You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Regardless of how arrogant the snakes, scorpion soul beasts and crystal rhinoceros are in the Star Dou Great Forest, in front of the nine tails, the atmosphere does not dare to emerge.

Nine Tails didn't have the slightest grind, and instantly swallowed these two soul beasts into his stomach, "Not bad, this taste! Madara, I won't care about you for the sake of these two guys!"

Qian Renxue also saw the cruel scene of Nine Tails devouring the serpent soul beast and the crystal rhinoceros. Her whole body was trembling. Fortunately, Rota knelt down and patted Qian Renxue's back, which relieved her a lot.

It is better for Qian Renxue to adapt to such a scene as soon as possible. In such a world, before he has enough strength, he cannot have any mercy, otherwise he will die.

When a powerful tail beast like Nine Tails appeared, it naturally attracted the attention of many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest, the first being the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape.

"Big brother, this breath...unbelievable!" The Titan Great Ape, who has always been proud, was also rarely subdued this time.

"Yes, the existence that exudes this aura must be very powerful!" Sky Blue Bull Python and Titan Great Ape held the same view.

The Titan Great Ape was a little worried and said: "I don't know the attitude of that guy now. If it is malicious to us, wouldn't it be!"

This result was also considered by the Azure Bull Python. After careful consideration, the Azure Bull Python planned to go and find out.

"Second brother, you are waiting here, I will check the situation first!"

Seeing that the sky green bull python has the meaning of taking risks, he resolutely opposed: "No, brother, you are stronger than me, let me go!"

"Obey!" Tianqing Niu Python didn't give in to this matter, and even used its majesty on his brother.

Feeling the pressure from his brother, the Titan Great Ape also knew that he could not disobey the meaning of the Azure Bull Python.

"Very well, if I don't come back, Xiao Wu will leave it to you!"

In an attitude of investigating the owner of this powerful aura, the Sky Blue Bull Python rushed towards Rota and Nine Tails.

"That is!" The sky green bull python saw the huge body of Nine Tails from a distance.

The Azure Bull Python has never seen such a huge creature, even the Black Dragon King in the Star Dou Great Forest is not so huge.

At the same time, the sky green bull python felt a greater pressure than before, presumably this behemoth was the target he was looking for.

The Nine Lama sniffed, "Oh, it looks like something is coming... um~ it tastes great, even more delicious than before!"

"Don't worry, let's come to this guy for a while!" Rota gave the order.

Although the Nine Lama was not very convinced by Madara, he still obeyed Madara's orders. His huge fox pupils still had deep fear of Madara.

It was the man in front of him who played him between the applause, and it was those eyes that were his lingering nightmare.

Looking at Madara, the nine lama couldn't help but think of another figure who had beaten him to autism. He clearly didn't write round eyes and still made himself unable to lift his head.

What makes the nine lamas feel desperate most is that the guy said that he was very strong, and then sealed himself with a slap. Is it that the strong are all pretending to be such a force?

Thinking back to his black history, the nine lamas shuddered, and these things should be quickly forgotten. I really don't want to endure such painful memories, so that he has no face as a tail beast.

The sky green bull python suppressed the fear in his heart, gritted his teeth and stubbornly rushed towards the place where the nine lamas were.

"Come on!"

The sky green bull python was noticed by the nine lama as soon as he revealed his body, but the nine lama was warned by Madara that he could not take action, and could only watch the sky blue bull python come to him leisurely.

"I don't know what you call it?" The sky green cow python can only lower his head when facing the nine lama.

" can call me Master Nine Lama!" The Nine Lama couldn't be handsome in front of Madara, and finally found a good bully. How could the Nine Lama let go of this good opportunity to show off his power?18 Novel Network

"Nine...Lama, what is it for you to appear here this time?" Sky Green Bull Python asked cautiously, afraid that Nine Lama would be unhappy.

In the eyes of the sky green bull python, the nine lama must be a very powerful soul beast, but his position the sky blue bull python still needs to be clarified, and it does not mean that there is no competition between the soul beasts.

When the nine lama heard the sky green cow python asking himself like this, he gave a tut, and then said helplessly: "You ask him!"

The sky green cow python slowly raised his head, and instantly his pupils shrank slightly, only to see a familiar figure standing on top of the nine lama's head.

"Ban!" Sky Green Bull Python couldn't help exclaiming.

"Oh, it's been a long time!" Rota was as arrogant as ever.

The brains of the Azure Cattle Python are a bit buzzing now, what's the situation?It's incredible that Madara stood on top of the nine lama's heads!

"Ma... Lord Madara, what's the situation?" The sky green cow python originally wanted to call Madara by his name, but after thinking about it, he added an adult.

When the nine lama saw the appearance of the sky green cow python, he couldn't help laughing, "Hahahaha, Madara, look at you and scare them!"

Ban glared at the Nine Lama at his feet. The Nine Lama noticed something wrong and hurriedly closed his mouth.

"I remember your name is Daming, right? Why did you suddenly come here?"

The Tianqing Niu Python was a little stupefied, and then realized that Ma was asking himself, and hurriedly said: "That's it. We were aware of the breath of Lord Nine Lama just now. I came here for the sake of Xiao Wu's safety. Inquiring about the situation."

"That's it, don't worry, this nine lama is my psychic beast! The simple understanding is that he is my pet!"

The nine lamas felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but the facts are facts. Compared to being controlled by the Shalanyan, it is better to be honest.

"Yes, yes!" The Nine Lama admitted reluctantly.

Hearing this, the sky green cow python was relieved. Fortunately, the Nine Lama was not a dangerous soul beast, so he could feel relieved.

"In that case, I'll bother Master Madara, let's say goodbye!"

The sky green bull python was anxious to leave quickly, and was really depressed in front of these two bigwigs.It seems that Huang Yuan is easy to get along with, Madara's aura is really too strong.

"and many more!"

When the sky green bull python was about to turn around, he was stopped by Madara, "Is there anything else Madame Madara would like to tell you?"

"You don't need to increase the number of people, just call Madara!"

The sky green cow python nodded slightly, he didn't really care about the name, the sky blue cow python was really scared to death the moment he was stopped.

"Say hello to them for me!" Madara continued.

"Okay, Madara..." The sky green cow python forcibly resisted the urge to call an adult.

After that, the sky green bull python bid farewell to Madan and rushed towards his "Daming Lake". One thing he was quite surprised at was that Madan would even miss them.

In this way, Madara's personality is actually very good, but he is too arrogant and difficult to get along with.

Seeing that the sky green bull python had left, the nine lama said to Spot: "Look, let go of such delicious food!"

"Well, it's nothing for you here!" Rota didn't respond to the complaints of the nine lamas.

The Nine Lama snorted proudly, "Go!"

In an instant, the nine lamas turned into a white mist and disappeared, and Luo Ta brought Qian Renxue back to the ground again.

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