You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!The whole audience was silent, and everyone opened their mouths in surprise, as if they were stunned.

The deputy also knew that his decision would definitely make many people unacceptable for a while, but he figured it out, he had decided to disband the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group.

"No, you are not joking, deputy commander!" More than one person issued such a question.

The deputy smiled bitterly, motioned everyone to be quiet, and solemnly announced: "Everyone, I have decided, and the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group will be dissolved!"

"Why? We need a reason!" It is difficult for members to accept such a decision.

"The reason, I will tell you right away! You are all my brothers, I can't let you go to die! Today we can survive, all thanks to the boss, if it were not for the boss to sacrifice himself, we might not be able to come back alive ."

"But... so it seems we should take revenge, let alone disband." Some members still couldn't understand.

The deputy sighed and said, "You think that the boss sacrificed himself just for you to die. Then the boss will die in vain?"

These words made the audience silent again, and everyone was thinking about these words.They wanted to avenge the boss, but as far as the fact is concerned, their strength could only be sent to death in vain, which is ashamed of their boss' sacrifice.

The deputy looked at such a silent situation, this was what he wanted, and let these simple-minded guys think about what to do.

"I can't make a joke about the lives of your brothers. Since the demon has appeared, it means that it will appear again. We can no longer take risks."

Even if they returned to the human settlements, as long as they mentioned Ulchiola, they would feel a biting chill.This is the shadow Ulchiola brings to them.

After a moment of peace, a member couldn't help asking: "Then what shall we do in the future?"

The deputy had already considered it and said to the rest of the members: "After that, we will evenly distribute the savings we have saved over the years to everyone. Everyone will take these assets and think about future plans."

The deputy is not a person with great abilities, he is just an insignificant soul emperor, who can do so much for the brothers.

In a sentimental atmosphere, the deputy led the members to divide the property, and soon they were going to go their separate ways.

They formed a circle, each holding a wine glass, and as the leading deputy spoke: "Brothers, a few years have made us close brothers, but there is no permanent banquet in the world! Black jackal today! The soul hunting group was disbanded, and I hope that brothers can find their own way in the future!

"A toast! Don't forget, we have always been brothers, and we will all come to help if one is in trouble!"


When the clash of wine glasses disappeared and a cup of mixed wine was consumed, the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group was officially disbanded!

The news of the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group was soon discovered by the surrounding spies, and the news was quickly spread out.

For a while, the topics of discussion in the tavern became the disbanded black jackal soul hunting group.

In their opinion, the strength of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is very powerful, and it is also one of the best in the Soul Hunting Group. How could it be disbanded so abruptly?

So that everyone who cares about this matter is discussing the reason for the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group.

The reason really means everything, but no one knows the real reason.

Those who ridicule the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group naturally also have those who take the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group seriously. They are not like those spectators who just treat this matter as a topic after dinner.New Novel City

They really analyzed the real reason for the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group.

In a luxurious private room, there are three gorgeously dressed men sitting around. The food on the table is also luxurious and luxurious delicacies. You can see the noble identity of the three of them.

"Do the two brothers have any opinions on the disbandment of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group?"

The two men looked at each other, and one of them said, “Obviously, there must be some inside story behind the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group. Otherwise, based on my understanding of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group, they will not be able to disband. ."

The headed man tapped his fingers on the table regularly, and he was also pondering the truth about the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group, "Anyway, the dissolution of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group must be related to their trip to the Star Dou Forest! What are they commissioned this time?"

"Let me see!" A man flipped through the heavy notepad in his hand, as if looking for something.

For a moment, the man found the result, "Yes, the last commission received by the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is to capture a Storm Pegasus alive. Is it related to this Storm Pegasus?"

The man knocking on the table shook his head, "I've seen this commission. The Storm Pegasus requested in the commission is only 50,000 years old. The black jackal soul hunting group of this level of soul beast has not been hunted, even if the difficulty of capturing alive is slightly higher. Some, but there is definitely no problem."

That said, it is indeed the same thing. The 50,000-year-old soul beast should not be a serious affair for the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group.

"What's more, according to the information provided by the informant, the black jackal soul hunting group did not lose any manpower this time, but only... the boss of the soul hunting group is missing..."

It is really strange that the boss of the hunting group disappeared without a trace, but the members were all safe and sound.The boss can't live, how could his men leave or leave.

If he didn't come back in the Star Dou Great Forest, there was a high probability of death, and there were countless soul beasts to face.The Star Dou Great Forest is not at the same level as the Soul Hunting Forest in the Spirit Hall.

"It seems that the answer can only be found in the Star Dou Great Forest!"

"That's right, then I will send some spirit masters to investigate! If we eat the bowl of spirit beasts, we can't allow some things that we cannot control to happen."

"Then first, we must figure out what strange things happened in the Star Dou Forest."

The deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group bid farewell to the brothers now, and walked home alone with his luggage.

After so many years away from home, he also wants to go home and have a look. Maybe there is no taste of home at home.But he has been wandering for a long time, and he wants to rest and rest steadily.

All members of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group disbanded in this legendary village outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

In the dark, a group of soul masters secretly stared at the deputy of the black jackal soul hunting group. One of the strong men in the lead said: "Look at the package on his back, there must be a lot of money! I thought the black jackal soul hunting The disbandment of the regiment is a rumor, now it seems to be true!"

If the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is still there, they would not dare to put one in a big fart, and now it is the answer to that sentence, "The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by the dog".

The deputy was walking slowly on the road with his luggage on his back. This was the first time he had traveled alone in so many years. When the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group was still there, everyone was traveling together.

"Little ones, it's almost time to act!" Following the strong man's order, many malicious people suddenly appeared around the deputy.

"Are you going to do it so soon?" The deputy had expected this situation a long time ago, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted before he was completely out of the village.

In this small village, everything depends on strength. Without strength, there is no right to speak. There is no such thing as rules and regulations.

"Ahem, the deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group, look at your current tragic situation, I can't bear to do it to you! It's a pity that my brothers also want to eat, so I'm sorry!" The deputy of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group did not hide it at all.

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