The road to play from Douluo

Chapter 150: I'm Just Here to Talk

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Looking at the alertness of the sky blue bull python, the giant giant ape and the mother and daughter of Xiao Wu also got 12 points of energy, and the sky blue bull python's perception has never been missed.

Now that the Sky Blue Cattle Python had discovered the gender of Rota, Rota naturally didn't intend to hide, although he didn't intend to hide at first, he planned to meet directly.

It was just that the Azure Bull Python took the lead in sending Rota, which created an illusion that Rota deliberately concealed it.

Rota stepped out slowly, until the soul beasts could see his appearance.

"You are...what..." The sky blue bull python has never seen such a strange creature. It is said to be a human. It does have human characteristics, but he has strange structures that are not human, such as the big hole in the chest. .

" can call me...Ulquiola..."

Listening to Uerqiola's lifeless voice, the sky green cow python felt a big head, how could it encounter some strange guys, obviously just now met a outrageous nine lama.

"Ulquiola? Are you a human or something else?" The sky green bull python's eyes contain guard. Although his strength has reached the level of 100,000 years and seems to be very strong, it is also in the Star Dou Great Forest. Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, he really didn't dare to be mad at his insignificance.

"Well... I am a soul beast... I came here to ask about the powerful aura I felt in the forest before..."

When the sky green bull python heard this, he also realized that the other party might have been attracted by the breath of the nine lamas, "If you are talking about the guy who exudes a strong breath, I met before, but it may no longer be there. ."

After the Azure Bull Python quickly considered it, he decided to tell the truth. He had a hunch that if he deceived Ulquiola, he would end up miserably!

"Oh... no more... where did you go..."

This question is really difficult to answer. Let's not talk about Madara's whereabouts. Does the Azure Bull Python know whether Madara and the Yellow Ape and himself do not intend to sell information.

At present, the Azure Bull Python doesn't know anything about this guy named Ulchiola, and it is even more impossible to tell him Madara's intelligence.

"If you ask me about this, I don't know. If you know such a strong sense of oppression, I don't dare to go easily!" The sky green cow python shook his head pretendingly with regret.

Rather than getting angry with the upper body, it is better to leave things aside as soon as possible, and simply say that you have never touched it, which may save a lot of trouble.

It's just that, as the person involved, how could Ulquiola not know the real situation? It seems that the sky green cow python is still very loyal as a friend.

But this should be done, it is still done!

"Your Excellency Ulchiola, is there anything else?" The Azure Bull Python still plans to let the troublesome fellow Ulchiola leave as soon as possible.

"Yeah, there is……"

The sky green bull python listened to Ulchiola's extremely slow tone, and was very disturbed. He felt terrified when Ulchiola stayed by for another second.

"You... are lying... you have his breath..."

The sky green cow python's face suddenly changed. He didn't expect Ulchiola to see through his lie, and he didn't show anything wrong.

"Your Excellency is joking, I have never seen it before, how could there be such a powerful presence!" Sky Blue Bull Python strongly denied.

Ulquiola stared at the sky blue bull python with indifferent eyes for a long time, and the sky blue bull python forcibly endured the fear in his heart. At this time, he must not show his feet.

Through Ulchiola, he glanced at the Titan Giant Ape, then turned his gaze to Xiaowu mother and daughter, and said: "I'm so lucky... It turned into a success..."

"What is your intention?" Sky Green Bull Python stood in front of Xiao Wu's mother and daughter.Yunxuange

Looking at the sky blue bull python, Ulziola said flatly: "The soul beasts should unite...Humans can't let them hunt one by one...We should take the initiative to attack..."

The Azure Bull Python instantly understood what Urchiola meant, "Your Excellency wants to counterattack humans?!"

"Um... yes... the direct and delicate balance between the two races has been broken..."

Azure Bull Python also doesn't like humans, especially those humans who want to kill soul beasts.After encountering the yellow ape and the spot, the sky green bull python also understood something, and there are also kindness among human beings.

The relationship between humans and soul beasts is the law of the world, and the sky blue bull python does not have any dissatisfaction. The place of dissatisfaction lies in the wild hunting of soul beasts in order to obtain soul bones.

"Your Excellency, we don't have the courage and strength of yours, and I hope you don't embarrass us." Tianqing Niu Python put his attitude very low.

"...It doesn't matter...Anyway, there will be many spirit beasts willing...If you are in danger, you can ask me for help..." Ulchiola threw a sign with the number 4 written on the sky blue bull python.


Ulqiola bid farewell to the Azure Bull Python and quickly left, leaving only the confused Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape and other spirit beasts.

Strange things happen every day, there are so many today!

"Big brother, how come I can't feel the strength of that guy, is he actually not as strong as he thought?" The Titan Great Ape scratched his head and said with some doubts.

The sky green cow python shook the huge cow's head, "No, to give a very simple example, do you think the yellow ape and the spotted two have a stronger aura?"

"Needless to say, it must be Madara. It's really such a domineering aura that makes me scared!" The Titan Great Ape didn't care about his words, even he who loved face in the past admitted that he was afraid.

"Yes, I can't help but want to surrender Madara's powerful strength, but looking at Huang Yuan, in all fairness, do you think he is dangerous?"

The Titan Great Ape shook his head, "Not at all. Compared to Bam, the Yellow Ape is so peaceful."

"Yes, this Ulqiola must be the same as Huang Yuan! I can't feel that it may be because the strength gap between us and the other party is too large. It can be inferred that Ulqiola's strength is not below that of the nine lamas."

When the Titan Great Ape and Xiao Wu mother and daughter heard this, they couldn't help taking a breath. Fortunately, such a powerful existence was not an enemy of them.

At the same time, a group of spirit masters were hunting in the outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Boss, this soul beast can really run. She must have her legs chopped off in a while."

"No, if you want to sell at a good price, you can't hurt it too much, you can almost do it." The boss of this group of spirit masters warned the younger brothers around.

"Got it! If it wasn't for this reason, could we still let this guy run for so long?"

It was a flying horse with wings that was besieged and intercepted. She was seriously injured by this group of humans because of carelessness. If it weren't for her strong cultivation, she would have died a long time ago.

"Hehehe, that guy is starting to exhaust, everyone keep up!" The boss of the soul master gang shouted, probably to boost morale, the boss shouted very loudly.

However, the loud voice did have a deterrent effect, and the injured Pegasus spirit beast was indeed panicked, and the one at his feet tripped over without paying attention.

A desperate mood surged into her heart, and she looked at the approaching soul master group with her eyes. At this time, she had no other choice but to stop herself.

Even if she died, she didn't intend to take advantage of these greedy humans.

"Run, I'll see how far you can run. I was caught in the ambush of our black jackal soul hunting group. It would be wishful thinking to escape!" The boss of the soul hunting group opened his hands wildly and proudly beside the flying horse soul beast walk around.

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