You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Generally speaking, only the 10,000-year-old basic spirit beast had a mental shock, but Qian Renxue was now the first spirit ring, and the upper limit of absorption could not exceed 500 years.

Therefore, the 1200-year-old holy light unicorn also has a big obstacle for Qian Renxue, and the death method of the holy light unicorn is indeed too awkward, so the difficulty of absorption will only increase.

However, if Rota was there, it would be impossible for the Holy Light Unicorn to make any waves. It was only a thousand-year-old soul beast, and it could be destroyed with a finger.

Although the remaining consciousness of the deceased Holy Light Unicorn still wanted to resist, it was completely wiped out in front of Rota's terrifying Shulanyan.

After the consciousness of the dead Holy Light Unicorn was wiped out by Rota, Qian Renxue's pressure was instantly reduced by more than half, and the only thing left was a test of her physical fitness.

This is even easier. Rota put a hand on Qian Renxue's shoulder and transported his Chakra into Qian Renxue's body.

This is not to say that Chakras were given to Qian Renxue, Rota only used Chakras to improve Qian Renxue's physical fitness and play a protective role, and then these Chakras would disperse.

With the help of Rota, Qian Renxue absorbed the first spirit ring without much effort.

Qian Renxue slowly opened her eyes and looked at her hands, "It was really absorbed!"

"Yes, really absorbed it! You should be the first person on Douluo Continent whose first spirit ring is a thousand years old."

Qian Renxue's face blushed, she knew how much moisture she could obtain from this thousand-year-old spirit ring, and she couldn't do it without Madara's help.

"Very well, let's get the second spirit ring first, and then tell me spirit abilities together!"

Qian Renxue naturally obeyed Rota's arrangement and nodded happily, then Qian Renxue climbed onto Rota's back again.

The next thing to face is the light-winged flying crane, the place where the light-winged flying crane lives is high in the treetops, as long as you have patience in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, you can find it.

It just takes a little bit of time, because the number of light-winged flying cranes is not that many.

Qingqiu Tanyue told Rota that it is easier to find the habitat of the light-winged flying crane, and the probability of finding the light-winged flying crane has greatly increased.

From the story of the Holy Light Unicorn, it can be seen that Qingqiu Tanyue did not say false information, and Qingqiu Tanyue was still proud of it in the spiritual space for a long time.It's just that no one cares about him.

"It's almost here!"

After rushing for a while, Rota found a place almost identical to what Qingqiu Tanyue described.

A large piece of huge trees soaring into the clouds appeared in front of them, can you hear a bird's cry or two?

"It should be right!"

"Xue'er, just wait for me here as usual!"

With an experience, Qian Renxue understood the routine long ago and obediently found a hidden place.

Rota jumped along the trunk to the top of the tree. Although it may be an exaggeration to say that it towers into the clouds, standing on the top of the tree always gives people the feeling that one can touch the clouds with one hand.

If Rota has nothing to do, he would be happy to appreciate the scenery here.

However, it seems that the prey has arrived!

A golden and white crane passed over Rota's head. According to Qingqiu Tanyue's description, it should be a light-winged flying crane.

However, the year of this light-winged flying crane is slightly higher. According to Rota's estimation, it should be 2000.

However, with myself by my side, this year 2000 is no big deal.

Rota instantly jumped high, and instantly came to the top of Guangyi Feihe. Guangyi Feihe even had no time to react and was kicked directly by Rota to the ground, causing a loud noise.

This blow is not like Rota using an illusion. If Rota hadn't just controlled his strength, this blow could completely kick the Light-winged Flying Crane to death, but if the spirit ring was absorbed, the final blow had to be completed by the killer.

"Xue'er, it's you!" Rota returned to Qian Renxue's side.163TXT

Having had the first experience, Qian Renxue already knew how to do it. She took out Kuwuwu and wrapped her soul power on it, and stabbed towards the dying Light-winged Feihe.

In the state of Light-winged Flying Crane just now, even if Qian Renxue didn't use her spirit power to cover Kuwu, it was enough to stab Light-winged Flying Crane to death.

After solving Guangyi Feihe, a purple spirit ring appeared on its body, and Qian Renxue started to absorb it as usual, and Rota helped her.

"Uncle Ban, I succeeded in absorbing!"

It's a good idea to say that one can make a coincidence. With one experience, the second time is much easier. It can also be seen that Qian Renxue's talent is amazing.

"How do you feel, Cher?" Rota asked in a gentle tone.

"Feeling full of power in the body!"

That is natural, most of the first spirit ring of spirit masters are only a hundred years old, and even ten years of spirit ring started.Although Rota originally planned to get the ten thousand years spirit ring directly, after thinking about it, it was still a thousand years.

Although Rota had no problem with the Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, it was impossible to say whether Qian Renxue would have any adverse reactions after absorbing it.

With the help of Rota, Qian Renxue's physical strength is sufficient. Without Rota's help, Qian Renxue's physical fitness is still too weak.

Qian Renxue will inherit the position of God from behind, so there is no need to worry about the spirit ring.

"Xue'er, now you can talk about the spirit ability you acquired!" Rota was rather curious about what spirit ability Qian Renxue had acquired.

Speaking of soul abilities, Qian Renxue smiled and said, "Uncle Ban, the two soul abilities I have obtained are Shenghua Sword Qi Angel Assault and Angel Sword Dance!"

Why does this first spirit ability still have a trick? Rota is a little weird. Does this Holy Light Unicorn have any additional spirit ability?

"Uncle Ban, you found the Holy Light Unicorn for me to be too strong, and it even comes with a spirit ability, you are really awesome!" Qian Renxue hugged Ma happily.

Although Qingqiu Tanyue told herself, it doesn't matter, Qingqiu Tanyue is Rota's possession, and her knowledge is Rota's knowledge, right!That's right!

"Congratulations, Xueer, how about practicing with Uncle Ban if you don't mind!"

Qian Renxue had just acquired the spirit ability and had this idea, which coincided with Rota's plan.

"Uncle Ban, be careful!" Qian Renxue said proudly.

Rota shook his head helplessly, this girl turned out to be a complete set.

"The first spirit ability, angel assault!"

Qian Renxue imagined a holy sword in his hand, and then sprinted towards Rota quickly.

"The speed is okay!" Rota's evaluation was made from the perspective of a spirit master of the same level.

Qian Renxue's current speed is much higher than that of his peers.

However, this speed was not enough in front of Rota, Rota slightly avoided Qian Renxue's attack on his side.

"Is it that way?" Rota said with a smile.

Qian Renxue also smiled evilly in the same way as Rota, "Holy Hua Jianqi!"

Qian Renxue's whole body suddenly exploded with several golden white sword auras, attacking Rota.

Rota itself was not far from Qian Renxue, and it was less than one meter away. This sudden and instantaneous sword aura would definitely be a hit if he changed to a general spirit master.

But Rota did not dodge after thinking about it. After all, this is Qian Renxue's first use of spirit abilities.

So these dazzling sword auras directly blasted on Rota's body, and Qian Renxue's expression instantly changed. She originally thought that Madara would definitely avoid it.

"Uncle Ban!"

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