dong awakens not as he wants.If things develop like this, Bibi Dong intends to take Qian Renxue over.

"This is..." Qian Daoliu's exclamation suddenly came from the elder hall.

"It looks almost the same, Bibi Dong, let's go in too~"

Bibi Dong couldn't wait long ago and opened the door first!

Qian Daoliu looked at Bibi Dong who suddenly appeared, his face was not quite right, it was not that the disgust was just a little complicated.

"Huang Yuan, how did you bring her here!" Qian Daoliu wouldn't care about Bibi Dong, so he turned to Huang Yuan.

Huang Yuan, on the other hand, looked calm, and said in a leisurely manner: "Come down and worship Sang. After all, she is Xue'er's mother. Isn't it normal to come here?"

Huang Yuan's words really make sense, Qian Daoliu couldn't refute it, so he had to acquiesce.

Bibi Dong hurried to Qian Renxue's body and looked at her with concern.Although Qian Renxue hadn't seen Bibi Dong for many years, she still recognized her mother.

"Mother...what are you doing here?" Because Qian Renxue was enlightened by Madara, Bibi Dong's attitude was not that bad.

Seeing Qian Renxue take the initiative to talk to herself, Bibi Dong was also delighted, and quickly said, "Isn't it the day when your Martial Spirit awakens? I'll come and see you!"

"Really? I didn't expect you to remember the day when I awakened my spirit...Thank you!"

Seeing that Qian Renxue's attitude was much better than before, Bibi Dong knew that this was Madara's credit. Sure enough, Madara's work is reassuring!

"Speaking of, how is Xueer's awakening? The old man is very curious, but there are not many things that can make you sigh in worship~" E-book bar

Speaking of the awakened Martial Soul, Qian Daoliu still couldn't suppress the inner shock. What happened to Qian Renxue was even rarer than the Twin Martial Soul.

Thinking of the twin spirits, Qian Daoliu couldn't help but glanced at Bibi Dong, but it was just a glance.

Bibi Dong also listened carefully to the conversation between Huang Yuan and Qian Daoliu, fearing that he might have missed something.

"Making worship to mulberry, don't lose your appetite~"

Qian Daoliu paused, and slowly said: "Xue'er's martial arts soul is undoubtedly a Seraphim. The most terrifying thing is her soul power, which is actually 20th level!"

Hearing Qian Daoliu shook out this message, Huang Yuan was not shocked. This was something to be expected, and it was only natural that he was level 20.

"Innate level 20, this is a rarer existence than twin martial arts, Xueer's talent can be said to be the highest in the field!"

Originally, the innate full soul power was only level 10, and there were very few people who could reach the innate level 10 soul power, let alone the innate level 20, that was a genius among geniuses.

Even if they were geniuses like the Shrek Seven Devils, Tang San and Xiao Ao were the only ones with innate soul power, let alone others.

Qian Renxue's innate level 20 really shocked Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong, but Huang Yuan said leisurely: "Then this means that you have to go out and find two suitable spirit rings for Xue'er~"

"Huang Yuan, you are really calm. Such a surprise can't give you a trace of emotional fluctuations!"

Huang Yuan waved his hand to Qiandao Liudao: "Well~ The old man is just more stable. All in all, this is a good thing~"

"Well, this is a great thing, and Xueer will definitely reach a higher altitude than us in the future!"

The height that a person in Douluo can reach can actually be seen from the soul power of innate awakening, and only with the innate soul power can he be qualified to enter Title Douluo and above.

Of course, everything is not absolute. It's not that you won't be able to get a Title Douluo if you don't have full spirit power, it's mainly not too low, plus hard work and a few opportunities to become a Title Douluo is not a problem.

To say that Tang San and his party could eventually become gods, in fact, a large part of the reason lies in the fairy grass, and the protagonist's halo.

"Then clean up a little bit, the old man will take Xueer away~"

Qian Daoliu beckoned to Qian Renxue. Qian Renxue left Bibi Dong's arms. Compared with Bibi Dong who met by chance, Qian Renxue was more concerned about Qian Daoliu's words.

Bibi Dong didn’t feel sour about it. After all, it was indeed her fault that she had not been with Qian Renxue for so many years. Indeed, she put her hatred towards Qian Renxue on Qian Renxue’s body in the past. Now there is this scene Fortunately, without Madara's enlightenment, Qian Renxue would probably hate seeing her.

Qian Renxue obediently came to Qian Daoliu's side, and Qian Daoliu gently rubbed Qian Renxue's head: "Is there anything to bring, pack it, and then Huang Yuan will take you to get the spirit ring! "

"Okay, Grandpa!"

After Qian Renxue finished speaking, she prepared her own things and went, and Huang Yuan, Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were left in the elder's hall.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing for a while, but Huang Yuan was a good player in Tai Chi, "Oh, yeah, this time the old man will definitely raise his enthusiasm. This is a big matter for Xueer's future development~"

"Hmph, it seems that I don't need to remind, Huang Yuan!"

"Of course, the old man is quite serious at work~"

Huang Yuan saw it almost, "In that case, the old man and Bibi Dong are waiting outside first~"

Bibi Dong gave a small gift to Qian Dao, and followed Huang Yuan out of the elder hall.

After leaving the Hall of the Elders, Bibi Dong slowly exhaled a sulking suffocation that had been suppressed for a long time, "It's really uncomfortable in front of the old fellow Qian Daoliu!"

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