You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Although it had gone through the episode just now, it was resolved quickly, and Rota took Qian Renxue and continued towards the destination.

Rota carried Qian Renxue steadily forward in the way of a ninja.

The series of things that just happened made Qian Renxue feel so incredible. Uncle Ban would have friendship with spirit beasts, which seemed to be relatively familiar.

Rota also noticed that Qian Renxue was a little uncomfortable, and said, "Xue'er, just ask if you want to ask!"

Hearing that Madara said so, Qian Renxue completely let go, "Uncle Madara, was the soul beast and you a friend just now?"

"Ah~Yes! But compared to that fellow Huang Yuan, my friendship with them is getting worse."

"Hey! Does Uncle Huang Ape know them too?" Qian Renxue exclaimed what Rota accidentally revealed.

Rota nodded. Although he didn't speak, he obviously admitted.

In Qian Renxue's thoughts, humans and soul beasts would definitely not be able to live in peace.When human beings reach a certain level, they must hunt suitable soul beasts to make breakthroughs. At this point, soul beasts and humans cannot coexist harmoniously.

What happened today has really subverted Qian Renxue's cognition. Of course, how much cognition can a child have, but it is already amazing to know this basic general trend.

Anyway, it was also in the process of rushing, Rota also had time to talk to Qian Renxue about this matter.

Humans and soul beasts are two opposite races, and everyone has heard the phrase "non-my race people must have different hearts." The relationship between humans and soul beasts is the same.

But this is too absolute, like Tang Hao and A Yin, and even the future Tang San and the Tang family.

In response to this, a well-known Tang family's training was left, "If a child marries a soul beast, we will start in one hundred thousand years! If a woman marries a foreigner, she will not marry a god!"

The meaning is easy to understand, but it means literally. Although there are not many examples, it can also illustrate some problems.

"Xue'er, you are still young. When you grow up, you will find that there is no absolute right or wrong in this world, and some are just different positions."

Qian Renxue seemed to understand the location a little bit, and she didn't know if she understood.Rota smiled slightly, he didn't expect Qian Renxue to understand, after all, she was only a 6-year-old kid now.

"Uncle Ban, this question is still so difficult to understand!"

This situation was unexpected by Rota, and Rota calmly comforted Qian Renxue: "I have said everything, and you will understand when you grow up! Okay, we are here too!"

During this time, Rota had already brought Qian Renxue to the place Qingqiu Tanyue said.If Qingqiu Tanyue remembers correctly, she must be able to meet the two soul beasts she said.

Although Rota did not see the trace of the soul beast, he decided to wait patiently. After all, the soul beast could not stay in one place all the time.

"Uncle Ban, is this the place you are talking about?"

"Well, this is only the place of one of the soul beasts. If no accident, it should be the habitat of the holy light unicorn. Now it seems that he is not here, so wait a moment!"

Rota found a hidden tree trunk and Qian Renxue waited on it.

Qian Renxue was also very patient, so she stayed by Madara's side obediently.

After waiting for a while, it was estimated that it was nearly two hours, and when Rota was about to ask Qingqiu Tanyue, there was a sudden movement around him.

"Uncle Ban! There is a situation!"

"Hmm! Hush..."

Qian Renxue nodded and closed her mouth obediently, observing secretly like Rota.

A unicorn with a milky white light walked into this area with graceful steps and came to a small pond to wash its skin.

"Qingqiu Tanyue, is this a holy light unicorn?" Although Rota has an answer, it is better to check with Qingqiu Tanyue.

"Well, that's right! Although the year is a little higher, it's okay, it's a 1200-year-old holy light unicorn!" Qingqiu Tanyue still said in her seductive voice.

"Xue'er, the prey has arrived, you are here to wait for me!" Aishuwu

"Okay, Uncle Ban!"

"Okay!" Rota jumped off the trunk in an instant.

The holy light unicorn who was washing his body by the pond suddenly raised his head. He realized the threats around him, and when he looked back, he saw Uchiha Madara with his hands on his chest!

It's a pity that the Holy Light Unicorn was completely brought down by Madara because of this look.

There is almost no room for resistance, the Holy Light Unicorn has been subdued.

Rota jumped onto the tree trunk again, and he wanted to put Qian Renxue next, the current Qian Renxue is empty and has spirit power, she can't use it yet, such a high tree can't get down only by her own ability.

Qian Renxue was not surprised that Madara had solved the Holy Light Unicorn so quickly. Madara and his grandfather had defeated him, so the Thousand-Year Soul Beast was nothing to say.

Rota brought Qian Renxue to the body of Shengguang, Rota only helped Qian Renxue subdue the Unicorn of the Holy Light, and finally needed Qian Renxue to kill it.

"By the way, you hold this handle!" Rota took out a handle of very exquisite workmanship from his pocket, which he had prepared in advance.

Qian Renxue accepted Kuwu in surprise, her mouth opened slightly, and she kept exclaiming.

Kuwu's weight is just right for Qian Renxue, and his lethality is sufficient, so he can't be used to solve the holy light unicorn.

"Xue'er, it's up to you next! Target his vitals and kill him with one blow."

Although Qian Renxue is a little more mature, she is still a child. This is the first time she has done this kind of thing. She doesn't know if she can do it, so she can only cheer herself up.

"Come on, Qian Renxue! You can!" Qian Renxue encouraged herself.

"By the way, Xue'er, if you are worried about your lack of power, you can try to mobilize your soul power to cover him on the karma."

I have to say that Rota's words are timely rain for Qian Renxue. What she is worried about now is that she is not strong enough.

Qian Renxue calmed down, feeling the soul power in his body, and guided the soul power to Kuwu according to Rota's explanation.

Rota, who looked at Qian Renxue from the side, showed a satisfied look. Qian Renxue's talent was really not covered, so she understood and practiced it.

The idea itself was also Rota's whim. Since Chakra can do it, the spirit power in the same energy form should also be able to do it.

Sure enough, the facts proved that Rota's conjecture was correct!

A circle of pale golden energy was already entwined with Kuwu in Qian Renxue's hands, these were Qian Renxue's spirit power.

"That's it, don't worry about it!"

Qian Renxue's eyes became firm, and she summoned her strength to stab the Holy Light Unicorn.

"Chichi!" The sound of torn flesh and blood sounded, Qian Renxue's unsuccessful pain pierced the neck of the Holy Light Unicorn, and countless blood spewed out in an instant.

Rota blocked Qian Renxue's body in time and slapped the blood that sprayed Qian Renxue.

Not long after, the Holy Light Unicorn died due to excessive blood loss, and a purple spirit ring emerged from his body.

"Finally getting the first spirit ring!" Qian Renxue was also extremely excited, and she was about to take the first step in the path of a spirit master.

She looked at the purple spirit ring that appeared before her eyes. Not only did she want to absorb the spirit ring, she was also breaking a record in the history of a spirit master.

"Adjust your breath and leave it to me next!" Rota gave Qian Renxue a firm look.

Qian Renxue sat down and slowly began to absorb the spirit ring through his spirit power.

However, the Thousand-Year Spirit Ring was really not a joke. Qian Renxue felt tremendous pressure from the beginning, but she had always believed in Spotlight.

"Huh, a mere thousand-year-old soul beast, do you want to resist even when you die?" Rota's eyes instantly turned into scarlet writing wheels.

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