The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 143 Your Uncle Ban takes you there

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!"Well, this is normal, after all, we are plotting to get rid of Qianxun Ji~" Huang Yuan said the key point.

Bibi Dong has a hatred of Qianxun Ji, Qian Daoliu naturally knows it, and this is the main reason why Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong are not used to each other.

"Relax, just leave it to the old man and Madara for Chihiro Chi, and you can live with peace of mind~"

Bibi Dong nodded comfortably. She believed Huang Yuan's words very much. Her trust in Huang Yuan was no less than that in Madara.

"Bibi Dong, go back first, and leave it to the old man~"

Bibi Dong also knew that he was useless here, so it would be better to listen to Huang Yuan's advice and go back and stay at ease.

"Okay, I will trouble you and Ban this time!" Bibi Dong left after speaking.

There are two beautiful gardens around the Elder Hall. Since it takes some time to wait for Qian Renxue, Huang Yuan simply sits in the garden and waits.

Having nothing to do, Huang Yuan simply took out the phone worm and asked about Ryder and Xiao Wu and the others, and by the way, he informed them that Madan was going to take Qian Renxue.

Almost after Huang Yuan told Xiao Wu and the others, Qian Renxue also came to Huang Yuan.

"That's it, hang up first~"

Qian Renxue came to Huang Yuan and curiously said, "Uncle Huang Yuan, what were you doing just now? I talked to this little thing for a long time."

The strange shape of the phone worm can undoubtedly catch the heart of a child, not to mention the fact that Huang Yuan’s phone worm looks really unique.

"Hehe, it looks like Uncle Huang Yuan!" Qian Renxue played with the phone worm curiously.

Huang Yuan smiled and put away the phone worm and said to Qian Renxue: "That's something for the uncle's work, but after you get the spirit ring, the uncle will give you one too~"

Huang Yuan suddenly remembered that he hadn't given Bibi Dong the phone bug yet. Wait for the main body to take Qian Renxue and give it later!

"Great! Then Uncle Huang Yuan, let's go!" Qian Renxue looked very excited. Huang Yuan didn't know if it was because of the phone bug or the spirit ring.

"Xue'er, it's not Uncle Huang Yuan who will take you this time, but your Uncle Ban~"

"Ban!" Qian Renxue was a little surprised. Didn't it mean that Huang Yuan took herself to hunt the soul?Why did it suddenly become a spot?

"Yes, your Uncle Ban has heard that the old man said that you want to awaken the spirit of martial arts and he is very tough to take you. It's rare that he is so passionate, and the old man doesn't want to rob him~"

"Where is Uncle Ban?" Qian Renxue looked around curiously, as if looking for Ban's figure.

"Don't look for it, Ma is waiting for you outside, how could he be around the Elder Hall~" Huang Yuan nodded Qian Renxue's head.

Qian Renxue stuck out her tongue, saying that Madara had only abused Qian Daoliu and Jin Crocodile before. Qian Daoliu was angry looking at Madara. How could Madara be willing to ask for trouble.

"If you're ready, let's set off~" Huang Yuan looked at Qianren Xuedao with a smile.


"Yo Xi, go to one storey~ (depart)"

Huang Yuan took Qian Renxue and instantly turned into golden light and flew towards the outside of Wuhun City.

At the border between Wuhun City and the Star Dou Forest, Rota sat on a large rock and waited for the arrival of the yellow ape.

"Roar, is it finally here?" Rota said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, the voices of Huang Yuan and Qian Renxue appeared on time, and Huang Yuan’s iconic voice was heard at the same time, "Oh, it just happened~"

"It's really slow, it's a shame that you are good at speed!" Rota complained about Huang Yuan indifferently.

Huang Yuan was also used to these complaints, "Well~ After all, I was delayed for some time before leaving~"

Rota didn't worry about these things, the important thing now was to find a suitable spirit ring for Qian Renxue.Yushuya

Qian Renxue ran to Madara and gave Madara a big hug, "Uncle Ban, don't blame Uncle Huang Yuan."

"Okay, just listen to you, don't blame him!" Then Rota secretly gestured to Huang Yuan, Huang Yuan immediately understood.

"Then Xueer will follow you Uncle Ban, and Uncle Huang Yuan will go back~"

Hearing Huang Yuan's advice, Qian Renxue nodded and said: "I know, Uncle Huang Yuan! I will be obedient."

After that, Huang Yuan left, but Huang Yuan did not return to Wuhun City.The specific reason will be known after thinking about it. Before Madara comes back, Huang Yuan will go shopping around~

After Huang Yuan left, Rota put Qian Renxue on his shoulder and asked, "How about this?"

"It feels great! Uncle"


"Nothing! Hehe!" Qian Renxue didn't tell Rota the reason but simply smiled.

Even if Qian Renxue didn't take the initiative to tell herself, then he didn't plan to continue asking questions.

"Sit firmly!" Rota exerted a slight force on both legs, and rushed forward directly. The huge wind pressure was pressing towards Qian Renxue, but Rota was not eating dry food, and directly covered Qian Renxue's body. A layer of dark blue armor.

"The wind is a bit strong, help you protect!"

Qian Renxue sweetly leaned her head on Rota's head, alive like a father and daughter.

On the other side, around "Daming Lake", Xiao Wu relayed what Huang Yuan had told her to Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape.

"Oh, is that guy Madara coming? I hope they won't run into those aggressive guys!" Sky Green Bull Python said worriedly.

The Titan Great Ape didn't care, and said with a grin: "Big Brother, are you worried about Madara? The Yellow Ape's friends are not bad, right?"

"No, I'm worried about those unscrupulous guys. Ban is not as patient as the yellow ape. I can see this!"

The Titan Great Ape also knew the meaning of the Azure Bull Python, "Brother, you are afraid that Ma will give those militants to..."

The huge cow head of the sky green cow python nodded, "Yes, I can see that Madan is not as patient with spirit beasts as a yellow ape. If you are not happy, you may kill those spirit beasts!"

"Yes, those soul beasts who are extremely disgusted with humans have recently made a bit of a noise. The most difficult thing is that their cultivation level is not low. If they are really lost, it will not be good for the Star Dou Forest." Xiao Wu's mother also published. Own opinion.

Sky Green Bull Python raised his head and sighed, "Now I just hope that Madara doesn't run into those guys, otherwise we can't do anything!"

Luo Ta and Qian Renxue moved so fast after entering the Star Dou Great Forest, but took Qian Renxue very seriously to find a suitable soul beast.

In this regard, Rota didn't want to interfere too much. He planned to let Qian Renxue make his own choices and help him.

Qian Renxue had been well-educated by Qian Daoliu since she was a child, and although she might not be as proficient in spirit beasts as the master, it was not bad.

"Uncle Ban, can my first spirit ring absorb thousands of years?"

"If you want, ten thousand years will do!"

Qian Renxue smiled, "Uncle Ban still don't be funny, how can it be possible for Wannian!"

In fact, Rota didn't tell lies, he could directly control a powerful soul beast with Zhuanyan and let him take the initiative to sacrifice.

"If it's just a thousand years, there is no problem!" Rota replied seriously.

"Okay, Uncle Ban, let me find my first spirit ring that is close to 1,000 years old!"

"No problem, you decide this!" Rota looked at Qian Renxue, who was so sophisticated at a young age, and appreciated it very much.

"Uncle Ban, keep up!" Qian Renxue reminded him after looking at the lagging behind.

"Okay, coming soon!"

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