You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The Pegasus soul beast is also a 50,000-year-old soul beast anyway. Although it is still unable to speak, it already has a human IQ and knows that this human being is showing off.

She wanted to kill this human, but it was a pity that he was not the one who surrounded her this time, but a dozen or so. Not to mention whether she can cope with her in a state of perfection, and she can do nothing with her serious injury. .

Enough to show off, the boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group ordered: "Almost done, kidnap this guy away!"

Looking at the disgusting human beings that have surrounded her, she is ready to close herself. She only hopes to wait for more people to take away a few, otherwise she will not be reconciled.

At this moment, a lifeless voice sounded.

"What are you... doing?"

The boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group smash it, smash it, "Who? Don't pretend to be a fool for Laozi?"

As soon as the boss of the hunting group spoke, he saw a pale humanoid creature coming out of the shadows.

As for why not talking about people, but Ulquiola's appearance really cannot be called a person.

"What are you, don't bother with our good deeds, you want to cut your head halfway, and don't inquire about the name of our black jackal soul hunting group!" The soul hunting group boss threatened Ulzio with a very threatening attitude. Pull.

It seemed to him that the guy who appeared at this time was probably a fool who was not long-eyed to grab business.

The Pegasus spirit beast heard Ulqiola's voice, and hope burst into her heart again. She felt the breath of the spirit beast on Ulqiola.

"I didn't intend to grab your business... just curious... why did you arrest her..."

"Oh? Don't grab business, then what are you shopping around in the Star Dou Forest? Maybe you want to pretend to be pitiful and then wait for an opportunity to attack us! Hahaha!"

The members of the soul hunting group laughed mercilessly at Ulchiola, who was not very strong and even looked a little thin. The people in the soul hunting group naturally did not pay attention to him. in.

"No... I'm just curious..."

"Have you heard? This guy turned out to be a curious baby...Boss, go and tell him, look at this guy who doesn't know anything, haha!"

The Pegasus spirit beast is also a little puzzled. Why would Ulqiola ask this question...Aren't humans and spirit beasts themselves hostile to each other?Do you need to think more about this problem?

"Listen well kid, this soul beast under my feet can be sold alive for a lot of money. If we have money, we can be happy, hahaha, understand?"

Ulchiola nodded, "I understand... Humans are really ruthless creatures... They should have no heart..."

The words of Ulchiola made everyone in the hunting group very puzzled. What did they say?How can a person have no heart?

Suddenly a soul master noticed the hollow on Ulqiola's chest, "Hey! You are not a human being!"

Ulchiola lowered his head and looked at the empty hole in his chest, "I... never said... I am a human..."

"If it's not a human, then there is only one possibility, you are a soul beast!" The boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group excitedly pointed to Ulchiola.

"Hmm..." Ulchiola admitted his identity.

The boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunter smiled greedily, and said to the younger brothers behind him: "Brothers, it seems that today is a good day. I picked up a big baby on the way. This guy seems to be worth a lot of money. Right!"

Ulchiola didn't understand the evil spirit hunting group members but gave the Pegasus spirit beast a look.

The Pegasus soul beast quickly understood Ulqiola's meaning, gritted his teeth, stood up, and ran to the depths of the forest.

"Boss, that bastard has escaped!" A younger brother reported to the boss of the hunting group.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to go far with an injury like her! Now we have solved this big baby!"

Combining this series of events, the boss of the soul hunting group woke up and said viciously to Ulquiola: "So you are a group. I didn't expect to encounter a soul beast like you. It should be more valuable than that mare!" v3 Academy

Ulchiola replied indifferently: "I don't should be worth a lot...maybe the same as your life..."

"Show this guy some color!" The boss of the hunting group gave his little brother a gesture, motioning them to attack first.

As the boss, he would not rush to make a move, let his little brother explore the bottom and prepare for mistakes.

"I'm here!" A member of the hunting group opened the martial arts, and 5 spirit rings burst out, and they hit Ulquiola.

Ulchiola did not dodge, and caught the member's attack with one hand.

"I still have some ability! Then I will increase my strength!" The soul hunting group member didn't believe it yet, so he increased his strength.

On the other hand, Ulchiola was still motionless, and said indifferently: "Trash...just get out..."

Then, Ulchiola bounced his brain on the forehead of the soul hunter.

The huge force made the member fly upside down, breaking several big trees.

The sudden change made the remaining members of the hunting group serious, and it seemed that Ulquiola was still a stubborn stubble.

"Let's go together! Show him some color!" For a while, Ulquiola was surrounded by spirit rings.

However, this also gave Rota a general idea of ​​the strength of these guys, "They are all of the Soul King level...There is also a Soul Emperor..."

According to this calculation, the boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is at least a Soul Saint.


In an instant, 10 soul kings launched various attacks on Ulqiola, ranging from long-range spirit abilities to melee spirit abilities.

Seeing such a scene, Ulchiola didn't change his mood at all, but flashed away silently.

The attacks of the 10 soul kings were all gone, and Ulqiola reappeared behind one of the soul kings.

"It's sad..." Ulchiola whispered silently, and then cut it down with a hand knife.

Ulqiola's hand knife directly stunned the soul king to the ground.

"You fellow!" The other nine soul kings looked at such "arrogant" Ulchiola, and instantly surrounded Ulchiola.

Ulqiola calmly watched the nine soul kings attacking him, and a few flashed out of their surroundings.

"Don't run away!"

Just when they were about to continue to attack Ulqiola, 6 of them were knocked out again.The moment Ulchiola flashed away, he launched an attack.

To deal with these soul kings, Rota only needs one blow, no more blows.

Seeing this scene, the only remaining three soul kings were frightened, and retreated toward the boss's position, crying as they withdrew: "Boss, this guy is too scary, we are not opponents!"

The boss of the hunting group didn't mean to blame these little brothers, he saw the scene where Ulquiola beat his little brother just now.

As the boss of the soul hunting group, he had to take action now, and said to the deputy on the side: "You go to check their situation, if I lose, you take the brothers away first!"

This deputy is just the soul emperor with the boss, and he can only obey the arrangement of his boss.

"Sir, what do you call it?"

"Trash... Don't know..." Ulquiola said coldly.

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