You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The boss of the soul hunting group broke out in a cold sweat, and he had put his posture to the lowest point. This guy was absolutely unmoved. This time, he was afraid that it would be too bad.

Solving the Soul King with a single blow, the boss of the Soul Hunting Group thought he could not do it, not to mention that the monster in front of him was able to solve it with one blow in front of everyone present.

"Then is there any room for discussion?" The boss of the hunting group is not a fool, and the wave of duels just made him see Ulquiola's strength.

I have already seen it, and it would be foolish to choose to fight hard.

"...No...Killing my compatriots for no reason...There is no room..." Ulquiola said coldly.

The sweat bead on the cheek of the boss of the hunting group was frightened and began to flow backwards, his pupils shrank extremely.

Ulchiola didn't give him a chance to react, and directly penetrated the heart of the soul hunting group boss with one hand, and then accompanied by his arm was the soul hunting group boss's heart that had become dim.

"What a disgusting heart..." Ulchiola looked at the slightly beating heart in his hand, squeezed it lightly, and the heart was instantly crushed to pieces.

Losing his heart, the boss of the hunting group had no possibility of being alive, his body fell weakly to the ground, and the blood in his chest soaked the surrounding land.

After Ulqiola solved the boss of the soul hunting group, he looked at his deputy and some soul kings who were helping other members.

"No, that guy is over here!" I don't know which soul king shouted.

Ulqiola slowly walked to the front of his deputy. Although Ulqiola's height is not too high, the deputy is now lying on the ground to rescue the other soul kings. Ulqiola's height also gives His kind of great oppression.

Of course, the most essential thing was the scene where Rota killed the boss of the hunting group just now, which shocked them.

Ulchiola's dress is mainly black and white, combined with his somewhat appalling appearance, it is easy for people to have fearful thoughts.

"You are a demon! Demon!" the deputy yelled in panic, his voice changed.

"Quiet... take your people away... warn everyone... not allowed to step into the Star Dou Great Forest..."

Seeing that Rota didn't intend to kill himself, the deputy climbed up to his feet, and fled with a few soul kings who had recovered.

Rota himself intends to solve them completely, but Xiao Wu is not actually a killer, so killing their boss is enough to deter them.

"Dip, congratulations to Urquiola's imitation increase to 42%."

This time the degree of imitation did not start a crit, only two points increased, but it was okay, Rota was not in a hurry.

Ulchiola turned to look at the head of the soul hunting group who had completely lost his vitality. Leaving him in the Star Dou Great Forest is also an eye-catcher and destroys the environment. Although some soul beasts may feed on decay, he plans to clean them up.

Ulchiola walked to the corpse of the head of the hunting group, snapped his fingers, and a green flame emerged from the corpse of the head of the hunting group, burning continuously.

After solving this problem, Rota thought that it seemed that the soul beast had just taken the opportunity to escape, but it shouldn't be far away, so look for it nearby.

Ulqiola surrounded the surroundings and sensed the breath of the soul beast just now. As expected, he didn't run far.

This Tianma soul beast was leaning against a giant tree and panting. After thinking about it, she still felt that the soul beast that could not save her in the future would be left behind. She planned to wait here.

"...Obviously such a serious injury...why choose to wait here..." Ulchiola's emotionless language sounded nearby.

The Tianma Soul Beast stood up forcibly supporting her body and licked Ulchiola's face. She couldn't speak, but she could only express her gratitude in this way.

"...You want to thank me..." Fun Reading Novel

Tianma Soul Beast nodded, although she could not speak, she could understand what people said.

"...Don't thank me... the soul beasts should unite..."

Seeing this Pegasus suffered such a serious injury, Rota felt that if she was not treated, she would most likely be killed by other spirit beasts.

"...I'll treat you..." Ulchiola came to Tianma's side, stroked her body with a cold hand, and then a gentle green light wrapped her whole body.

While being wrapped in green light, she felt extremely warm, and her body fatigue seemed to disappear.

When the light dissipated, she was surprised to find that all the scars on her body had disappeared, and she was pleasantly surprised to instigate her wings and spin around in place.

"...Go back..." Ulqiola slowly said as he watched the Tianma spirit beast who had recovered his health.

Subsequently, Ulchiola did not continue to manage her finances, but walked silently towards the depths of the forest.

Rota intends to establish an organization of soul beasts, just like Xuye Palace, and is now picking a suitable place.

Suddenly Ulchiola stopped and was silent for a while, "...Why follow me..."

The Tianma spirit beast did not speak but walked silently to Ulqiola, rubbing his head against Ulqiola.

"...Do you want to follow me..." Ulchiola asked tentatively.

The Pegasus Soul Beast nodded its head and happily circled Ulquiola.

"...Okay... Then follow me... Let's create the soul beast home together..." Ulqiola stroked the Tianma soul beast, which was a good start for the future.

Rota couldn't help but think, he is playing bigger and bigger now, but this is only exciting!

Outside the Star Dou Great Forest, the deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group fled out in horror with the remaining Soul King, causing others to sigh.

"Hey! Isn't that the usual black jackal soul hunting group? How can it be so good today! Hahahaha!"

"That's right, today's shameless face is not like yours!"

The deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group didn't pay attention to the ridicule and ridicule of these guys next to him. This kind of thing is not surprising to everyone.

The reason why no one has the idea of ​​hitting the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is entirely because of their strength.Although the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group lost its boss, the rest of its combat power was well preserved.

For other soul masters, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it is normal to make fun of it. If you really want to start, the black jackal soul hunting group will not give up easily.

The black jackal soul hunting group without a boss is still an existence that cannot be underestimated.

The deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group took the remaining members to a quiet place, and everyone was sitting in front of a fire, sorting their heads.

What happened today is really incredible. It was clear that the mission was about to be completed, but suddenly an unknown monster appeared.

"Deputy commander, now the boss is gone, you have the final say, what should our Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group do in the future?" Some members handed over the decision to their deputy, also trusting him.

The deputy thought for a while, thought about what the demon had said to him, and slowly gave his own reply: "Everyone, the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group has been established for a few years. I regard you as brothers. Today One thing also gave me a major decision!"

"What's the decision? Come on! We all listen to you." The members all looked very anxious.

The deputy took a deep breath and said: "The Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group... disbanded!"

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