You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "The Road to Play from Douluo Search Novels ("!Ulchiola still somewhat underestimated the ugly thoughts of these people, and he had clearly warned them not to commit the crime again.The previous group of people did not come, and replaced with two other powerful Contras.

This can only show one thing, they told other people the matter, which caused more trouble.Rota knew very well that although the role of Ulchiola was defined as a villain, it was not so cruel, so he only killed the boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunter.

The result of only killing the boss of the Black Jackal Soul Hunting Group is now also seen. These guys regard their kindness as their presumptuous capital.

"In this case, as a villain, then I will show some villain style..." Rota didn't plan to be merciful this time.

Right now, these two Contras both disturbed his home, how could Ulqiola tolerate this happening.

After seeing Ulchiola's appearance, although the two Contras were a little surprised, they quickly recovered their normal mentality.

"I'll try his strength first!" said one of the Contras.

"Be careful!" another Contra warned.

They have been working together for a long time, and they know each other very well, and they often use this heuristic tactic.

Ulqiola didn't intend to waste time on the two of them. One instant came to the side of Contra who was going to test him, and then followed with a hand knife!

Ulqiola's attack did not leave his hand, and the head of this Contra was cut open without any hindrance.When the blood splashing around was about to contaminate his body, Ulchiola once again avoided the blood.

It is enough to leave one live mouth, there is no need to have too much, not to mention that the two live mouths sometimes continue to play double reeds. Ulchiola can't use extra thoughts to accompany them in this kind of thing.

"...You are the only one left... answer... who sent you..."

The scene just arrived too quickly, and the other Contra was still in a daze, and he didn't realize that Ulchiola had appeared in front of him.


The Contra, who had completely regained his senses, saw Ulqiola who was close at hand, and was shocked to exclaim, and backed tremblingly.

"……Answer question……"

"No, no, what are you talking about... what's the problem?" Ulchiola asked just now, he really didn't know, he was still in a trance.

Ulchiola repeated the question again. He could kill this guy directly, but he still wanted to inquire.

Looking at Ulchiola with a cold look, this Contra thought about it or told the truth.He also wanted to prevent himself from dying so miserably, at least not to separate the corpse like his companion.

As for being alive?This Contra had no hope anymore, and the killing intent in Ulquiola's eyes could already materialize.

"Moke Group hired us. The person in charge is the three brothers of the Moke family, Mokefer, Mokra, and Mokes. It is Mokefer who instigated me!"

" seem to know them well..."

"This... heh heh, who doesn't know the Mork Group in the soul beast reselling piece... Their location is in the luxurious building next to the tavern in that small village, obviously... I only know so much Up!"

Ulqiola looked at Contra indifferently, he did not see the vitality in the eyes of the Contra, obviously he had given up hope of living.

"Very good... give you a ride..." Ulquiola penetrated the body of this Contra with one hand and completely ended his life.

After doing this, Ulqiola completely burned the bodies of the two Contras. He didn't want two corpses lying in his house.

At this time, Tianma Tianma came over gently and nudged Ulchiola. Ulchiola touched the back of Tianma's horse, "...Take care of your wounds...I'll go do something..." Sisi Novel Network

Since mankind regards his kindness as a worthless thing, he is bound to make mankind feel his own revenge.Ulchiola, who happened to lack an opportunity before, now lacks nothing.

In the small village outside the Star Dou Great Forest, no one knows what the name of the village is, and no one cares about this issue. After all, this is just a place for people to hunt in the Star Dou Great Forest.

People are more willing to call it an outpost than a village, and the name of an outpost has no effect.

The lively taverns and lively streets seem to be the same as usual, and the spirit masters who come and go are still preparing things that need to be prepared.

Suddenly countless flying spirit beasts swept over the village in droves. Such a scene is rare.

"What's the matter, how come so many birds suddenly appear?"

"Look clearly, not only birds but also many soul beasts, they seem to be in a hurry!"

Many spirit masters stopped and watched such a strange phenomenon, most of them thought that it might be the migration of spirit beasts, although the time was not right.

They are not people who specialize in the study of soul beasts, they just watch the swarms of birds and beasts in the sky with a playful attitude.

There is only one person who has a deeper view of this, and that is Mokover.

Mockfer looked at the abnormal phenomenon outside through the window, feeling a little uneasy, and he faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Could it be those two guys!" Mokover suddenly thought of the Contra he had sent out to complete the commission. Could this phenomenon be caused by them.

He couldn't help but think too much, he quickly packed up the things he was taking away, and then immediately found his two brothers.

It was still the room where the meeting was held last time, and the look of panic on Mokoff's face remained unchanged, which also made Mokla and Mox see something abnormal.

"It's okay, brother, you're so scared to see you like this?" Mox asked.

"Brothers, don't you think the situation outside is suspicious? It's not the time for the migration of soul beasts now, besides, there has not been a migration of soul beasts of this scale in the Star Dou Great Forest!"

Mox also thought that Mokover was right. He hadn't seen such a scene for so many years, which was really weird.

"Then what are your thoughts? Mokoff." Mox felt it necessary to know his brother's thoughts.

"My idea is that we will leave this place soon. I have an unknown hunch!" Mokoff did not hide his fear.

Mokla looked at Mokover whose face was getting worse, and said: "I have never seen a third brother like this. Let's withdraw from this place for the time being, and it will not be too late to come back when everything subsides!"

"Well, Mokla and I have nothing to bring, can you see what else you want to take?" Mox asked Mokever.

Mokla and Mox have nothing to bring. Usually they don't stay in this place very much. It is mainly Mokover who looks after them.

"It's okay, I don't have much to take, they are all important documents, and they are already taken!" Mokoff was already prepared, and there was no need to waste time.

"Okay, let's avoid it first!"

When the three of Mokes went out, there were no flying soul beasts in the sky, and everything seemed to be calm again.

"Third brother, don't this stop! I told you it's not that scary!"

Mokoff didn't let go like Mox, his thoughts were completely different.

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